Short, Light, Free

Chapter 236: Volume 5


I try not to make the story too difficult to understand, but life is not something that can be explained word for word.

The fourth child is lucky to have relatives to help him, but I don't know whether it will be a blessing or a curse after returning.

Shou is a lively dead brother, but he doesn't know how long he can live.

We made a pact that I would tell her a bedtime story every night before going to bed.

All of this seemed to be advanced, and three people were also advanced.

But how can a ridiculously bad person learn to be good

That day, I finished telling my last story. I planned to confess my love to her, but I didn't expect that she would accept it so readily.

My job at the airport is called flight attendant, which I understand to be flight security.

Remember the saying: It takes three years to learn well and only three days to learn bad.

As the name suggests, flight guarantee means flying to the airport in one flight. There are many things that people at the airport will do next.

Cutlery, blankets, small pillows.

Their stories are very unique, but now I can only talk about them symbolically.

Why not let everyone see it too.

But how can a ridiculously bad person learn to be good

Not until five o'clock tomorrow morning at the latest.

Because you need sleep, at least two seven hours of sleep.

Only then did I realize my return from the lost path and know how to cherish what I have in front of me.

And I was lost in thought together.

As the name suggests, flight guarantee means flying to the airport in one flight. There are many things that people at the airport will do next.

My answer is seven friends, seven friends who cannot be named.

Xiaobai took me out of the video game arcade, and my dead brother told me that handheld consoles and consoles would inevitably be eliminated by the world.

Newspapers, magazines, barf bags.

You can imagine how difficult it is to move, so I got to know these three.

I just joined the airport three years ago.

She likes literature, pure literature in the true sense.

It's more convenient and faster.

In fact, the most enjoyable part of the day is the few hours before get off work, because you can really relax. Knowing that everything will have nothing to do with you tomorrow is similar to the feeling of Friday afternoon when you were in school. I hope I have a wonderful weekend. If you want to ask me when I feel the most uncomfortable.

They walked in front of me one by one and fell into the abyss for me.

Whenever someone wants to see what A Fei looks like, we will open Baidu and hack in the box before pressing search. Then he randomly pulled up a picture and pointed at it and said it was Ah Fei.

Because you are thinking every day that after you finish today's work, you will have a rest tomorrow.

They walked in front of me one by one and fell into the abyss for me.

Only then did I realize my return from the lost path and know how to cherish what I have in front of me.

I tried to enter my pen name, but I couldn't figure out what I should call it after thinking for a long time.

Without these seven friends, I might be a complete bad guy now.

I later found a word called light novel.

Without these seven friends, I might be a complete bad guy now.

In fact, the most enjoyable part of the day is the few hours before get off work, because you can really relax. Knowing that everything will have nothing to do with you tomorrow is similar to the feeling of Friday afternoon when you were in school. I hope I have a wonderful weekend. If you want to ask me when I feel the most uncomfortable.

Airport expansion. In order to become an international airport, the original 1,500-meter runway was doubled.

I will tell my story in detail next.

Get up at 4:30 every morning and get off work as early as 5:00 in the afternoon.

A girl, a very cute girl.

When I started writing stories, I often asked A Fei. Because A Fei is an old bookworm, but he always laughs and says he doesn’t understand what I write, and it’s not fun and it’s not a long story. Without routines and decent pig's feet, it is impossible to make money by earning more fans. Then I was right by what he said, but I didn’t change it.

Only then did I realize my return from the lost path and know how to cherish what I have in front of me.

Of course, it seems that we not only supply items for tourists, but also items for captains and stewardesses.

There are three people: Xiaobai, Lao Si, and Dead Brother.

And now something that allows everyone to continue to be mentally dependent is called online games.

Of course she also plays games, but there is something very different about her from us.

fairy tale? It truly is a fairy tale.

The expansion means a lot, and the airport will have to cut back on expenses.

There are three people: Xiaobai, Lao Si, and Dead Brother.

Come on, it became my pen name.

Until one day, out of boredom, I discovered her in this world.

I would like to call the above three people Fu Lu Shou.

Because you are thinking every day that after you finish today's work, you will have a rest tomorrow.

A girl, a very cute girl.

Working one day and taking one day off brings me almost no worries on the day off. I play everything I want without any scruples. It seems that for half a year I was almost addicted to online games.

Without these seven friends, I might be a complete bad guy now.

The fourth child is lucky to have relatives to help him, but I don't know whether it will be a blessing or a curse after returning.

After graduating from college, I went to work at the airport.

The expansion means a lot, and the airport will have to cut back on expenses.

The fourth child is lucky to have relatives to help him, but I don't know whether it will be a blessing or a curse after returning.

You can imagine how difficult it is to move, so I got to know these three.

Get up at 4:30 every morning and get off work as early as 5:00 in the afternoon.

A girl, a very cute girl.

Of course, that's a strong statement. I hope they can find a good destination by now.

But even if he only talked about the details, I have already pieced together a very good story.

Lu was a novice who was very rich back then, but now he doesn’t know where he is because of gambling.

I had no choice but to move from the dormitory to another place, but for someone like me who didn’t know anything after graduating from college.

Of course she also plays games, but there is something very different about her from us.

I tried to enter my pen name, but I couldn't figure out what I should call it after thinking for a long time.

Airport expansion. In order to become an international airport, the original 1,500-meter runway was doubled.

It doesn’t hurt at all to dismantle the airport’s own stuff.

Resting today means getting up at 4:30 in the morning tomorrow, which means tensing up to deal with everything that comes next.

Only then did I realize my return from the lost path and know how to cherish what I have in front of me.

All of this seemed to be advanced, and three people were also advanced.

Shou is a lively dead brother, but he doesn't know how long he can live.

Not until five o'clock tomorrow morning at the latest.

I have been to some relatively large airports, and I feel that it takes at least ten minutes to walk out of the airport from the moment you get off the plane.

We provide everything you can take with you from the plane.

I don’t know how many games there are in the world, and I can’t even remember how much time I wasted on them.

Airport employees are like stop sign staff, although there are no staff at each bus stop.

Whenever someone wants to see what A Fei looks like, we will open Baidu and hack in the box before pressing search. Then he randomly pulled up a picture and pointed at it and said it was Ah Fei.

My job is to provide meals and supplies.

Of course, that's a strong statement. I hope they can find a good destination by now.

At this point, "Light, Short, Loose" began to have its own rhythm, and began to become a daily update after moving into a new home.

My third year at work was also the year I wrote my novel.

All of this seemed to be advanced, and three people were also advanced.

I had no choice but to move from the dormitory to another place, but for someone like me who didn’t know anything after graduating from college.

I originally wanted to put myself last, but due to some variables.

She said to me at the time, "Why don't you try posting these stories online for everyone to see?"

The airport we are about to expand is also aimed at this goal.

Get up at 4:30 every morning and get off work as early as 5:00 in the afternoon.

I write light novels, short stories, and incomprehensible prose.

Something to eat, something to drink, something to use.

They walked in front of me one by one and fell into the abyss for me.

I try not to make the story too difficult to understand, but life is not something that can be explained word for word.

This reminds me of my past. I seemed to have written some stories when I was confused.

All of this seemed to be advanced, and three people were also advanced.

She asked me why I told her these stories. When I couldn’t find it online, I said because these are my own stories.

I just joined the airport three years ago.

I plan to talk about it together, but of course it will mainly talk about me.

She asked me why I told her these stories. When I couldn’t find it online, I said because these are my own stories.

But how can a ridiculously bad person learn to be good

Twenty-four hours of work happens to us almost all the time.

The area where the airport runway is to be expanded happens to be our dormitory.

Here you have one day's work and one day's rest.

As the name suggests, flight guarantee means flying to the airport in one flight. There are many things that people at the airport will do next.

I sat in front of the computer and thought for a long time.

The four of us are very lucky to be able to celebrate our birthdays together.

So this article was originally the last article of Seven Friends.

Why not let everyone see it too.

As the name suggests, flight guarantee means flying to the airport in one flight. There are many things that people at the airport will do next.

What I write is indeed a novel, and light novels are novels that can be read easily.

