Show Me the Money

Chapter 202: Broken city


boom. When her blood volume dropped to the lowest point, the Ice Girl finally resumed her actions. She threw a pill into her mouth and her blood volume was immediately full.

Da da. The ice and snow team urged the mounts to come over. The ice and snow girl coldly snorted, "Stand down." She stretched out her body, jumped up again, and walked among the huge stone puppet bodies.

After going back and forth, the 500 members of Ice and Snow Team did not kill any of the stone puppets, but dozens of them were killed. Most of them were knocked off their mounts by rocks, and they did not even have time to drink medicine. Just hang up. Everyone turned pale and retreated to the city under Rose Thorn's order.

Roar. The stone puppets roared together and grabbed the ice girl with countless big hands. At this moment, the Ice and Snow Girl is in a group of stone puppets. She cannot carry out long-range attacks and can only rely on melee combat to attack her.

boom. The Stone Man King waved his mace, and a strong wind blew towards his face. The Ice and Snow Girl narrowed her eyes slightly, and when the mace was about to fall, she suddenly turned around and passed through the gap between the two stone man puppets, her long sword One wave.

"Ice Dragon Breaks."

Yin, an ice dragon suddenly appeared in the group of stone puppets, wrapping around the stone man king tightly. At the same time, the surrounding temperature gradually dropped. With the ice dragon as the center, a layer of hard ice appeared within a diameter of 20 meters. The stone men within this range The puppets immediately moved slowly, and some of them slipped to the ground and struggled to get up.

Click, click. The ice dragon tightly wrapped around the Stone Man King. The dragon's head opened its big mouth and blew out a breath of extremely cold breath towards the Stone Man King. Amidst the crackling sound, cracks appeared in the Stone Man King's solid body.

After performing the Ice Dragon Break, the Ice and Snow Girl paled slightly, then recovered, poured a bottle of blue medicine into her mouth, bit her silver teeth, raised her body, and pointed her sword directly at the Stone Man King.

"Frost Sword Dance."

Suddenly, countless palm-sized snowflakes suddenly appeared around the Stoneman King. These snowflakes have six corners and are spinning rapidly, like beautiful ice and snow elves, rushing towards the Stone Man King. Appearing together with the snowflakes, there were also slightly transparent ice swords three fingers wide and one foot long, pointing straight down and rotating around the Stone Man King at the same speed.

Poof, poof. Layers of powder fell from the Stone King's body. Before it could fly into the air, it was frozen into lumps of ice and fell to the ground. Snowflakes and ice swords attacked the Stone Man King at the same time, causing huge damage immediately.

Roar. When the Stoneman King's blood volume was only one-third, the effect of Ice Dragon Break finally disappeared, and the Stoneman King regained his ability to move. With a loud roar, layers of golden light appeared on its body, and a set of golden armor appeared on its body, and the other side was also dyed with a layer of gold.

Clang, clang, snowflakes and ice swords fell on the Stone Man King, colliding with the gold armor, making a clanging sound, and the damage caused was immediately reduced.

"After all, he is not a gold-level boss, and his strength is only average."

"Average? It can cause such great damage to the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance. Is it also average?"

"You can't tell this. The stone puppet is just a level 40 monster. If it's a one-on-one challenge and takes a while, any of our players here can explode it. But if there are too many, it will be destroyed by hundreds of rocks. If you throw it out, who can stop it? So the damage caused is relatively large."

"However, in the midst of thousands of troops and thousands of troops, Ice and Snow Girl can kill the enemy general and explode the Stone King among so many stone puppets. Her strength is also ranked among the best in our Xuanwu City."

"That's right. Otherwise, how could a group of female generals dare to be the first to establish a garrison?"

The words of the players watching from a distance did not affect the Ice Girl. Several big moves were launched one after another. Even she couldn't bear it. She tore a scroll in her hand and the whole person disappeared immediately.

Bang, bang. The Stoneman King angrily hit the ground repeatedly, and layers of wave-like ripples spread in all directions. There was a flash of light in the distance, and the embarrassed figure of the Ice and Snow Girl appeared in front of everyone.

"Report, the eighth wave of monsters is coming. They are cavalry riding tigers, wolves and other mounts, holding giant hammers in their hands."

At this time, the voice of the thief who was responsible for checking the monster's whereabouts reached Rose Thorn. At the same time, the Ice Girl received the information, stopped retreating, tore open another scroll, and threw it towards the Stone Man King.

A huge magic circle enveloped the Stone Man King's head, and at the same time a cold breath came, and countless icicles fell, instantly sealing the Stone Man King into a lump of ice.

"Ice Wind Thorn."

The ice and snow girl shouted sweetly, and a ray of white light suddenly shot out from the sword and went straight to the chest of the Stone Man King.

puff. When the sword hit, the Ice Girl didn't even look, she jumped out of the group of stone puppets and ran towards the city gate.

"Response to the alliance leader." The ice and snow team who had been waiting at the city gate immediately stepped forward, and several large shields stood on the ground, covering the ice and snow girl.

Bang, bang. Dozens of rocks flew in, and the defense line composed of large shields was crumbling, but it also bought time, and the ice girl finally returned to the city when her health was about to disappear.

boom. In the distance, the Stoneman King that was frozen in ice suddenly exploded. Ice fragments mixed with rocks flew everywhere, and the exploded equipment covered the ground.

