Show Me the Money

Chapter 33: City building order


A body of ribs was covered with a bronze armor, and a solid helmet covered the entire head. He held a somewhat rusty spear in his hand, and under his seat was a skeleton horse that breathed hot air, which was very powerful.

Transformed into a cavalry commander, the fat man looked left and right, filled with joy.

Name: Commander of the Undead

Occupation: Death Knight

Auxiliary occupations: none

Level: Level 20

Basic attributes: Physique: 0, Strength: 0, Agility: 0, Intelligence: 0, Endurance: 30

Free attribute points: 120

Perhaps the transformation consumed a lot of strength. Originally, the cavalry commander should have been at level 20, but after the transformation, he was only at level 20.

Completely transformed into another Cavaliers player. Not only has the level not been lost, but the blood volume has also been filled up. The most important thing is that maybe the skeleton assassin thought the fat man was one of his own and did not attack him.

He added points to his physique and strength, and picked up a weapon exploded by Fugitive World. This guy had previously killed two thieves from the Yunlong Gang on the fourth floor and became famous.

The fat man walked twice on the fifth floor, and the fat man walked to the fourth floor. Ordinary skeleton assassins can't see his true identity, who knows if the Dark Messenger will. Be careful when sailing the ten-thousand-year-old ship. If it hangs up again, it will really lose its level.

With the blood-red name "Commander of the Undead" on his head, the fat man came to the fourth floor. No players have entered the fourth floor yet, and the skeleton cavalry and skeleton archers that have been cleared by the Raptor Gang have begun to refresh. The fat man deliberately wandered in front of several skeleton cavalry without any reaction. It seemed that this low-level monster really couldn't see the fat man's background.

"Go, kill it." The fat man pointed at a skeleton cavalry and ordered it to kill the skeleton archer next to it. The skeleton cavalry simply regarded the fat man as nothing and turned a blind eye.

The fat man chuckled twice. If he really listened to his orders, this skill would be incredible.

"Brother Kai, where are you?"

Fugitive World sent a message. This poor kid dropped one level and completely fell off the Heavenly Ranking.

"Oh, I'm on the fourth floor of the mass grave. How are you, at the resurrection point?" the fat man asked.

"Are you on the fourth floor? Why didn't you hang back?" Fugitive Tianya's voice was full of surprise.

"Originally, I was going to die, but the Dark Messenger suddenly discovered that I have extremely good bones and am a good martial artist. From now on, it will all depend on me to maintain world peace and save the world's common people, so not only did they not kill me, but they cried You want to accept me as your disciple and teach me my magical skills." The fat man was full of nonsense, and he was on the run for a while.

"Is there such a good thing? You didn't lie to me, did you? I have good bones. How about you discuss with the Dark Messenger and accept me as your disciple?" Fugitive Tianya said.

"Okay. First pay the public relations fee of 100 gold coins." The fat lion opened his mouth.

"Tch." Fugitive Tianya despised him. "Did you touch anything good for the last time?"

"I haven't looked at it yet. Did you touch something good? By the way, I picked up your dagger for you. Remember to pay me when you get back." The fat man said.

"Hey, exploding a dagger is nothing. I touched a sickle." Fugitive Tianya said proudly.

"Sickle? Damn, don't tell me the one used by the Dark Messenger?" The fat man was shocked.

"Hey, of course it's not that one, but it probably has something to do with it. Let me show you the illustration." With that, Fugitive World sent the illustration over.

A strange-shaped sickle, glowing with a dark black light, one size smaller than the one in the hand of the Dark Messenger.

[Death Bone Scythe]gold weapon, dagger unidentified

"The Fugitive World, the Fugitive Bone Scythe, the names match well. Why haven't you identified it yet?" The fat man looked at the illustrated book, and the skeleton horse that sat down was trembling. Goldware, even silverware is a rare commodity these days, and even bronzeware is not yet popular. You can imagine how much a goldware can be sold for.

"Damn, I can't get out." Fugitive Tianya said helplessly.

"What? Can't get out? What do you mean?" The fat man was stunned.

"The resurrection point was full of people from the four major gangs. As soon as I showed up, I was blocked by them. Even the Raptors came. If the resurrection point was not attackable, I would have been put back to level zero by them. Now. I was scolding them." Fugitive Tianya said distressedly.

"Haha, you deserve it." The fat man finally felt balanced.

"Stop talking about me, what did you touch?" Fugitive Tianya asked.

"I haven't looked at it yet." The fat man opened the package and took out what he found, a token-like item.

The two of them had unusually good luck. With the elementary theft technique, the probability of 1‰-5‰ allowed them to successfully touch the same item.

"What?" Fugitive Tianya seemed to take it very seriously.

"Well, it's a token, I don't know what it's for." The fat man answered honestly.

Silent, no response from the fugitive world.

"What's wrong?" Fatty asked.

"Is there the word 'help' on the token?" Fugitive Tianya asked through gritted teeth.

"No." The fat man looked over it several times and answered affirmatively.

"That's good, that's good." Fugitive Tianya breathed a long sigh of relief, and seemed to exchange a few words with someone before turning back. "I'm just telling you, there aren't even level 20 players now, how come the gang establishment order appeared so early. Let's go back and identify it to see what the use of this token is."

"I haven't finished speaking yet. There is no word "help" on it, there is a word "city" on it," the fat man continued.

"City building order? How is that possible!" Fugitive Tianya seemed to be very upset and shouted. Then there was a commotion.

