Show Me the Money

Chapter 354: plunder


Fatty and Lake carefully exited the hall and wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

"Old guy, thank you very much this time." The fat man thanked Lake in a low voice.

"Hmph, I let you run around, so you will suffer a loss this time." Lake scolded the fat man, and then asked curiously: "Your mouse can actually change, it's not easy."

The two walked while talking and met Lucas. Not long after, a roar was suddenly heard, and half of the main hall where he was originally collapsed.

"We've been discovered, let's go." Lucas opened an alien space and led the two of them to hide inside.

"Okay, okay, I miss you, Demon King Liyang, who has ruled the world for thousands of years. I didn't expect that I would fall into the hands of a few juniors today." Looking at Xiao Huang's body on the ground, Demon King Liyang seemed to be crying and smiling, with a look of sadness and anger. .

He and "Marshal Huwei" talked for a while, and the other party didn't say a word except "um" and "ah". Demon King Li Yang couldn't help but feel suspicious, so he proposed to discuss with the other party. Unexpectedly, just after he said this, The majestic "Marshal Huwei" actually ran away. Fortunately, he was quick and slapped him to the ground. Only then did he realize that this was not the powerful and powerful Marshal Huwei, but a mouse.

"Damn it, you're humiliating me like this, don't let me catch you." Demon King Li Yang was angry, but he also knew that the other party had a Space Saint Magister who would be difficult to catch on his own, so he didn't do anything extra.

"Kill, kill. When Demon King Li Yang leaves, there will be no opponent for us in the Demon City." Hiding in the alien space, Lake muttered.

Bai Xiaosheng never received the task completion prompt from the system, so he could only helplessly stay in the City of Heroes. Fortunately, there is no need for him to take action now, he can just wait there.

The battle lasted for a day and a night, and millions of soldiers from the human and demon clans were bloodied on the battlefield. Finally, Demon King Liyang gained enough strength to temporarily leave the Death Altar and go to the battlefield.

"Demon King Li Yang is gone, we are ready to take action." Seeing Demon King Li Yang turn into a shadow and leave the Demon City, Lake immediately became excited.

The three of them sneaked into the magic city quietly. Although there are many demon masters staying in the Demon City, they are unable to pose a threat to the three of them.

"Go this way. This must be the demon clan's warehouse." Reik pointed to one side.

"Go this way, I'm sure there are good things here." Lucas pointed to the other side, and the two started arguing about which way to go.

"You two, we are thieves now, can you please stop being so arrogant?" The fat man was speechless.

"Split up and prepare your own things to escape." Lake and Lucas looked at each other and said at the same time.

brush. Lucas tore the space apart and headed in one direction. Lake didn't show any weakness. A layer of powder was sprinkled on his body and he suddenly disappeared.

"Damn, you two immortals, are you afraid of your strength? What about me, Fat Master?" The fat man was very depressed.

Usually in this kind of city, good things are kept in the city lord's mansion and are owned by the city lord. The Demon City is jointly managed by five Demon Kings. Obviously the real good things are in the palaces of the five Demon Kings.

The fat man identified a tower that was much higher than other buildings. Due to the large-scale deployment of the demon clan, the number of patrols in the demon city was reduced a lot, and the fat man easily reached the bottom of the tower.

This is a black tower, with a ghost-faced bat carved at the entrance of the tower. The bat's two eyes emit a faint red light and rotate from time to time, which is very strange.

The fat man estimated that in order to enter the tower from the door, he had to pass under the grimace bat. Who knew what the grimace bat was used for. After thinking about it, the fat man approached the tower from the other side, pressed his right hand on the tower, and quietly blended in with his body.

Inside the tower, there are circles of spiral stairs leading to the highest point. The fat man was sneaking and walking carefully, and from time to time he heard the sound of bats coming from around him.

"Could it be that the owners here are from the magic bat clan?" Fatty made a random guess.

Suddenly, a small bat rushed down from above and flew past the fat man's nose. The fat man immediately ducked and hid aside. As if it sensed something, the bat flew not far away and then flew back. It circled a few times where the fat man was before flying away again.

From time to time, bats fly down from above, and bats fly up from below. No one knows what these bats are doing flying around. The fat man moved forward cautiously, ducking aside whenever a bat flew towards him, which allowed him to reach the top of the tower without any danger.

The tower is 100 meters high. There is only a secret room with a radius of more than 20 meters on top, and a step leads directly to the bottom. Other than that, there are no windows.

In the middle of the secret room, there is a stone table with several things placed on it.

On the top of the secret room, a group of bats hang upside down. These bats are only about the size of a fist and have silvery-white skin, with only their eyes and claws red.

On one wall of the secret room, there is a huge bat painted on it. This bat is like the centenary blessing at the door below. It has a dark appearance, two blood-red eyes, and two fangs sticking out of the corners of its mouth, which seem to be dripping with blood. On the head of the bat, a face that seems to be crying, laughing, complaining, or angry is constantly changing its expression, giving people an extremely weird feeling.

