Show Me the Money

Chapter 27: On the run


Fatty and Fugitive both walked into the fourth floor and smiled at each other when they saw the monsters all over the map.

"Men on the left, women on the right." The fat man nodded to Fugitive World, and took the lead to the left. He walked like a whirlwind, grabbed a dozen skeleton cavalry, and some skeleton archers, and ran towards the entrance of the fourth floor.

Smart people don't need to talk nonsense. Without saying a word, they ran to the other side, also pulled a dozen monsters, and returned to the entrance of the fourth floor.

"Let's go." The two came to the fourth floor entrance and returned to the third floor at the same time. Dozens of skeleton cavalry stopped at the entrance blankly, at a loss.

Monsters on the fourth floor cannot come to the third floor. This is also a BUG that cannot be considered a bug. The two fat guys used this setting to attract a bunch of monsters to block the entrance to the fourth floor.


Seeing Fatty and the two suddenly returning to the third floor, everyone was shocked at first, and then looked at Fatty fiercely, wondering whether to say a few words first or take action directly.

The fat man raised his head, grinned, and sneaked back to the fourth floor. The fugitive next to him made the same move. Back on the third level, they are out of combat, so they can sneak.

"Chase." What annoyed everyone on the third floor the most was that Yunlong went to sea. In his opinion, the fat man not only robbed his monster, but also robbed it three times in a row. As the saying goes, you can have one or two, but this fat guy is really too much.

Yunlong went out to sea and took the lead, passing the entrance to the fourth floor first. As soon as he came in, his expression immediately changed. In front of him were densely packed skeleton cavalry, numbering twenty or thirty. In the distance, the cruising skeleton archers also turned to look over.

boom. Perhaps because of being tricked by Fatty and Fugitive World, the Skeleton Cavalry felt a little angry. At this moment, when they saw someone showing up, they didn't care who he was, but they actually activated all their skills and charged.

How spectacular it is to see dozens of skeleton cavalry charging together, and how breathtaking it is to see dozens of skeleton archers shooting arrows in unison. Horse hooves were fierce and arrows were raining down. At least one third of them hit Yunlong Chuhai. Yunlong Chuhai didn't have time to make any reaction. He grunted and turned into a white light and flew back to the city.

"Retreat, retreat." Yunlong Yufeng was horrified and hurriedly retreated, wanting to return to the third floor. However, the players from the Yunlong Gang behind him were so crowded that they directly blocked his retreat.

A monster massacre of players unfolded at the narrow entrance, which was horrific to watch.

"My eyes are open when I see money." In the corner of the fourth floor hall, the stealth state was released, and the fat man stretched out his right hand towards the fugitive world.

Fugitive is a thin young man, apparently only twenty-one or twelve years old. When the fat man announced his family name, he didn't waste any time and swiped his name to reveal his name.

"On the run? What's wrong, buddy? What have you done that is so outrageous? Are you being hunted down so miserably?" the fat man exclaimed.

I pour. Fugitive put his hand on his forehead and made a fainting gesture.

Without waiting for the expected performance, Fugitive World simply prompted Fatty directly. "Look at the rankings on the Heavenly Ranking."

The fat man slowly opened the Heavenly List, and then screamed.

"Wow, the Raptor crossing the river is indeed a Raptor. It's actually level 12. The second place, the fugitive, is so stupid. He's still at level 11. Hey, he has the same name as you, there won't be anything against you two. Human relationship, right?"

The corners of Fugitive Tianya's mouth twitched fiercely.

"Haha, just kidding." The fat man grinned. "Second on the Heavenly List, what a great name. I wonder what brings you here?"

"You'll get half of it when we meet, you won't want to keep it all to yourself, right?" Fugitive Tianya weighed the dagger. It was long and narrow, completely black, and the blade shone with a faint green light. "Bee Tail Needle, silver weapon, ranked second on the weapons list."

The meaning is self-evident.

"Frostfang Blade, silver weapon, ranked first in the weapons list." The fat man also took out his weapon and faced each other tit for tat.

"The so-called meeting means fate. It's not good to be too greedy." Fugitive Tianya was silent for a while before saying.

"Okay." The fat man nodded awkwardly and took out a copper coin, his face full of pain. "I picked up a total of 2 copper coins. Since you opened your mouth, I will give you half."

"Damn fat man, are you kidding me?" Fugitive Tianya rolled his eyes, put away the dagger in his hand, and immediately entered stealth mode.

"So what if I'm kidding you!" Fatty sneered and also entered the stealth state. If you dare to share the benefits with the fat man, are you worthy

As a thief, a top thief, Fugitive World is undoubtedly successful, at least second place on the Heavenly Ranking can prove this. Although he was accidentally discovered by Fatty when he was fighting the boss just now, he only blamed it on his own negligence. One on one, he believed that he could easily kill the fat man with a knife.

"As a thief, especially one who aims to become an assassin, calmness is an essential factor." Fugitive World secretly warned himself, taking a step back and standing still. The dagger pointed at an angle, and as long as the fat man showed a slight flaw, he could emit a life-killing light at any time.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

Time passed slowly, and there was still no movement on the other side. Fugitive Tianya was slightly anxious, but immediately put away his emotions.