"City building order? On the run, who has the city building order?" The fierce dragon crossing the river heard Fugitive's exclamation, and his face suddenly changed. "Fugitive World, if you sell me the city building order, our grudges will be settled immediately, and our Raptors will treat you like a guest from now on, how about that?"

"On the run, sell the city founding order to me, the Yunlong Gang, on whatever terms you want." Yunlong Chuhai also shouted.

The meaning behind a city founding order was well understood by several bosses present, and no one was willing to lag behind, so each offered a sky-high price.

"I'm sorry, I also want to sell it to you, but the city founding order is not mine. It's a pity." Fugitive Tianya spread his hands, and then sent a message to the fat man: "Be prepared, the bosses of all the major gangs will probably come to you to buy the city founding order. Yes. Brother Kai, you posted it this time."

"What's the use of the city founding order?" the fat man asked quickly.

"The City Building Order, as the name suggests, is used to build the city. When a gang is established in the future, if you want to establish a gang station, the City Building Order is an indispensable item. And this first one has a special meaning. Damn, why are you so lucky? When compared with the city founding order, my Death Bone Scythe is reduced to rubbish. Damn Dark Messenger, it’s not a good thing at first glance. With the city founding order on him, do you want to rebel against the boss and pull the lever to start a new mountain by yourself? "

Ignoring Fugitive's muttering, Fatty's communicator rang wildly, and system friend request prompts also rang one after another. There is no doubt that these bosses have guessed everyone in the city founding order and want to win first.

"I'll turn it off first. We have time to chat." Fatty said to Fugitive World and turned off the communicator.

"The communicator is turned off." Ming Xue said to Liu Lan.

"It's indeed turned off." The purple wind chime nodded.

Dongmen Chuifeng shrugged his shoulders, looking helpless. The people present were the only ones who had a good relationship with the fat man and could communicate directly.

"You guys, go to the mass grave exit and wait first. Be sure to see Qian Qian's eyes open. If you see him, inform me immediately, and I will go there soon." Raptor Guojiang ordered, and two people immediately left the team and headed out of the city. Run.

After being reminded by them, people from all the gangs went to the mass graves to wait. Some of the bosses even sorted out their equipment and went to the mass graves, but no one cared about being on the run.

"Damn, it's just a city founding order, isn't it? I'll get a dozen of them later, buy one, get one free." Just now, it was "getting much attention", but now it's deserted, and I feel very disappointed when I'm on the run. Ah Q did some research and went to the laboratory with the Death Skeleton Scythe in his arms.

"The city founding order." The fat man hugged the token and kissed it beautifully. As the name implies, this city founding order is expensive, otherwise the major gangs would not be in a hurry to buy it from me. However, things are rare and expensive. Since everyone wants it, if it is sold cheaply, it will really lose the price of the fat man.

The fat man was riding a skeleton horse, thinking about how to trick a few gangs. After wandering, I walked into the entrance of the fourth floor and arrived at the third floor.

Players have already come in on the third floor, one in the east and one in the west, working hard to level up. When they saw the fat man appearing, they were all startled, and then they were all overjoyed.

"Boss, the boss is finally here." Why are you excited

"Thanks for all my hard work to get in. Woo hoo, I finally see what the boss looks like." A poor man.

"Wow, Commander of the Undead, is this a very high-level boss? Why does it appear on the third floor? It should be on the seventh floor, right?" This man is very sensible.

"Who knows, maybe he came to inspect." Have you read too many novels

The fat man casually glanced at the excited crowd and wanted to walk towards the entrance, but several people immediately blocked him in front.

"Friends, it is fate that we can discover the boss together. Don't rob anyone, come together to kill the boss and explode the artifact." A player who felt that he had the aura of a bastard shouted.

"Kill the boss, explode the artifact." Everyone shouted in unison, the sound shook the sky.

There are more than a dozen teams of players on the third level, totaling two to three hundred people. Two to three hundred people shouted at the same time, making the fat man's ears buzz.

"What's your name?" The fat man suddenly took a step forward on his horse and said in a hoarse voice to the tortoise-like player.

"Ah, the boss asked me what my name is?" Not only him, but all the players were stunned. Could it be that the boss can still chat with people

By the way, doesn't the official website say that there is a high-level boss whose IQ is not inferior to that of humans

"Everyone, be careful. This is a legendary high-level boss with high intelligence." The arrogant man shouted.

High level boss? The fat man smiled bitterly. There is a high-level boss, and I was killed by it.

"Young man, I see that your heaven is full, your earth is round, your bones are excellent, and your body is strong. You are a prodigy in martial arts. The peace and security of the future world will depend on you. Are you willing to worship me as your master? Master, I will teach you all the skills of my undead kingdom, so that you can conquer the world and dominate it."

"The high-level boss wants to accept me as his disciple?" Not only the arrogant man, but also the other players were stunned.

"Hidden mission!" The arrogant man suddenly shouted and fell to his knees suddenly. "I do, I do."

"Well, I will accept you as my disciple. However, I am a knight and you are a warrior. You cannot learn some of my skills." The fat man pretended to be sorry.

"Ah? What should we do?" The arrogant man looked at the "master" undead commander eagerly.

"Unless you commit suicide and return to level zero, then I will cleanse you of your charisma and change your job again." Fatty said profoundly.

"Okay." After hesitating for a long time, the arrogant man suddenly stood up, took off all his equipment, naked, and rushed towards the skeleton cavalry without hesitation.

Poof. The skeleton cavalry's rusty spear penetrated the player's body and turned into a white light and flew up on the spot.