As soon as the Stoneman King died, the stoneman puppet army immediately became confused. Some continued to attack the city wall, while others looked around, not knowing what to do.

"I can finally feel relieved." Rose Thorn breathed a sigh of relief. In just half an hour, the Stone Man Puppet caused huge losses to the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance. Not only did it kill nearly a thousand players, it also smashed dozens of gaps in the entire city wall.

"Quick, the magicians and archers continue to attack the stone puppets. The knights use their shields to protect the professional players who come up to repair the city wall. The next wave of monsters will be here soon."

After just breathing a sigh of relief, Rose Thorn immediately got busy. Until now, the monsters attacking the city were actually only average in strength, and the more this happened, the more uncertain Rose Thorn felt.

Boom, boom, the ground trembled, and from afar, countless knights galloped over. These knights were all dressed in black armor, with only the outside of the armor exposed. The craggy bone claws holding their weapons made it known that they were all skeletons.

Some of the mounts under the skull were horses, some were tigers and wolves, and some unnamed monsters, all of them roared and charged towards the city wall with their teeth and claws showing. At the front, there are more than a dozen monsters riding huge tigers with bodies more than ten meters tall.

These monsters were galloping at the front, holding a sledgehammer with a diameter of two to three meters in their hands. With excitement on their faces, they rushed away from the stone puppets that had not yet been destroyed, and rushed towards the city with howls.

"Target, the huge monster at the front, attack." The more Rosethorn looked at it, the more nervous she became. As soon as the monster came within attack range, she immediately issued an order to attack, focusing on those dozen monsters.

brush. The moment the attack landed, more than a dozen black lights lit up among the monsters, covering more than a dozen monsters. After a wave of attacks, it actually didn't cause much damage.

"It's the Dark Sacrifice." Someone exclaimed.

boom. More than a dozen monsters rushed to the city, raised their heavy hammers, howled, and hit the city wall with the hammer. The city wall made an overwhelming clicking sound. Where the heavy hammer landed, more than a dozen gaps were opened. . Then the gap gradually widened, and with a loud bang, a city wall collapsed instantly.

"Attack, attack." Rose Thorn went crazy. No one could have imagined that this monster's damage to the city could be so high. It could actually destroy a city wall with one hammer.

Boom, boom. All the attacks fell on more than a dozen monsters. Even the Dark Sacrifice at the rear could not resist the increase of health and status, nor could it withstand such a high attack. Finally, all the more than a dozen monsters were killed, but the city wall was also smashed into tatters. .

Woo. With a long horn blast, the monster's army of knights suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the gap in the city wall.

"What are you doing?" While everyone was watching with interest, Liu Lan suddenly noticed that the fat man was missing.

"Shh, don't be so loud. It's a pity that all the equipment on the ground will be wiped out in a short time. I'll go pick up some things and bring them back so that I can make a dowry for you." The fat man whispered. Why did he come all the way here for this piece of equipment? Otherwise, what does the monster siege have to do with him? After watching the show for so long, it’s time to take action.

Fatty used stealth and slowly approached the battlefield. There were some equipment scattered outside. Wherever Fatty passed, he was like locusts crossing the border. He picked up everything that could be put away. I saw some equipment disappearing strangely, and people who didn't know why thought it had been wiped out by the system.

Inside, there is the battlefield. If you are not careful, the fat man will be trampled to death by monsters, or he will be killed by the players of the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance.

"Money, money." Anyway, no one picked it up, so the fat man felt at ease, and he would not be polite wherever he could reach out. But these outside are just exploded by the mobs. If you want the best equipment, you have to go inside.

"Xiao Huang." Secretly finding a place where no one was around, Fatty pulled out Xiao Huang, escaped underground, and slowly walked towards the battlefield.

"Let's go, here, yes." Although Renyi Chong walked slowly, he finally entered the battlefield. Looking at the monsters rumbling above, the fat man smiled proudly. You fight, the fat man is just making a small fortune.

The first thing Fatty stared at was what the Stone Man King exploded. However, it had just been killed by Ice and Snow Girl, and it was still glowing with white light, which represented system protection, indicating that the object had not passed the protection time and he could not collect it.

The things that the Stone Man King exploded were a set of armor, a scroll, and a native yellow skill book. There are some spare parts, but the fat man doesn't care about them.

Along the way, Fatty also picked up a lot of equipment. Although most of the attributes are not very good, the advantage lies in the large quantity. Even if it is lost in a store, it can be sold for a lot of money. If you look carefully, you will see a chubby hand suddenly appear on the ground under the monster group, grab a piece of equipment and quickly disappear. Then the hand appears in another place, also grabs a piece of equipment and then disappears.

"Fat Master is a man who knows how to live a good life. Waste is shameful." Fatty muttered, urging Xiao Huang to run around, constantly picking up equipment.

brush. The light representing protection on the equipment exploded by the Stone Man King suddenly disappeared. Fatty immediately reached out to grab it, and he grabbed the skill book first.

Boom. At this moment, a burst of explosions was heard. At the distant city wall, a series of more than ten meters of city walls collapsed, and the monster cavalry roared and rushed in.

"It broke so quickly?" Everyone was surprised.