Show Me the Money

Chapter 12: Pied python


After touching for a long time and making sure that there was nothing left, the fat man rubbed his hands, waved a small hoe with both hands, and went down with the hoe.

"Ding". There was a golden light, and a gold nugget turned up. Looking at the rabbit nest again, it had disappeared, leaving only the traces of the fat man on the ground.

Looking at the mission panel, the [Field Crisis] mission has been completed. The fat man patted the dirt on his body, smiled mysteriously at the players who were watching eagerly around him, and then Shi Shiran climbed up.

"Such a high attack power." Seeing the fat man and a thief kill a hare in two or three strokes, Dongmen blew the wind and smacked his lips. He glanced helplessly at the standard weapon sold by the Novice Village Weapon Shop in his hand, holding a medicine bottle in one hand. Block a rabbit's attack.

"Hero, thanks to your generous help, otherwise the fields would have been destroyed by hares, and the whole village would have starved. On behalf of the whole village, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to you." As soon as the fat man returned to the farmer, he stretched out his hand Before he could say anything, the farmer's eyes immediately widened and he held the fat man's hand and wouldn't let go.

"Let go, let go. If you don't let go, I'll bite you." The fat man finally pulled his hand back and looked at the farmer uncle sideways. "Why, do you think that just saying a few nice words can stop me from giving benefits? Grandma, do you know how the Rabbit King died?"

The farmer uncle smiled, waved his hand, a white light lit up, and the fat man upgraded again.


System prompt: Congratulations on completing the mission [Field Crisis]. You have gained 5,000 experience points and 50 reputation points. Obtain the equipment [Wind of the Field].

A rabbitskin hat fell into the package.


System prompt: Congratulations on reaching level 7.

"Finally upgraded." The fat man said sadly. It's so slow to jump through levels and defeat monsters. This game is really not that difficult to upgrade. If you compare it to other games, it's probably all gone by now.

"It's level 7, almost ready for missions."

The fat man also has a task of collecting herbs. If he cannot complete it within three days, he will lose one level of experience.

"Hero, I have a small request. I wonder if you can satisfy it?" The farmer uncle spoke again.

"What do you want? Tell me." The fat man snorted richly.

"Although you have driven away the hares and relieved the crisis in the fields, the crops in the fields have been destroyed too much by the hares, and we will not be able to harvest enough food this year. I wonder if you can hunt some wild wolves for us as food for the winter. ?”


System prompt: Do you want to accept the task [Reserve Food]

Of course I had to accept it, and the fat man clicked accept without hesitation.


System prompt: You have accepted the task [Reserve Food].

Mission content: Go to the black pine forest, kill one hundred wolves, collect one hundred pieces of wolf meat and give it to the farmer.

It can be done together with the herb collection task.

Walking along the field, after passing the field is a forest, which is the famous black pine forest. The monsters here are all above level 8 or 9, and no players have come to level up yet.

"Imperata root?" The fat man bent over and looked at the ground, and saw a strange thing, which was an identification technique. After throwing it around a few times, Imperata root appeared in a weed.

[Imperata Root]: mission item

A collection technique passed by and a Imperata root was collected. Take it in your hand, look at it carefully, and cut it, isn't it just a weed

Just put it in your bag and it will be easy to handle once you have the sample. The Imperata cogongrass roots were evenly distributed, and within a short time, Fatty had collected dozens of Imperata cognac roots.

Hiss. A black shadow suddenly jumped down from the tree. The fat man suddenly raised his head and leaned back 45 degrees. The black shadow almost slipped past the tip of the fat man's nose, and a fishy smell spread out and went straight to the fat man's forehead.

"TNND, you knew there was something wrong."

The fat man took two steps back and stood. On a big tree in front of him, a spotted python as thick as his wrist was entangled there. A pair of cold eyes glowed with cold light, and it stuck out its tongue at the fat man.

An identification technique passed

[Pied Python]

Level: 9

Attack: 50-65

Defense: 35

Qi and blood: 500

Skill: Venomous Fang: Bites the enemy, poisoning the enemy, reducing blood by 10 points per second, lasting 45 seconds.

If there are mobs, there will be BOSS. This is common sense among players in Star Fantasy. Fatty got excited, and from now on Fatty changed his name to BOSS Professional Accountant.

Hiss. The pied python was wrapped around the tree trunk and stuck out its tongue at the fat man. The fat man touched the dagger. He couldn't reach it, so he couldn't climb up the tree. That was someone else's territory, and he couldn't fight on the battlefield chosen by someone else.

After staring at each other for a long time with the spotted python, the fat man decided to ignore it and continue to collect medicine. But the fat man ignored them, but they didn't want to let him go.

brush. The moment the fat man lowered his head, the spotted python pounced in the air and bit him on the neck.

"Ha, I knew you were not a good person."

At the critical moment, the fat man suddenly turned over and leaned slightly sideways to get past the spotted python's attack. His left hand was like a dragon rising out of the sea, and he firmly grabbed the spotted python's neck. The dagger in his right hand was directed at the python's grown mouth, and he struck three times in a row. hit.




Swipe, the pied python's health bar dropped a lot, and three red numbers appeared one after another. The standard weak point attack, with the weak attack power of [rooster's sharp beak], directly killed the pied python three hundred. Much blood.

Hiss. The pied python struggled desperately. Its one-meter-long snake body was wrapped around the fat man's left arm. It opened its mouth wide and exposed its two fangs. It turned its head hard and tried to release the poison. Unfortunately, the fat man pinched its neck tightly and twisted it left and right, but the snake's head just couldn't turn around.

