Show Me the Money

Chapter 132: Dark Priest Haggis


Those outside can't get in and are anxious outside, while those inside can't get out and waste time inside. All in all, there are a total of 40 gangs, just stuck here. Moreover, there are more players waiting and watching on the first and second floors of the Mass Grave, which can almost be called the biggest event since the game started.

Liu Lan's original idea was to lure the Dark Messenger out, and then give it a thunderbolt while it was sneaking, seriously injuring it or directly killing it. They couldn't make it disappear anyway. As long as we can find its traces, no matter how high the price is, we can open the entrance to the sixth floor. But now the Dark Messenger disappears as soon as it appears. It assassinates several players and disappears directly. There is no trace of it at all, no matter how many methods are used, it is useless.

"After all, this is a high-IQ boss. This game is about NB." In the end, the fat man could only sigh like this.

More than twenty gangs have sealed the entrance to the fourth floor. Not to mention that Fatty is so big, even if a mosquito wants to fly in, they have to find out whether it is a male or a female. After thinking for a long time, Fatty has no choice but to do so. He said hello and retreated to the ground.

A gang founding order is very valuable. If you miss this opportunity, the next one will definitely not be sold for this price. Back on the ground, the fat man thought for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said, NND, let's fight.

After returning to the city to get something, the fat man came to the mass grave again, made a careful calculation, then found a place where no one was paying attention, and disappeared in a swish.

In the space on the sixth floor underground of the mass grave where the Raptor Gang and other six major gangs have never been able to open the passage, the space inside is deep and dark, and occasionally there are creepy clicking sounds. There was a bit of fire flickering all around, but it made the place even darker and gloomier.


Suddenly, at the top of the hall dozens of meters above the ground, a pair of legs appeared there and climbed up twice.

"Hey, what is this place? Did I miscalculate?"

The fat man suddenly felt as if he was sinking into sand. The surroundings were so crowded that he couldn't move and could hardly breathe. The two legs were still able to move, but after kicking hard twice, they didn't touch anything, as if they were in the air under their feet.

Yes, Fatty just returned to the city and got the Basic Five Elements Escape Skill Book of Civil and Wood Double Escape. Really unable to let go of his desire for the gang-building order, Fatty decided to take a gamble and wanted to come in to have a look. However, he made a miscalculation and crashed into the sixth floor, with half of his body buried in the soil.

"I'm running, I'm running, I'm running again." The fat man tried his best to pull his body out from the top of the hall. He saw dozens of meters below him empty and dark.

"Ah... help! My skill book."

The fat man howled miserably, not because he felt sorry that he would fall to death soon, but because he thought that once he died, the skill book would definitely explode.


The fat man fell heavily into a shimmering place. He felt his body go limp, and then rolled down again, but he did not fall to death.


A scream, as painful as a knife scraping against glass, came from the place where the fat man fell just now.


Suddenly, dozens of will-o'-the-wisps lit up, and everything was bright. The fat man saw where he hit just now, a guy wearing a black pointed hat and black wizard robe, holding a staff with a huge crystal stone on the top, shouting angrily.

Boss! The fat man's heart moved, and he threw an appraisal spell over and disappeared invisibly. Then he called out Xiao Huang and let him hide underground and wait for the attack.

[Dark Priest Haggis] Gold level boss

grade:? ?

Explanation: The priest who was sacrificed on the battlefield was reborn in the darkness because of his undying faith. He took control of the sixth floor of the mass grave and waited for the opportunity to step into the light again.

"Gold level boss?" The fat man took a breath. The sixth level is the gold level boss, but what about the undead commander on the seventh level? Could it be another highly intelligent boss

No, there can't be two highly intelligent bosses in the same area. Fatty could only comfort himself in this way, otherwise he would not have the courage to go down.

As if he was very angry about sitting at home behind closed doors and having trouble come from the sky, the dark priest Haggis kept screaming and waving a black staff in his hand. Black fireballs surged out from the staff and shot in all directions. , several of them flew directly over the fat man’s head.

The fat man fell from such a high place. It was lucky that he didn't fall to death. The Dark Sacrifice Hajith who was hit below was certainly not having a hard time, especially since the Sacrifice is a profession with low HP and low defense. Under the identification technique, the Dark Sacrifice Haji Si's blood volume was reduced by more than four-fifths.

"Defeat this boss first." The fat man secretly rejoiced. It's a good start. He will definitely make a fortune this time.

But even with less than one-fifth of its health, this gold-level boss is not easy to fight. The fat man was sneaking and didn't move, and Xiao Huang was walking forward with difficulty underground. Fortunately, the dark priest Haggis didn't notice them and just kept screaming.

Thump, thump. Following the scream of Dark Sacrifice Haggis, groups of dark monsters came and surrounded Dark Sacrifice Haggis. Most of these monsters are warrior types, with only a few other professions.