"Compared with patience? That's fine, let's compare. The most important thing for a thief is patience. Let me see if you, who was once the number one in the sky, are worthy of your reputation."

Qi sinks in the Dantian, holding Yuan Shouyi, looking around, listening in all directions. Fugitive Tianya slowly moved a few steps to the left, his body slightly arched, and he was ready to take action at any time.

A few more minutes.

"Okay, you are indeed the number one on the Heavenly Ranking. This patience alone is worthy of my admiration. As the number one thief in the profession, I will not lose to you."

"It seems very difficult." Fugitive Tianya changed positions again. "If you don't take action, it's enough. If you take action, it will kill you with one blow. It seems that he has understood the true essence of the thief profession. It's good and challenging. I like it."

"Yes, patience is much better than I thought. However, patience is not enough. I will let you see the true strength of a top thief."

At this time, Yunlong Chuanghai had organized people to attack twice in succession, but was blocked at the entrance by skeleton cavalry and skeleton archers, leaving several corpses behind and retreated in embarrassment.

"Why, am I impatient? No, as a great thief, how can I lose to a wretched fat man? I will definitely beat him." Fugitive Tianya changed positions again, ready to take action at any time.

"Okay, good. You've made me feel threatened. Come on, get your money's worth and let me see if you're worthy of letting me waste so long."

Yunlong Chuhai said: "You two, sneak in and see if those two bastards are still inside. Especially the other person, if you find out what his name is, I will definitely kill them back to level zero."

"Oh, I haven't been this excited for a long time. This is more exciting than challenging the entire Raptors Gang. Haha, if the guys from the Raptors Gang knew that I was being stumped by a player of the same profession, would they laugh out loud? For their sake I can eat normally in the future, and of course I can’t let this happen.”

The Raptor Gang is the gang that chased the fugitives out of Qinglong City. The leader of the gang is the number one person on the Tianban List, the Raptor Crossing the River.

"Report to the gang leader, there is no one on the fourth floor. Maybe they have sneaked back to the third floor." A sneaking player reported to Yunlong Chuhai.

"Impossible. We have blocked the entrance to the fourth floor. People are attacking everywhere. It is impossible for them to sneak out and exit. You go to the fifth floor to investigate." Yunlong Chuhai said angrily.

"Okay, there is movement. Hum, with such poor skills, sneaking and walking with such big movements, these are not the qualities that a qualified thief should have. I am damned for wasting so long." Fugitive Tianya's ears twitched slightly, and he turned around quietly, Lock the visitor firmly without leaving any trace.

"No, there are two of them. Could it be that he has found help again? Huh, no wonder he made such a big move. He originally wanted to lure me to take action and expose my body. Well, I will show you that in the face of real strength, any tricks can be defeated. It’s a floating cloud.”

"Is that fool still waiting on the fourth floor?" The fat man curled his lips. At this moment, he had been squatting on the fifth floor of the mass grave for a while.

There are seven levels of mass graves, each one larger than the other. The entire hall on the fifth floor is comparable in area to the four floors above combined. It was pitch black inside, except for a few withered bones, which shimmered with phosphorescence, reflecting the faint blue, making it look ghostly.

But at this moment, the entire hall was empty, and there was not a single monster present.

"Hey, there's no weird thing? What's going on? Did someone get there first?" The fat man was curious. Just after taking two steps, something suddenly moved in his heart. He leaned back without hesitation, and at the same time threw an identification technique in front of him.

Whoosh. A ray of cold light flashed across, and a short black shadow disappeared at an incredibly fast speed.

[Skeleton Assassin]

grade:? ?

attack:? ?

defense:? ?

Qi and blood:? ?

The entire fifth floor is actually filled with assassins who are at least level two (the second level of thieves are called assassins). Only thieves of rank two or above can learn the skill of forced sneaking in battle.

Whizzing. Two more bright lights flashed past, intertwining into a cross in front of the fat man.

"I'll block." Determined to test the monster's attack power, the fat man swung the Frost Fang Blade horizontally and tried to block it in front of him.

Ding, clang. After two sounds, Fatty's blood volume dropped at the fastest speed in history.

retreat! The fat man made a quick decision and immediately retreated to the fourth floor.

Whoosh. A cold light lit up and headed straight for the fat man's chest.

In his busy schedule, the fat man swung the Frost Fang Blade across his body. There was a clang sound and something fell to the ground. It was a crossbow arrow.

"Crossbow? The monsters on this floor can actually explode crossbows." Ignoring the amount of health that Wei Weiwei had nearly wiped out, the fat man's eyes shone. Thieves are not allowed to use bows and arrows, but crossbows are one of the necessary weapons for thieves. There is a dagger nearby and a crossbow far away, a must-have weapon for killing people and stealing goods.

"Fifth floor, I will definitely come back."

The fat man retreated to the fourth floor in embarrassment and poured red medicine into his mouth.

"That's it now." A cold light flashed in Fugitive Tianya's eyes, and the silver dagger, bee-tail needle, turned into a cold light and went straight towards the person who came.