Show Me the Money

Chapter 340: Demon soldiers appear


The piranha can not only spray venom to corrode city walls, but also spray poisonous stings to attack enemies. Many players were caught off guard and were injured by the poisonous sting, and many died.

Behind the piranha, dark clouds rolled in the sky. This is a kind of monster unique to the devil world, the dark cloud beast. This monster is shaped like a dark cloud, with no head, no tail, and no limbs. It is just a black cloud. Only a mouth below can emit highly toxic black rain. It has powerful attack power, but its only weakness is its slow speed. some. A single Dark Cloud Beast can cover an area of more than ten meters in radius. With so many people gathered together, they can completely cleanse the City of Heroes.

A continuous stream of dark cloud beasts flew towards the City of Heroes, reflecting the uncertainty on the player's face. Only more than an hour had passed before such a powerful monster appeared. How could we persevere for the next eight hours

Some gangs started to withdraw, but Bai Xiaosheng just glanced at it coldly and said: "Everyone quit now, and the previous losses will be wasted." The implication is that if you insist on helping Bai Xiaosheng to defend, he will wait until the official After regaining the City of Heroes, Bai Xiaosheng will naturally give them benefits, but if they withdraw now, they won't get any benefits.

These players looked at each other and gritted their teeth to stay.

"Archers, prepare to attack."

All the archers in the city were mobilized and concentrated together to deal with the dark cloud beast in the sky.

In the center of the City of Heroes, the Hero Tower stands tall, emitting layers of milky white light, blessing various states to the players defending the city. Bai Xiaosheng stood on the wall, Zhang Feihu followed closely behind him, seemingly to protect him.

The dark cloud beast flew over. Bai Xiaosheng just arranged for archers to deal with it and didn't look at it again. According to the way the demons operate, after three waves of monsters, the demon soldiers should come on stage.

boom. boom. When the Piranha Flower and Dark Cloud Beast were only half hung, a burst of neat footsteps came, and a black line appeared on the horizon in the distance, and quickly spread towards the city wall.

"It's a demon soldier." There was a burst of excitement among the players, and then it subsided. At this moment, they have no way out. Even if they want to use the scroll to return to the city, it is impossible to escape from here. The nearest return point is right behind them.

Only two hours had passed.

"There are quite a few." The fat man looked up and touched his chin.

The number exceeds 10,000 and is boundless. This group of magic soldiers numbered at least 30,000, and it was obvious at a glance that they were a team that was good at siege. There were hundreds of large magic beasts in front of them, pulling hundreds of large siege equipment.

"Damn it, we didn't even have any siege equipment when we attacked the city, and they actually brought so many." The players on the city wall were so angry that they almost vomited blood. If there were so many siege equipment just now, how could they have suffered so many casualties

"Who is going to destroy the siege equipment?" Bai Xiaosheng turned around and asked. If the siege equipment is not destroyed and they are allowed to smash into it, the city will be impossible to defend.

No one agreed. In addition to those equipment, there are at least tens of thousands of magic soldiers below. They will basically die if they go down. It is not known whether they can destroy the siege equipment. The attack distance of siege equipment is much farther than that of players. They cannot attack those equipment on the city wall at all.

"How about you ask that person to try it?" A player glanced at Zhang Feihu and motioned to Bai Xiaosheng to ask Zhang Feihu to take action.

"He can't leave the city." Bai Xiaosheng said with a wry smile.

Can't leave the city. All players are silent.

"Doesn't anyone dare to go?" Bai Xiaosheng was a little anxious. He saw catapults being set up below. Once the installation was completed, it would be a disaster for the defenders.

"Xiao Huang, go and try." The fat man summoned Xiao Huang and threw him directly outside the city.

"Zhizhi." Xiao Huang shouted angrily towards the city wall and immediately escaped underground.

Xiao Huang is an earth monster. With his earth escape skills, he is at home underground and quickly arrives in front of the demon soldiers. The siege machinery is now halfway set up and will be completed in a few minutes.

The ground cracked. Without hesitation, Xiao Huang launched the most appropriate skill. A trebuchet had just set up its boom when suddenly there was a roar, and a two-meter-wide crack appeared below. The whole thing fell down diagonally and got stuck in the crack.

"Okay, whoever still has earth-type pets should release them quickly. Don't hide them. Pets upgrade so quickly." Bai Xiaosheng urged.

"You can just let them all out, there's no use keeping them." Bai Xiaosheng added.

All the pets that could be used were released, and under the command of their respective owners, they rushed towards the siege equipment of the magic soldiers. But pets are pets after all. Firstly, they have low intelligence, and secondly, they are not strong. Only less than 30% of them can reach the siege equipment safely. Most of these 30% were killed by the surrounding demon soldiers, and only 10% had time to attack the siege equipment.

However, the attacks of these pets also produced very objective results. More than ten siege machines collapsed, some were seriously damaged, and it was seen that they could no longer be used.

