Show Me the Money

Chapter 114: Dragon Slayer Gang


I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, or the Bull King is more intelligent, but it’s standing next to the trap and won’t move forward.

The place where the Barbarian Bull King passed was a mess of flesh and blood, and almost all the hundreds of pets were killed by it, leaving only a few flying in the sky and attacking from a distance. Of course, Xiao Huang is still alive.

"It seems that we can't do it without paying some losses." The Raptor crossed the river and said to himself.

"Gang leader, what are you afraid of? Brothers don't care. When those gangs killed the boss, who wouldn't sacrifice hundreds of lives. As long as the gang establishment order is revealed, everything will be worth it." The deputy gang leader of the Raptor Gang came over and said.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to explode." Raptor sighed across the river.

"If you can't explode, then we'll fight something else." The deputy gang leader said firmly.

The fat man glanced at the deputy gang leader named Raptor Kill. He could start with the word Raptor, so he was obviously an old friend of Raptor Guojiang. His suggestion was not bad. Every gang would inevitably suffer some losses if they wanted to defeat the big boss. In serious cases, it was not uncommon for the group to be wiped out. The White Horse Gang, ranked fourteenth in Xuanwu City, went to destroy the Dark Messenger on the fifth floor of Mass Grave. A thousand people each died twice, and the Dark Messenger was not destroyed. This was the reason. It's just that this is just a bull king, and even the family of gods has been invited. If you really have to fight with hundreds of elites, it will be more than worth the gain.

"Fat man, what do you think we should do?" Raptor asked across the river. Ever since the people in the God's Family changed their nickname to Fatty, basically everyone who is familiar with him has started calling him Fatty.

"Just wait a little longer." The fat man pondered for a moment. "There's no rush anyway, and if you really want to talk about it, this Barbarian Bull King has a thicker skin and is not much stronger than the Fire Demon and the Fire Cloud King. The Family of God can blow up the Fire Demon, and Mengdie and Ice Snow Phoenix can blow up the Fire Cloud." If the king explodes, we can easily explode the Barbarian King this time.”

"Then wait a little longer." The raptor said across the river. "If the situation doesn't improve, let the brothers pile up."

Knowing that Raptor Killer was going to organize people to attack, a blush flashed across the face of God's Head. The Raptors paid a high price to invite them, but in the end they ended up taking their own lives. The reputation of this team of God's family was a blow.

"Desperate, Pillar, Left Wing, don't worry about it so much, just let go and kill, the worst is to lose two ranks, and you will almost lose your face." God's Head shouted.

Although Fugitive Tianya is not a member of the God's Family, he often hangs out together now and values the reputation of the God's Family very much. After hearing the words of the God's Head, it immediately appeared. Instead of retreating after a single hit, it instead wandered around the Barbarian Bull King, showing a desperate posture.

bass. After a figure flashed past, the body of the Barbarian Bull King suddenly turned green.

"Damn, it's finally poisoned." Raptor Guojiang breathed a sigh of relief. "Today is really a ghost. It took me so many times to get poisoned."

"This skill is good." Fatty remembered his first silver weapon, the Frostfang Blade, which came with the skill Poisonous Fang. It was a good skill for killing bosses, but it was useless against high-level bosses.

"You don't know this skill?" Raptor Guojiang asked in surprise.

"Should I know?" The fat man was even more surprised than him.

"Don't tell me you haven't changed jobs yet." Raptor Guojiang rolled his eyes.

"Do you think I want to change jobs?" The fat man showed his name and pointed to the top of his head, level 30 assassin.

"You really haven't changed jobs yet." Raptor Guojiang was speechless. "Why don't you change jobs?"

"There is something delayed." The fat man said vaguely. "Is this poisoning skill a skill that the thief learns after his third turn?"

There was no nonsense about Raptors Crossing the River, so I just turned it over and showed it to the fat man.

Violent Poison: Thief's third-level skill has a 0.1% chance of poisoning the target. After being poisoned, the target loses 1% of its vitality and blood every second. The duration is 10 seconds and the cooling time is 100 seconds.

"So strong." Fatty exclaimed. It loses 1% of its health every second. No matter how powerful the monster is, it cannot withstand this drop.

"It's just that the success rate is too low." Raptor said.

10 seconds passed by in a flash. The green color on the Barbarian Bull King flashed a few times and slowly disappeared. The health bar on his head also dropped a lot, which was very encouraging.

The few knights who were in front withdrew, and it was useless to leave them in front. God's Head and the others kept moving around the Barbarian Bull King, but the Barbarian Bull King was unable to use his strength. Often, as soon as they saw the attacker, another person would attack from behind.

The Barbarian Bull King recovers HP very quickly, but the God Family attacks faster. Although the damage is small, the frequency is high. Several people surrounded the Man Bull King, constantly appearing and disappearing. The Man Bull King's huge body was a perfect target for them to attack.

Moo. The Barbarian Bull King screamed loudly and stepped hard with his front hooves. The players of the God's Family immediately retreated. After careful testing, they also figured out the rules of the Barbarian Bull King's skills. As long as they were stable and not in a hurry, it was a sure thing to destroy the Barbarian Bull King.

brush. Fugitive Tianya held a dagger and passed by the Barbarian Bull King, and immediately another flash of green appeared.

"Okay, you are worthy of being the number one assassin family." Raptor Guojiang showed joy on his face, and Raptor Kill also smiled again and again.

"Gang leader, the leader of the Dragon Slaying Gang, Tu Long Dao, brought his people to the Wildfire Plains and had a conflict with our people." Suddenly, a message came to report.

