Show Me the Money

Chapter 228: Demigod level boss


After leveling up with Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei, Fatty waited until the next night, and then the fat man deployed the moon-watching crossbow again.

It was a near miss this time. Although the 20 crossbow arrows were slightly worn, they were hung up before the Dark Unicorn Guard attacked.

Like the previous two, after the death of the Dark Unicorn, the soul of the Holy Unicorn flies out and gets into the Holy Horn.

"Never showed up?" Dongfang Bubai frowned after hearing the report from his subordinates.

"No, didn't he come back?" Dongfang Bubai's face changed sharply. "Give them the order to speed up and ignore the monsters on the road."

"More than a hundred people from the Sun Moon God Sect left the city in the middle of the night, and I don't know what they were doing." Dongmen Chuifeng whispered to Jiangdong Little Overlord.

"Whatever, he can't do any good." Jiangdong Little Overlord curled his lips.

"As soon as the game is over, we all have to automatically teleport back to our respective main cities. No matter how much he tosses, what else can he do? But he spent so much money to teleport his subordinates here. He is really a loser." Rose Thorn was very disappointed with Dongfang Bubai. have opinions.

"The fat man's mission is not over yet?" The God's Head frowned slightly.

"I haven't been able to contact you. I must have turned off the communicator to do the mission." Fugitive Tianya said with a wry smile.

"Forget it, let's go in when he comes out. Tomorrow we will face the evil organization in Qinglong City and torture them to death." God's Head said fiercely.

At night, in the palace on the top of Holy Spirit Island, Fatty packed up the exploded equipment.

This time it was a little thrilling. After many uses, the crossbow arrows were seriously damaged and their attack power was greatly weakened. However, the Dark Unicorn Guard did not kill it after its waking time passed. After a panic, Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei sacrificed themselves heroically. In conjunction with the newly equipped God-Destroying Crossbow, Fatty used a death transformation and finally exploded it.

"That's it." Looking at the Dark Unicorn Clan Leader lingering under the statue of the God of Light, the fat man nodded.

If it weren't for the coming of the Sun and Moon God Sect, it would be difficult for Fatty alone to pose a threat to this powerful demigod-level boss.

"Take a rest, there will be another fierce battle tomorrow." After going offline, Fatty had a beautiful sleep. For nearly a month, just busy doing this task, except for eating, Fatty had hardly been off the line, and he was already exhausted.

"Hurry, hurry, keep up." After four days of trekking, the players from the Sun and Moon God Cult finally arrived.

Looking at the black Holy Spirit Island hanging high in the sky, Wo Xing, the deputy director of the Sun Moon God Sect who led the team, repeatedly lamented the foresight of the leader.

"Brothers who have flying pets will bring those who can't fly up." Ren Woxing arranged.

Players carry a variety of flying pets, including goshawks, white cranes, fire-feathered griffins, pig-faced bats, etc.

Players with flying pets ride their flying pets into the sky, and then tie a rope to their mounts to pull players without flying pets up. After a lot of work, everyone finally went to the Holy Spirit Island.

"Everything else is white, but this one is black. It's strange." Ren Woxing looked around as he walked, and soon he reached the palace on the top of the mountain.

God of light? Looking at this huge statue of the God of Light, Ren Woxing grinned.

"After defeating the monsters later, carry this thing back. When we establish the station, we will put it at the entrance of the station. How majestic it is."

"Haha, that's what Boss Ren said." All the players laughed.

"The monster is there, Xiaodao, go and get it out. Be careful, that monster is a guy who can kill two level 40 thieves in a row. Weird thing, isn't there three, why is there only one?"

Ren Woxing was slightly startled when he saw the only remaining leader of the Dark Unicorn clan, but he didn't care and ordered his men to disperse their formation and prepare to attack.

"Boss Ren, be careful, I can't tell its level." A level 4 thief looked serious.

"Then it has to be at least level 60? A monster-level boss? Hehe, it just happened to die. There will definitely be something good." Ren Woxing waved his hand, signaling everyone not to be nervous.

call. Before the formation was set up here, the leader of the Dark Unicorn clan exhaled gently, and a black flame spurted out, immediately turning the two warriors into ashes.

"Holy shit, a warrior can be killed instantly? Everyone, be careful." Ren Woxing was really shocked this time and quickly ordered the knight to step forward to resist.

The leader of the Dark Unicorn is a demigod-level boss. His current strength is similar to that of a high-level fairy-level boss. He is more powerful than the four immortal-level boss guards put together. He defeated more than ten Sun and Moon in just a few encounters. Theocratic players.

"Boss, what kind of boss is this? Why is it so powerful?" Several blood knights who were resisting monsters had pale faces, holding medicine bottles in both hands and filling them with medicine. There was a priest behind him who continued to add blood, and there was a pill in his hand that could instantly restore a certain amount of blood. Even so, these knights couldn't withstand several attacks from the Dark Unicorn Clan Leader.

"Hold it, hold it." The calmness he had when he first came was gone. Ren Woxing was sweating profusely and shouted at the top of his lungs, asking the knight in front to hold him back.

call. A black light flew out from the horn of the Dark Unicorn Clan Leader and penetrated three players before gradually disappearing.