Xiaobai took me out of the video game arcade, and my dead brother told me that handheld consoles and consoles would inevitably be eliminated by the world.

There were three colleagues who were also mentioned in advance by me.

I typed "Come on" and pressed OK at that time. I am still thinking about why I pressed OK so decisively at that time.

Until one day, out of boredom, I discovered her in this world.

Yes, this is the predecessor of "Light, Short, Scatter" that you see now.

And I was lost in thought together.

The most vivid memory I remember about Ah Fei was the first time I fell from the carriage to the ground. It was 4:50 in the morning, and he drove his car to pick me up at 5:10. They took me to the hospital and luckily I was only slightly injured.

They walked in front of me one by one and fell into the abyss for me.

Their stories are very unique, but now I can only talk about them symbolically.

Airport expansion. In order to become an international airport, the original 1,500-meter runway was doubled.

In my eyes, the airport is more like bus stop signs. The plane is like a passing bus.

That day, I finished telling my last story. I planned to confess my love to her, but I didn't expect that she would accept it so readily.

Get up at 4:30 every morning and get off work as early as 5:00 in the afternoon.

Using my story, you may still remember "I'm Not Bad". That was my first story, and the first story I told her.

She said to me at the time, "Why don't you try posting these stories online for everyone to see?"

After graduating from college, I went to work at the airport.

As for Ah Fu, he came here later. He is older than us. But Ah Fu looks very young. When I started to persuade Ah Fu to work hard like an old man teaching a newcomer. I was also shocked when I later learned that Ah Fu was seven years older than me. There are relatively few stories about Ah Fu, but those that can be told are classics. It's a pity that I will talk about it here first. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will elaborate on it.

As for Ah Fu, he came here later. He is older than us. But Ah Fu looks very young. When I started to persuade Ah Fu to work hard like an old man teaching a newcomer. I was also shocked when I later learned that Ah Fu was seven years older than me. There are relatively few stories about Ah Fu, but those that can be told are classics. It's a pity that I will talk about it here first. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will elaborate on it.

The airport is a very high-end place, but of course it only sounds high-end.

But recently, I left the blocked and depressing airport for love.

The happiest thing is not that I have a girlfriend, but what my girlfriend told me.

There were three colleagues who were also mentioned in advance by me.

I would say that the most uncomfortable part is the moment when you first wake up on a day off.

Here you have one day's work and one day's rest.

At the beginning, I really wasn’t tired at all.

But how can a ridiculously bad person learn to be good

My job at the airport is called flight attendant, which I understand to be flight security.

Ah Fei is a good person. His kindness can be reflected in his life and lifestyle, because he has been issued countless good person cards. If we describe Ah Fei, there is really one person in history that we can learn from. It's called Zhang Fei, referring to Zhang Fei in the Three Kingdoms.

I will tell my story in detail next.

I returned to the city and gave up my job at the airport.

Just remember your account and password, and spend some time waiting on your computer for the client to download and update.

These three people became my friends, colleagues and roommates.

Here are some common senses. Of course, I only understood these common senses at the airport.

I would like to call the above three people Fu Lu Shou.

What I write is indeed a novel, and light novels are novels that can be read easily.

At the beginning, I really wasn’t tired at all.

The airport is independent, just like a big land.

But recently, I left the blocked and depressing airport for love.

Ah Fei is a good person. His kindness can be reflected in his life and lifestyle, because he has been issued countless good person cards. If we describe Ah Fei, there is really one person in history that we can learn from. It's called Zhang Fei, referring to Zhang Fei in the Three Kingdoms.

The airport is independent, just like a big land.

In my eyes, the airport is more like bus stop signs. The plane is like a passing bus.

Yes, this is the predecessor of "Light, Short, Scatter" that you see now.

Why not let everyone see it too.

My answer is seven friends, seven friends who cannot be named.

Of course, it seems that we not only supply items for tourists, but also items for captains and stewardesses.

I try not to make the story too difficult to understand, but life is not something that can be explained word for word.

Planes belong to individual airlines, and the captains and stewardesses you know belong to the airlines.

Remember my job

Some stories I thought were good, I hooked up with her.

Resting today means getting up at 4:30 in the morning tomorrow, which means tensing up to deal with everything that comes next.

Twenty-four hours of work happens to us almost all the time.

In my eyes, the airport is more like bus stop signs. The plane is like a passing bus.

prose? It's really messy and scary, and there are all kinds of them. And I also want to keep repeating various types, but what is it

Airport employees are like stop sign staff, although there are no staff at each bus stop.

The expansion means a lot, and the airport will have to cut back on expenses.

prose? It's really messy and scary, and there are all kinds of them. And I also want to keep repeating various types, but what is it

As the name suggests, flight guarantee means flying to the airport in one flight. There are many things that people at the airport will do next.

I just joined the airport three years ago.

Drink Red Bull first and finish writing what you want to say.

Their stories are very unique, but now I can only talk about them symbolically.

Without these seven friends, I might be a complete bad guy now.

It always sounds better than it looks.

After graduating from college, I went to work at the airport.

The existing cleaning team will go up to clean, and the flight crew will go up to replace the meals and supplies. At the same time, the oil depot replenishes aviation fuel. The guests who are about to fly will be caught on the plane within the specified arrival time. Take off to the next airport before the scheduled time is up.

I had no choice but to move from the dormitory to another place, but for someone like me who didn’t know anything after graduating from college.

As the name suggests, flight guarantee means flying to the airport in one flight. There are many things that people at the airport will do next.

It doesn’t hurt at all to dismantle the airport’s own stuff.

Work one day and rest one day, but the rest time is really used to rest.

My job is to provide meals and supplies.

Airport employees are like stop sign staff, although there are no staff at each bus stop.

At this point, "Light, Short, Loose" began to have its own rhythm, and began to become a daily update after moving into a new home.

A girl, a very cute girl.

I sat in front of the computer and thought for a long time.

I write light novels, short stories, and incomprehensible prose.

I started creating for it and started updating my stories one after another.

We provide everything you can take with you from the plane.

It doesn’t hurt at all to dismantle the airport’s own stuff.

I don’t know how many games there are in the world, and I can’t even remember how much time I wasted on them.

I don’t know how many games there are in the world, and I can’t even remember how much time I wasted on them.

So this article was originally the last article of Seven Friends.

Something to eat, something to drink, something to use.

But even if he only talked about the details, I have already pieced together a very good story.

I was quiet that night and thought a lot.

I write light novels, short stories, and incomprehensible prose.

And now something that allows everyone to continue to be mentally dependent is called online games.

Light, short, loose…

Newspapers, magazines, barf bags.

I tried to enter my pen name, but I couldn't figure out what I should call it after thinking for a long time.

The happiest thing is not that I have a girlfriend, but what my girlfriend told me.

After that, whether you play alone or with a group of people.

Light, short, loose…

Without these seven friends, I might be a complete bad guy now.

I sat in front of the computer and thought for a long time.

My job at the airport is called flight attendant, which I understand to be flight security.

Without these seven friends, I might be a complete bad guy now.

Cutlery, blankets, small pillows.

Twenty-four hours of work happens to us almost all the time.

Using my story, you may still remember "I'm Not Bad". That was my first story, and the first story I told her.

He would occasionally talk about people and things he met at the restaurant, but he would never go into detail. Since this was a failed experience, we won't ask about it.

In fact, the most enjoyable part of the day is the few hours before get off work, because you can really relax. Knowing that everything will have nothing to do with you tomorrow is similar to the feeling of Friday afternoon when you were in school. I hope I have a wonderful weekend. If you want to ask me when I feel the most uncomfortable.

Remember my job

I typed "Come on" and pressed OK at that time. I am still thinking about why I pressed OK so decisively at that time.

Xiaobai took me out of the video game arcade, and my dead brother told me that handheld consoles and consoles would inevitably be eliminated by the world.

I lived like this for half a year, and I paid a lot for it.

Of course, it seems that we not only supply items for tourists, but also items for captains and stewardesses.

Remember the saying: It takes three years to learn well and only three days to learn bad.

The four of us are very lucky to be able to celebrate our birthdays together.

Why not let everyone see it too.

