Show Me the Money

Chapter 235: Wrath of the Ice God advanced to the finals


When the fat man appeared strangely in the magician team, all the players inside and outside the stadium were startled.

It was obviously frozen, but suddenly appeared thousands of meters away like teleportation. This skill was incredible and terrifying.

"Basic Five Elements Escape Technique: Water Escape." Players who knew that Fatty and Jin Lin had conflicts before, spat out these words at the same time.

The magicians of the God-Destroying Alliance were shocked. In order to use the ultimate move of Frozen Snow Domain, their magic power was consumed almost at a rate of several points per second. Before they could recover, there was no extra magic power to send out magic to block Fatty's attack.

What's more, once they are distracted and attack the fat man, the magic circle will not be replenished with magic power and will soon become ineffective due to loss of power.

"Return to the rescue." The God Slayer was shocked and shouted to the other team members.

"Trash." Outside the field, these two words appeared in the minds of countless players at the same time.

So what if you kill all the magicians because you are so greedy for money? As long as they killed the rest of the God's Family, couldn't the remaining thirty people still be able to deal with a thief who was too greedy for money

"Stop, kill these people first." The God Slayer reacted immediately and immediately changed his order.

The players who had already run back more than ten dozen meters quickly turned back and attacked the members of the Family of God who were frozen in ice.

laugh. The only one who was not under the erroneous command of the God-Slayer was Bi Xue's silver spear. At this moment, he flicked the silver spear, and three gun flowers as big as a bowl covered the upper body of Fugitive Tianya, and he was about to kill him with one blow.

boom. Suddenly, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the air, and a white light hit the silver gun, deflecting it away, leaving a bloody mark on Fugitive Tianya's face.

It was the pet sacred unicorn that Fatty sold to the God's family. Unexpectedly, the God's head was given to Fugitive World. Although it cannot move itself, it is still possible to summon pets.

In the group of mages, Fatty had no time to attack alone, so he released Xiao Huang and at the same time retracted and released the Earth Dragon in the distance.

boom. The earth dragon appeared and immediately flicked its tail, sending more than a dozen magicians flying into the sky. Opening his mouth and spitting out, a large cloud of khaki gas sprayed on several magicians, immediately beating them to pieces. With a slap of his claws, countless soil cones sprang out one after another, which was much more powerful than Xiao Huang's rocks piercing through the air.

Without the support of the magician's magic power, in the blink of an eye, the magic circle in the ice and snow stopped functioning. The ice and snow falling from the sky began to slowly decrease until it finally disappeared, while the ice blocks that sealed the players of God's Family began to melt rapidly.

The main reason why Fatty has only now escaped into the magic circle and attacked the magician is that all the melee players have been attracted away from the magic circle.

A wave of attacks killed more than half of the magicians in an instant. Fatty immediately retreated, and Earth Escape appeared next to the God's Head.

Clang. The Five Elements Sword held the God Slayer's sword firmly, blocking the fatal blow for the God's head. The God-Slayer's face was gloomy and ugly, his eyes almost bursting with fire, and he looked at the fat man with hatred on his face.

In his opinion, if Fatty hadn't suddenly destroyed the ice and snow magic circle, the God Destroyer Alliance would be celebrating their victory now.

But the real reason for the failure lies in the command of the God Killer. If it weren't for his improper command, he wouldn't be in the current situation.

"Didn't you say he is a retired instructor? Is this the level he is?" Outside the field, the player with a gloomy face glared at another player.

"I now know that he is indeed an instructor, but he is only an instructor in charge of training. As for commanding the battle, alas." The other person sighed and was speechless.

Although the ice and snow magic circle was broken, it was not completely ineffective. At least with the help of this ultimate move, the ice and snow field killed 8 members of the God's family, and only 5 survived.

The fat man, the head of God, the fugitive, the pillar on top of God, and the big mouth of God.

"There are 5 people in the God's Family and 39 people in the God-Destroying Alliance. There's still more to see." Some players thought about it in their minds and nodded secretly.

"It was my mistake this time." After breaking away from the ice, God's Head said with a heavy expression.

"Winning or losing is a common thing for military strategists. Big brother is obsessed with it." God's Ding Tianzhu laughed.

"Haha, that's right." The God's Head raised his eyes and looked at the God-Slayer. "I have to say that this skill of yours is indeed powerful. If it weren't for Fatty, our God's family may not have fallen here today. This skill of yours in the world of ice and snow was obtained from a secret realm called Icewind Valley, right? ?”

"How do you know? It was you who went in before us!" God Slaughter suddenly realized.

Icewind Dale, a unique secret realm in the game, contains some ice and wind monsters. This unique secret realm is different from Fatty's Five Elements Secret Realm and Purple Wind Chime's Yin-Yang Void Realm. Generally, the entrances are hidden in hard-to-find places. Unless you are very lucky or have related tasks, you cannot find the entrance at all.

The Family of God received a mission before the game. They went inside and obtained some excellent equipment. The secret weapon previously suggested by God's Head Tianzhu to be used by God's Head was obtained from Icewind Valley.

"Originally, I wanted to wait until the finals to use it, but now that we have reached this point, how can I vent my anger on my brothers without killing you all."

With that said, the God's Head took out a scroll.

