Show Me the Money

Chapter 164: Entanglement (more updates added)


"Don't worry, Gang Leader, we won't let him go." After hesitation, Yunlong Fanhai continued: "During this period, Gang Leader should not go out..."

"What, I, the dignified leader of the Yunlong Gang, was so scared by a single player that I dared not leave the city?" Yunlong Chuhai's eyes were red, he grabbed Yunlong Fanhai's collar and shouted: "I can afford to shame this person, and you can afford to shame this person. Really? I want to go out of the city, let me see how many times he can kill me."

"Yes, yes." When Yunlong Chuhai shouted, sweat immediately fell from Yunlong Fanhai's forehead. "Don't worry, Gang Leader. You can leave the city at will. As long as he comes, you will never let him go."

"I don't care what you do, in short, I want him to be unable to play in Xuanwu City." He let go of Yunlong Fanhai's collar, Yunlong Fanhai turned around and left, leaving these words indifferently,

"What are you still doing? Why don't you go find Qian Yankai? Yes, contact Baixiaomen and pay for his information." Yunlong Fanhai shouted at the players behind him.

Soon, Yunlong Fanhai got the news and saw Qian Yankai in the woods outside the west gate of Xuanwu City, killing monsters and trying to gain a reputation.

After taking the initiative to attack and defeat Yunlong Chuanghai, Fatty already gained a hundred sin points and became famous. Every time a monster is killed, a little bit of sin points are washed away. At this time, Fatty has killed seventy or eighty monsters and is about to be completely whitewashed.

Rumbling, the ground shook, and a group of players rushed from a distance. Fatty stopped fighting monsters and looked coldly at the rushing players surrounding him.

"You are so smart when you see money. You are very talented." Yunlong Fanhai was riding on a strange wolf with a single horn, looking down at the fat man. "You killed our gang leader twice in a row. I don't know where you got such courage."

"You don't need to know this." The fat man lowered his head, wiped the dagger gently, and said calmly.

"You keep being tough and keep being tough. Let's see how long you can keep it tough." Yunlong Fanhai said with a cruel smile. "Blow him up for me."

Brush, Yunlong and other players all raised their weapons, and were about to attack the fat man.

"Stupid." Watching Yunlong turn over the sea, the fat man softly uttered two words, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

"Stealth?" Yunlong Fanhai sneered. "Range attack. Since he likes to sneak around, let him never come out to see anyone."

boom. Countless attacks flew in like raindrops, covering the open space. A small monster happened to spawn next to it. It was hit by the attack and hung back without even making a sound.

After a wave of attacks, the place was empty, and there was no sign of the fat man. It's not surprising that Yunlong turned over the sea. Such scenes have happened many times. He already knew how to deal with thieves.

In a circle of players, there was a thief almost every few steps. These thieves simultaneously used detection skills in all directions in an attempt to break Fatty out of stealth.

All the thieves released several detection skills one after another, but there was nothing around them, and the fat man did not appear in their sight.

"Did he escape?" Yunlong Fanhai asked doubtfully. But if the fat man really escaped, he wouldn't be surprised, after all, so many people came this time.

"Coward." After everyone around him was bombarded by Yunlong Gang players, Yunlong Fanhai cursed angrily, turned his mount and was about to leave.

Whoosh. Suddenly, a ray of cold light shot out from the ground and went straight to Yunlong Fanhai's chest. Yunlong Fanhai was shocked and turned pale. In a hurry, his body suddenly leaned back, and the cold light flew past the tip of his nose.

A drop of blood appeared on the tip of his nose. Yunlong Fanhai dodged in time, but was still slightly scratched. But he also saw clearly that it was a crossbow arrow.

"Be careful, he's underground."

Someone shouted something, and just as Yunlong Fanhai sat upright, he saw a strange pet suddenly jump out from the ground in front of him, knocking his mount to the ground.

"Down below, deputy gang leader, below."

A player next to Yunlong Fanhai yelled at him desperately. Yunlong Fanhai had just jumped off his overturned mount when his back suddenly hurt and his blood volume dropped by one-third.

Panicked but not confused, Yunlong Fanhai took out his spear and swiped it behind him. The fat man succeeded in the attack and immediately became invisible and disappeared.

boom. After overturning Yunlong Fanhai's mount, Xiao Huang was too lazy to fight with it anymore. He jumped out and bit Yunlong Fanhai's leg. At the same time, he swung Yunlong Fanhai away with a sudden swing.

"Attack, attack."

When Fatty and Xiao Huang attacked Yunlong Chuanhai, players from the Yunlong Gang began to attack. When Xiao Huang threw the flying cloud dragon across the sea, he had already lost more than half of his health. He was so frightened that he immediately fled underground, hiding and not daring to show his face.

A ray of white light fell, instantly restoring most of Yunlong Fanhai's health. Yunlong Fanhai stood up from the ground and roared again and again.

"You are so greedy for money, you are a despicable and despicable thief. If you have the ability to fight me alone, you can't be considered a hero by sneak attack and assassination." Yunlong Fanhai shouted, and there was silence around him, without any reply.

After more than half an hour, Yunlong was tired of scolding, but the fat man never came forward. With a strong lift of the reins, Yunlong Fanhai wanted to leave with his men.