The airport we are about to expand is also aimed at this goal.

We made a pact that I would tell her a bedtime story every night before going to bed.

Of course, that's a strong statement. I hope they can find a good destination by now.

Get up at 4:30 every morning and get off work as early as 5:00 in the afternoon.

I don’t know if it’s just a rumor, but I heard that airports in foreign countries and capitals even provide stewardesses with sanitary napkins.

Work one day and rest one day, but the rest time is really used to rest.

Get up at 4:30 every morning and get off work as early as 5:00 in the afternoon.

Not until five o'clock tomorrow morning at the latest.

I worked as a flight attendant at the airport for three years, and the next three people I want to talk about are.

Using my story, you may still remember "I'm Not Bad". That was my first story, and the first story I told her.

I can often see her talking about a famous book she read all night long, and she will even pick up her own pen and write down thousands of words of her thoughts after reading it.

Come on. Why do you have to share what you write with everyone

Planes belong to individual airlines, and the captains and stewardesses you know belong to the airlines.

We made a pact that I would tell her a bedtime story every night before going to bed.

Short story? It is indeed very short, unlike today’s online articles that can range from a million to tens of millions.

When I started writing stories, I often asked A Fei. Because A Fei is an old bookworm, but he always laughs and says he doesn’t understand what I write, and it’s not fun and it’s not a long story. Without routines and decent pig's feet, it is impossible to make money by earning more fans. Then I was right by what he said, but I didn’t change it.

They are my three colleagues, I call them Ah Fu, Ah Fei and Ah Liang.

This story may be very dull no matter how I tell it, but it would definitely be nice if it could be written as an independent article.

And now something that allows everyone to continue to be mentally dependent is called online games.

Whenever someone wants to see what A Fei looks like, we will open Baidu and hack in the box before pressing search. Then he randomly pulled up a picture and pointed at it and said it was Ah Fei.

Not until five o'clock tomorrow morning at the latest.

What on earth was it that I wrote

As for Ah Fu, he came here later. He is older than us. But Ah Fu looks very young. When I started to persuade Ah Fu to work hard like an old man teaching a newcomer. I was also shocked when I later learned that Ah Fu was seven years older than me. There are relatively few stories about Ah Fu, but those that can be told are classics. It's a pity that I will talk about it here first. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will elaborate on it.

I don’t know how many games there are in the world, and I can’t even remember how much time I wasted on them.

A Fei used to be our leader's secretary, but later became our captain after our captain resigned.

Ah Fei is a good person. His kindness can be reflected in his life and lifestyle, because he has been issued countless good person cards. If we describe Ah Fei, there is really one person in history that we can learn from. It's called Zhang Fei, referring to Zhang Fei in the Three Kingdoms.

Of course, that's a strong statement. I hope they can find a good destination by now.

They walked in front of me one by one and fell into the abyss for me.

In fact, the most enjoyable part of the day is the few hours before get off work, because you can really relax. Knowing that everything will have nothing to do with you tomorrow is similar to the feeling of Friday afternoon when you were in school. I hope I have a wonderful weekend. If you want to ask me when I feel the most uncomfortable.

I don’t know how many people still remember Zhang Fei’s description. I guess everyone has an impression of his dark skin.

This reminds me of my past. I seemed to have written some stories when I was confused.

The area where the airport runway is to be expanded happens to be our dormitory.

Work one day and rest one day, but the rest time is really used to rest.

Whenever someone wants to see what A Fei looks like, we will open Baidu and hack in the box before pressing search. Then he randomly pulled up a picture and pointed at it and said it was Ah Fei.

I will tell my story in detail next.

I would like to call the above three people Fu Lu Shou.

As the name suggests, flight guarantee means flying to the airport in one flight. There are many things that people at the airport will do next.

That day, I finished telling my last story. I planned to confess my love to her, but I didn't expect that she would accept it so readily.

I had no choice but to move from the dormitory to another place, but for someone like me who didn’t know anything after graduating from college.

A Fei used to be our leader's secretary, but later became our captain after our captain resigned.

Just remember your account and password, and spend some time waiting on your computer for the client to download and update.

It takes almost sixteen to twenty-four hours a day.

The captain of the flight crew, mainly responsible for reporting flight status. Every time a plane comes off, Ah Fei is responsible for sending us to hand over.

A Liang is not a kind person at all. A little bit bad, but not really bad. I always feel that he is the one who knows more among us, because he knows almost everything. What I like most is his arithmetic aspect. He can tell you the results of interest and percentage almost immediately after you tell them. A Liang's story could fill a book, but he never tells it. Maybe it’s because I often failed before I became a flight attendant. He opened a restaurant in Guangzhou, and of course he is probably the most miserable boss I have ever seen.

Why not let everyone see it too.

I don’t know if it’s just a rumor, but I heard that airports in foreign countries and capitals even provide stewardesses with sanitary napkins.

They walked in front of me one by one and fell into the abyss for me.

The most vivid memory I remember about Ah Fei was the first time I fell from the carriage to the ground. It was 4:50 in the morning, and he drove his car to pick me up at 5:10. They took me to the hospital and luckily I was only slightly injured.

There are three people: Xiaobai, Lao Si, and Dead Brother.

As for Ah Fu, he came here later. He is older than us. But Ah Fu looks very young. When I started to persuade Ah Fu to work hard like an old man teaching a newcomer. I was also shocked when I later learned that Ah Fu was seven years older than me. There are relatively few stories about Ah Fu, but those that can be told are classics. It's a pity that I will talk about it here first. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will elaborate on it.

This story may be very dull no matter how I tell it, but it would definitely be nice if it could be written as an independent article.

Using my story, you may still remember "I'm Not Bad". That was my first story, and the first story I told her.

She said to me at the time, "Why don't you try posting these stories online for everyone to see?"

When I started writing stories, I often asked A Fei. Because A Fei is an old bookworm, but he always laughs and says he doesn’t understand what I write, and it’s not fun and it’s not a long story. Without routines and decent pig's feet, it is impossible to make money by earning more fans. Then I was right by what he said, but I didn’t change it.

I just joined the airport three years ago.

The fourth child is lucky to have relatives to help him, but I don't know whether it will be a blessing or a curse after returning.

My answer is seven friends, seven friends who cannot be named.

What I write is indeed a novel, and light novels are novels that can be read easily.

She asked me why I told her these stories. When I couldn’t find it online, I said because these are my own stories.

A Liang is not a kind person at all. A little bit bad, but not really bad. I always feel that he is the one who knows more among us, because he knows almost everything. What I like most is his arithmetic aspect. He can tell you the results of interest and percentage almost immediately after you tell them. A Liang's story could fill a book, but he never tells it. Maybe it’s because I often failed before I became a flight attendant. He opened a restaurant in Guangzhou, and of course he is probably the most miserable boss I have ever seen.

This story may be very dull no matter how I tell it, but it would definitely be nice if it could be written as an independent article.

There are three people: Xiaobai, Lao Si, and Dead Brother.

It's more convenient and faster.

He often mentioned to us that every day when he went to work and didn’t want to eat instant noodles, he would go to the Subway restaurant and buy a 12-inch sandwich. Halve it into thirds and eat it three times a day. After it's cold, heat it in the microwave and it only costs more than 20 yuan for two days.

So this article was originally the last article of Seven Friends.

She asked me why I told her these stories. When I couldn’t find it online, I said because these are my own stories.

The four of us are very lucky to be able to celebrate our birthdays together.

I was quiet that night and thought a lot.

He would occasionally talk about people and things he met at the restaurant, but he would never go into detail. Since this was a failed experience, we won't ask about it.

She asked me why I told her these stories. When I couldn’t find it online, I said because these are my own stories.

After that, whether you play alone or with a group of people.

Whenever someone wants to see what A Fei looks like, we will open Baidu and hack in the box before pressing search. Then he randomly pulled up a picture and pointed at it and said it was Ah Fei.

It always sounds better than it looks.

The three of us, plus me, formed a whole floor in the small village near the airport.

But even if he only talked about the details, I have already pieced together a very good story.

They are my three colleagues, I call them Ah Fu, Ah Fei and Ah Liang.