"High-level scroll - Wrath of the Ice God. God-slayer, you also have a taste of being frozen."

The God's Head threw out the scroll, and then a huge, ice-blue magic circle appeared above the arena.

The coverage area of this magic circle is larger than the ice and snow field collectively cast by more than twenty magicians of the God Destroyer Alliance, almost covering the entire arena.

Ouch... The cold wind howled, as sharp as a knife, and palm-sized snowflakes fell from the sky. Almost as soon as the magic circle appeared, the sky was covered with snowflakes, and the entire competition venue became a world of ice and snow.

"As expected, the Wrath of the Ice God is in your hands. Gather together and don't separate. The mage casts fire magic." God Killer's face changed drastically and he shouted urgently.

"Boss, the ones we have here are all water mages, not many other magic types." said a team leader of the mage team. They could only release small fireballs, which had no effect at all.

"Damn it." God Slaughter cursed angrily, but there was nothing he could do. In order to maximize the power of the ice and snow, the thirty mages who came were all water-type mages, and there were no other mages.

Layers of water curtains appeared above the players of the God Destroyer Alliance, separating the ice and snow, slightly reducing some damage received.

"No, my speed has slowed down." A player from the God Destroying Alliance shouted.

"Mine is lowered too."

"Oh my god, what kind of scroll is this? It reduced my attack speed by 50%."

The God Destroying Alliance players shouted one after another, looking panicked.

"Hurry up." Seeing that the scroll was working, God's Head shouted lowly, and ran directly towards the opponent without sneaking.

"I'll control the crossbow." Fugitive Tianya grinned ferociously and ran in the direction of the moon-watching crossbow.

"Why panic? The knight defends. Don't leave any gaps and raise your shield. The thieves will lay traps around them. We will wait for them to disappear."

Following the command of the God-Slayer, the God-Destroying Alliance shrank their formation inward and stood next to each other. A circle of knights outside raised their shields, like a wall half a man high. It's like a dog biting a turtle, with nowhere to bite.

The God Slayer looked up at the sky, trying to wait for the magic circle to fail. Unexpectedly, for several minutes, the magic circle showed no sign of weakening.

"It's so cold. Damn it, all my attributes are starting to decrease."

"What should we do? Does he want to freeze us to death?"

The God-Destroying Alliance started to feel a little nervous, but the God-Slayer glared hard and became quiet.

After walking around in a circle, God's Head found helplessly that he had no chance to strike because the opponent's defense was too tight.

Many players in the God Destroyer Alliance attacked, but their attributes were reduced by the Ice God's Wrath. The attack speed was extremely slow and not threatening at all. After attacking a few times, there is no need to waste magic points and just wait for the scroll to expire.

Buzz... No matter how strong the shield is, it can't stop the crossbow arrows. There was no one to disturb them this time, and the opponent's formation was dense. The crossbow arrow of Fugitive World penetrated directly and killed at least six players instantly.

However, the attack of the moon-watching crossbow is still secondary. Since the Fury of Ice and Snow has a divine word, how can it be as simple as reducing the opponent's speed? As the ice and snow increased, the wind became louder and louder. It was almost completely white, and players in the distance could not be seen at all.

Fugitive put away the moon-watching crossbow. He couldn't see anyone and couldn't attack at all.

"Come on, let's go over and take a look." After waiting outside for more than ten minutes, God's Head said.

"Just go through like this?" the fat man said in surprise.

"Let's go like this." God's Head nodded and took the lead in walking towards the God Destroying Alliance.

"Holy shit, what kind of scroll is this? Is it so cool?"

There was an uproar outside the arena. Wherever the God-Destroying Alliance was, the remaining thirty-odd people had disappeared, replaced by a huge lump of ice.

In the ice mass, there were many shadows. Although you couldn't see clearly, you also knew that there were more than thirty people who had disappeared.

"Your scroll?" The fat man turned around and asked.

"At least it's worth this price." The God's Head held out three fingers.

"Three hundred thousand?"

"No, three million."

"Hiss... you loser, can you get so many rewards just for winning the championship?" The fat man was furious.

Click. A silver spear suddenly broke through the ice mass, stretched out from inside, and stabbed the nearest fat man like lightning.

The incident happened suddenly, but the fat man remained calm despite being frightened. He hung upside down and leaned back, bending at 90 degrees, almost parallel to the silver gun.

Snapped. A ball of silver light exploded on the tip of the gun. Fatty's heart moved, he kicked off his feet and slid out close to the ground.

boom. Like a silver snake dancing wildly, where the silver light fell, the ice and snow melted, the earth cracked, and a deep pit appeared with one blow.

brush. The silver spear stabbed halfway and stopped moving. It seemed that the owner of the silver spear had exhausted all his strength after thrusting out the spear and could no longer continue attacking.

"The Blue Blood Cleansing Silver Spear is indeed a master."

Seeing this half of the Silver Spear, everyone from the God's Family and others to people outside the arena couldn't help but admire the strength of Bi Xue's Silver Spear.

The heavy snow falling in the sky became more and more dense, and it was almost impossible to see my fingers.


System prompts: The second semi-final of the gang group of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament has ended, and the Family of God has won. One day later, the finals began.

Walking out of the arena, God's Head did not show the joy of advancement on his face. Instead, he sighed and furrowed his brows deeply.