Show Me the Money

Chapter 269: Egg, keel, ball


Open the national borders, the national war is about to begin, and the whole game is boiling. Both gangs and individual players gave up fighting among themselves and went all out to blast the national border pass, preparing to win glory for the country.

The ten players who obtained national border passes at the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament have already left the country. As for which country they went to, this is their private matter.

However, Fatty knew nothing about this information from the outside world, and now he was working hard to move towards the center of Sky City.

The search for the City in the Sky went smoothly beyond his expectation. I thought that I would have to go through a lot of fierce battles, at least go through five levels and kill six generals, kill a few bosses, and go through several difficulties, but I didn't expect that I would arrive at the Sky City easily.

In addition to the sacred unicorn family, I don't know what other races lived here at the beginning. All kinds of weird monsters emerged in an endless stream, causing a lot of trouble for Fatty.

Fortunately, the God of Light came for a light purification and destroyed the souls of many monsters, otherwise there would be more monsters than there are now. After all, there are at least tens of millions of monsters living in such a big city.

After going through thorns and thorns along the way and killing several high-level monster bosses, Fatty finally arrived at the central area of Sky City.

This is a flat place. Judging from the situation, it seems that there is something on it, but it has been uprooted, leaving only a bare piece of ground.

It goes without saying that the thing that was pulled out was the Holy Spirit Island.

According to Amedik, the leader of the Holy Unicorn Clan, several of the Holy Unicorn eggs it retains are beneath the ground here.

"Perspective." Fatty took out the Crystal Maze and used his clairvoyance skills to check the underground situation.

But I looked all the way and didn't see anything. Except for dirt, it is still dirt, and occasionally there is something special, which is also some broken equipment and so on, without any value.

"Isn't there something strange here?" The fat man went to several other places to check, but just like this one, he couldn't find any trace of the sacred unicorn egg.

Until the ten opportunities a day were used up, no trace was found.

"You won't let the God of Light take it away, right?" Fatty had a bad guess in his mind.

But then Fatty gave up the idea. The God of Light has slaughtered the holy unicorn clan and doesn't care about those eggs.

It must still be somewhere unseen.

After thinking for a while, the fat man called out Xiao Huang and put a violent saddle on his back. At Xiao Huang's protest, he turned over and got on his back.

"Go down." Fatty controlled Xiao Huang and dived all the way down.

The surroundings were uniformly filled with dirt, and Fatty didn't even look at it. He just urged Xiao Huang to dive. After diving for more than three thousand meters, we finally came to a different place.

The soil here is harder than other places, and there is a faint light coming from below.

"What is this?" The fat man stopped in one place. In front of him is a strange thing that is more than ten meters long and nearly half a meter wide. It is sapphire in color and has a large arc shape. Touching it with your hand gives people a cool feeling, which seems to be full of vitality and vitality.

"Is it some kind of equipment?" Fatty didn't rush to find the sacred unicorn egg, so he followed the thing and walked down.

I walked deeper and deeper, until I walked about a few dozen meters, and something horizontal appeared in front of me. On the surface, it looks similar to this thing, but it is thicker and larger than the previous one.

I flicked it with my hand and made a crisp bang bang sound. The surface is densely textured, like a magic pattern.

"Qiang." He drew out the Five Elements Sword and slashed it down, sending out a few sparks. The fat man's hand was numb from the shock, but only a peanut-sized gap was cut out of the thing in front of him.

You must know that although the Five Elements Sword has just been upgraded to gold level, it is so hard that it cannot be damaged by space cracks, and its sharpness is at the level of an artifact. Such a weapon only cuts a small gap, so you can imagine how hard this thing is.

"As expected of the main city that was famous all over the world thousands of years ago, it is so hard even if there is something hidden in the ground." The fat man nodded in admiration.

His curiosity was aroused by this thing, so the fat man was not in a hurry to find the sacred unicorn egg, and urged Xiao Huang to start walking along the thing.

There can be no doubt that the first thing discovered was only a branch of the present thing. After walking about five kilometers sideways, the fat man encountered dozens of things extending out like the first one.

There is one almost every few dozen meters.

The further you go, the thicker this thing becomes. The ones that appeared in front of Fatty's eyes were several meters wide, not to mention those buried in the soil.

"I understand." Suddenly, the fat man slapped his thigh.

Look at it, it's curved, sapphire-colored, divided into sections almost tens of meters long, and there are many branches growing horizontally, so what if it's not the spine of some monster. Aren’t those branches that grow horizontally the ribs

And to be able to grow so long, almost five thousand meters long without even being able to see the head or tail, who else could it be but the legendary dragon

The fat man was ecstatic about the femur skeleton of the sacred dragon. He didn't expect that what Kusi said was true. There really were bones left by the sacred dragon in this place.

