Show Me the Money

Chapter 119: sneak in


laugh. There was a wound on Xiao Huang's body that was visible to the bone, and blood spurted out like it was free, spreading all over the ground.

squeak. Xiao Huang was so angry that he didn't care about his physical injury. Instead of retreating, he rushed forward, opened his mouth and bit another leg of the Death Knife Beetle.

Click, another leg was broken.

Tsk tsk. The death knife beetle's two forelimbs danced like the wind, scratching six or seven scars on Xiao Huang's body in an instant. Xiao Huang's blood plummeted and he was about to die.

"Xiao Huang, back off." The fat man shouted, and immediately rushed forward to strangle him.

The strangulation failed as expected, and Fatty didn't care. He took advantage of the moment when the Death Blade Beetle turned around and disappeared.

squeak. Xiao Huang whined, dragged his scarred body, and disappeared.

Tsk tsk tsk. The enemy disappeared, and the Death Blade Beetle was very angry. Its two forelimbs danced, smashing all the surrounding trees, grass and rocks into pieces, even leaving traces on the ground.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that the area around the Death Knife Beetle was in a mess. It wasn't until there was nothing left to fight that it spread its wings to fly back.

boom. As soon as the Death Blade Beetle flew up, a cold light appeared and hit the Death Blade Beetle's back hard. The fat man held a green feather crossbow and disappeared in the distance, quickly running to the side.

Ding. The crossbow arrow hit the back of the Death Knife Mantis and immediately bounced away, leaving only a white dot. A number -42 appeared on the Death Knife Mantis' head.

Don't break the defense.

Squeak... The death knife beetle was furious, screaming, and using its remaining four legs, it rushed towards the fat man.

boom. More than a dozen soil cones suddenly appeared and stabbed the death knife beetle's abdomen hard.

Puff puff puff, a series of numbers appeared, each of them exceeded 200.

The Death Knife Beetle's weak point is its abdomen. Fatty's heart moved and he retreated even faster.

laugh. The Death Blade Beetle turned into a phantom and wandered in the air. Two of its legs were bitten off by Xiao Huang. The Death Blade Beetle's speed obviously slowed down, which was much better than just seeing a ray of green light just now.

Tsk tsk tsk. The two forelimbs of the Death Knife Beetle swung around, like two green light wheels, spinning and cutting towards the fat man.

Staring at the charging death knife beetle, the fat man narrowed his eyes. The moment the death knife beetle raised its limbs and chopped them off, he leaned back, knelt on his knees, pushed forward with both hands, and slid forward. He raised the knife with both hands and stabbed the death knife beetle hard in the abdomen.

Poof, a fountain of blood emerged, and the green and stinking blood spread all over the fat man. The two moved forward relative to each other, with their combined strength, the fang dagger cut from the death beetle's chest to its tail.



A series of numbers appeared one after another, which was dizzying.

Squeak... The Death Knife Beetle screamed and roared in pain, fell to the ground, its body tilted, and it was a little unable to stand.

Bang bang, Xiao Huang sneaked over again, and countless soil cones penetrated into the belly of the death knife beetle from the wound, and then exploded inside.

boom. A large ball of green blood mixed with some dirt was thrown out. The Death Blade Beetle roared and turned suddenly. Its eyes were bloody, staring at the fat man. It spread its wings and pounced towards him with a buzzing sound.

drink. The fat man shouted loudly, rolling on the ground one after another. He held one of the forelimbs of the Death Knife Mantis with a knife. At the same time, he shrank his head, and the other forelimb of the Death Knife Mantis rubbed the fat man's scalp and chopped it off.

squeak. Xiao Huang suddenly appeared in front of the death knife beetle. His body returned to the size of a calf. He opened his mouth and bit one of the forelimbs of the death knife beetle. Fatty took the opportunity to jump up, clinging tightly to the other forelimb of the death knife beetle, and then daggered Cut it down towards the junction of the forelimb and the body.

Bang bang. The death knife beetle roared angrily and banged its head against Xiao Huang, but Xiao Huang, who had always been timid, was extremely determined today and refused to let go.

Crack. Accompanied by the roar of the death knife beetle, the fat man slashed more than ten times and finally cut off one of the forelimbs of the death knife beetle.

Click. At the same time, Xiao Huang also bit off the other forelimb of the Death Knife Beetle.

Squeak... The death knife beetle screamed in horror, but after losing its two forelimbs, the death knife beetle was like a tiger that had lost its claws, no longer any threat.

"Xiao Huang, OK." The fat man extended his thumb to Xiao Huang. He didn't expect Xiao Huang to be so powerful this time.

squeak. Xiao Huang also screamed very proudly. Several scars on his body from the death knife beetle were still there, the blood had not disappeared, and he sounded weak when he screamed.

Buzz. The death knife beetle spread its wings and wanted to fly off the ground, but Fatty would not let it succeed. He did not hesitate to get under the death knife beetle's belly, and grabbed one of the legs of the death knife beetle with one hand to prevent it from flying up. He took the dagger, aimed at the wound in his abdomen, and stabbed it in one after another.

boom. After being stabbed dozens of times by the fat man, the Death Knife Beetle finally couldn't bear it any longer and fell to the ground with a whimper, twitching a few times before becoming silent.

