Show Me the Money

Chapter 116: Wraith Swamp


When the cold light suddenly appeared, the dragon-slaying sword turned pale with fright. He quickly turned his sword back to save himself. He raised his sword and faced the cold light. This dragon-slaying sword is also a PK master. As soon as Fatty took action, the sword came forward to meet him.

But Fatty had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, so how could he successfully block it? The dagger curved and circled, directly bypassing the black sword, and stabbed into the neck of the dragon-slaying knife.


The dagger pierced almost half of Dragon Saber's neck. Although he still had a lot of blood, the knife had already caused him a lot of damage and he was still bleeding.

Crack. When the dagger stabbed in, it was not pulled out, but pulled sideways, directly cutting off the neck of the dragon-slaying knife, leaving only the small half still connected there. This time, it was an instant kill.

Although there is damage value in the game, this kind of fatal attack that almost cuts off the head, no matter how different the level is, no matter how high the defense is, no matter how thick the blood volume is, it will lead to immediate death.

Although Fatty didn't change jobs, he still reached level 30. Compared with level 20 equipment, level 30 equipment naturally has great advantages. With one thrust and one pull, the dragon-slaying knife was released instantly, and he immediately turned around and disappeared invisibly.

"Thieves, detect stealth." The warriors beside Dragon Saber shouted hoarsely. The warriors' range attack skills such as Night Fighting Bafang and Dragon Fighting in the Wild released their ranged attack skills like a desperation, hitting the place where the fat man disappeared, but nothing appeared.

"Okay, the Dragon Slaying Sword is dead, everyone counterattack with me." The Raptor was beaten back steadily across the river, and was also verbally attacked by the Dragon Slaying Sword. He had long been filled with anger. At this moment, seeing the Dragon Slaying Sword being killed by the fat man, The opponent's formation began to scatter, so he immediately summoned the less than thirty troops behind him and rushed forward.

"Hold on, don't panic. There are many of us, let's blast the dragon across the river to avenge the boss." Zhuge Bufan shouted with a long sword in his hand. Hearing his voice, the originally slightly confused Dragon Slaying Gang players settled down and began to charge collectively, rushing towards the Raptor across the river without hesitation.

"Retreat." Seeing that there was no confusion on the other side, Raptor Crossing the River immediately pulled the team apart and retreated back. Anyway, the dragon-slaying knife has been hung up. As long as you save your own life, you will win.

The battle ended quickly. After the Dragon Slaying Sword was killed by Fatty, the players of the Dragon Slaying Gang immediately lost their desire to fight. They were led by the captains of each team and slowly withdrew from the battlefield.

"You're lucky today, let's retreat." Without the gang leader, the players of the Dragon Slaying Gang had no energy to fight on. Under the leadership of Zhuge Bufan, they slowly withdrew from the Wildfire Plains. At the same time, the leading troops coming to rescue the Raptor Gang have also arrived at the edge of the wildfire plain.

"Damn, I'm famous again." The fat man exited the stealth state and sighed.

"Fat man, thank you very much this time." The raptor came across the river and said. If Fatty hadn't hung up his dragon-slaying knife, the Dragon Crossing the River would most likely have fallen here this time.

"You're welcome, let's go back and take a look."

When several people came to the God's Family, the Barbarian Bull King had lost two-thirds of his blood volume and was about to explode successfully.

"As expected of the number one assassin family." The fat man showed admiration in his eyes. It is obvious that these people's operational awareness is top-notch, and God's Head is even more top-notch. He narrowly dodged several attacks from the Barbarian Bull King.

After more than two hours of hard fighting, the God's Family defeated the Barbarian Bull King at the cost of killing eight people. Unfortunately, no gang founding order was issued. News came from the other side that the team led by Raptor Sweetheart was attacked by the Feiyu Gang and both sides suffered losses. The boss King Pegasus was snatched away by another little-known gang, and no gang founding order was issued.

The Family of God has been very busy recently, and many gangs are queuing up to ask them to kill the boss. After destroying the Barbarian Bull King and settling accounts with the Raptor across the river, he said hello and ran to another battlefield, and Fugitive World naturally followed him.

After watching the excitement and killing someone, Fatty felt very bored. Isn't it boring to fight back and forth all day? Fighting with others is not that fun, so he should just do his own tasks.

The first task now is to change jobs, and the most important thing is to find the dragon grass. Although he could also take the job transfer mission in Qinglong City, Fatty decided to do the Dragon Transformation Grass mission. Since the thief instructor in the Central Imperial City said that Fatty was right to come to the Central Imperial City before his job change, it proves that completing this task will definitely bring benefits to his job change.

The fat man asked about the Dragon Crossing the River, and the Dragon Crossing the River asked again in the gang. No one knew the location of the Hualong Grass, and this was even the first time they heard the name. The mission required seven days, and now almost half of it has passed. There are still more than three days left to complete the mission. If you can't find the Dragon Transformation Grass, then this opportunity will be wasted.

Fortunately, there is a commercial organization called Baixiaomen. After spending five thousand gold coins, Fatty bought the approximate location of the Hualong Grass. Five hundred miles east of Qinglong City, in the Wraith Swamp, it may exist, but not necessarily.

Five thousand gold coins, how many monsters must be defeated before it explodes. When the fat man heard the price, he was so angry that he almost suffered a cerebral thrombosis, but in the end he gritted his teeth and gave Bai Xiaosheng 093 five thousand gold coins to buy the news.