"Go with peace of mind."

The fat man lifted the spotted python up high, revealing the white under the skin, which was seven inches of the snake. He swung the dagger and stabbed it for a while. Red numbers appeared one after another. The spotted python trembled suddenly as if it was about to ejaculate. Then it drooped down limply and hung on the fat man's left arm. There is a lot of experience, which has increased by a full percentage point.

Throw the spotted python to the ground and throw a collection technique on it. I collected a piece of snake skin, a piece of snake gall, and two fangs.

Snakeskin: primary sewing material.

Snake gallbladder: primary medicinal material, highly poisonous.

Venomous Fang: Primary forging material.


System prompt: Congratulations on improving your collection skill to the intermediate level. It is currently at the intermediate level 0/10000.

It’s not easy. After collecting so many rabbit skins and rabbit thighs, and dozens of Imperata cogongrass roots, my collecting skills have finally reached the intermediate level.

"Uh." The fat man was about to continue his efforts and complete the task of collecting herbs. Suddenly, there was a growl in his stomach, and he realized that he had been online for a long time. The player puts on the helmet and is in a light sleep state, which is equivalent to sleeping. It does not affect the work the next day, but it is not possible without eating. I heard that Xinghuan Company will sell game warehouses in the future to solve nutrition problems. They can stay offline for a long time. I don’t know if this is true.

I found a safe place to log off and looked at the time. It was already 6 o'clock in the morning. I had been on the line for ten hours. The comparison between time in eternity and real time is 3 to 1, which means that one day has passed in reality and three days have passed in the game. Fatty has spent more than one day in the game.

I fried some tomatoes and eggs, made some noodles, and went to the Internet to browse forums. It's not interesting at all. It's all messy. You kill me and I'll kill you. But a piece of acquisition information made Fatty excited. He used RMB to acquire gold coins and conducted offline transactions. The ratio actually reached a ratio of one gold coin to one hundred RMB, which was higher than the official ratio. I don't know how much higher it is.

After doing the math, the fat man earned more than 20 gold coins in one night, which was more than two thousand yuan, which was much better than working.

"Speed, speed." Seeing the money, the fat man became excited. After eating the meal in two or two mouths, he quickly lay down on his bed, put on his helmet, and continued to struggle.

As soon as he came online, a dark shadow rushed over, instantly throwing the fat man to the ground, pressing his shoulders, and biting down viciously with a big bloody mouth. The fat man lay flat on the ground, and with all his strength, he jumped up and down, breaking the restraints on his shoulders, and rolled away.

"MD, what is it?" Without thinking, he threw an appraisal technique over, revealing the enemy's true face.

[black Wolf]

Level: 11

Attack: 70-85

Defense: 50

Qi and blood: 750

Speed: 35

Good guy, the attack power of this level 11 monster actually reached a terrifying 85. Look at the poor fat man, a level 7 master with an attack power of less than 20 and a defense of less than 10. He simply cannot break the defense. As long as he is bitten by a black wolf, one bite will kill him instantly.

However, this is also the target of the farmer uncle's mission, so there is no need to go out and look for it.

"Ouch..." The black wolf saw the fat in his mouth disappear, and became extremely angry. He howled to the sky, lowered his head, and stared at the fat man. His limbs were clasped on the ground, and his back was arched high. This was a pounce. The prelude to eating.

"MD, you're so stupid." Cautiously wary of the black wolf, the fat man suddenly remembered something and was so angry that he wanted to hit himself in the mouth. When searching the rabbit nest, I took out a lot of good things, including several pieces of equipment and the [Field Wind] hat given by the farmer, but I always forgot to put it on.

"Damn, sharpening the knife will keep you from chopping wood." The fat man took out something from the package while being wary of the black wolf.

[Wind Boots] Bronze equipment, leather armor

Defense: +5

Agility: +3

Need level: 6

Required occupations: Thief, Archer

[Stainless steel ring] Bronze equipment, ring

Defense: +2

Attack: +3

Physical strength: +5

Required Level: 6

[Wind of the Field] Bronze equipment, helmet

Defense: +5

Attack: +1

Physical strength: +3

Required Level: 7

Required occupations: Thief, Archer

As soon as he put on a few pieces of equipment, Fatty's attributes immediately soared like a rocket, reaching defense 17, physical attack 8-12, physical strength 18, and agility reaching an exaggerated 51 points. Although it is not comparable to the black wolf, But it's not like he's been abused and has no power to fight back.

"Come on, kid, if you dare to sneak attack on your fat man, let's see how your fat man tortures you." The fat man put on his equipment and finally felt a little safer in his heart. The half-body bronze equipment is enough for him to be arrogant in the black pine forest.

"Roar." The black wolf howled, and with all its strength, it rushed over. The fat man chuckled, turned around, and easily avoided the black wolf's attack. At the same time, he raised his foot and kicked the black wolf hard on the waist. With a miserable howl, a blood-red figure appeared on the black wolf's head - 143.

The wolf is like a tofu kidney with a copper head and iron bones. The ancients would not deceive me.

After killing one-fifth of the black wolf's health in one stroke, Fatty felt more at ease. Sure enough, operation cannot be ignored in the game. In reality, Fatty had killed countless wolves with his bare hands. Although his level was a bit lower now, it would not be a problem to kill a black wolf.

Of course, it doesn't work without equipment. Otherwise, if you don't break the defense, no matter how NB your operation is, it will be useless.