Bang, a bunch of equipment exploded out, covering the fat man.

"Haha, good. Not bad, not bad, good job." Although the battle didn't last long, the intensity was even greater than a day of continuous monster killing. The fat man didn't have time to pick up the equipment, and sat down with green and smelly blood. Regarding the equipment, I didn’t forget to praise Xiao Huang.

Xiao Huang was slashed six or seven times by the Death Knife Beetle, and his blood volume had already dropped to a pitiful level. He could die with just one more attack. Fatty put Xiao Huang away to restore his health, squatted on the equipment and started to pick it up.

Fatty directly put away some gold coins and a few pieces of equipment with average attributes. In the end, a green slender long sword was left on the ground. The slightly weak sword body has flowing green light, and the sword jaw is in the shape of a miniature death beetle.

[Bishui Sword]Silver

Attack: 80-95

Physical strength: +11

Agility: +12

Additional: Agility +10%

Required level: 42

"Good sword." Fatty praised. Although it is a silver weapon, it has strong attack power and increases agility by 10%, making it a sharp weapon for agile warriors.

After picking up the equipment, Fatty habitually threw a few collection techniques on the corpse of the Death Blade Beetle. In addition to collecting two broken forelimbs, he also collected a special thing, the soul fire.

Soul fire? The fat man's heart moved. He must have died after the Death Knife Mantis was eroded and mutated. It was not an ordinary creature, but an undead creature. Only then did he collect the soul fire. This can also be seen from the name of the Death Knife Mantis. .

Soul fire is very difficult to collect. Fatty only collected two in the mass graves. He killed so many Wraith Cave ghosts in the ancient battlefield and failed to collect even one. Today, he accidentally collected one.

Seeing the soul fire in his hand, Fatty was thoughtful. I don't know what the highest level of soul fire used for death transformation is. If this soul fire can be used, then with the speed of the death knife beetle, the fat man's eyes gradually became eager.

The fat man took it easy and did whatever came to his mind. If he wanted to play, he would play big. The worst he could do was to lose level one. But this time, as long as the bet is right, the possible benefits will be unimaginable. After packing his things, the fat man risked his life and came to the island where the dragon grass was produced again. He was surprised when he saw the situation inside.

The battle here has obviously reached a fever pitch. The pterosaur's left wing was seriously injured and could no longer be unfolded. It could only hang on the ground and could no longer fly high into the air. Instead, it fell down and bitten together with the giant python, and the giant python The body was also seriously injured on the left and right, and blood was pouring out from the wounds. The two looked seriously injured on the surface, but they were also in a stalemate.

On the other side, giant toads and giant abyssal crocodiles fought fiercely. Although the giant toad is large, it is more than ten times smaller than the giant abyssal crocodile. The giant abyssal crocodile can bite the giant toad in one bite and spit it out. The giant toad did not engage in close combat with the abyssal crocodiles. It kept jumping to avoid the attacks of the giant abyssal crocodiles. It just used its long tongue as a whip and kept lashing at the abyssal crocodiles, causing damage here and there, and occasionally spitting out A kind of yellow mucus fell on the giant abyssal crocodile, and it immediately emitted green smoke. It was obviously extremely corrosive. The giant abyssal crocodile obviously has no way to deal with the giant toad. It can only roar and crush towards the giant toad. The two are currently at a stalemate.

The four monsters caught each other and fought each other in pairs, leaving only the giant turtle that was as big as a hill. This giant tortoise is quite smart. It only retracts its head, tail and limbs into its shell and does not participate in the battle.

Rush, if you can rush closer, it's better. The fat man chose the direction where the giant turtle was. Although the air here was still extremely agitated, it was blocked by the giant turtle's body and was slightly calmer than other places. Carefully enter the water and slowly swim towards the island. Sneaking has no meaning at this moment. Getting close enough to the island before dying is the first priority.

Boom, boom, the wind roared and roared again and again. The battle between the two places erupted with earth-shattering shocks. As soon as the fat man entered the water, he was almost thrown back to the shore by the current. The water was obviously contaminated by the venom of giant pythons or giant toads. The fat man's head immediately showed a sign of poisoning, and his blood volume decreased at a rate of 80 points per second.

Only a few seconds. With firm eyes, the fat man drank a bottle of red medicine, activated all the skills that could increase speed, dove into the water, and rushed directly towards the island.

The giant tortoise's tortoise shell floated on the water like a hill, even bigger than the island. Fatty drank the medicine and rushed towards the island along the edge of the tortoise shell.

There are 800 meters left... 600 meters left... 500 meters left... 300 meters left... 200 meters left... 100 meters left... Here we are.

Before the blood volume dropped, Fatty finally touched the edge of the island. At the same time, the blood volume finally slowly dropped and disappeared.

boom. The fat man fell down. There was no splashing sound as he fell into the water, but he fell to the ground. The fat man who fell to the ground smiled with satisfaction after taking a look at the skill bar.

Skill Death Transformation: You can use soul fire to transform into a creature that provides soul fire. During this period, the priest cannot add blood. The duration is 120 minutes and the cooling time is 24 hours. You can use soul fire, [Soul of the Dead·Skeleton General], [Soul of the Dead·Death Blade Mantis].