We are now thousands of meters deep underground. With Xiao Huang's ground escape skills, only a few meters were exposed in front of Fatty's eyes, so he didn't notice the dragon skeleton for a while. Otherwise, a skeleton as big as a giant dragon can be distinguished immediately with just one glance.

"Damn it, how can I put it away?" After the joy, the fat man began to worry again. If it were on the ground, just dismantle the skeleton and put it into the package. But now it's impossible to dig it out piece by piece. Otherwise, how long will it take to dig

Keep walking along the dragon's skeleton, and soon, after passing through a gap, you come to a space.

This space is as big as several houses. It is obviously where the faucet is, and the soil did not fill it up to form this space.

Entering the space, Fatty could see at a glance that white light was shining in the center, and several eggs were arranged around a ball-like thing.

Holy Unicorn Egg.

It really took no effort to find it after breaking through the iron shoes. Amedik was also very cunning and actually put the egg into the dragon's skeleton.

I counted exactly ten. And in the center of these ten eggs, the bead with a diameter of more than one meter shines blue, and pieces of green light energy gather and shape on it, turning into a mini dragon that snakes and flies in the sky.

"Dragon inner elixir." Fatty roared, this was the real big gain. With this inner elixir, it can be worth hundreds of inner elixirs from other high-level monsters.

Ten sacred unicorn eggs are arranged around the dragon's inner elixir. A trace of green energy is spit out from the mini dragon's mouth and sprayed onto the ten eggs, apparently to inject energy into them to maintain their vitality.

"Take it." The fat man took a step forward and waved his hand. The ten eggs disappeared one after another and were put into the package by the fat man.

Ten eggs were collected, and finally the dragon inner elixir. The mini dragon snorted and turned into a piece of green energy, blended into the inner elixir, and was wrapped up by the fat man.

"OK, this mission is completed." Fatty was quite happy. As long as these sacred unicorns are hatched and the Sky City is cleaned up, the task will be completed and the Sky City can be controlled.

Calculating this task is also very simple.

After collecting the sacred unicorn egg and the dragon inner elixir, Fatty began to think about the dragon skeleton. However, the dragon's skeleton is so big that it cannot be taken away unless it is cut into sections.

"Ah..." Fatty yelled depressedly. The treasure is right in front of you, but you can't pick it up at all. It's like a beggar who sees a mountain of gold but can't get any of it. This kind of thing is the most depressing thing.

"Forget it, if you can't get it, you can't get it. At worst, we can wait until we get back and let Kusi get it by himself." The fat man had to make such a decision.

This place is obviously as Kus said, when the sacred dragon family lived here, it was a place where dragons were buried. But later, the sacred dragon moved away, and this place gradually became deserted and was suppressed by the Holy Spirit Island. It is difficult for outsiders to imagine that there are dragon bones here. If it weren't for the search for the sacred unicorn egg, Fatty would never have found this place. Instead, he would have suspected that the information Kusi got was false.

Giving up on collecting the keel, the fat man began to wander around the dragon's head. Since this place was once a place where dragons were buried, it is obvious that there are not only dragon bones but also some burial objects.

"Let's go treasure hunting with Fatty." Fatty mounted Xiao Huang and got into the soil again.

This time the fat man was no longer confined to the keel, but moved around. Not far away, we encountered another dragon skeleton.

After walking around underground for nearly five days, Fatty finally determined that nine giant dragons were buried here.

Correspondingly, Fatty got a total of nine inner elixirs.

"The place where the dragon is buried is indeed not simple." The fat man held a piece of paper with an underground pattern he drew on it. It can be clearly seen from it that all nine dragon bones are facing inwards and tails facing out, as if they are guarding something or worshiping.

"Anyway, you have been dead for so many years, so let's give the things to the fat man."

The fat man urged Xiao Huang to go down again. This time he had an obvious goal and went straight to the gathering place of Kowloon.

If it is not underground, you can see nine giant dragons like mountains crawling on the ground, with the dragon's tail facing outward and the dragon's head facing inward. In the middle of Kowloon, where the dragon heads meet, a huge ball with a diameter of a hundred meters is slowly rotating.

"What is this?" The fat man walked around the ball, but could not see what it was. Even his always-unfailing identification skills were ineffective, and there was a question mark.

The ball is golden yellow, with chaotic air flowing inside it. The nine dragon heads touched the ground, seeming to respect this thing very much.

He gently stretched out his hand, and when he touched the ball, it felt cool and did not cause any obstruction to the fat man.

Click. Suddenly a sound came to Fatty's ears. Just behind Fatty, the giant dragon that had been dead for countless tens of thousands of years and whose inner elixir had been taken away by Fatty suddenly moved, and its empty eye sockets suddenly lit up with a black flame.

"@#¥%..." A sound came into Fatty's ears. Fatty was shocked and quickly backed away, trying to escape from the ground.