Show Me the Money

Chapter 349: The war breaks out


A sword array covering an area of 100 meters stood tall, and the clanging sound was endless. Countless sword energy shot up into the sky, poking a hole in the sky.

The demons who were close by were slightly touched by the sword energy and were immediately strangled into a ball of meat, howling miserably. In an instant, the demons lost thousands of soldiers.

Hundreds of thousands of miles away from the City of Heroes, a majestic city stands on the ground. The city wall was a bloody color, as if it were made of flesh and blood, with countless innocent souls struggling and screaming on it.

Within the city, various demon clans were walking densely. There are low-level demon clans such as the demon ant clan, demon tiger clan, demon wolf clan, and demon tree clan, as well as higher-level demon clans such as the demon ape clan and the demon eagle clan, which are human beings at birth.

At a glance, there are at least millions of demons in the entire city.

Above this city, five tall demonic figures hovered in the air, watching the battle in the City of Heroes from a distance.

"Five Elements Sword Formation." Seeing the Five Elements Sword Formation diagram appear, the five demon shadows' eyes lit up at the same time.

"It seems that the Demon Spirit Tribe has not completed its mission. Wu Junxiao is dead. This Five Elements Alchemist is still insignificant. We must kill him and seize the Five Elements Sword Formation Diagram and the Five Elements Skill Book." One of the demonic figures said.

"Pass the order, all the soldiers and horses in the Demon City will be dispatched, take down the City of Heroes at all costs, and seize the Five Elements Sword Formation Diagram and the Five Elements Skill Book."

"Yes, Your Highness."

A total of eight city gates on all sides of the Demon City rumbled open, and groups of demons flew, ran, or jumped out of the Demon City, quickly heading towards the City of Heroes.

"Let these low-level demons consume it. As long as we can seize these two pieces of equipment, even if all the accumulation in Tianzhihen is consumed, it will be worthwhile."

"Be aware that the human army may dispatch support at any time, and we must be prepared."

"It's a pity that our souls cannot leave the altar of death, otherwise why bother."

"Well, a lot of people have died in the past two days. The accumulated energy is enough for one of us to leave the altar in a short time. Which of us will go?"

"I go… "

The voice gradually became lower and lower, and the five demonic shadows gradually faded and disappeared.


Also hundreds of thousands of miles away from the City of Heroes, there is also a city with the City of Heroes as the center and far opposite the Demon City.

This city is similar in area to the four major cities including Xuanwu City. It is also tall and has thick walls, and it even has more armed equipment than Xuanwu City. There were human armies walking inside, numbering in the millions as well.

"The Five Elements Sword Formation is the inheritor of the Five Elements Alchemist." A trembling old man with a wrinkled face and a beard hanging down to his chest, holding a cane in his hand and stooped as if he could be blown to death by a gust of wind, stood on a At the entrance of the main hall, look towards the City of Heroes.

"The inheritor of the Five Elements Alchemist? I wonder how far you have practiced now. Can you stop the attack of the demons and take down the City of Heroes?" A middle-aged man in cloth came to the old man and also looked up. In the distance, it seemed that the distance of hundreds of thousands of miles could not stop them from visiting.

"Ahem, it's difficult." The old man coughed twice and tapped his back lightly with his left hand.

"Wise man, why don't we send someone out to help?" After a moment of silence, the middle-aged man couldn't help but ask.

"There's still no movement in the Demon City, so we can't send troops." The old man shook his head.

"We can only rely on them to help themselves. I hope they can persevere." The middle-aged man looked gloomy, obviously not optimistic about the players.

"Report!" A messenger quickly ran over. "All the demons in the Demon City mobilized in large numbers and marched towards the City of Heroes."

"What did you say?" The middle-aged man looked at the messenger fiercely. "All the demons in the Demon City? Are you sure it's all the demons?"

"Returning to the Marshal, it's all the demons. Except for some demons with weak combat capabilities, all the demons are dispatched and rush to the City of Heroes." The messenger affirmed.

"Quickly, beat the drums and gather the generals. All the generals must gather in the commander's hall." The old man and the middle-aged man became excited at the same time.

"See the wise man, see the marshal." More than a thousand general-level NPCs rushed to the commander's hall.

"The army of the Demon City is dispatched in large numbers to harass the City of Heroes. The Great Wise Man and I have decided that we will also dispatch all our troops and use the City of Heroes as bait to trap and kill the demons. The generals at all levels below will obey the order..."


Fatty had no idea what was happening in the two cities. He only knew that the area covered by the Five Elements Sword Formation was getting smaller and smaller, and the Five Elements energy that had been obtained with great difficulty was being consumed faster than running water, every second. After consuming a number that Fatty couldn't accept, Fatty's heart was bleeding at this moment.

"Pay it off, pay it off, this business shouldn't be done." The fat man gritted his teeth, and then shouted fiercely: "Uncle, do you still have any magic crystals?"

"It's really gone." Bai Xiaosheng was more nervous than Fatty. There are still two hours left before the end of the city defense, and Bai Xiaosheng really can't figure out how to persevere.

