Show Me the Money

Chapter 319: The new evil god


"Rosethorn, what do you mean?"

At the entrance to the Underground Palace of the Evil Temple, two groups of people were confronting each other.

On one side were Dongfang Bubai, Menghu Xiashan and others who were hung up and rushed back, while on the other side were hundreds of people led by the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance.

Dongfang Bubai and the others wanted to go in again, but the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance tightly blocked the entrance to the underground palace. The two sides had been facing off for some time.

"It's not interesting. Since you have been eliminated, you are not qualified to enter again." Rose Thorn did not speak, but a player beside her said.

Fatty had met this player once and even snatched his equipment. The basic Five Elements Escape Technique, Wood Escape, was taken from him. It was none other than Baichuan Scholar, the leader of the Baichuan Alliance in Qinglong City.

The players in the Snow Rose Alliance, judging from the badges on their chests, are not members of a gang. They seem to be a group of four or five gang members. I don’t know how they got together.

"Stop talking nonsense and attack if you don't get out of the way." The tiger roared down the mountain and attacked first. He was now extremely anxious, fearing that all the contents would be robbed and he would not be able to get any soup at all.


"Dongfang Bubai, Tiger Descended from the Mountain, and Blood Rakshasa have all gone back, leaving only one Flying Eagle. And no one from the God Family has gone back. It seems that they have also come in here."

"Although they promised not to interfere in the affairs here, they must be on guard against others and beware of sneak attacks from behind."

"I didn't expect that it would attract so many gangs, and I would kill them all at once."

"Let's hurry up. Dongfang Bubai and the others have already rushed over. They are blocked by rose thorns and are PKing."

Coming out of the teleportation array, the leaders had analyzed the situation thoroughly. However, they never expected that the God's Family was hiding not far from the teleportation array and heard their conversation clearly.

"It turns out these people hired us to kill. It seems it's not just for revenge. What do they want to do?" God's Head was confused, but no matter what the other party wanted to do, it had nothing to do with them, and he didn't take it seriously.

Now the major gangs in the field have really started to fight. From time to time, a white light flashes for free return to the city. In just half an hour, more players died at the hands of similar players than at the hands of the Evil God Warriors.

"Kill, kill them."

"The evil god's armor is mine, no one can steal it."

"Quickly, grab the Evil God's Bracer."

For a few pieces of equipment, all the players are now red-eyed. As soon as they see a player who is not in their own gang, they will immediately use a skill. Even the priest raised his staff, stopped adding blood to his own players, and issued attack skills.

At this time, some players had already seen these new players, but they were entangled with each other. No one paid attention to them, but just took precautions in their hearts.

This group of players came outside the battle group, took time to arrange themselves in formation, and pointed their weapons at the people fighting.

"Prepare, attack." The leader of the players ordered indifferently, and hundreds of skills fell down, killing dozens of gang members in seconds.

"What are you doing?" All the gangs were shocked and retreated, each forming a small group. Flying Eagle Castle is the closest to the opponent. When Flying Eagle comes out, he will question the opponent.

"Idiot." God's Head cursed secretly.

Sure enough, with a bang, several fire magics hit the flying eagle at the same time. Feiying groaned, his body turned into ashes in the strong explosion, white light rose, and he returned to the city to resurrect.

The Evil God's Bracer that Fei Ying obtained fell to the ground with a clang, attracting the attention of all players.

However, no one dared to move at this time. This group of new players made it clear that they wanted to kill them all and monopolize the Evil God suit. Naturally, these people were unwilling.

"Kill. Let's hang these bastards back first, and then we can distribute the Evil God's equipment."

The crowd is surging, and there are more than a hundred remaining players in several gangs. Now they are all angry. Although there are half fewer players than the new group of players, they are not inferior to them in terms of momentum.

The two sides fought fiercely, and various skills illuminated the dark space. Some skills that are not easy to see or even heard of appeared one after another, such as space chain, ice wheel sword dance, death gaze, and other skills. The people in the God Family and others next to them were eye-opening and hooked.

The battle here is getting more and more intense, but there is no sound from Fatty's side.

At this time, Fatty had just reached the 100th floor. A large amount of evil god's power was sucked into the Five Elements Skill Book. At this time, in addition to the obvious blue light, a group of emerald green light gradually appeared on the Five Elements Skill Book.

The blue light is obviously water energy, and waves of sound like big waves are conveyed from it. This is the abnormality that occurs because it has swallowed the water mystery book and absorbed enough water energy. In this short period of time, Fatty walked from the first floor of the Evil God Altar to the 100th floor, absorbing a certain amount of the Evil God's power and providing enough energy. According to the water-derived wood that is the five elements, the wood energy gradually appeared. .