Come on, it became my pen name.

Work one day and rest one day, but the rest time is really used to rest.

Here are some common senses. Of course, I only understood these common senses at the airport.

Ah Fei is a good person. His kindness can be reflected in his life and lifestyle, because he has been issued countless good person cards. If we describe Ah Fei, there is really one person in history that we can learn from. It's called Zhang Fei, referring to Zhang Fei in the Three Kingdoms.

Their stories are very unique, but now I can only talk about them symbolically.

This story may be very dull no matter how I tell it, but it would definitely be nice if it could be written as an independent article.

Lu was a novice who was very rich back then, but now he doesn’t know where he is because of gambling.

As for Ah Fu, he came here later. He is older than us. But Ah Fu looks very young. When I started to persuade Ah Fu to work hard like an old man teaching a newcomer. I was also shocked when I later learned that Ah Fu was seven years older than me. There are relatively few stories about Ah Fu, but those that can be told are classics. It's a pity that I will talk about it here first. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will elaborate on it.

Cutlery, blankets, small pillows.

Cutlery, blankets, small pillows.

All of this seemed to be advanced, and three people were also advanced.

Yes, this is the predecessor of "Light, Short, Scatter" that you see now.

The captain of the flight crew, mainly responsible for reporting flight status. Every time a plane comes off, Ah Fei is responsible for sending us to hand over.

These three people became my friends, colleagues and roommates.

Some stories I thought were good, I hooked up with her.

I am also very fortunate to have three colleagues who can take care of me and allow me to focus almost all my energy on writing.

The airport is a very high-end place, but of course it only sounds high-end.

Work one day and rest one day, but the rest time is really used to rest.

The four of us are very lucky to be able to celebrate our birthdays together.

Using my story, you may still remember "I'm Not Bad". That was my first story, and the first story I told her.

It takes almost sixteen to twenty-four hours a day.

prose? It's really messy and scary, and there are all kinds of them. And I also want to keep repeating various types, but what is it

I am also very fortunate to have three colleagues who can take care of me and allow me to focus almost all my energy on writing.

That's all I wrote.

At this point, "Light, Short, Loose" began to have its own rhythm, and began to become a daily update after moving into a new home.

They are my three colleagues, I call them Ah Fu, Ah Fei and Ah Liang.

We made a pact that I would tell her a bedtime story every night before going to bed.

I am also very fortunate to have three colleagues who can take care of me and allow me to focus almost all my energy on writing.

This reminds me of my past. I seemed to have written some stories when I was confused.

It doesn’t hurt at all to dismantle the airport’s own stuff.

The fourth child is lucky to have relatives to help him, but I don't know whether it will be a blessing or a curse after returning.

I don’t know how many games there are in the world, and I can’t even remember how much time I wasted on them.

Using my story, you may still remember "I'm Not Bad". That was my first story, and the first story I told her.

Some stories I thought were good, I hooked up with her.

The three of us, plus me, formed a whole floor in the small village near the airport.

Of course she also plays games, but there is something very different about her from us.

I will tell my story in detail next.

The airport is independent, just like a big land.

Only then did I realize my return from the lost path and know how to cherish what I have in front of me.

I just joined the airport three years ago.

That day, I finished telling my last story. I planned to confess my love to her, but I didn't expect that she would accept it so readily.

Without these seven friends, I might be a complete bad guy now.

They are my three colleagues, I call them Ah Fu, Ah Fei and Ah Liang.

Here you have one day's work and one day's rest.

Of course she also plays games, but there is something very different about her from us.

I plan to talk about it together, but of course it will mainly talk about me.

The airport is a very high-end place, but of course it only sounds high-end.

They are my three colleagues, I call them Ah Fu, Ah Fei and Ah Liang.

My job is to provide meals and supplies.

It always sounds better than it looks.

I would say that the most uncomfortable part is the moment when you first wake up on a day off.

These three people became my friends, colleagues and roommates.

The airport we are about to expand is also aimed at this goal.

This was my living environment, and it was here that I wrote most of the stories you see now.

I can often see her talking about a famous book she read all night long, and she will even pick up her own pen and write down thousands of words of her thoughts after reading it.

Cutlery, blankets, small pillows.

It takes almost sixteen to twenty-four hours a day.

At this point, "Light, Short, Loose" began to have its own rhythm, and began to become a daily update after moving into a new home.

Something to eat, something to drink, something to use.

I write light novels, short stories, and incomprehensible prose.

The area where the airport runway is to be expanded happens to be our dormitory.

That's all I wrote.

Get up at 4:30 every morning and get off work as early as 5:00 in the afternoon.

We provide everything you can take with you from the plane.

I returned to the city and gave up my job at the airport.

When I started writing stories, I often asked A Fei. Because A Fei is an old bookworm, but he always laughs and says he doesn’t understand what I write, and it’s not fun and it’s not a long story. Without routines and decent pig's feet, it is impossible to make money by earning more fans. Then I was right by what he said, but I didn’t change it.

The expansion means a lot, and the airport will have to cut back on expenses.

Twenty-four hours of work happens to us almost all the time.

This reminds me of my past. I seemed to have written some stories when I was confused.

Twenty-four hours of work happens to us almost all the time.

Not until five o'clock tomorrow morning at the latest.

So this article was originally the last article of Seven Friends.

Four rooms, one hall and two toilets.

Twenty-four hours of work happens to us almost all the time.

I don’t know how many games there are in the world, and I can’t even remember how much time I wasted on them.

What on earth was it that I wrote

Drink Red Bull first and finish writing what you want to say.

Work one day and rest one day, but the rest time is really used to rest.

I would say that the most uncomfortable part is the moment when you first wake up on a day off.

The area where the airport runway is to be expanded happens to be our dormitory.

Because you need sleep, at least two seven hours of sleep.

That day, I finished telling my last story. I planned to confess my love to her, but I didn't expect that she would accept it so readily.

That's all I wrote.

Xiaobai took me out of the video game arcade, and my dead brother told me that handheld consoles and consoles would inevitably be eliminated by the world.

My job is to provide meals and supplies.

Ah Fei is a good person. His kindness can be reflected in his life and lifestyle, because he has been issued countless good person cards. If we describe Ah Fei, there is really one person in history that we can learn from. It's called Zhang Fei, referring to Zhang Fei in the Three Kingdoms.

Yes, this is the predecessor of "Light, Short, Scatter" that you see now.

The airport is independent, just like a big land.

I had no choice but to move from the dormitory to another place, but for someone like me who didn’t know anything after graduating from college.

Your real rest time is probably only ten to fourteen hours.

Xiaobai took me out of the video game arcade, and my dead brother told me that handheld consoles and consoles would inevitably be eliminated by the world.

And now something that allows everyone to continue to be mentally dependent is called online games.

I originally wanted to put myself last, but due to some variables.

Drink Red Bull first and finish writing what you want to say.

At the beginning, I really wasn’t tired at all.

But recently, I left the blocked and depressing airport for love.

The airport is independent, just like a big land.

Because you are thinking every day that after you finish today's work, you will have a rest tomorrow.

In fact, the most enjoyable part of the day is the few hours before get off work, because you can really relax. Knowing that everything will have nothing to do with you tomorrow is similar to the feeling of Friday afternoon when you were in school. I hope I have a wonderful weekend. If you want to ask me when I feel the most uncomfortable.

You may think it is the afternoon or evening of rest, no.

Sci-fi? It does have a lot of sci-fi elements to it.

What I write is indeed a novel, and light novels are novels that can be read easily.

In fact, the most enjoyable part of the day is the few hours before get off work, because you can really relax. Knowing that everything will have nothing to do with you tomorrow is similar to the feeling of Friday afternoon when you were in school. I hope I have a wonderful weekend. If you want to ask me when I feel the most uncomfortable.

But how can a ridiculously bad person learn to be good

As for Ah Fu, he came here later. He is older than us. But Ah Fu looks very young. When I started to persuade Ah Fu to work hard like an old man teaching a newcomer. I was also shocked when I later learned that Ah Fu was seven years older than me. There are relatively few stories about Ah Fu, but those that can be told are classics. It's a pity that I will talk about it here first. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will elaborate on it.