It's strange to say that Fatty seems to be innately incompatible with resentful spirits. When I first entered Xuanwu City, I went to fight monsters in the mass graves, which were full of soldiers who had been dead for who knows how many years; when I went to the Central Imperial City, I went to the ancient battlefield, and there were still all kinds of undead and resentful spirits inside; now I have gone to When you come to Qinglong City, you actually want to fight the resentful spirit. Not to mention the fat man, this resentful spirit is probably angry.

With Xiao Huang Xiongjiu set out in high spirits, he went on a rampage all the way, wild horses escaped from the reins and died, and came to the Swamp of Resentful Spirits. This Wraith Swamp is a swamp covering an area of several thousand square kilometers. It is lifeless, with dead bones of various animals floating around. There is no life at all, and there are very few players even leveling up here. The only ones moving were the resentful skeletons walking on the shore.

[Wraith Skeleton]

Level: 33

The poor little skeleton was walking up and down the swamp bank with a sword in his hand, with a big head on his thin neck, dangling back and forth, as if he was looking for something. Looking at it like that, the fat man was afraid that if he was not careful, his head would fall off and hit his feet.

"Xiao Huang, come on." The fat man yelled, and Xiao Huang immediately transformed into a form the size of a calf. Without using any skills, he rushed directly towards the Wraith Skeleton.

boom. The Wraith Skeleton was thrown to the ground, and before it could react, Xiao Huang was about to bite it on the neck, which had the same effect as the fat man hanging the dragon-slaying knife.

Click. The head of the resentful spirit skeleton was directly bitten off by Xiao Huang. It rolled on the ground for a few steps, then turned back and lay on the ground looking at Xiao Huang.

squeak. Xiao Huang was startled, jumped up on the spot, and swooped back again, squeaking in his mouth, as if he was calling a ghost, a corpse, everyone, run away.

"What's it called?" The fat man kicked Xiao Huang. Xiao Huang calmed down and saw the resentful skeleton stretching out his hands, holding his head, and then pressed it on his neck with a click. I got up and shook it. Hey, it fit perfectly, and there was no problem at all.

After attaching the head, the wraith skeleton picked up the sword again and staggered towards the fat man. As he walked, his jaw still clenched, as if in protest against Xiao Huang's violence.

boom. Xiao Huang was the first to show off his power, and hit the Wraith Skeleton with a violent roaring bullet. The Wraith Skeleton staggered back a few steps, and a number -213 appeared on its head, knocking out a lot of blood.

"Continue." Since having Xiao Huang, Fatty has become a lot lazier. He only needs to kick Xiao Huang at his feet, so Fatty doesn't have to worry about many things.

Being frightened by the Wraith Skeleton, Xiao Huang was very dissatisfied and didn't care about Fatty's attitude. He slapped his claws and more than a dozen soil cones sprang out from the ground. The Wraith Skeleton was pushed away and another one fell down. of blood.

After the soil cone, there was another violent roaring bullet. Xiao Huang's power was really extraordinary. The Wraith Skeleton was also a level 33 monster after all. It just didn't get to Xiao Huang and was tortured to death by it.

"Well done, you'll get a reward." The fat man patted Xiao Huang's head. Well, this is a reward.

The wraith skeleton fell to the ground with a crash, exploding into a pile of garbage. The fat man picked it up, and his eyes lit up. He actually had a map.

[Doom Door Map]: 1/100, open the door of doom, leading to the land of doom. Danger, be careful.

It actually takes a hundred pieces to complete this map. I don’t know what this Door of Doom is and what the Land of Doom is inside. But no matter what it is, it is always a good thing. Put the map away carefully. Fatty and Xiao Huang started to work hard. They gathered the map first.

"That, yes, that's it, hurry up." The fat man was sitting on a dead tree with a crooked neck and commanded. Xiao Huang was pitifully beside him and roared violently at the resentful skeleton on the ground. The place where the fat man was sitting was four or five meters high from the ground, but the wraith skeleton could not reach it while waving its sword, so it could only jump and chop under the tree.

boom. Another wraith skeleton fell down. The fat man took a look at it and sighed. There was no good stuff and he was too lazy to pick it up. The map of the Gate of Doom has a very low explosion rate. The map just now may have been deliberately used to seduce the fat man, but after playing for a long time, two of them exploded. Pointing to the resentful skeleton in the distance, he told Xiao Huang to continue, and then prepared to take a nap to recuperate his energy.

thump. The vengeful skeleton was not attracted by Xiao Huang. Halfway there, a monster suddenly jumped out of the swamp. It opened its mouth and bit off the upper half of the vengeful skeleton's body.

"Damn, do these ribs still taste?" The fat man sat up and saw that the monster bit off half of the body of the resentful spirit skeleton, then slowly dived into the water and disappeared.

"No wonder they say the swamp is dangerous. It's true." After fighting monsters here for a long time, Fatty really didn't know there was such a thing underwater. Fortunately, it was not close to the water, otherwise even a big little Huang would have been bitten off half by this attack.

The fat man turned his head and looked, and sure enough, Xiao Huang hugged the tree trunk tightly, grinning, looking like he would not go down even if he was beaten to death.

"It's worthless." The fat man cursed, slipped down from the tree, and slowly dived to the water's edge. The water here is very turbid, and I don’t know the depth. I can’t see what’s underneath.

"Xiao Huang, come here." Fatty shouted and pointed to the place where the monster disappeared. "The rocks are piercing the sky, release them for me."