After walking a few steps, Yunlong Fanhai stopped. After waiting for a while, he saw that the fat man never came out to attack again. Knowing that the fat man had really left, he stopped staying and rode his mount towards the city gate.

"How about going over the sea?" Yunlong Chuhai asked on the communicator.

"Bah, what the hell, he ran away when he saw there were many of us." Yunlong Fanhai cursed without mentioning that he was almost killed.

"Haha, good job. Although you didn't kill him, you also let others know that if you mess with our Yunlong Gang, there will definitely be no good results." Yunlong Chuhai praised.

"Thank you, Gang Leader." Yunlong Fanhai replied respectfully. He was suddenly startled when he saw a knight at the gate of the city, riding a mouse-like mount, greeting him.

"Who are you?" Yunlong Fanhai urged his mount to go over and asked.

"Look at this." The player took out something and handed it to Yunlong Fanhai.

Yunlong Fanhai took it over doubtfully, it was just an ordinary armor.

"Be careful, deputy leader." The player behind him suddenly shouted, and then he heard the precursors of various skills being activated.

"Huh?" Yunlong Fanhai was startled. The player in front of him suddenly laughed. A cold light suddenly appeared, and the sharp cold air even froze his bones.

"My eyes widened when I saw the money!" Yunlong Fanhai suddenly realized, and turned his mount to retreat.

"Die." The fat man who transformed using the Variety Skill shouted lowly. At the same time, Xiao Huang suddenly jumped forward, and a violent roaring bomb exploded in Yunlong Fanhai's chest.

Acceleration + strangulation + life-threatening blow + combo + normal attack, Fatty completed it in one go, landing seven or eight attacks on Yunlong Fanhai. In Yunlong Fanhai's horrified eyes, he cut his throat with the last knife, killing him instantly.

"Yunlong Gang, we are not done with this matter." He immediately killed Yunlong Fanhai, leaving behind a word, the fat man drifted away.

Boom, all the players are excited. Not only the players coming in and out of the city gate, but also the players from the Yunlong Gang couldn't believe it. Seeing money, he was so bold. He actually killed a deputy gang leader right at the gate of the city, in front of dozens of players.

"Trash, what a bunch of trash." In the city, after hearing the news that Yunlong Chuanhai was hanged back, Yunlong Chuhai became furious and slapped Yunlong Yufeng next to him on the face.

"I don't care what method you use, in short, you must hang up today to see the money."

"Yes, Gang Leader." Yunlong Yufeng felt very aggrieved. It wasn't because of being slapped, but because a little thief actually killed his deputy gang leader in full view of everyone, which made the entire Yunlong Gang players feel very annoyed.

"Increase the reward and give 200 gold coins to each person who reports their location. If you kill him once, you will be rewarded with 20,000 gold coins. I don't believe it. There are still people who don't like money." Yunlong Chuhai suppressed his anger.

"Yes, Gang Leader, I'll do it right away."

The Yunlong Gang raised the reward again, and some players in Xuanwu City began to take action. There were many sneaky players around Xuanwu City.

"Ha, Fatty, why are you so annoying, and you are actually being offered a reward." The loud laughter of God's Head came from the communicator.

"Just some contradictions." Fatty wrote lightly.

"Yunlong Yufeng asked us to give him 50,000 gold coins, but I refused." God's Head paused. "Do you need our help?"

"It's not needed yet, but thank you very much." The fat man nodded. God's Head could refuse the Yunlong Gang's mission because he truly regarded him as a friend.

"Haha, you're welcome. Are we friends? Remember to talk if anything happens. Also, the Yunlong Gang is offering a reward of 20,000 yuan for your life. Be careful."

After turning off the communicator, the fat man showed a cold glint in his eyes. Twenty thousand gold coins just want to make me sad. You underestimate your fat man too much.

Another person was killed, and the fat man's sin value increased by one hundred. There is no other way, just brush monsters and clear your name.

During the process of spawning monsters, Fatty clearly felt that there were more suspicious players around him. After thinking about it in his mind, he changed the place and went to a place far away from Xuanwu City to kill monsters.

After clearing his name and going offline to have a meal, the message from Bai Xiaosheng 093 came.

"Brother Yankai, the leader of the Yunlong Gang, Yunlong, went out to the east gate teleportation array to prepare to teleport to Suzaku City for leveling up."

"Suzaku City?" The fat man smiled.

"Yufeng, does your strategy work?" Yunlong asked as he walked out to the sea at the east gate of Xuanwu City.

"Absolutely no problem." Yunlong Yufeng vowed. "If Bai Xiaomen can sell us news, they can definitely sell it to Qian Yankai. As long as this news reaches his ears, he will definitely follow. When the time comes, besiege him at the teleportation array and see if he can escape. Where to go."

"Okay. If you can get away with it, I'll introduce you to a girl." Yunlong Chuhai patted Yunlong Yufeng's shoulder and said.

"Thank you, Gang Leader. Thank you, Gang Leader." Yunlong Yufeng was overjoyed.

"Stop, what are you doing?" Suddenly, a player from the Yunlong Gang shouted, and he saw a player standing not far away from the Yunlong Gang, as if he didn't dare to come over if he wanted to.

"Huh? Do you still want to do that trick when you see money? He really treats others as fools." Yunlong Chuhai laughed angrily, and was about to order the player to be killed.