In fact, the most enjoyable part of the day is the few hours before get off work, because you can really relax. Knowing that everything will have nothing to do with you tomorrow is similar to the feeling of Friday afternoon when you were in school. I hope I have a wonderful weekend. If you want to ask me when I feel the most uncomfortable.

The airport is independent, just like a big land.

Remember my job

Using my story, you may still remember "I'm Not Bad". That was my first story, and the first story I told her.

My job is to provide meals and supplies.

You may think it is the afternoon or evening of rest, no.

Short story? It is indeed very short, unlike today’s online articles that can range from a million to tens of millions.

She said to me at the time, "Why don't you try posting these stories online for everyone to see?"

I would say that the most uncomfortable part is the moment when you first wake up on a day off.

Something to eat, something to drink, something to use.

I worked as a flight attendant at the airport for three years, and the next three people I want to talk about are.

I try not to make the story too difficult to understand, but life is not something that can be explained word for word.

We made a pact that I would tell her a bedtime story every night before going to bed.

I have been to some relatively large airports, and I feel that it takes at least ten minutes to walk out of the airport from the moment you get off the plane.

Sci-fi? It does have a lot of sci-fi elements to it.

Resting today means getting up at 4:30 in the morning tomorrow, which means tensing up to deal with everything that comes next.

You may think it is the afternoon or evening of rest, no.

As the name suggests, flight guarantee means flying to the airport in one flight. There are many things that people at the airport will do next.

He often mentioned to us that every day when he went to work and didn’t want to eat instant noodles, he would go to the Subway restaurant and buy a 12-inch sandwich. Halve it into thirds and eat it three times a day. After it's cold, heat it in the microwave and it only costs more than 20 yuan for two days.

It always sounds better than it looks.

Xiaobai took me out of the video game arcade, and my dead brother told me that handheld consoles and consoles would inevitably be eliminated by the world.

I worked as a flight attendant at the airport for three years, and the next three people I want to talk about are.

Working one day and taking one day off brings me almost no worries on the day off. I play everything I want without any scruples. It seems that for half a year I was almost addicted to online games.

Short story? It is indeed very short, unlike today’s online articles that can range from a million to tens of millions.

A girl, a very cute girl.

Without these seven friends, I might be a complete bad guy now.

Xiaobai took me out of the video game arcade, and my dead brother told me that handheld consoles and consoles would inevitably be eliminated by the world.

This was my living environment, and it was here that I wrote most of the stories you see now.

Some stories I thought were good, I hooked up with her.

A girl, a very cute girl.

And now something that allows everyone to continue to be mentally dependent is called online games.

Work one day and rest one day, but the rest time is really used to rest.

Yeah, come on. Why does everyone like my work

Sci-fi? It does have a lot of sci-fi elements to it.

I tried to enter my pen name, but I couldn't figure out what I should call it after thinking for a long time.

It's more convenient and faster.

As the name suggests, flight guarantee means flying to the airport in one flight. There are many things that people at the airport will do next.

We made a pact that I would tell her a bedtime story every night before going to bed.

But recently, I left the blocked and depressing airport for love.

Whenever someone wants to see what A Fei looks like, we will open Baidu and hack in the box before pressing search. Then he randomly pulled up a picture and pointed at it and said it was Ah Fei.

I can often see her talking about a famous book she read all night long, and she will even pick up her own pen and write down thousands of words of her thoughts after reading it.

Just remember your account and password, and spend some time waiting on your computer for the client to download and update.

You can imagine how difficult it is to move, so I got to know these three.

When I started writing stories, I often asked A Fei. Because A Fei is an old bookworm, but he always laughs and says he doesn’t understand what I write, and it’s not fun and it’s not a long story. Without routines and decent pig's feet, it is impossible to make money by earning more fans. Then I was right by what he said, but I didn’t change it.

Of course, I gave up a lot in order to write this beautiful story.

He often mentioned to us that every day when he went to work and didn’t want to eat instant noodles, he would go to the Subway restaurant and buy a 12-inch sandwich. Halve it into thirds and eat it three times a day. After it's cold, heat it in the microwave and it only costs more than 20 yuan for two days.

I later found a word called light novel.

And now something that allows everyone to continue to be mentally dependent is called online games.

But how can a ridiculously bad person learn to be good

That's all I wrote.

After that, whether you play alone or with a group of people.

Why not let everyone see it too.

These three people became my friends, colleagues and roommates.

The three of us, plus me, formed a whole floor in the small village near the airport.

You can always continue to enjoy it and play the most popular games today.

You can imagine how difficult it is to move, so I got to know these three.

And now something that allows everyone to continue to be mentally dependent is called online games.

Until it starts to become less fun, switch to another and continue, that’s how I live every day.

What on earth was it that I wrote

After that, whether you play alone or with a group of people.

All of this seemed to be advanced, and three people were also advanced.

I don’t know how many games there are in the world, and I can’t even remember how much time I wasted on them.

But recently, I left the blocked and depressing airport for love.

When I started writing stories, I often asked A Fei. Because A Fei is an old bookworm, but he always laughs and says he doesn’t understand what I write, and it’s not fun and it’s not a long story. Without routines and decent pig's feet, it is impossible to make money by earning more fans. Then I was right by what he said, but I didn’t change it.

But recently, I left the blocked and depressing airport for love.

She likes literature, pure literature in the true sense.

Until one day, out of boredom, I discovered her in this world.

I would like to call the above three people Fu Lu Shou.

This story may be very dull no matter how I tell it, but it would definitely be nice if it could be written as an independent article.

We provide everything you can take with you from the plane.

I said it again and again for a whole month.

My answer is seven friends, seven friends who cannot be named.

Four rooms, one hall and two toilets.

A girl, a very cute girl.

That's all I wrote.

I have been to some relatively large airports, and I feel that it takes at least ten minutes to walk out of the airport from the moment you get off the plane.

Of course she also plays games, but there is something very different about her from us.

My job at the airport is called flight attendant, which I understand to be flight security.

Until it starts to become less fun, switch to another and continue, that’s how I live every day.

My job at the airport is called flight attendant, which I understand to be flight security.

My third year at work was also the year I wrote my novel.

She likes literature, pure literature in the true sense.

My answer is seven friends, seven friends who cannot be named.

The most vivid memory I remember about Ah Fei was the first time I fell from the carriage to the ground. It was 4:50 in the morning, and he drove his car to pick me up at 5:10. They took me to the hospital and luckily I was only slightly injured.

As the name suggests, flight guarantee means flying to the airport in one flight. There are many things that people at the airport will do next.

I tried to enter my pen name, but I couldn't figure out what I should call it after thinking for a long time.

I am also very fortunate to have three colleagues who can take care of me and allow me to focus almost all my energy on writing.

So this article was originally the last article of Seven Friends.

I can often see her talking about a famous book she read all night long, and she will even pick up her own pen and write down thousands of words of her thoughts after reading it.

I had no choice but to move from the dormitory to another place, but for someone like me who didn’t know anything after graduating from college.

When I started writing stories, I often asked A Fei. Because A Fei is an old bookworm, but he always laughs and says he doesn’t understand what I write, and it’s not fun and it’s not a long story. Without routines and decent pig's feet, it is impossible to make money by earning more fans. Then I was right by what he said, but I didn’t change it.

Short story? It is indeed very short, unlike today’s online articles that can range from a million to tens of millions.

In fact, the most enjoyable part of the day is the few hours before get off work, because you can really relax. Knowing that everything will have nothing to do with you tomorrow is similar to the feeling of Friday afternoon when you were in school. I hope I have a wonderful weekend. If you want to ask me when I feel the most uncomfortable.

Of course she also plays games, but there is something very different about her from us.

But how can a ridiculously bad person learn to be good

My answer is seven friends, seven friends who cannot be named.

This reminds me of my past. I seemed to have written some stories when I was confused.

Just remember your account and password, and spend some time waiting on your computer for the client to download and update.

Xiaobai took me out of the video game arcade, and my dead brother told me that handheld consoles and consoles would inevitably be eliminated by the world.