I don’t know if it’s cost-effective to have tens of thousands of pets and cause so much damage, but no one is calculating this anymore.

Xiao Huang is still causing trouble down there. In a short time, it destroyed three trebuchets. But that's it, the remaining seventy or eighty instruments have been set up and aimed at the city wall.

More than twenty trebuchets attacked first. Stones the size of millstones were thrown high by trebuchets and smashed against the city wall. The players on the city wall shouted and all jumped off the city wall.

Boom, boom. One stone after another hit the city wall, gradually creating a gap in the city wall. Ordinary city walls are engraved with magic incantations, which will add defense to the city walls. However, the City of Heroes has been occupied by demons for thousands of years, so there is no magic blessing.

In addition to throwing stones, the trebuchet also throws a kind of black flame. This kind of black flame burns when it encounters objects, igniting a flame on the city wall, preventing players from climbing up the city wall to defend.

In addition to these trebuchets, there are also more than thirty ballistae. The outside of the ballistae shines with the luster of steel. Every time the dark muzzle lights up, a dazzling light will bombard the city gate. Fortunately, this city wall is not the two sides that the players attacked just now, otherwise the city gate would have been damaged long ago and would not be able to withstand the opponent's bombardment.

With these two kinds of equipment suppressing it, no player dared to attack on the city wall. To be honest, there is basically no one on the city wall now. Everyone, including the NPC army, has withdrawn to the city to avoid the trebuchet attack.

The rest is a type of crossbow arrow that can be scattered, and one hundred arrows can be shot at a time, which is very powerful on this kind of battlefield.

"What I prepared was that the city wall could hold us back for at least five hours, and then the street fighting would hold us back for two or three hours. The final time was delayed at the city lord's palace. Unexpectedly, we were forced to abandon the city wall in just over two hours. It seems that today's It's hard to defend." Bai Xiaosheng sighed.

"Just make it difficult, high risk and high profit." A gang leader came over. "Master Hundred Sects, let's make things clear first. If we can't defend the City of Heroes, then everyone will come back the same way they came. Don't think about anything. If we can defend it, how will the city be distributed?"

They had to ask the question. They had offended Bai Xiaosheng just now. If they succeeded in defending the city and a large NPC force came over, and Bai Xiaosheng turned against them, it would be better not to give them soup. It would be possible to kill them all with a backhand.

"If the defense of the city is successful, all the gangs present will have a village-level garrison in the City of Heroes. At the same time, each gang's tax in the City of Heroes will be discounted by 20%, and everything in the City of Heroes will have priority." Xiaosheng raised a finger and said solemnly.

"Okay, we can trust the credibility of Master Bai, so let's fight to the death."

All players retreated thirty meters away from the city wall to be careful not to be hurt by stones flying into the city. Fatty also summoned Xiao Huang back. Now it is useless to attack again, and it accidentally loses another level.

Although without the blessing of magic spells, the City of Heroes is after all a main city-level city, and the thickness of its city walls is not comparable to that of ordinary cities. The demon soldiers used various siege equipment and smashed it for nearly an hour before smashing the city wall into pieces, with several huge gaps appearing.

After wreaking havoc, various siege equipment finally stopped attacking. This was when the demon soldiers came forward, and they had to stop to avoid accidentally injuring the demon soldiers.

With Bai Xiaosheng's personal promise, the other gang players became excited. It doesn't matter if you fail a few times, as long as you can defend the City of Heroes, all the losses this time will be earned back.

So some players are screaming to rush out and fight with the magic soldiers, and they cannot be allowed to enter the city. This is another joke.

There were trebuchets on the top and ballistas on the bottom. The city gate was smashed to pieces, and a section of the city wall dozens of meters long on both sides also collapsed, forming a gap of fifty or sixty meters. The magic soldiers lined up neatly and headed towards this gap. Coming everywhere.

"Everyone, be sure to hold on for more than five hours." Bai Xiaosheng said. Although he was prepared to last two to three hours at the City Lord's Mansion, it was still better to approach the City Lord's Mansion as late as possible. No one knew what monsters might appear later.

In a street battle with the demon soldiers, the players' momentum was not at a disadvantage. Although there are many demon soldiers, they are only a vanguard force. Their greater role is to destroy the city wall. At this time, all the players worked together sincerely, arranged the most reasonable tactics, and were not afraid of dying. They tightly blocked the magic soldiers at the gap in the city wall, and the two sides became entangled within the distance of fifty or sixty meters.

"Brothers, let's go out." The fat man wandered around and hung up a few demon soldiers. With a thought in his heart, he said hello to God's Head and the others.

The demon troops pressed forward in large numbers and fought fiercely with the players at the city wall. The number of siege equipment guarding the rear was much smaller. Regardless of whether they are damaged or complete, nearly a hundred siege equipment are a large amount of wealth. If transported back to the city, one's own victory rate will be greatly improved.

Knowing Fatty's thoughts, God's Head and the others quickly withdrew, and finally formed a small group of more than twenty people and sneaked out of the city wall.