Show Me the Money

Chapter 229: Five Elements VS Light


Fatty has the confidence to take on the demigod-level boss, the Dark Unicorn Clan Leader, because the opponent has been awake for a while.

Seeing the fat man holding the sacred horn, the Dark Unicorn Clan Leader nodded, and suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a loud roar. A circle of black light appeared on his body, and then turned into a blazing flame, forming a first-born purple-gold unicorn behind him. , covered with purple and gold patterns, a weird unicorn shadow.

The phantom of this purple-gold unicorn was shrouded in purple-black flames, its wings flapped gently, and balls of flames flew everywhere. When it fell to the ground, it made a hissing sound and burned the ground into deep pits.

call. After the phantom of the purple-gold unicorn appeared, it let out a roar and rushed towards the statue of the God of Light. At the same time, the statue of the God of Light shone brightly, and a man shrouded in white light, whose specific appearance could not be seen clearly, appeared under the statue.

"Amedik, are you still unwilling to surrender?" A majestic voice came from the white light.

"Adas, the holy unicorn's pursuit of freedom and peace will never be fettered by anything, even violence and blood."

Amedik, the leader of the sacred unicorn clan, shouted, and the purple-gold unicorn shadow he transformed into roared and flew towards the figure in the white light.

"In the name of the God of Light, purify all evil forces - purification." The figure in the white light gently waved a staff, and a white light as thick as a bucket fell from the sky and hit the purple-gold unicorn silhouette. .

boom. The phantom of the purple-gold unicorn, covered in purple-black flames, disappeared and was directly blasted away by the white light. The entire hall creaked and crumbled.

"Amedik, the power of God can never be imagined by you." The figure in the white light became more and more majestic.

"Bah." What he returned to the other party was actually just the word "bah" from Amedik. The purple-gold unicorn's shadow gradually solidified and reappeared in mid-air.


The white light struck again, this time thicker and brighter than last time. With just a few blows, the purple-gold unicorn shadow was completely defeated, and the flames rolled and could not solidify. Amedik spurted out blood and almost collapsed on the ground.

"Kill me." Amedik suddenly shouted to the fat man.

Um? After just being stunned for a moment, Fatty immediately realized that Amedik was creating an opportunity for him to kill it.

Fatty's previous thinking was a bit too simple. With Amedik's semi-god-level strength, even if Fatty had the Moon Crossbow in his hand and stood still and let him kill him, he still wouldn't be able to break through its defense, let alone kill it.

I don’t know what the skill is that summons the purple-gold unicorn shadow. Now the blood volume is only 10%, and various attributes have also dropped significantly.

Zheng! A crossbow arrow shot out, only scratching a little bit of skin before it fell to the ground with a clang, and a number of -160 slowly rose.

Don't break the defense!

"Such a high defense!" Fatty clicked his tongue.

"Heresy." The figure in the white light suddenly looked at the fat man.

"I'm calling your uncle a heretic." The fat man yelled directly. He hated such sanctimonious things.

The figure in the white light suddenly became quiet. Through the white light, you can see that his body is shaking slightly, as if he was very angry at the fat man's words.

"How dare you insult God? How dare you insult God?" The figure suddenly shouted angrily.

"Why are you scolding you? Silly!" The fat man was extremely disdainful.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you." The figure trembled slightly. "In the name of the God of Light, judge the alien souls—judgment."

A white light enveloped the fat man, restricting his movement and slowly raising him. A huge cross appeared behind the fat man, and he was going to nail him to the cross.

"Idiot." Feeling that his blood volume was slowly decreasing, the fat man cursed angrily and tried to use his escape method to escape, but found that the escape method was ineffective.

"You slipped up at the critical moment, you, you..." Taking out the Five Elements Skill Book, the fat man was speechless.

call. The leader of the Dark Unicorn clan rushed over and was knocked away by the figure in the white light.

"Amedik, listen to me honestly, and I will give you the opportunity to become my disciple in the future. Otherwise, hum." The figure glanced at Amedik contemptuously.

"Heresy will eventually cease to exist in the world. Everything should be bright, and darkness will eventually disappear."

As if he didn't want to kill the fat man directly, the figure in the white light recited a spell. As the spell was recited, Fatty felt his mind getting dizzy a little bit.

"No one can escape the judgment from the God of Light."

Fatty didn't notice that his attributes were decreasing, and it was an irreversible decrease. As long as the opponent completes the trial, he may become a high-level disabled player with 1 attributes. Unless he returns to level zero and starts from scratch, he will never be able to recover.

"Danger." The leader of the Dark Unicorn clan roared. The fat man was so confused that he couldn't hear what it was saying.

Suddenly, a five-color ray of light suddenly shot out from the Five Elements Skill Book, and then a voice sounded: "Is the inheritor of my Five Elements Alchemist your little God of Light qualified to judge?"