The Five Elements Sword Formation has shrunk a bit more, and is now half the area it initially covered, and can only barely protect the interior of the City Lord's Mansion. The Five Elements Sword turned into five sword lights that penetrated the sky and the earth, and there were faint signs of instability.

"The Five Elements Sword Formation Diagram is indeed a good thing." Feng Luanwu, the player who was protected in the Five Elements Sword Formation, did not hide the look of salivation in his eyes.

"I didn't expect this fat man to have such a good thing. At least it's an immortal weapon, right? If it can explode..." A player whispered, and the surrounding players looked at each other and laughed sinisterly at the same time.

"These bastards, their lives are almost at risk, and they are still thinking about other people's equipment." Fugitive Tianya snorted coldly.

"Exclusive equipment cannot be exploded. Their idea was in vain." God's Head said with disdain.

The attacks from the demons outside suddenly intensified, and Fatty immediately couldn't bear it anymore, so he narrowed the scope of the Five Elements Sword Array a little further.

"Fat man, this can't go on like this." Bai Xiaosheng frowned.

"Uncle, I know it's not possible, but you have to think of a way. I'm at my wits' end." The fat man complained incessantly.

"Didn't you invite two masters? Where are they?" Bai Xiaosheng put his hope in Lake and Lucas.

"I don't know where these two old immortals have gone." The fat man was also very angry. The two old guys brought him here, but they didn't care about his life or death and ran away. Isn't this harmful to others

"Ah sneeze, it must be that damn fat guy scolding me." In a space, Lake sneezed and then touched his nose.

"You threw him there to attract demons. It would be strange if he didn't scold you. I would scold you if you wanted to." Lucas gloated.

"As if this idea wasn't yours?" Lake glanced at Lucas angrily. "Are you sure that the demons will go all out to snatch it?"

"Of course. Who doesn't want to get the Five Elements Sword Formation Diagram and the Five Elements Skill Book? Those were once super artifacts. If it weren't for looking at the fat man, I would have grabbed them. As long as the demons know that these two pieces of equipment are here, They will definitely rob them at all costs, and then their base camp will be empty. Then as long as we... "

Lucas did not continue speaking, but Lian, who had always been serious, suddenly showed a lewd smile, betraying his inner thoughts.

"Oh, as expected, those who are close to vermillion are red, and those who are close to ink are dark. You have only lived in the City in the Sky for a few days, and you have learned bad things from the fat man." Lake shook his head.

"Huh, I'm doing this for his own good. If he had to rely on himself, he doesn't know when he will be able to build the City in the Sky." Lucas snorted.

Boom. Just below the two people's feet, a white light suddenly shot out, and large numbers of demons appeared, and then quickly disappeared, obviously using the teleportation array to rush on their way.

"Okay, each wave is a legion of 100,000 people. More than a dozen waves have passed, and there will be more to come. The demons must have sent out all the soldiers and horses in Tianzhihen. There must not be many in their base camp. The soldiers and horses are staying behind. Come, let me see where they are coming from."

In Lucas's hand, the Ring of Space rotated. After a few turns, the Arrow of Space pointed in one direction.

"Let's go." Lucas directly shattered the space and walked forward with Lake.


"Oh my God, look, what is that?" Within the Five Elements Sword Formation, a player suddenly pointed into the distance with a look of horror on his face.

"Oh my God, there are so many demons, everyone, run away, there is no hope." Suddenly the player's nest exploded, and countless demons rushed over from a distance, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, boulders hitting eggs, small The only remaining players in the city lord's mansion cannot hold on for long.

"Kill people and seize treasures." Feng Luanwu immediately ordered.

"Damn it, who is attacking me?" The fat man was trying his best to operate the Five Elements Sword Formation. He felt a chill in his heart. He quickly turned around and saw a dagger flashing with azure light swiping under his ribs.

"You guys? Looking for death." Bai Xiaosheng was furious. The more critical the situation, the more we need to unite as one. He didn't expect that the players would actually rebel now.

"It's hopeless. Everyone, hurry up and take action. The Immortal Weapon Formation is worth returning to level zero if you grab it." Someone shouted, and all the players got excited.

"Feng Luanwu!" The fat man quickly threw a blood potion and an antidote into his mouth to stop the blood loss. He turned around and stared in the direction of Feng Luanwu.

"You are jealous of the money. When you snatched my Evil God's Book, you didn't expect today. Hand over the Evil God's Book and this sword array, and I will spare your life, otherwise you will have to wait to return to level zero." Feng Luanwu laughed wildly.

"Hero Tower—Heroes are invincible." Bai Xiaosheng suddenly shouted, and a white light shot out from the Hero Tower. The soft white light fell down, covering the entire city lord's palace. The demon's attack fell on this layer of white light, like a punch. When it hit the water, there were only a few ripples, and Fatty suddenly felt the pressure greatly reduced.

"Hero Invincibility is a side skill of the Hero Tower. It can ignore all attacks, but it can only last ten minutes. You have to be fast." Bai Xiaosheng quickly whispered to Fatty.

"Uncle, you actually hid this trick." The fat man laughed and jumped up. "The wind dances wildly and suffers death."