Show Me the Money

Chapter 102: Falling Star Sagittarius Gaia


A dozen wind wolves of level 40 or 50 were not something that the fat man could afford to deal with now. There is no need to think about anything else now, just one word, run.

When it comes to running away, Fatty is much more confident. Without looking back at all, he jumped up and ran directly into the trees in front of him. At the same time, he did not forget to put away the equipment exploded by the wind wolf, and used a gathering technique to collect a wolf skin.

Wind Wolf Skin: Intermediate sewing material, can be used to make leather armor.

Ouch. One of the wind wolves, which was larger and darker in color, roared loudly and took the lead in chasing the fat man. Some of the other wind wolves followed behind, while others ran in the other direction, chasing and intercepting the fat man.

Running quickly in the jungle, Fatty vaguely returned to his youth. During those years, in order to carry out so-called training, the old man forced himself to fight wild beasts all day long. At that time, I was only a child of twelve or thirteen years old, and the old and immortal thing was actually willing to throw me into a pack of wolves alone.

Thinking wildly about the past, although he was a little dissatisfied with the old man's teaching methods, the fat man was still very grateful to him. If it weren't for him, he and his sister would have starved to death long ago. However, no matter how old you are, you will eventually grow old and eventually leave yourself.

Thinking of immortality, Fatty felt a touch of sadness in his heart. Since the fat man could remember, he and his sister had only two relatives. As a result, one left early and the other finally left him and lived her own life.

There was an extra tear in the corner of my eye for no reason. Reaching out to wipe away the teardrops, the fat man laughed in his heart. If the old guy knew that he could be so sad, he would not be able to laugh himself to death from the coffin, and then die laughing again.

Behind him, the wind wolf kept chasing. The larger wind wolf launched an attack that was more powerful than the one that had just died. The light blue half-moon-shaped wind blade was more than half a meter long, whistling and slashing at the left and right sides behind the fat man, causing extreme damage to the fat man. Big threat. Moreover, every time the wind blade passed by, it would cut open the blocking trees behind Fatty, directly opening a passage for the wind wolf to walk.

Ouch. The sky gradually darkened, and the crescent moon hung there. The howl of the wind wolf was like a standard howl on a moonlit night. The shrill sound could even frighten the faint of heart into fainting.

Whoosh, there were several more wind blades. Although the fat man was agile and managed to dodge a few of them, he was still scratched on the shoulder by one of them, losing a portion of his energy and blood. In addition to this, the fat man has already received seven or eight blows, and he has lost a lot of energy and blood. Fortunately, not all the wind blades spit out by the wind wolf are as powerful as that wind wolf, and he has lost a lot of energy and blood. The blood bottle could barely replenish the blood, which allowed Fatty to persist until now.

"Damn it, I went my own way and didn't provoke you. Why are you chasing me?" The fat man cursed in his heart, but there was nothing to reason with such monsters. The only solution for now was to speed up as soon as possible. escape.

He ran away from the front and chased from behind. This wind wolf was really patient. He chased for dozens of miles and for several hours, but he still didn't give up. If the fat man hadn't carried enough food to replenish his stamina and reduce his hunger, he would have been chased to death by the wind wolf.

"Damn it, if you don't give me a cat, you think I'm critically ill." The fat man was furious, his mind was racing as he ran, and he climbed up a big tree.

puff. A wind blade slashed diagonally at the fat man's feet. The wind blade penetrated three inches into the wood. The big tree, which was as thick as two or three people hugging each other, immediately made a creaking sound, gradually tilted down, and was about to break.

bass. The moment the big tree broke, the fat man stepped on the trunk and jumped to another tree.

Whizzing. Several wind blades struck one after another, and the big tree was about to be destroyed.

"I'll let you go, and I'll see how much magic you have." The fat man was furious, and he just jumped up and down on the tree without landing. Every time it landed on a big tree, several wind blades would shoot into the feet at the same time, cutting off the big tree diagonally. There was even a time when the wind blade hit Fatty directly, scaring him so much that he broke into a cold sweat.

Taking another route, Feng Lang, who went to intercept in front, also circled back. Fatty was jumping up and down on the tree, and it was useless for them to stop him in front. They could only join the other wind wolves and use their wind blades on Fatty.

Thumb, puff, squeak, boom.

The sound of breaking trees kept resounding in the jungle. These wind wolves were quite tough. They actually cut down hundreds of big trees in this way, and the intensity of their attacks slowly slowed down.

"Hmph, there is no magic attack anymore. Let me see what you do." The fat man jumped to another tree and waited for a while before the largest wind wolf opened its mouth and spit out a wind blade. However, this wind blade was not as good as the original one. The size is more than one-third smaller than before.

puff. This time the wind blade hit the tree, but it only penetrated a dozen centimeters before dissipating without a trace. It was far worse than the first tree that was almost cut off. It seemed that after chasing for such a long time, these wind wolves were starting to get tired. .

Now that you are no longer good, it's time for Fatty to come. The fat man didn't get down, he just sat on a branch that stretched out diagonally, holding the trunk with one hand, taking out the green feather crossbow with the other, and started attacking.

