Show Me the Money

Chapter 232: Wall crossbow


"As expected of the number one assassin family." Even though they were opponents, the God-Slayer was not stingy with a few words of praise. "However, if you think you can win this way, you are totally wrong."

After saying that, the God Slayer shook his hand, and a scroll flew out. A huge earth-yellow magic circle appeared above the God Destroyer Alliance. Then the ground roared. Around the God Destroyer Alliance, the land rolled and a tower rose from the ground. The circular wall, which is three meters high, two meters thick, and 20 meters in diameter, surrounds all the players of the God Destroyer Alliance.

"Head of God, this is the high-level earth magic scroll Sand Fortress that our five hundred brothers obtained after each one of us killed it once. It is specially designed to deal with you, so feel free to attack it."

The voice of the God-Slayer came from inside. The God-Destroying Alliance is determined to be a tortoise and waste time, just sitting there and not coming out, waiting for the God Family to take the initiative to attack.

Each member of the God family controlled two pets and a mount, wandering around the God-Destroying Alliance, looking for opportunities to attack.

"Have you never encountered such a style of play?" Fatty asked.

"We encountered him a few times, but we were not so courageous, and we finally killed him." Fugitive World said while bending his waist, looking for a fighter plane. "The market price of this kind of scroll should be around 500,000 gold coins. It seems that the other party is really determined to stop us."

"Brother, they are well-defended, use our secret weapon." God's Summit Tianzhu suggested.

"No. It's only the semi-finals. If you use it now, it will be in danger in the finals." God's Head resolutely refused to reveal his trump card.

"You still have some private goods hidden," the fat man said teasingly.

"Then this won't be easy." Fugitive Tianya rubbed his chin. "If we had known that the other party was such a rogue, we would have gathered a hundred people before we could come in."

"The other party has studied the characteristics of thieves very thoroughly." God's Head said. "They have made it clear that they are not afraid of embarrassment, so they want us to be angry and attack. If the thieves can't calm down, they will die the fastest."

The two sides faced off quietly, and time slowly passed. With every passing minute, the opponent's winning rate increased a lot, and God's Head began to become anxious.

"It's so strange that those with few people take the initiative to attack, while those with many people hide and act like turtles."

"Fuck, I don't dare attack you for any competition. Go home early and take care of your child."

"God-Slayer, your mother told you to go home for dinner."

Outside the arena, there was a lot of curses. They don't care who wins between the two teams, the excitement of the game is what they need.

"Fuck, come out and fight if you can." Fugitive Tianya cursed outside.

"I'm so scared. If you have the ability, come in." All the players in the God Destroying Alliance laughed.

"Head of God, you don't have to think about it. The defense of the Sand Fortress is not something you thieves can break. Give up as soon as possible." The God Killer sneered. "Don't blame us for being shameless. If you want to blame us, blame you for being too arrogant. There are not enough players for such an important game."

"The fortress of sand, haha." The fat man chuckled.

Finding a place about the same distance away, the fat man flipped his hand and summoned the moon-watching crossbow.

"What is this?" Everyone looked at this big guy curiously, with doubts in their eyes.

"Crossbow! This guy actually has the drawings of a crossbow and successfully built it. No wonder he asked for so much ore from the major gangs. The God-Destroying Alliance is over." Bai Xiaosheng, the leader of Baixiao Sect, said in shock.

"Everyone, wait and beat the drowned dog." Facing the doubts of everyone in the God's Family, the fat man laughed and took out a crossbow arrow.

"I only have twenty crossbow arrows, please remember to get them back for me later."

"Wait, let's set up the trap first." God's head shook, and he obviously understood what this was.

"What are they doing?" A player reported the situation outside to the God Killer. Seeing the God Family arrogantly setting up traps around this wall, the God Destroyer Alliance was a little puzzled.

"What, you want to trap us with a trap?" A sneer appeared on the God Killer's face. "Everyone, please be careful not to be fooled by their tricks. Everyone should focus on the place they are responsible for."

The huge body of the Mochizuki Crossbow could not be covered by the grass. Looking at this new guy, the God Destroyer Alliance did not realize that it was a crossbow and thought it was some kind of pet.

"Everyone, take a look." The fat man exhaled and pressed the mechanism of the moon-watching crossbow.

Crunch, buzz... A sound suddenly passed by Fugitive Tianya's ears. Before he could react, he saw a black shadow heading straight for the sand fortress with a roaring wind.

boom. There was an explosion, and a gap three meters high and three meters wide appeared on the sand fortress, and a crossbow arrow penetrated the wall, nailing an archer inside there.

The characteristic of Moon Moon Crossbow is that it has a 100% attack power bonus when attacking city walls.

Wow! All the players watching outside were in an uproar. What kind of weapon is this and why is it so powerful

"Crossbow, this is a crossbow." Someone growled.

Crunch. After adjusting, there was a crunching sound, and the fat man loaded another crossbow arrow and aimed it at the gap.