The fat man turned around and found that there was nothing else in the secret room except the stone table.

There is nothing good on the stone table. A dark round ball the size of a human head exudes black energy from time to time. It floats upward and is absorbed by the bats above. A blood-red token is also engraved with a bird on it. The bat with blood eyes, and the other is a map.

Fatty didn't touch those three things for the time being. Bats have extremely keen senses, and they might notice even the slightest movement. If they attack you, it will be very difficult, and if you delay stealing something, you will be in trouble.

"What a stingy guy." The fat man couldn't help but cursed. This place seems to be a training place for high-level demons, but apart from these few things, there is nothing of value. No wonder the fat man is angry.

"Thieves don't leave empty-handed, take everything you want." The fat man glanced at it, waved his big hand, and first grabbed the black ball.

boom. As soon as the fat man's hand touched the ball, a burst of black energy suddenly burst out from the ball. The bat above screamed, and hundreds of pairs of blood-red eyes looked at the fat man.

When he was touched by the black energy, the fat man felt his whole arm numb, and black blood dripped from his fingertips. Without caring about anything else, he reached out and put the ball into the package, and then quickly grabbed the other two things.

squeak. Hundreds of bats screamed at the same time, spread their wings, and rushed towards the fat man. The fat man kicked his feet, his body rose into the air, and quickly fell downstairs. At the same time, he put the token and the map into the package.

Hundreds of bats were chasing after him, and streaks of red light shot out from their eyes, attacking the fat man. When the fat man came into contact with the wall of the tower, he disappeared without a trace. The red light hit the wall and shot out a row of transparent holes.

A group of bats wandered helplessly in the air for a while, unable to find any trace of Fatty, and finally flew back to the top of the tower.

"Well, it's a near miss." The fat man got out of a corner of the demon city and killed a low-level demon. Then he opened the package to see what he got.

The black ball is called the Ghost Ball. It is a prop forged by a special method in the demon world. It contains strong demonic energy and countless souls and is specially used for demon training. This thing was useless to Fatty. He threw it directly to the Five Elements Skill Book, but it also increased a lot of Five Elements energy.

The front of the token is engraved with a ghost-faced bat, and the reverse is written with the word "order". The surrounding patterns are complex and look very extraordinary. The fat man lost a dozen appraisal spells in a row before he could identify the specific information of the spell token.

[Bat King Token]: The token of the ninth-ranked demon king in the demon world, the Grimace Bat King. Holding this token can control the Grimace Bat clan. Additional skills: Ten Thousand Bats Arrive: Summon grimace bats to attack enemies.

This token didn't have much effect on Fatty, but he thought about it and put it back into the package instead of throwing it at the Five Elements Skill Book.

As for the remaining map, it gave Fatty a surprise. It turned out to be a map of the demon world. Although it is only a part of it, accounting for at most one-tenth of the entire demon clan, the detailed information on it has great strategic value. If you contribute this map to the Central Dynasty, you will definitely receive a large reward.

"It's a pity that there is no powerful equipment." The fat man was still not satisfied. In fact, if you think about it, who doesn't bring good things with them? When these demon kings go out to fight, they naturally need to bring some powerful equipment with them.

There was a sudden noise in a corner of the demon city, and demons could be heard faintly shouting to seize humans. Fatty ran over quickly and saw countless demons besieging a building.

"Oh, I'm old, I'm old, my hands and feet are no longer flexible." Although he said this, Lake kept moving. In front of him, there were hundreds of boxes neatly placed, each box containing a hundred magic crystals. Every time Lake waved his hand, a box disappeared and was put into the ring on his hand.

In addition to these magic crystals, there are also a large number of magic cores, the skeletons and furs of various magical beasts, and stacks of scrolls that are very precious at a glance.

After Rick separated from them, he went straight here, and sure enough, he found this warehouse where rare items were stored. The guard at the door was drugged by him and stared there stupidly. He ran inside and started searching, but unfortunately he was discovered by a demon who came over temporarily. This time he attracted the attention of other demons.

"Humans inside, come out and surrender immediately. I'll give you a way to survive. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude." A demon general outside shouted.

"If you dare to attack in, I will destroy everything inside." Lake shouted and searched even faster.

"Good guy, so many good things." The fat man used the escape method to get in, and his eyes were dazzled.

"That's when did I, Grandmaster Lake, make a mistake?" Lake said proudly. "Hurry up and leave quickly, don't get blocked by them."

The demons outside began to arrange magic arrays, and a hexagonal magic array that shone with strange luster was arranged around the warehouse.

"No, they want to confine the space here." Lake's expression changed, and he stuffed a stack of scrolls into the ring. "Come on, don't take it."


During the National Day holiday, updates will be suspended. I wish everyone a happy holiday!