A huge figure emerged from the Five Elements Skill Book and snatched away the cross from the fat man's back, and then the fat man woke up. The judgment is broken and its reduced attributes are restored.

"Five Elements Alchemist Wujun laughs? Are you not dead?" The figure in the white light almost jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and then said anxiously: "No, you are dead. This is just a spiritual mark. It's just a spirit. You dare to be so presumptuous in front of me even though you are branded?"

"Spiritual branding can still kill you." Wu Jun laughed, and a five-color light condensed into a five-color big hand, grabbing at the opponent.

"In the name of the God of Light, kill all heretics - Judgment!"

The figure in the white light hurriedly waved his staff, and a beam of light that was thin but ten and a hundred times brighter than the previous beams of light fell from the sky, smiled at Lord Wu, and instantly shattered his five-color hand.

"Judgment." Wu Junxiao suddenly turned over his hand, and the same beam of light shot out diagonally, colliding with the opponent's beam of light, eventually canceling each other out and annihilating each other.

"Impossible? You can only control the five elements. How can you copy light magic attacks?" The figure in the white light shouted in disbelief. Through the white light, the fat man could vaguely see the panic on his face.

"Don't you know that all methods are returning to the sect?" Wu Junxiao snorted, "I need energy to repair the Five Elements Secret Realm. Lend me your energy body."

"You dare..." Before the figure in the white light could finish a sentence, Wu Junxiao grabbed the white light and held it in his hand.

A humanoid light struggled and twisted in Wu Junxiao's hand. This was just an energy body of the God of Light, specially used to lead the dark unicorn clan.

"Light of freedom."

Brush, the energy body suddenly transformed into countless rays of light, escaped from Wu Junxiao's hands, and then gathered together in the distance, retreated a few steps to the statue of the God of Light.

"Wu Junxiao, you have been dead for thousands of years. Let me see how much energy you have to support you. After all the energy is consumed, you will disappear completely." The energy body roared, but everyone could see the fierce look on his face.

"It doesn't have much energy, but it's enough to deal with you." Wu Jun smiled and moved his hand, and a huge lightsaber appeared in his hand.

boom. A sword struck the statue of the God of Light, and immediately white light flashed from above, and the whole statue shook slightly.

"Damn it." The energy body waved his staff and spit out a series of spells from his mouth.

"Praise God, believe in God, everyone will be shrouded in God's glory, God's glory is everywhere. Under God's guidance, eliminate all heretics in the world. In the name of the God of Light, determine the life and death of the other party. Judgment !”

Suddenly, the statue of the God of Light shone brightly, and a majestic voice sounded in the sky: "Eradicate all heretics and destroy all evil."

boom. A cross-shaped light beam tens of meters thick descended from the sky, covering the entire hall.

"Wu Junxiao, I am an energy body, and you are just a mental imprint. Don't blame anyone. Since you are here, just leave your life behind." The energy body laughed.

"Humph, I don't know whether to live or die." Wu Junxiao suddenly flew out of a blueprint, followed by five swords flying out and landing on the blueprint.

"The Five Elements Sword Formation rises and the Five Elements become extinct."

Clang. Countless sword sounds sounded, and five sword qi of different colors flew out at the same time, forming a huge five-color sword qi in the air, brazenly facing the cross-shaped light beam falling from the sky.

boom! The fat man took a few steps back and fell to the ground. I felt like the world was spinning, my eyes were completely white, my ears were ringing, I couldn't see or hear anything.

After a long time, the fat man returned to normal. At this time, all the white light and five-color light disappeared. Wu Junxiao disappeared, and his energy body also disappeared.

Kaka. The statue of the God of Light suddenly made a clicking sound, the white light disappeared, and several tiny cracks appeared on the statue.

"Where are you running? Don't leave in a hurry." The fat man shouted.

"I am just a spiritual imprint left by Wu Junxiao to control the Five Elements Secret Realm. I was awakened by the power of the God of Light just now. I can only come out three times, and after three times I will disappear permanently. The energy you entered into the Five Elements Skill Book has been I'll use it up, and I'll get more later." Wu Jun's voice of laughter came faintly, and the fat man immediately checked the Five Elements Skill Book.

"Huh?" Fatty screamed. Now let alone opening the Five Elements Secret Realm, even the memory skills cannot be used. The several magic spells that have been memorized above are all gray.

However, in the following pages, there are three more light magic spells: Purification, Judgment and Judgment.

"Damn it, Mr. Wu Xiao, forget it, I'll forgive you this time." The fat man muttered.

To repair the Five Elements Skill Book to this point, it took Fatty a lot of materials, but it was all used up after it came out once. If the other party hadn't saved his life and memorized the three super magic spells, Fatty would have argued with Wu Junxiao no matter what.

But this guy is really powerful. Just a mental mark destroyed an energy body of the God of Light.

"Young man, you have to hurry up." Amedik suddenly said.