Not until five o'clock tomorrow morning at the latest.

Some stories I thought were good, I hooked up with her.

He would occasionally talk about people and things he met at the restaurant, but he would never go into detail. Since this was a failed experience, we won't ask about it.

What on earth was it that I wrote

But recently, I left the blocked and depressing airport for love.

What on earth was it that I wrote

Using my story, you may still remember "I'm Not Bad". That was my first story, and the first story I told her.

Remember my job

I was quiet that night and thought a lot.

Light, short, loose…

I said it again and again for a whole month.

My job at the airport is called flight attendant, which I understand to be flight security.

Just remember your account and password, and spend some time waiting on your computer for the client to download and update.

What I write is indeed a novel, and light novels are novels that can be read easily.

We made a pact that I would tell her a bedtime story every night before going to bed.

In fact, the most enjoyable part of the day is the few hours before get off work, because you can really relax. Knowing that everything will have nothing to do with you tomorrow is similar to the feeling of Friday afternoon when you were in school. I hope I have a wonderful weekend. If you want to ask me when I feel the most uncomfortable.

Of course she also plays games, but there is something very different about her from us.

Not until five o'clock tomorrow morning at the latest.

I said it again and again for a whole month.

Work one day and rest one day, but the rest time is really used to rest.

I lived like this for half a year, and I paid a lot for it.

This reminds me of my past. I seemed to have written some stories when I was confused.

Yes, this is the predecessor of "Light, Short, Scatter" that you see now.

So this article was originally the last article of Seven Friends.

Here are some common senses. Of course, I only understood these common senses at the airport.

As for Ah Fu, he came here later. He is older than us. But Ah Fu looks very young. When I started to persuade Ah Fu to work hard like an old man teaching a newcomer. I was also shocked when I later learned that Ah Fu was seven years older than me. There are relatively few stories about Ah Fu, but those that can be told are classics. It's a pity that I will talk about it here first. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will elaborate on it.

Only then did I realize my return from the lost path and know how to cherish what I have in front of me.

That day, I finished telling my last story. I planned to confess my love to her, but I didn't expect that she would accept it so readily.

Of course she also plays games, but there is something very different about her from us.

The airport we are about to expand is also aimed at this goal.

We provide everything you can take with you from the plane.

She asked me why I told her these stories. When I couldn’t find it online, I said because these are my own stories.

This story may be very dull no matter how I tell it, but it would definitely be nice if it could be written as an independent article.

I sat in front of the computer and thought for a long time.

I try not to make the story too difficult to understand, but life is not something that can be explained word for word.

Get up at 4:30 every morning and get off work as early as 5:00 in the afternoon.

She said to me at the time, "Why don't you try posting these stories online for everyone to see?"

Twenty-four hours of work happens to us almost all the time.

The ground needs to be redesigned and expanded to leave enough space for the runway and the new airport.

Just remember your account and password, and spend some time waiting on your computer for the client to download and update.

I was quiet that night and thought a lot.

Of course, that's a strong statement. I hope they can find a good destination by now.

They walked in front of me one by one and fell into the abyss for me.

Of course, I gave up a lot in order to write this beautiful story.

Just remember your account and password, and spend some time waiting on your computer for the client to download and update.

That's all I wrote.

A Liang is not a kind person at all. A little bit bad, but not really bad. I always feel that he is the one who knows more among us, because he knows almost everything. What I like most is his arithmetic aspect. He can tell you the results of interest and percentage almost immediately after you tell them. A Liang's story could fill a book, but he never tells it. Maybe it’s because I often failed before I became a flight attendant. He opened a restaurant in Guangzhou, and of course he is probably the most miserable boss I have ever seen.

The happiest thing is not that I have a girlfriend, but what my girlfriend told me.

I said it again and again for a whole month.

She said to me at the time, "Why don't you try posting these stories online for everyone to see?"

fairy tale? It truly is a fairy tale.

I said it again and again for a whole month.

There were three colleagues who were also mentioned in advance by me.

Here are some common senses. Of course, I only understood these common senses at the airport.

After graduating from college, I went to work at the airport.

Ah Fei is a good person. His kindness can be reflected in his life and lifestyle, because he has been issued countless good person cards. If we describe Ah Fei, there is really one person in history that we can learn from. It's called Zhang Fei, referring to Zhang Fei in the Three Kingdoms.

Why not let everyone see it too.

I sat in front of the computer and thought for a long time.

I had no choice but to move from the dormitory to another place, but for someone like me who didn’t know anything after graduating from college.

And I was lost in thought together.

Airport expansion. In order to become an international airport, the original 1,500-meter runway was doubled.

I originally wanted to put myself last, but due to some variables.

Some stories I thought were good, I hooked up with her.

I sat in front of the computer and thought for a long time.

I was quiet that night and thought a lot.

My third year at work was also the year I wrote my novel.

Yes, this is the predecessor of "Light, Short, Scatter" that you see now.

Only then did I realize my return from the lost path and know how to cherish what I have in front of me.

I tried to enter my pen name, but I couldn't figure out what I should call it after thinking for a long time.

I had no choice but to move from the dormitory to another place, but for someone like me who didn’t know anything after graduating from college.

You may think it is the afternoon or evening of rest, no.

I try not to make the story too difficult to understand, but life is not something that can be explained word for word.

My third year at work was also the year I wrote my novel.

I just joined the airport three years ago.

The three words "Come on" caught my eye.

The expansion means a lot, and the airport will have to cut back on expenses.

As for Ah Fu, he came here later. He is older than us. But Ah Fu looks very young. When I started to persuade Ah Fu to work hard like an old man teaching a newcomer. I was also shocked when I later learned that Ah Fu was seven years older than me. There are relatively few stories about Ah Fu, but those that can be told are classics. It's a pity that I will talk about it here first. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will elaborate on it.

What I remember most is that I would buy a bottle of white wine and a bottle of Red Bull every day after get off work.

Yeah, come on. Why does everyone like my work

I sat in front of the computer and thought for a long time.

Here are some common senses. Of course, I only understood these common senses at the airport.

Remember my job

Come on. Why do you have to share what you write with everyone

I said it again and again for a whole month.

Cutlery, blankets, small pillows.

I typed "Come on" and pressed OK at that time. I am still thinking about why I pressed OK so decisively at that time.

The existing cleaning team will go up to clean, and the flight crew will go up to replace the meals and supplies. At the same time, the oil depot replenishes aviation fuel. The guests who are about to fly will be caught on the plane within the specified arrival time. Take off to the next airport before the scheduled time is up.

She asked me why I told her these stories. When I couldn’t find it online, I said because these are my own stories.

I write light novels, short stories, and incomprehensible prose.

This story may be very dull no matter how I tell it, but it would definitely be nice if it could be written as an independent article.

Come on, it became my pen name.

And now something that allows everyone to continue to be mentally dependent is called online games.

Some stories I thought were good, I hooked up with her.

I have been to some relatively large airports, and I feel that it takes at least ten minutes to walk out of the airport from the moment you get off the plane.

And I was lost in thought together.

There were three colleagues who were also mentioned in advance by me.

Four rooms, one hall and two toilets.

After that, whether you play alone or with a group of people.

Airport expansion. In order to become an international airport, the original 1,500-meter runway was doubled.

Not until five o'clock tomorrow morning at the latest.

A Liang is not a kind person at all. A little bit bad, but not really bad. I always feel that he is the one who knows more among us, because he knows almost everything. What I like most is his arithmetic aspect. He can tell you the results of interest and percentage almost immediately after you tell them. A Liang's story could fill a book, but he never tells it. Maybe it’s because I often failed before I became a flight attendant. He opened a restaurant in Guangzhou, and of course he is probably the most miserable boss I have ever seen.

A Fei used to be our leader's secretary, but later became our captain after our captain resigned.

Because you need sleep, at least two seven hours of sleep.

What on earth was it that I wrote

Why not let everyone see it too.

They walked in front of me one by one and fell into the abyss for me.

Yes, this is the predecessor of "Light, Short, Scatter" that you see now.

Something to eat, something to drink, something to use.