There can be no delay. If the delay lasts longer and Dark Sacrifice Haggis returns to full health, it will be another hard fight, and this good opportunity may even be lost.

Thunderbolt? No, this has to be left to the undead commander, so what should I use

The fat man thought for a long time and said cruelly: "Xiao Huang, attack."

Xiao Huang, who was walking slowly underground, slapped his claws hard, and the intermediate-level rocks shot out through the air. More than thirty soil cones shot out and stabbed deeply into the dark priest Haggis.


This sound was louder than the one when the fat man hit him. Dark Priest Haggis suddenly jumped up, waved his staff, and a black fireball about half a meter in diameter crashed onto the land where Xiao Huang was.


By attacking through a layer of ground, Xiao Huang's damage was reduced to normal, and the damage he received was also reduced by half. Even so, when such a big fireball came down, Xiao Huang's blood volume plummeted, almost touching the warning line. Xiao Huang was so frightened that he quickly retreated and ran away, and refused to go forward even if he was beaten to death.

"Drink, ambush."

Taking advantage of the moment when the monster's attention was drawn away by Xiao Huang, Fatty jumped up and successfully knocked out Dark Sacrifice Haggis in an ambush, and then unleashed a powerful poison before all the monsters could react.

Drink, I have been really lucky today. Not only did the ambush have a 10% chance of successfully hitting, but there was also a 0.1% chance of releasing a powerful poison. I saw a green light on the black face of Dark Priest Haggis, and red numbers flashed out.


Dark Priest Haggis was so angry that he slapped his staff hard, and saw the fist-sized black crystal on the top of the staff suddenly emitting a dazzling light, illuminating an area. The fat man's hidden figure was immediately exposed and appeared in front of the dark priest Haggis.


Dark Priest Haggis gave an unpleasant low shout, and the light from the staff instantly enveloped the fat man. The fat man only felt his body sinking, and lifting his hands and feet was actually several times slower than usual.

"What kind of skill is this?" The fat man was horrified. When he saw the monsters around him turning their attention from the ground to himself, he immediately bit his teeth and escaped.


The fat man appeared in a corner of the sixth floor. There were many monsters blocking his sight from the dark priest Haggis.

After being hit by the fat man, Haggis lost about 80% of his health. He was poisoned again and lost 10% of his health in 10 seconds. Excluding the blood recovered during the period, Haggis should now have less than 10 % of the blood.

"10%, a rare opportunity." The fat man was heartbroken. The skill book can be used once today. As long as he successfully poisons it once, he can basically kill it.

"Xiao Huang, get in." Fatty ordered. Xiao Huang hesitated and finally did not dare to resist Fatty's order, so he bravely rushed over again.

"Swish swish..."

The rock burst through the air again, and the chrysanthemum was exploded again. The dark priest Haggis was furious, and countless black lights suddenly emitted from the staff. When these black lights fell on the surrounding monsters, they immediately expanded, like blowing up balloons, at least doubling in size.


A warrior who expanded in size held a heavy hammer in his hand and struck it hard on the ground. A shock wave was sent out, and Xiao Huang was knocked unconscious directly underground.

"Boom, boom."

Heavy hammers were struck one after another, mixed with the anger of the dark priest. Xiao Huangzhi persisted for less than 10 seconds before flying back heroically.

The system stipulates that pets that die cannot be recruited again within 10 minutes. Now the fat man can only rely on himself.

However, the opportunity created by Xiao Huang was not in vain. Fatty successfully approached the Dark Sacrifice again.


The fat man had just raised his dagger, preparing for another ambush, when he saw the dark priest suddenly turning his head and looking at him coldly.

"Oops, it's been detected." Fatty's heart became cold, and he quickly jumped back and hid among the monsters, regardless of attacking.


As soon as the fat man jumped out, a black fireball accurately hit the place where the fat man was standing. The raging flames burned on the ground and melted into a big pit in an instant.

"It's so powerful!" The fat man was shocked when he noticed the attack of the dark priest. This kind of attack, as long as it is hit hard, it is guaranteed to be an instant kill.

"Wealth is found in danger, let's fight." With a low shout, the fat man activated all the auxiliary skills on his body, and using various footwork, he instantly arrived in front of the dark priest.

For a profession like a priest, as long as melee players are allowed to get close, they will basically not be able to escape the fate of dying. As long as Fatty can interrupt an attack from the Dark Priest, victory is at hand.


Suddenly, the Dark Priest rose into the sky. Facing Fatty's attack, the Dark Priest ignored him. He raised his staff and a black light lit up, and the Dark Priest's health instantly returned to half.

"Shit, I forgot that sacrifice can increase blood." The fat man almost wanted to vomit blood.