Show Me the Money

Chapter 335: The city of heroes


"City of Heroes!"

Many players exclaimed, with salivating expressions on their faces.

"Master Baimen, how do we recover the City of Heroes? Can we just clear out all the monsters inside?" A gang leader asked impatiently.

"That's just the first step. After the City of Heroes is defeated, there will be a monster attack on the city. As long as it can be defended for ten hours, the City of Heroes will be recovered." Bai Xiaosheng did not hide anything and answered happily. road.

"Then what are you waiting for? Brothers, follow me and be the first to rush into the City of Heroes. The City of Heroes will be ours." Now this group of players are completely torn apart and don't care what Bai Xiaosheng thinks in his heart. , led his men and rushed towards the City of Heroes.

A gang leader glanced at Bai Xiaosheng with a faint smile. Seeing the helplessness and resentment on Bai Xiaosheng's face, he came over and patted him on the shoulder, and rushed over with his men. In the blink of an eye, there were only a few dozen people left around Bai Xiaosheng.

"Hey, go ahead and beat them all hard. When you find out that without the Hero Tower, you are not qualified to be the Lord of the City of Heroes, let's see if you can still laugh." Bai Xiaosheng cursed fiercely.

"Uncle, I think we should be the first to rush into the city no matter what. If the system goes crazy and the first guy to rush into the city is counted as the city lord, that would be bad." Fatty added.

"Yes, I think so too." God's Head, Raptor Guojiang and others all nodded.

"Don't worry, let them fight for a while first, and then we can go in when the fighting is almost done. Here, this is the distribution map of the City of Heroes. When the city gate opens, we must occupy the City Lord's Mansion before everyone else. The Hero Tower must be placed there to be effective. Our brothers from Baixiao Sect worked hard to get this..." Bai Xiaosheng took out a stack of blueprints from the package and gave them to everyone around him. One serving.

Bai Xiaosheng didn't show any signs just now, but now he took out this blueprint, which showed that Bai Xiaosheng had been fully prepared, and Fatty and the others stopped worrying.

Although the City of Heroes is also the main city, its area is not large compared to the City in the Sky, which is as famous as the four major cities. It is only one-fifth the size of the City in the Sky. The walls of the entire City of Heroes were piled with dead bones, and there was a lifeless atmosphere everywhere. A black smoke rose from the center of the City of Heroes and turned into a black sky, covering the City of Heroes. Only the tip of the iceberg was exposed, which was blurry and could not be seen clearly at all.

"Damn it, it's the dark sky of undead magic. The City of Heroes is indeed occupied by demons. With this thing here, we can't see the situation inside at all. But fortunately, there are so many free cannon fodder to clear the way, otherwise we would have to How much loss. Although I, Bai Xiaosheng, have a great family and a great business, I cannot suffer these losses for nothing." Bai Xiaosheng muttered.

There are more than 200 players that Bai Xiaosheng is worried about. The fat individual players who have gone out, and some gang leaders who have not asked anyone to come. There are also nearly 200 remaining people, that is, nearly 200 gangs. Several hundred people come to each gang, which is an army of nearly 100,000 players.

At this moment, these 100,000 troops were stationed along a wall of the City of Heroes according to their respective gangs. The gang leaders of nearly 200 gangs discussed with each other and came to see Bai Xiaosheng.

"Master Hundred Gates, since you have been studying this task for so long, you must have some way to break through the city gate, so don't hide it and tell everyone." The speaker was a thin, triangular-eyed, mourning man. The fat man only took one look at the guy with eyebrows and concluded that this guy was not a good guy.

"I just know some of the situation in the City of Heroes. As for how to attack the city, I haven't tried it. How do I know." Bai Xiaosheng spread his hands in a shameless manner, indicating that he had no choice.

"Master Bai, you invited us all to help. If you back down now, it won't look good on your face. If you want to cooperate in anything in the future, you will feel uncomfortable." Another gang leader threatened.

"Humph, I don't feel comfortable now. How can I have a future." Bai Xiaosheng straightened his face and simply ignored them.

"You still have the nerve to say this. The Master of the Hundred Sect invited you to help. The task has not yet been completed. We have to steal the things of the Master of the Hundred Sect. You have the nerve to say so." Raptor Guojiang scolded.

"You can't say that." One of the gang leaders said slowly. "When we attack the city, aren't we just helping the Hundred Sect Masters with their tasks? As for who becomes the city lord in the end, this is not within the scope of our help, right?"

"Okay, very good." Bai Xiaosheng's face turned pale. "In that case, let's just do our best and not give it away."

Bai Xiaosheng turned around with a flick of his sleeves. The gang leaders looked at each other, shook their heads, and went back to prepare to attack the city.

"These idiots are so impatient. I thought I was going to capture the city before I turned against you and snatched the position of city lord, but I didn't expect that we are now falling out." After everyone left, Bai Xiaosheng sneered.

