Show Me the Money

Chapter 30: Messenger of Darkness


Without any warning, the two groups of men and horses collided.

The Raptors players were startled, and Fatty and Fugitive immediately started sneaking.

"Mage is free to attack." Raptor suddenly shouted across the river, taking the lead in firing a series of fireballs, covering an area.

Upon hearing this, all the Raptor Gang mage players immediately dispersed, each in one direction, and fired magic at the same time. Such a quick reaction made the other gang players marvel.

However, magic wreaked havoc in the hall on the fourth floor, but no trace of the two of them was found.

"Enter the fifth floor." Yunlong Chuhai couldn't wait to see the scene where Fatty was killed, so he led his men to advance to the fifth floor.

"No, I have a feeling, they are still here." The fierce dragon crossed the river and stopped Yunlong from going to the sea. He closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

boom. The raptor crossed the river and opened his eyes. A fireball was emitted, but no one appeared.

Another direction, another fireball, still no one.

A look of disdain appeared on Yunlong Chuhai's face, and just as he was about to speak, Raptor Guojiang suddenly pointed his hand at Yunlong Chuhai, and suddenly cast a magic spell at him.

boom. The fireball exploded and Yunlong Chuhai's blood volume was reduced. Yunlong Chuhai frowned and was about to curse when a figure suddenly jumped out from behind him.

"Well, you are worthy of being the leader of the Raptors Gang." The fat man sighed in admiration. He bounced off his feet and flew up, like a swallow flying through the water. His fat body gave people a feeling of lightness. After a few ups and downs, he passed several Raptor Gang players, fell into the entrance of the fifth floor, and disappeared.

"He has entered the fifth floor. Everyone, follow me down and kill him." Yunlong Chuhai was ecstatic. As long as he caught Fatty's traces, he believed that with the help of his Yunlong Gang, he would be able to bring Fatty back.

"Ignorance." Raptor Guojiang cursed lowly. The two of them exited in such a panic. How could it be easy to get to the fifth floor. However, he didn't care about Yunlong going to sea. The purpose of his coming was to escape to the end of the world.

"The mage blocks the entrance to the fourth floor, and everyone else is free to attack." Raptor Guojiang ordered.

The fat man fell to the fifth floor, heard the sinister laughter in his ears, and couldn't help but tremble. This kind of high-level boss is no longer something he can face now.

"When you see the money, let me see where you are going to run." Yunlong Chuhai was very proud and appeared at the entrance of the fifth floor with his people.

"When did I run away? Remember it was you who ran away the first time, right?" The fat man took a few steps back, carefully guarding against the skeleton assassin who might appear at any time.

"Damn fat man, you don't have to be so harsh. I won't make you cry later." Feeling that he has grasped the overall situation, Yunlong is not so anxious when he goes to sea.

To this kind of words, Fatty's only answer is the word "cut".

The knight warriors were in front, and the mage archers were behind, slowly pressing towards the fat man. Yunlong Chuhai blocked the entrance himself and looked at the fat man backing away with a look of pleasure on his face.

Suddenly, the fat man disappeared.

call. Several fireballs flew over and enveloped the fat man's position without any movement.

"Don't panic, change the direction and keep fighting." Yunlong Chuhai was teasing the fat man with a cat-and-mouse mentality.

The Yunlong gang continued to attack the players, and when the magic fell on the ground, four short guys with sharp blades appeared. These guys disappeared as soon as they appeared and disappeared without a trace.

"What is this?" Yunlong Chuhai was stunned. "Is there anyone else? No, a thief can't hide himself in battle."

ah. After several screams, the throats of the two mages were cut by the sharp blade that suddenly appeared, killing them instantly with one blow. Two other mages were hit in the shoulder during the confusion. Their blood levels were reduced to the bottom instantly, and their expressions changed greatly with fear.

"It's a skeleton assassin. He can stealth and attack. Please be careful." The player being attacked shouted while pouring medicine into his mouth.

boom. On the other side, the fat man was also knocked out of stealth by the skeleton assassin. He quickly rolled over, leaned against the wall, and walked away.

"The mage archers' long-range attacks were blinded by Qian's eyes, and the knights and warriors spread out to protect them." Yunlong immediately changed his strategy when he went to sea.

"Jie, Jie, Jie, hehe, there are so many humans. It's been a long time since I tasted such fresh human flesh. You can have a feast today."

The voice of Yin Testing sounded, and all the Yunlong Gang players got goosebumps inexplicably.

"Boss, definitely a boss, and a high-level one." Yunlong Chuhai was ecstatic. Such high-level bosses were always hard to come by. Unexpectedly, there was one on the fifth floor of the mass grave.

The attack and defense blood speed of high-level bosses are similar to those of ordinary bosses of the same level. The only difference is that their IQs are very high, almost as good as players. This kind of boss is much harder to kill than ordinary bosses, but the corresponding items are also very good. As the saying goes, risks and profits coexist.

"Everyone is going to work hard to solve the problem, and then prepare to blow up the boss." At this time, Yunlong Chuhai had forgotten his hatred for Fatty, and was ready to kill Fatty as soon as possible so that he could blow up the boss.

laugh. A white light flashed, and a blood shadow disappeared in an instant. After the blood shadow passed, a knight player standing in front opened his mouth without making any sound, and his body suddenly broke into two pieces.