Buzz... Amidst the roar of the moon-watching crossbow, the crossbow arrow flew in from the gap, penetrated the shield of the first knight, and strung five players on the crossbow arrow before falling to the ground diagonally.

Four white lights rose, and four of the people shot by the crossbows were killed and one injured.

"Spread out, spread out quickly. Damn it, what kind of weapon is this?" The God Killer was shocked and angry.

Crunch... Two minutes later, the moon-watching crossbow shook slowly, and another crossbow arrow spurted out, nailing the three magicians to the ground. Whether it's a knight's shield or a magician's shield, they are both so fragile.

call. The God-Destroying Alliance spread out over a larger area this time, but the Sand Fortress only had so much space, so where could it go if they spread out again.

Every two minutes, the fat man shoots a crossbow arrow. With each crossbow arrow, a few people can kill one person, and a large number can even kill four or five people.

By the time half of the crossbow bolts were fired, the fat man had killed more than thirty people.

"Haha, the God-Destroying Alliance is in a cocoon this time."

"Who knew that the opponent actually had a crossbow in his hand? This is a powerful weapon in siege warfare."

"It's exciting now. If the God-Destroying Alliance doesn't come out, they will be treated like rabbits and shot to death inside."

"This is the secret weapon that Fatty asked us to build with so much ore." Dongmen Chuifeng looked at the ferocious appearance of the moon-watching crossbow with a strange look on his face.

"If there are dozens of crossbows, our success rate in establishing a station will be greatly improved." Jiangdong Little Overlord's face also became serious.

"Use the team as a unit, cover each other, and attack." With all kinds of helplessness, the God Killer finally ordered to walk out of the fortress. If they don't go out, they will really die of suffocation.

The remaining players immediately divided into six teams and rushed out of the gap in the fortress. The distance between each team is not far or close, not only to guard against crossbow attacks, but also to assist each other.

Whoosh. Another crossbow arrow flew in, but this time it was not very effective and only killed one knight.

"Brothers, it's our turn." The God's Head roared, commanding the pets to run around and disrupt the opponent's sight.

"Stay steady, don't panic." God Slaughter shouted.

The fat man aimed at the God-Slayer and attacked several times. Unfortunately, although the crossbow is powerful, its accuracy is not very good. The farther away it is, the hit rate plummets.

Keeping five crossbow arrows, Fatty stood behind the crossbow and quietly watched the PK between the two sides. If the crossbow is not put away, it will be a deterrent, and the God-Destroying Alliance will have to focus most of its attention here.

The family of God has become entangled. Although the players of the God Destroying Alliance are top-notch in strength and have gone through many trainings and cooperation, they are not as close to each other as the God Family. In this kind of melee, the God's Family succeeded repeatedly and had already wiped out a small team.

"Damn it, go to two teams and destroy that thing." Until now, the God Killer still didn't know what the fat man was using.

"Desperate, left hand, left wing, right wing, protect the fat man." The God's Head immediately divided its troops and sent people to protect the fat man.

Although the God-Destroying Alliance initially planned to waste time, the actual PK showed that its strength was indeed extraordinary. No wonder it reached the semi-finals.

God's Head and God Killer were duel in a one-on-one battle, and all players subconsciously stayed away from them to give them enough room to play.

However, it is obviously unreliable for a team that is more against less and still intends to defend and consume time to obey the spirit of chivalry. Soon, a cold arrow will be shot at the head of the god.

"God Slayer, no wonder you are so shameless when you come together." Dodging the cold arrows, the God's Head sneered.

"Hmph, this is a gang competition, not an individual competition." The God-Slayer was indifferent and continued to fight with the God's Head.

Thieves pay attention to coming and going without leaving a trace, and one blow is fatal. Except for the appearance of the God's Head and the one-on-one duel with the God-Slayer, the others showed no trace and were hiding in the dark waiting for the opportunity to strike.

collapse. Another player was instantly killed by a crossbow.

The two teams sent to attack the fat man were not in a hurry. They were four or five meters apart, and the guards were walking towards the fat man at a leisurely pace.

The moon-watching crossbow is so big that it can attack with a slight turn. No one knows who the next target will be, so they all try their best to be on guard.

The two teams were getting closer and closer to Fatty, and the four Fugitives also appeared on their way forward.

Boom, Fatty summoned the Earth Dragon. After a period of recovery, the Earth Dragon's blood volume had returned to full, and under the command of Fatty, he roared and rushed towards the two teams of players.

Although they concentrated their firepower and could kill the Earth Dragon with only a few waves of attacks, this also gave the God Family a chance.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. A series of crossbow arrows appeared and headed straight for a mage. After breaking the two magic shields one after another, it plunged into the mage's body.

At the same time, God's Left Hand and God's Left and Right Wings appeared behind another archer, and the three of them struck together. With the archer's health slightly higher than that of the mage, he was killed without any chance of counterattack.

"Trash, there are more people than others, and the fight is like this." Outside the stadium, a player slapped the seat hard.

"Don't be impatient." The other player's face didn't look good either. "Believe them, the money we spent was not in vain."