Shouting to kill Zhentian, the players began to attack the city. There are no siege equipment prepared, so if you want to attack the city, you will naturally be prepared to fill it with corpses.

There are more than a hundred gangs, each with its own master, with little intention of cooperating. They are rushing towards the City of Heroes at the same time, for fear of being overtaken by others. This also has the advantage of a full-scale attack. Once the attack intensity reaches a certain point, the demon army in the city can focus on one thing and not the other, and finally open a gap.

The battle lasted for more than five hours, with at least 10,000 players hanging in the city. The gang leaders who were attacking the city all had pale faces, looking at the city of heroes buried in bones, they almost jumped up and cursed.

"Gang Leader, this is not the way to go." Some players began to back down.

"How can we fight if we don't continue like this? Come and find a way for me." All the gang leaders' faces were so gloomy that they were almost dripping with water. They glanced at Bai Xiaosheng, who was happily watching the fun behind them, and gritted their teeth.

Due to the existence of the Death Altar, these players will not be resurrected at the resurrection point after dying, but will be resurrected directly on the Death Altar. Although it has been transformed into a dark attribute, it is not restricted by the altar and can still come to attack the city. In this way, the number of members of each gang has not been reduced much. However, if you hang on like this, the level you finally raised will be gone. Anyone can ask for it. Feeling distressed.

Moreover, I don’t know how to break this dark attribute, which will cause another trouble in the future.

"The City of Heroes is too difficult to fight, and there are countless monsters in it. It's not an option to continue fighting like this. Can any of you come up with a good idea?" The attack was temporarily stopped, and a group of gang leaders gathered together again.

"Go to Bai Xiaosheng, he will definitely know how to attack the city." After discussing for a while, no one could come up with a good idea, so they naturally thought of Bai Xiaosheng.

"Master Bai Sect, we won't say anything else. If we defeat you, you still have a chance to complete the mission. If we fail, everyone's trip will be in vain. You have to think clearly."

"We can't afford to kill so many brothers in vain. If we really can't defeat them, I might as well ask Master Bai to be the vanguard."

Each word was more explicit than the last, and Bai Xiao's hands were shaking with anger.

"You, you guys, okay, very good. In that case, let's go die together."

Bai Xiaosheng was also furious and would rather die this time than give them advice.

Bai Xiaosheng got angry, but this group of people couldn't do anything either. A man is crying to die, what else can you do to him

Watching the group of people go back, Bai Xiaosheng snorted, but then said: "It seems that we have to help them, otherwise they will all hang outside, and there will be no one to help us clear out the monsters inside."

If we want to use the Hero Tower to summon nearby human warriors now, it is a bit early and the timing is wrong. After thinking for a while, Bai Xiaosheng finally decided to bring them some siege equipment.

Bai Xiaosheng walked around with the Hero Tower and pulled out a group of human soldiers. Although this group of human soldiers did not obtain siege equipment, they were all mage troops.

In addition to these mages, I don't know which troops were so idle that they also ran over, making Bai Xiaosheng depressed for a while.

"Look, someone is here to help."

"They are all mages, earth mages. This is easy to handle."

Players from various gangs in the city were greatly encouraged. Only the gang leaders were puzzled for a while, wondering how these soldiers came here. But it was a good thing to have someone to help, so I removed all the players and let the mage cast his magic first.

A group of about a hundred high-level earth mages stood not far from the city wall, arranged in a magic circle. As they recited the incantation, a huge earth-yellow magic circle with a diameter of a hundred meters appeared above their heads.

"It's a very familiar smell," the fat man said.

"It's the Little Forbidden Curse - Heaven Collapse and Earth Splitting, the magic used by Ting Yuxuan's defense station." God's Head quickly identified which magic it belonged to.

"Little Forbidden Curse: Heaven and Earth Shatter." As the earth mages shouted in unison, the sky turned dark and the earth rumbled. Meteorites fell from the sky, covering half of the city wall. Bottomless cracks appeared on the ground, and they quickly moved towards The city wall stretches away from the bottom.

Click, click, the city wall was crumbling, huge gaps appeared on it, and half of it was smashed by meteorites, and it was about to collapse.

Suddenly, a black light rose from the city to protect the city wall, but it was the demon mage inside who took action. However, it was obvious that the mage inside was not powerful enough. After a while, the layer of black light gradually became thinner and faintly visible.

Boom. Finally, there was a place where the black light was not protected, and a crack about ten meters wide was opened by the collapse of the sky and the earth.

"Seize the opportunity and rush in."

Each gang selected some brave players who were not afraid of death and promised to give them huge compensation. Only then did these players take the risk of dying, mix with the troops who came for reinforcements, and rush to the breakthrough point despite the attacks from above. Mouth.

"Everyone, please pay attention. We are also going in. We must reach the City Lord's Mansion first." Bai Xiaosheng also became more energetic.

"Everyone, you should rest here." Before they could make any move, a team of about 500 players surrounded Fatty and the others.