I would like to call the above three people Fu Lu Shou.

fairy tale? It truly is a fairy tale.

This was my living environment, and it was here that I wrote most of the stories you see now.

This was my living environment, and it was here that I wrote most of the stories you see now.

There are three people: Xiaobai, Lao Si, and Dead Brother.

I just joined the airport three years ago.

Sci-fi? It does have a lot of sci-fi elements to it.

You may think it is the afternoon or evening of rest, no.

We provide everything you can take with you from the plane.

Whenever someone wants to see what A Fei looks like, we will open Baidu and hack in the box before pressing search. Then he randomly pulled up a picture and pointed at it and said it was Ah Fei.

And I was lost in thought together.

All of this seemed to be advanced, and three people were also advanced.

Yes, this is the predecessor of "Light, Short, Scatter" that you see now.

Short story? It is indeed very short, unlike today’s online articles that can range from a million to tens of millions.

A Liang is not a kind person at all. A little bit bad, but not really bad. I always feel that he is the one who knows more among us, because he knows almost everything. What I like most is his arithmetic aspect. He can tell you the results of interest and percentage almost immediately after you tell them. A Liang's story could fill a book, but he never tells it. Maybe it’s because I often failed before I became a flight attendant. He opened a restaurant in Guangzhou, and of course he is probably the most miserable boss I have ever seen.

Newspapers, magazines, barf bags.

I don’t know if it’s just a rumor, but I heard that airports in foreign countries and capitals even provide stewardesses with sanitary napkins.

Their stories are very unique, but now I can only talk about them symbolically.

prose? It's really messy and scary, and there are all kinds of them. And I also want to keep repeating various types, but what is it

You can imagine how difficult it is to move, so I got to know these three.

I don’t know how many people still remember Zhang Fei’s description. I guess everyone has an impression of his dark skin.

I lived like this for half a year, and I paid a lot for it.

She asked me why I told her these stories. When I couldn’t find it online, I said because these are my own stories.

So this article was originally the last article of Seven Friends.

It always sounds better than it looks.

I later found a word called light novel.

The ground needs to be redesigned and expanded to leave enough space for the runway and the new airport.

I typed "Come on" and pressed OK at that time. I am still thinking about why I pressed OK so decisively at that time.

Of course, it seems that we not only supply items for tourists, but also items for captains and stewardesses.

What I write is indeed a novel, and light novels are novels that can be read easily.

What I remember most is that I would buy a bottle of white wine and a bottle of Red Bull every day after get off work.

It doesn’t hurt at all to dismantle the airport’s own stuff.

Airport expansion. In order to become an international airport, the original 1,500-meter runway was doubled.

Xiaobai took me out of the video game arcade, and my dead brother told me that handheld consoles and consoles would inevitably be eliminated by the world.

I write light novels, short stories, and incomprehensible prose.

What I write is indeed a novel, and light novels are novels that can be read easily.

Xiaobai took me out of the video game arcade, and my dead brother told me that handheld consoles and consoles would inevitably be eliminated by the world.

It doesn’t hurt at all to dismantle the airport’s own stuff.

It doesn’t hurt at all to dismantle the airport’s own stuff.

Light, short, loose…

Ah Fei is a good person. His kindness can be reflected in his life and lifestyle, because he has been issued countless good person cards. If we describe Ah Fei, there is really one person in history that we can learn from. It's called Zhang Fei, referring to Zhang Fei in the Three Kingdoms.

That's all I wrote.

I don’t know if it’s just a rumor, but I heard that airports in foreign countries and capitals even provide stewardesses with sanitary napkins.

All of this seemed to be advanced, and three people were also advanced.

Yes, this is the predecessor of "Light, Short, Scatter" that you see now.

prose? It's really messy and scary, and there are all kinds of them. And I also want to keep repeating various types, but what is it

That's all I wrote.

It doesn’t hurt at all to dismantle the airport’s own stuff.

You can imagine how difficult it is to move, so I got to know these three.

Planes belong to individual airlines, and the captains and stewardesses you know belong to the airlines.

The three words "Come on" caught my eye.

I started creating for it and started updating my stories one after another.

Why not let everyone see it too.

My job at the airport is called flight attendant, which I understand to be flight security.

Airport employees are like stop sign staff, although there are no staff at each bus stop.

I don’t know if it’s just a rumor, but I heard that airports in foreign countries and capitals even provide stewardesses with sanitary napkins.

Resting today means getting up at 4:30 in the morning tomorrow, which means tensing up to deal with everything that comes next.

Of course, I gave up a lot in order to write this beautiful story.

I later found a word called light novel.

Four rooms, one hall and two toilets.

We provide everything you can take with you from the plane.

Four rooms, one hall and two toilets.

Because you need sleep, at least two seven hours of sleep.

That's all I wrote.

You can always continue to enjoy it and play the most popular games today.

A Liang is not a kind person at all. A little bit bad, but not really bad. I always feel that he is the one who knows more among us, because he knows almost everything. What I like most is his arithmetic aspect. He can tell you the results of interest and percentage almost immediately after you tell them. A Liang's story could fill a book, but he never tells it. Maybe it’s because I often failed before I became a flight attendant. He opened a restaurant in Guangzhou, and of course he is probably the most miserable boss I have ever seen.

Remember my job

I don’t know how many games there are in the world, and I can’t even remember how much time I wasted on them.

And now something that allows everyone to continue to be mentally dependent is called online games.

I plan to talk about it together, but of course it will mainly talk about me.

Working one day and taking one day off brings me almost no worries on the day off. I play everything I want without any scruples. It seems that for half a year I was almost addicted to online games.

They are my three colleagues, I call them Ah Fu, Ah Fei and Ah Liang.

Drink Red Bull first and finish writing what you want to say.

I typed "Come on" and pressed OK at that time. I am still thinking about why I pressed OK so decisively at that time.

What I remember most is that I would buy a bottle of white wine and a bottle of Red Bull every day after get off work.

Of course, it seems that we not only supply items for tourists, but also items for captains and stewardesses.

I would like to call the above three people Fu Lu Shou.

Drink Red Bull first and finish writing what you want to say.

The fourth child is lucky to have relatives to help him, but I don't know whether it will be a blessing or a curse after returning.

You can imagine how difficult it is to move, so I got to know these three.

Come on. Why do you have to share what you write with everyone

fairy tale? It truly is a fairy tale.

There were three colleagues who were also mentioned in advance by me.

This reminds me of my past. I seemed to have written some stories when I was confused.

The three words "Come on" caught my eye.

These three people became my friends, colleagues and roommates.

Drink white wine again so that you can have a good sleep at night.

Resting today means getting up at 4:30 in the morning tomorrow, which means tensing up to deal with everything that comes next.

I sat in front of the computer and thought for a long time.

Yes, this is the predecessor of "Light, Short, Scatter" that you see now.

I don’t know how many games there are in the world, and I can’t even remember how much time I wasted on them.

I returned to the city and gave up my job at the airport.

Ah Fei is a good person. His kindness can be reflected in his life and lifestyle, because he has been issued countless good person cards. If we describe Ah Fei, there is really one person in history that we can learn from. It's called Zhang Fei, referring to Zhang Fei in the Three Kingdoms.

I started creating for it and started updating my stories one after another.

I lived like this for half a year, and I paid a lot for it.

Whenever someone wants to see what A Fei looks like, we will open Baidu and hack in the box before pressing search. Then he randomly pulled up a picture and pointed at it and said it was Ah Fei.

But how can a ridiculously bad person learn to be good

Something to eat, something to drink, something to use.

I had no choice but to move from the dormitory to another place, but for someone like me who didn’t know anything after graduating from college.

Twenty-four hours of work happens to us almost all the time.

Ah Fei is a good person. His kindness can be reflected in his life and lifestyle, because he has been issued countless good person cards. If we describe Ah Fei, there is really one person in history that we can learn from. It's called Zhang Fei, referring to Zhang Fei in the Three Kingdoms.

My third year at work was also the year I wrote my novel.

Here are some common senses. Of course, I only understood these common senses at the airport.

The area where the airport runway is to be expanded happens to be our dormitory.