"It seems that the Fire Cloud Leopard boss they killed did not issue a gang-building order. How many people did he bring?" Raptor Guojiang immediately turned serious.

"A rough estimate is about 500 people."

"500 people want to come and grab the boss. He thinks too highly of me with his dragon-slaying knife." Raptor Guojiang's face was cold. "Raptor Kill, bring 300 brothers to block him. It's time for the brothers in the city who are ready to come."

"Yes, Gang Leader." Raptor Killer saluted and immediately hurried forward with his men.

"Finally, someone came to take advantage?" The fat man asked, turning his head.

"Hey, now is a critical time. Everyone is looking for the boss to break the gang-building order. Generally, no one will rob others unless the gang-building order is really broken. Because you have robbed others, others will definitely not let it go. The last two When the fight broke out, it was someone else who took advantage, so I felt free to bring people to kill the Barbarian Bull King. But only this Dragon Slayer Gang, because our names conflicted with ours, and we were in the same city, we fought many times. It’s already a fight to the death, and this time it seems that they are deliberately looking for trouble.” Dragon Crossing the River explained in detail the relationship with the Dragon Slayer Gang. "I thought he was going to blast the Fire Clouded Leopard boss, but he didn't free his hands so quickly. I didn't expect it to be over so quickly."

"Raptor, slay dragon, hey, it's really a rush." The fat man smiled.

On the field, the Family of God has taken control of the battle scene, and the positioning operation has shown a kind of elegance. The blood volume of the Barbarian Bull King is decreasing at a slow but determined speed. The players of the surrounding Raptor Gang are happy, and they are not happy. I can’t help praising God’s family for being worthy of the title of the number one assassin family.

"Fat man, how did you get this pet? It's very intelligent." The Raptor crossed the river and saw Xiao Huang, who had been lying on the Barbarian King and spitting out violent roaring bullets. He was extremely envious.

"The intelligence is indeed very high." Fatty snorted, "The opposite of intelligence is that it is very timid."

"Haha, it's normal for rats to be timid. It's just that you're too big a rat." Raptor crossed the river and was amazed. Xiao Huang was shocked when he first came out. It was the first time he saw such a big rat. .

Xiao Huang shrank his body to the size of a normal mouse, grabbed the Barbarian Bull King's fur tightly with his two claws, and kept spitting out violent roaring bullets. Occasionally, when he ran out of mana, he would resort to physical attacks, scratching with his claws, and biting with his teeth, and the damage caused was no less than that of a member of the God's Family. The Barbarian Bull King is determined to get rid of this annoying guy on his body, but he can't attack his back. This little guy is smart, so he just keeps doing it until now.

"If we continue like this, it won't take more than two hours to destroy the Barbarian Bull King." Seeing that the Barbarian Bull King had lost about 20% of its energy and blood, Raptor Guojiang nodded with satisfaction. The money was well spent.

"Rapid Dragon Kill, how is the situation?" The most important thing now is not the Barbarian Bull King, but the Dragon Slaying Gang outside. As long as they can be kept out and no one comes to disturb them, they can wait for victory.

"Gang leader, don't worry. I still don't care about these idiots from the Dragon Slaying Gang. I will never let them in to cause trouble." Raptor's voice was very relaxed, but it immediately became nervous. "Oh no, why are there so many people in the Dragon Slaying Gang? Those people from the Intelligence Department grew up eating shit, and they didn't notice so many of them coming over. Gang leader, hurry up and mobilize people, at least 2,000 people from the Dragon Slaying Gang have arrived. This is not for grabbing monsters, this is for PK."

"Two thousand people?" This number shocked both Fatty and Raptor Crossing the River. Raptor crossed the river and immediately turned on the communicator and shouted: "Minglong Mingjian, what the hell are you doing? Why are there so many people from the Dragon Slayer Gang?"

"Gang leader, don't blame me. I was surrounded by them and was in the middle of a PK." The aggrieved voice of Raptor Mingjian came from the opposite side. Raptor crossed the river and wanted to scold him again. Fatty reminded him on the side: "Brother Raptor, now The most important thing is to find a way to resist the Dragon Slayer Gang’s army, and we’ll worry about everything later.”

"Minglong Mingjian, I can't spare you." Raptor Guojiang cursed bitterly and connected to another person again: "Yue'er, how many people are online now? Call all the brothers who are online, come quickly. Wildfire Plains. Yes, the Dragon Slayer Gang brought two thousand people, and I can't stop him."

Turning off the communicator, Raptor Guojiang looked gloomy. This was the first time Fatty had seen him like this. The fat man patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "What are you afraid of? We also have thousands of players here. It won't collapse for a while, and it will be enough to support the people behind us."

"You don't understand." Raptor Guojiang shook his head. "It doesn't matter to the Dragon Slaying Gang. Anyway, I killed the Dragon Slaying Saber eight times if not ten times, and now it doesn't even have three turns. What I'm worried about is that this time the Dragon Slaying Gang made such a big move, why didn't any of us notice it? There must be something wrong with it. .”

The Raptor crossed the river and took a look at the field. The nine members of the God Family had firmly suppressed the Barbarian Bull King, and Xiao Huang was still on top, spitting out violent roaring bullets.

"Fat man, are you interested in following me outside to have a look?" Raptor said across the river.

"Of course." Fatty smiled slightly and called Xiao Huang back. What's the point of fighting monsters? Didn't someone say that fighting with others is the most fun