"Everyone, be careful. The boss has high attack power and can become invisible. The formation shrinks, the knights and warriors form a circle to defend with all their strength, and the mage archers attack freely inside. Fight the boss out first."

After all, Yunlong Chuhai is the leader of a gang and is different from ordinary dudes. He is calm in the face of danger, and although he is panicked, he still understands the basic tactical qualities.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, such sweet blood. I haven't tasted its deliciousness in many years." The voice came out from the darkness again, eerie and terrifying.

The fat man clung to the wall, suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart, and without hesitation, he suddenly jumped to the right.

laugh. White light flashed across the place where the fat man had just stood, and a dent that was more than an inch deep was carved into the hard wall.

Identification Technique. The fat man threw the identification technique towards the end of the white light. As expected, there was nothing.

With the sound of footsteps, the other major gangs walked into the fifth floor one after another. The leader of the Raptor Gang, Raptor Guojiang, had a serious face, and it seemed that he had not found the whereabouts of the fugitive.

"First come, first served. This boss was discovered by our Yunlong Gang first, please don't hurt the peace." Seeing everyone coming down, Yunlong Chuhai shouted immediately.

"Brother Yunlong, let me help you fight." Fengshen Tianxia said immediately. No matter what, he wants to get a share of this boss.

The Raptors crossed the river in silence, and the other players in the Raptors Gang stood there motionless. The Raptor Gang didn't make any reaction, and the other gangs didn't move either. They just watched the Yunlong Gang kill the boss.

"Exactly. You can kill such a high-level boss if you want." The fat man sneered.

"High-level boss?" Raptor Guojiang suddenly raised his head, a flash of light flashing in his eyes.

"Hey, a high-level boss is something you can only meet but not seek. Yunlong goes to sea, so don't think about being alone." Xu Quan stood up first.

Someone came forward, Dongmen Chuifeng and Jiangdong Little Overlord were naturally not willing to be outdone, and they all stepped forward. For a moment, it returned to what it was like on the third floor, with four major gangs competing for a boss.

Yunlong Chuhai looked gloomy as he scanned the bosses of various gangs, and finally set his sights on Raptor Guojiang.

"Raptors boss, what do you say?"

In terms of number of people, the Raptors Gang has a hundred people on the field, which is comparable to the total number of the other four gangs. His thoughts are enough to influence today's boss battle.

"You fight. After you finish fighting, the boss will become ownerless, and we will fight again." Raptor Guojiang was very calm and led his men to take a step back, meaning that he would not take action until all four major gangs were defeated.

"Hey, what a plan. I'm afraid the boss will be gone before we finish defeating you." Xu Quan sneered.

"If that's the case, it can only be said that our Raptor Gang has no chance of meeting this boss, and we can't blame others." Raptor Guojiang replied expressionlessly.

"Okay, since the Raptors boss is so generous, we won't be polite. Let's do it together. Whoever picks up the exploded equipment gets it." The four gang leaders arranged their subordinates, and each gang designated an area and prepared to clear it first. Monster.

"Everyone, please remind me that Fugitive World must be in the hall on the fifth floor. Don't end up being taken advantage of." Raptor glanced at Fatty across the river and said.

"Don't worry. As long as he dares to come out, he will be killed first." Yunlong Chuhai glanced at the fat man and sneered.

"Everyone, the mob here is called the Skeleton Assassin, and its strength is equivalent to that of a level 2 thief. The boss is called the Dark Messenger, and can instantly kill a full-blooded knight. Everyone, be careful." Yunlong Chuhai said loudly.

The bosses looked at each other and understood. Yunlong Chuhai was not sure that he could defeat the boss alone, otherwise there would be no need to tell them this.

The fat man watched with cold eyes. In addition to being attacked by the boss Dark Messenger, he was also attacked twice by Skeleton Assassin. Fortunately, the fat man was agile and managed to dodge.

The level of monsters on the fifth level is too high, which can break the stealth of thieves and bring a lot of trouble to Fatty.

"Brother Kai, come to the upper right corner. It's safe here."

Fatty suddenly received a letter signed by "Fugitive." The fat man smiled slightly, and after the battle ended, he immediately sneaked, walked along the wall, and dived towards the upper right corner of the hall.

Although the hall on the fifth floor is irregular, it is still rectangular in general, but there are some bumps in the middle. Taking the entrance to the fifth floor as the corner of the rectangle, the fat man went to the upper right corner, and the position where the Dark Messenger was at the beginning was the diagonal end.

The fat man sneaked to the upper right corner. Although neither of the two thieves could see the other, they could detect each other's presence.

"How did you get in?" the fat man asked.

"I'm luckier than you. You were hiding behind Yunlong Chuhai, and I was hiding behind a knight from the Yunlong Gang and came in with them. Brother Kai, do you have any ideas?" Fugitive Tianya said.

"Of course, just like you." The fat man replied.

"Haha." Fugitive Tianya seemed very happy. "Are you interested in comparing?"

"Compared to what?"

"Let's see who can get the final benefit."

"What if I lose?"

"Whoever loses will be the other's little brother for a month. He will serve tea, wash, cook and take the blame."

"Okay. Since you are so sincere about being my little brother, I agree."

"Hey, damn fat man, don't talk nonsense so early."

"Fat Master never talks big, he always tells the truth."

The two quarreled here, and the four major gangs began to clear the area over there.