When I started writing stories, I often asked A Fei. Because A Fei is an old bookworm, but he always laughs and says he doesn’t understand what I write, and it’s not fun and it’s not a long story. Without routines and decent pig's feet, it is impossible to make money by earning more fans. Then I was right by what he said, but I didn’t change it.

I worked as a flight attendant at the airport for three years, and the next three people I want to talk about are.

I started creating for it and started updating my stories one after another.

The most vivid memory I remember about Ah Fei was the first time I fell from the carriage to the ground. It was 4:50 in the morning, and he drove his car to pick me up at 5:10. They took me to the hospital and luckily I was only slightly injured.

I was quiet that night and thought a lot.

The most vivid memory I remember about Ah Fei was the first time I fell from the carriage to the ground. It was 4:50 in the morning, and he drove his car to pick me up at 5:10. They took me to the hospital and luckily I was only slightly injured.

Airport expansion. In order to become an international airport, the original 1,500-meter runway was doubled.

I worked as a flight attendant at the airport for three years, and the next three people I want to talk about are.

Work one day and rest one day, but the rest time is really used to rest.

At this point, "Light, Short, Loose" began to have its own rhythm, and began to become a daily update after moving into a new home.

Newspapers, magazines, barf bags.

It takes almost sixteen to twenty-four hours a day.

I said it again and again for a whole month.

I don’t know how many people still remember Zhang Fei’s description. I guess everyone has an impression of his dark skin.

My job is to provide meals and supplies.

The three-thousand-meter runway can accommodate any type of aircraft on the market to land here.

It's more convenient and faster.

Working one day and taking one day off brings me almost no worries on the day off. I play everything I want without any scruples. It seems that for half a year I was almost addicted to online games.

Planes belong to individual airlines, and the captains and stewardesses you know belong to the airlines.

The expansion means a lot, and the airport will have to cut back on expenses.

The fourth child is lucky to have relatives to help him, but I don't know whether it will be a blessing or a curse after returning.

Yeah, come on. Why does everyone like my work

What I remember most is that I would buy a bottle of white wine and a bottle of Red Bull every day after get off work.

I plan to talk about it together, but of course it will mainly talk about me.

When I started writing stories, I often asked A Fei. Because A Fei is an old bookworm, but he always laughs and says he doesn’t understand what I write, and it’s not fun and it’s not a long story. Without routines and decent pig's feet, it is impossible to make money by earning more fans. Then I was right by what he said, but I didn’t change it.

A Fei used to be our leader's secretary, but later became our captain after our captain resigned.

I would like to call the above three people Fu Lu Shou.

He would occasionally talk about people and things he met at the restaurant, but he would never go into detail. Since this was a failed experience, we won't ask about it.

The ground needs to be redesigned and expanded to leave enough space for the runway and the new airport.

There were three colleagues who were also mentioned in advance by me.

Resting today means getting up at 4:30 in the morning tomorrow, which means tensing up to deal with everything that comes next.

Planes belong to individual airlines, and the captains and stewardesses you know belong to the airlines.

I have been to some relatively large airports, and I feel that it takes at least ten minutes to walk out of the airport from the moment you get off the plane.

Just remember your account and password, and spend some time waiting on your computer for the client to download and update.

The three-thousand-meter runway can accommodate any type of aircraft on the market to land here.

Here are some common senses. Of course, I only understood these common senses at the airport.

Shou is a lively dead brother, but he doesn't know how long he can live.

The airport we are about to expand is also aimed at this goal.

I just joined the airport three years ago.

And I was lost in thought together.

Work one day and rest one day, but the rest time is really used to rest.

I had no choice but to move from the dormitory to another place, but for someone like me who didn’t know anything after graduating from college.

I don’t know if it’s just a rumor, but I heard that airports in foreign countries and capitals even provide stewardesses with sanitary napkins.

What I remember most is that I would buy a bottle of white wine and a bottle of Red Bull every day after get off work.

The area where the airport runway is to be expanded happens to be our dormitory.

I try not to make the story too difficult to understand, but life is not something that can be explained word for word.

This reminds me of my past. I seemed to have written some stories when I was confused.

I will tell my story in detail next.

You may think it is the afternoon or evening of rest, no.

Come on. Why do you have to share what you write with everyone

prose? It's really messy and scary, and there are all kinds of them. And I also want to keep repeating various types, but what is it

In fact, the most enjoyable part of the day is the few hours before get off work, because you can really relax. Knowing that everything will have nothing to do with you tomorrow is similar to the feeling of Friday afternoon when you were in school. I hope I have a wonderful weekend. If you want to ask me when I feel the most uncomfortable.

You may think it is the afternoon or evening of rest, no.

It doesn’t hurt at all to dismantle the airport’s own stuff.

This was my living environment, and it was here that I wrote most of the stories you see now.

There are three people: Xiaobai, Lao Si, and Dead Brother.

She said to me at the time, "Why don't you try posting these stories online for everyone to see?"

I had no choice but to move from the dormitory to another place, but for someone like me who didn’t know anything after graduating from college.

I later found a word called light novel.

The most vivid memory I remember about Ah Fei was the first time I fell from the carriage to the ground. It was 4:50 in the morning, and he drove his car to pick me up at 5:10. They took me to the hospital and luckily I was only slightly injured.

I had no choice but to move from the dormitory to another place, but for someone like me who didn’t know anything after graduating from college.

This was my living environment, and it was here that I wrote most of the stories you see now.

Only then did I realize my return from the lost path and know how to cherish what I have in front of me.

Why not let everyone see it too.

You can imagine how difficult it is to move, so I got to know these three.

I typed "Come on" and pressed OK at that time. I am still thinking about why I pressed OK so decisively at that time.

The fourth child is lucky to have relatives to help him, but I don't know whether it will be a blessing or a curse after returning.

fairy tale? It truly is a fairy tale.

But recently, I left the blocked and depressing airport for love.

Come on, it became my pen name.

The area where the airport runway is to be expanded happens to be our dormitory.

Airport expansion. In order to become an international airport, the original 1,500-meter runway was doubled.

prose? It's really messy and scary, and there are all kinds of them. And I also want to keep repeating various types, but what is it

The three of us, plus me, formed a whole floor in the small village near the airport.

I lived like this for half a year, and I paid a lot for it.

At the beginning, I really wasn’t tired at all.

That's all I wrote.

Four rooms, one hall and two toilets.

I later found a word called light novel.

I don’t know how many games there are in the world, and I can’t even remember how much time I wasted on them.

Planes belong to individual airlines, and the captains and stewardesses you know belong to the airlines.

I said it again and again for a whole month.

It doesn’t hurt at all to dismantle the airport’s own stuff.

But how can a ridiculously bad person learn to be good

This was my living environment, and it was here that I wrote most of the stories you see now.

Working one day and taking one day off brings me almost no worries on the day off. I play everything I want without any scruples. It seems that for half a year I was almost addicted to online games.

I will tell my story in detail next.

Yeah, come on. Why does everyone like my work

All of this seemed to be advanced, and three people were also advanced.

Of course, that's a strong statement. I hope they can find a good destination by now.

She likes literature, pure literature in the true sense.

My third year at work was also the year I wrote my novel.

Only then did I realize my return from the lost path and know how to cherish what I have in front of me.

But recently, I left the blocked and depressing airport for love.

Cutlery, blankets, small pillows.

She likes literature, pure literature in the true sense.

Whenever someone wants to see what A Fei looks like, we will open Baidu and hack in the box before pressing search. Then he randomly pulled up a picture and pointed at it and said it was Ah Fei.

And I was lost in thought together.

In fact, the most enjoyable part of the day is the few hours before get off work, because you can really relax. Knowing that everything will have nothing to do with you tomorrow is similar to the feeling of Friday afternoon when you were in school. I hope I have a wonderful weekend. If you want to ask me when I feel the most uncomfortable.

Here you have one day's work and one day's rest.

It's more convenient and faster.

Four rooms, one hall and two toilets.

I returned to the city and gave up my job at the airport.

My third year at work was also the year I wrote my novel.

Not until five o'clock tomorrow morning at the latest.

It takes almost sixteen to twenty-four hours a day.

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