"Boss Ren, retreat. This monster is at least a fairy-level boss and cannot be defeated by us." A player turned around and shouted urgently.

Snapped. With a crisp sound, Ren Woxing slapped the player, knocking him unconscious. He didn't understand why Ren Woxing was so popular.

"The Sun and Moon God Sect has never said anything about retreating. Let alone an immortal-level boss, even a god-level boss must be killed by me." Ren Woxing's face was ferocious. "Xiao Dao, lead the thieves brothers to poison."

The player named Xiao Dao was silent and his figure was erratic. He understood that for a monster of this level, sneaking was of little use, so he rushed forward with a dagger.

Behind the knife, five or six rogue players followed, with the same strange footwork and elusive figure, rushing towards the leader of the Dark Unicorn Clan.

puff. The black light came and one of the thieves fell down. The other thieves' expressions remained unchanged, and they suddenly accelerated and stabbed the Dark Unicorn Clan leader with their daggers.

Snap, snap, snap. With a series of noises, several thieves successfully stabbed the Dark Unicorn Clan Leader, and even used the poison of the knife directly.

"It's poisoned, uh..." The voice of the player from the Sun Moon God Cult immediately stopped like a duck stuck in its neck. The green mark on the head of the Dark Unicorn Clan leader flashed briefly, then disappeared within a second.

"I remembered." one player shouted. "The unicorn's horn can remove all poisons, and poisoning is useless."

"Fuck!" Ren Woxing spat on the ground, thinking about ways to deal with the other party.

"What? Immortal level boss?" Dongfang Bubai was also surprised when he heard Ren Woxing's report. It is indeed the Central Imperial City, and any boss that comes out of the surrounding area will be an immortal.

"Wait for me." Dongfang Bubai only said two words, then stood up and left the auditorium under the surprised eyes of the surrounding players.

Now that the individual competition is over, the gang competition is now underway. The challenge is still in the back row, so Dongfang Bubai has enough time to fight the boss.

"You guys, send off the thieves behind you and then follow up." Not far out of the city gate, Dongfang Bubai motioned to a few of his men to deal with the players following behind.

"Why, Dongfang Bubai wants to come in person?" The fat man who had already been hiding aside heard Ren Woxing's encouraging words and smiled coldly in his heart. In this case, Fatty will go back to the city first and repair the crossbow arrows.

After flying back to the city to repair his equipment, Fatty took his time and even participated in a gang competition. It was estimated that the time was almost up, so he rode on the Earth Dragon and headed towards the Holy Spirit Island with a bang.

During the month he was on mission in the Holy Spirit Island, Fatty only wasted one-third of his time on the road. This shows how big the map in the game is.

When there was still a certain distance from the Holy Spirit Island, the fat man put away the earth dragon, unfolded his flowing wind wings and flew over quietly.

As expected, there were two players on sentry duty in mid-air, but there were too many clouds around them. Their attention was always focused on the sky below, and they did not expect anyone to fly by.

"It's so miserable." When he arrived at the Holy Spirit Island, the fat man took out the perspective mirror and sighed.

In the hall, the first hundred players who came first, plus the dozens of people brought by Dongfang Bubai later, now only have less than twenty left. But the leader of the dark unicorn clan on the opposite side was actually alive and well, with no shortage of health bars at all.

"Withdraw." Dongfang Bubai said helplessly as he exited the door and looked at the leader of the Dark Unicorn clan wandering there.

"Boss, this is a fairy-level boss." Ren Woxing said anxiously.

"Unless we bring all the brothers here, we won't be able to defeat this boss." Dongfang Bubai shook his head. "It's 100,000 gold coins once. No one has that much money to waste. This time it's my mistake. Let's go back. If you have money and you have the ability, let him blow it up."

With that said, Dongfang Bubai first took out the scroll to return to the city.

"This, alas!" With a heavy sigh, Ren Woxing took out the scroll and returned to the city.

The remaining people, as if they had received amnesty, returned to the city one after another, not daring to stay for a moment longer.

"All gone?" The fat man sneered and activated the perspective function of the perspective mirror. As expected, he saw two thieves sneaking and hiding in a corner of the hall, motionless.

"Xiao Huang, Xiao Hei." The fat man called, and the two pets, one underground and one in the sky, touched them.

puff. The throat of one of the thieves was sealed with a sword, and the fat man cut the neck of one of the thieves without any reaction at all. The shocked look in his eyes when he was about to die betrayed the panic in his heart.

"You are indeed here." The other thief jumped up. Before he could raise his dagger, his body suddenly stiffened and he hit him hard backwards.

Xiao Hei's mental explosion.

"Is it easy to take advantage of the fat man?" The fat man sneered and did not continue the attack.

call. Just when the player thought he had an opportunity to take advantage of it, a bull-like rat appeared in front of him, raised its paw as thick as a bear's claw and slapped it.

puff. Blood splattered everywhere, and the player was immediately photographed on the ground.

boom. Xiao Huang didn't use any skills, he just raised his butt and sat down straight.

Ah... A scream, in the fat man's pitiful eyes, the player kicked his legs wildly, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and returned to the city for free.

"Okay, now it's our turn." The fat man looked at the sky and said.