Although the Qingyu Crossbow adds a long-range attack to the thieves, this comes at the cost of reducing the attack power. Moreover, the thieves' attack power is not high. As a result, the damage to the wind wolf is limited. The fat man was bored up there, firing crossbow arrows, but only knocking out dozens of drops of blood each time, which was not enough to restore health. Down below, Wind Wolf waited for the magic value to be enough to cast Wind Blade and then started to attack. No mana pills were needed. After all, it was much slower to restore mana by oneself. . The two sides fought back and forth, and in the end, no one could do anything to the other.

Looking at the dozens of wind wolves watching eagerly below, the fat man felt a big headache. I don’t know where I provoked them, but they are chasing after them so hard. Originally he wanted to kill them, but thinking about the disparity in strength between the two sides, Fatty thought for a while and endured it.

"I'll let you go first. I'll fix you after the fat man changes his job." The fat man said a harsh word and was about to leave invisibly when he heard a loud shout in the distance.

"Beast, seeking death."

Along with the shouts and whooshing sounds, countless arrows were seen whizzing in, penetrating the branches and leaves, and shooting directly at the wind wolf.

Puff puff. It can be said that the arrows pierced the heart. More than half of the dozen or so wind wolves were killed by this string of arrow feathers in seconds.

Ouch. The largest wind wolf seemed to be the leader. Seeing the ferocity of the intruder, he let out a long howl and led his men to retreat.

"Hmph, if I let you go, where will my reputation as Gaia, the Falling Star Shooter, go? Drink, Falling Star Shooter."

Following this loud shout, the dark sky suddenly lit up, and arrows composed of countless rays of light fell from the sky, pouring violently around the remaining wind wolves. The fat man saw white light flashing in front of his eyes, and heard the swishing sound and the scream of the wind wolf in his ears. When the arrow rain that lasted for a while disappeared, the place where the wind wolf used to be was in a mess, and among the dozen or so wind wolves, not even a single corpse could be found, let alone alive.

"It's so cruel, there are no bones left." The fat man said with a sigh.

There was a crashing sound, and a human with strong skills jumped out from behind the trees. It was dark in the forest, and his appearance and age could not be seen clearly, but he could be heard shouting: "Who is up there? He hasn't come down yet."

The fat man jumped down and counted as he was told, and saw the human who called himself Gaia the Falling Star Archer scolded: "You are so brave. You dare to come to this moonlit jungle at this time. Don't you know the monsters here are very ferocious. If you have the strength He's strong, but he's just a little assassin. He's looking for death when he comes here."

Damn, Fatty, I look like I'm going to die at some point. The fat man couldn't help curling his lips, but the man in front of him could be regarded as saving him. Although he didn't need to take action, he still had to be polite.

"Thank you, sir, for coming to the rescue."

"Come on, come on." As they got closer, they could see Gaia, the Falling Star Archer, who was about thirty or forty years old. He had an impatient look on his face and waved the fat man away. "Unfortunately, I have just been promoted to Fallen Star Archer and I have to go to the ancient battlefield to perform a mission. The ancient battlefield is full of dangers and demons are rampant. Is it a place I can go? MD, why don't you let me die because I have no backing? .”

Task! Fatty's heart moved.

Originally, when Gaia said that Fatty was not going to argue with him, he was about to leave, but after hearing Gaia's seemingly grumbling words, he understood in his heart that it must be a mission.

"Sir, I wonder if there is any mission that requires you to go to the ancient battlefield? If possible, I may be able to complete it for you." Fatty said.

"You? Haha, hahahaha." Gaia glanced at the fat man in surprise, then laughed wildly. "How dare you, a little assassin who doesn't even have Level 3, say to go to the ancient battlefield and complete the mission for me? It's really ridiculous."

"It's ridiculous? Huh, what's so funny?" The fat man snorted dissatisfied. "What's wrong with low strength? Are you strong? You're not being driven out to die. These days, you rely on your brain to do things, not brute force. Forget it, I tell you, you don't understand, I don't care, Fatty. You, you’d better die on your own.”

With that said, the fat man turned around and left.

"You?" Gaia was furious. A little thief dared to say this to him, and he couldn't help but be angry. But seeing the fat man leaving without any hesitation, Gaia barely held back the anger in her heart and shouted: "Come back."

"Who do you think you are, that I will go back if you ask me to?" The fat man stood still and looked at him sideways. "What's the matter? Tell me. Fatty is still rushing to the ancient battlefield."

"You, why are you going to the ancient battlefield?" Gaia asked in shock.

"It's none of your business if I go there." This time the fat man was impatient. "What is going on, are you going to tell me or not? Time is limited. If you don't tell me, I can leave."

"Come on, come back, I said." Gaia said quickly.

To put it simply, a certain big shot in the Central Imperial City discovered that there were some changes in the ancient battlefield, so he sent someone to check the situation. The ancient battlefield was near the Central Imperial City. It was so ferocious and majestic. Those NPCs were all highly intelligent guys, and they were pushing and shoving one by one. In the end, the task fell on the unlucky Gaia who had no background.