Show Me the Money

Chapter 222: Contest


"Competition?" The fat man was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed sharply.

Yesterday I was still thinking about today's game. I was so numb from fighting monsters today that I actually forgot about it.

"What? Did you forget?" Liu Lan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "You, alas!"

It's too late to say anything now. As early as ten o'clock in the morning, after the grand opening ceremony of the No. 1 Martial Arts Competition in the World, the individual competition officially started.

The competition adopts an elimination system, and the best two out of three games can advance. Before taking part in the competition, contestants must wait in the square in front of the city lord's palace. Whoever's turn it is to participate will be automatically transferred in at that time. But Fatty has been in the distant ocean of clouds and can't participate at all. Missed two games in a row and was directly forfeited.

"It's over. My gold coins, my fairy weapon, my special reward." Fatty started crying to Liu Lan with runny nose and tears.

"It's my fault too. I've been busy with gang affairs. I just had some free time and wanted to watch your game, only to find out that you didn't come to participate. If I had thought of reminding you earlier, this wouldn't be the case." Liu Lan felt guilty first.

"It's okay, it's okay. Don't say I forgot. Even if I didn't forget, I might not be able to participate. I'm currently doing a task with super rewards. Even if I participate this time, I might not have time for the next game."

Now it was Fatty who comforted Liu Lan. The two of them talked for a few words and didn't hang up the phone until Liu Lan's game started.

After hanging up Liu Lan's communication, a few people from Dongmen Chuifeng called and explained one by one. The fat man sighed and turned off the communication.

"Damn it, it's all you who made Fatty's special reward go to waste." Turning around and pointing at a monster, Fatty cursed angrily.

[Dark Unicorn]

Level: 50

Attack: 105-115

Defense: 110

HP: 5800

Explanation: After the death of the Holy Unicorn, its soul corrupted and eventually evolved into the Dark Unicorn.

The entire clan of sacred unicorns numbered in the thousands. At Fatty's speed of killing monsters alone, it would take six or seven minutes to kill one. If we wanted to kill them all within a month, time was running out and it was impossible to have any more. Free time to participate in competitions.

You can't have your cake and eat it too, so Fatty doesn't believe that the special reward for the top three can be better than his own mission reward. The Holy Spirit Island, where the sacred unicorns live, and the sacred horn that can command the sacred unicorns. The two are connected together, which vaguely makes Fatty have some exciting speculations.

However, although he is too far away to participate in the competition, Fatty can watch it online. The competition has received overwhelming publicity since the registration. Now the most popular topic is this competition, which can be broadcast live on all major TV stations and various websites.

Open the official website of Star Fantasy, and what is being broadcast live are thousands of games being played simultaneously in the four major cities. Click on the Xuanwu City competition area and find Liu Lan's competition. Fatty watches it while playing.

Liu Lan's opponent was a mage. Both of them were in their 30s, and there was not much difference in strength. The mage has sharp attacks, but is pitifully weak in other aspects. The knight has high blood and defense, but his attack is not as good as the mage. The two chased and escaped, and started a guerrilla fight in the field.

Although the mage's fighting awareness is also good, he still lost to Liu Lan in the end. In fact, Liu Lan did not take any action at all. He rode the Fire Cloud Leopard and withstood several attacks from the mage, and then the lightning bird drew several lightning bolts in the air, directly in Several bloody holes were opened on the mage's body. Then Liu Lanqi caught up and stabbed the mage to death.

"Protest, I protest, mounts cannot be used in competitions."

After the game, the mage player protested loudly, believing that the failure to kill Liu Lan was entirely because the opponent had a mount bonus. However, the Star Fantasy official ignored him and gave the explanation that riding a mount is a knight's bounden duty, otherwise he would be called a knight.

After watching a few games out of boredom, Fatty turned his attention to what was in front of him. Although the Dark Unicorn transformed from the fallen soul of the Holy Unicorn has declined in strength, it is still a real level 50 monster, and it will be quite painful if it hits the body.

There were too many monsters inside, so Fatty chose the battlefield at the entrance of the palace, with Xiao Huang and Dark Priest Xiao Hei alternately pulling monsters. After reaching level 40, Xiao Huang's skill is the quagmire trap, which sets up a quagmire in a certain area on the ground to slow down the opponent's actions.

When Xiao Hei reaches level 40, he adds a talent skill. The five skills are electric arrow, treatment, floating, protective shield, and mental blast. Each skill is very powerful, but the only drawback is that Xiao Hei is not as powerful as Xiao Huang. Be spiritual. It's right to think about it. After all, although the Torugoshu was not of high level, he was able to steal things from the Central Imperial City Palace, which shows his intelligence.

Two pets can deal with a monster together, and Fatty can deal with one by himself, and the speed of killing monsters is not slow.

Wow. Another dark unicorn fell, and at the same time, one of the thousands of sacred unicorn skulls under the statue of the God of Light exploded and turned into powder.

Suddenly, white light appeared, and a white soul slowly appeared on the dark unicorn's body. It nodded at the fat man, turned into a white light, and rushed into the sacred horn in the fat man's hand.