All methods return to their origin, and at the divine level, all divine powers are essentially the same. Whether it is light and darkness, or various natural elements such as earth, water, fire, wind, thunder and lightning, once they rise to the level of divine power, they can all be transformed into each other. This is why on Holy Spirit Island, Wu Junxiao's spiritual brand could swallow up the skills emitted by the shadow of the God of Light, and copy them in the Five Elements Skill Book.

Now the power of the evil god is permeating the entire altar. As long as you step on the altar, you will be impacted by the power of the evil god. Players with Evil God equipment can naturally absorb the power of Evil God. Not only can they restore the attributes of Evil God equipment, but they can also inherit the power of Evil God. Players without Evil God equipment, unless they are god-level or close to god-level, will not be able to survive for a long time. If you stop here, you will inevitably be overwhelmed by the power of a large amount of evil gods.

Watching an emerald-green tree sprout and grow in the blue waves, until it grew into a sapling half as tall as a man, Fatty felt a certain amount of luck in his heart. It was only after absorbing so much evil god's power that the Five Elements Skill Book was restored to this point. If one were to search for the Five Elements energy by oneself, the game would have to be stopped once all was found.

The power of the evil god pouring into the body gradually decreased, and almost all the power of the evil god at this level was absorbed by the Five Elements Skill Book. Seeing that the saplings in the book had grown a little bigger, the fat man almost laughed to the sky, and hurriedly stepped up another step.

Every time the Evil God Altar goes up a level, the Evil God's power increases by one point. When it reaches the 101th floor, the Evil God's power suddenly becomes much larger. If it used to be like a small stream slowly flowing into the fat man's body, now it is It was a surging river, rushing in.

His body instantly swelled by three points, and the equipment on his body was almost torn. More power of the evil god rushed into the Five Elements Skill Book. The emerald green sapling in the Five Elements Skill Book swayed in the wind, growing almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.


"Brother, who are they?" God's left hand asked in a sharp voice. What he saw in front of him almost made him jump in horror. There were more than a hundred players, even if they were half less than the opponent, they couldn't easily eat them. But the group of players who had just arrived in front of them wiped out all the opponents, and only lost more than 20 people. These 20 people died due to the opponent's desperate counterattack.

"The China area is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers." God's Head looked serious and was wary of these players.

"Boss." Several players handed the exploded Evil God equipment to the leader. The player looked at the equipment and couldn't help but beam with joy.

"Hahahaha, Evil God Suit, get up." As the man shouted, Evil God's helmet, Evil God's armor, Evil God's cloak and other items flew into the sky one after another. Gray gas surged, and a huge one-piece armor was gradually assembled in the air. .

This armor includes a helmet, cloak, breastplate, wrist guards, leg guards, and boots. Except for the blood red cloak, the rest are all bronze in color. It seems to be made of bronze, with strange magic patterns engraved on it, and layers of gleaming light. The movement brings out the boundless majesty of this armor.

Clang. The evil god's suit vibrated and slowly rotated in the air, seeming to be choosing something.

"Evil God Suit, why are you hesitating? Come to me." The leading player stretched out his right hand. There was a crystal clear hexagonal crystal with countless smoke flowing inside.

Hey, a ray of light shot out from the hexagonal crystal and landed in the middle of the evil god suit's helmet. Immediately, the evil god suit vibrated with a clang, and a ray of light shot into the sky. Under the evil god suit, a human figure vaguely appeared.

"Are you willing to inherit the inheritance of the evil god and possess the power of the evil god?"

A majestic, loud, yet sinister voice sounded throughout the evil god's space.

"I do." The player shouted loudly.

"Are you willing to inherit the evil god's will and establish the evil god's kingdom?"

"I do."

"Are you willing to inherit the name of the Evil God and spread the Evil God's faith?"

"I do."

"I, Stellis, give you the power of the evil god in the name of the evil god. Go, inheritor of the evil god, and spread the glory of the evil god with the sharp sword and spear in your hand."

The hexagonal crystal in the player's hand suddenly flew up and landed in the middle of the Evil God's helmet. The entire Evil God's helmet quickly shrunk, then slowly fell down and was placed on the player's body.

"Hahahaha, from now on, I will be the new evil god."

The blood-red cloak danced, and the evil god suit was put on the player as if it were nothing. A gloomy, evil, and dark aura violently spurted out, sweeping across the entire space.

"See Lord Evil God." All the other players knelt down on one knee and paid tribute to him.

"Haha, everyone, get up." The evil god helmet on the player's head shrank, revealing his face.

"Friends of the God's Family, it's time to come out."

Snap, snap. The Head of God clapped his hands and led the people out of the stealth state.

"Awesome. It seems that your Excellency paid us to assassinate four gang leaders. There is a lot of meaning in it."