Every time a dark unicorn was killed, Fatty would take out the sacred horn, and the soul of the liberated sacred unicorn would attach itself to the sacred horn and turn into a shadow on it.

The sacred horn looks like a sacred unicorn horn, but its color is jade-white and its appearance is much smaller. Whenever the soul of the sacred unicorn attaches to it, it will turn into a tiny shadow and crawl there, as if worshiping or making a pilgrimage.

Now there are dozens of phantoms transformed by the souls of the sacred unicorns, bursts of faint sounds are coming out, and a layer of white light appears on the sacred horn, making it look even more mysterious.

After losing the qualification to compete, Fatty devoted himself to this task. I made a rough estimate. If it takes six minutes to kill one, 10 can be killed in one hour. If you do nothing 24 hours a day, you can kill 240. The number of dark unicorns inside is between 3,000 and 4,000, so it will take at least half a month to complete. Apart from eating, drinking, sleeping, etc., the month is tight and not loose.

"Hit me. Beat me hard." The fat man yelled.

I missed the individual competition. When I arrived at the gang competition, I heard that Fatty had a super task with major rewards. God's Head and others unanimously expressed that they wanted Fatty to complete the task before participating in the competition. Anyway, 12 of them were enough to handle it. This is also true. Three consecutive games, 12:100, ended in a complete victory.

"Fat man, hurry up and complete the mission. I'll wait for you to participate in future competitions." Fugitive Tianya laughed.

The fat man nodded with a smile. The first round of the competition has passed and nearly 90% of the players have been eliminated. The next step will be to go through the reincarnation competition to determine the top 25 in each main city and go to the Central Imperial City to participate in the top 100 ranking competition.

The first round of competition lasted three days, the second round of competition took longer and would take a week because it was divided into separate matches, and the third round of the top 100 ranking competition, needless to say, will definitely be longer than the first two rounds. If Fatty participates in the competition, he really won't have time to play unless he gives up this task.

"You want the fat man to give up this mission? How is that possible?" The fat man shouted, ordering Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei to each lead out a dark unicorn, and one person and two pets would face two at the same time, and pick them up naked.

As the game progressed, Fatty's task progressed rapidly. In addition to going offline to solve physical problems, almost all the time is spent on killing monsters. With the help of two pets, nearly 300 dark unicorns can be killed in a day.

"The mission is easy to do, except it's a bit boring." After playing for a long time, he looked at the few monsters left and ordered his two pets to fight them. The fat man leaned against the door to catch his breath and took the time to watch the game.

After the second round of individual competition, the top 100 players in Xuanwu City were also ranked. The reward is a set of purple gold equipment for each person, plus 50,000 gold coins. At the same time, the top 25 will represent Xuanwu City in the Central Imperial City competition.

Among the top 100, people familiar to Fatty such as Dongmen Chuifeng and Fugitive Tianya easily entered. However, when competing for qualifying spots, some people were happy and others were worried. First of all, Liu Lan was eliminated and stopped outside the top 25, barely able to catch the last train of the top 100. Only Ximen Chuixue from the senior class made it into the top 25. The ones in the top 25 from the Overlord League were Jiangdong Little Overlord and Ice and Snow Rose League. It's the Ice Girl, and the one the Wind God knows is undoubtedly the purple wind chime.

In addition, God's Family ranked among the top 25 including God's Head, Fugitive World, and God's Top Tianzhu, occupying three seats, causing a sensation. Dongfang Invincible also successfully entered and lived up to its name as the Sun and Moon God Sect.

In terms of the gang competition, the Family of God undoubtedly qualified with a high profile, followed closely by the Fengshen Guild, which was the first gang to be established after all. Then there are the Da Si Sect, the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance, the Sun and Moon God Sect, and the others are all gangs that the fat man is unfamiliar with.

"Actually, the competitions in the main cities are just small fights. The real competition is in the Central Imperial City. Fatty, hurry up and complete the task. The competition in our gang group will definitely not be easy by then. Someone has already targeted our family of God and eliminated them. ." God's Head said in the communicator.

"In addition, according to the latest news, in order to give those who have failed the ranking a chance, after the top 100 ranking competition is over, Star Fantasy officials will arrange a challenge opportunity. Anyone who meets the qualifications can come forward to challenge. You should pay attention to the news and don't Missed it." Liu Lan informed Fatty.

"The top ten in the individual group and the top ten in the gang group will represent the Central Dynasty of Xuanhuang Ancient Kingdom to participate in the world-class top 100 ranking competition. Brother, you must not miss it again. I believe in you!" Qian Xiaoqian encouraged the fat man.

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and do the mission. You two, if you dare to be lazy again, let's see how the fat man cuts you." The fat man jumped up and shouted.

Xiao Hei didn't react at all and continued to fight monsters conscientiously. Xiao Huang rolled his eyes when he heard this, who was sitting there just now not fighting monsters? They also say we are lazy.

Turning off all connections, Fatty swept away the remaining monsters with crazy vigor. After nearly half a month of massacre, Fatty has risen two levels and is now level 43. The dark unicorns have also been almost wiped out, leaving only a few boss-level monsters.