Show Me the Money

Chapter 362: Super large teleportation array


While Fatty was looking around for the whereabouts of the Altar of Death, Niu Meng also packed up and went out.

Having been tricked by the fat man and ordered by Demon King Hick to give an answer within three days, Niu Meng had already been filled with anger. As the leader of the Abyss Demonic Cow clan in the legion, when had he ever been so angry? Looking at Niu Xiao's triumphant chin that almost reached the sky, Niu Owl became furious.

He didn't know who the other party was, but it was obvious that the other party had the ability to transform into a demon. There were so many equipments that could be changed that Niu Meng couldn't figure out what equipment the other party used. If he wanted to find the other party by himself, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. But after Niu Meng carefully asked the soldiers who saw Fatty entering the demon world, he had an idea in his mind.

"What, you said he was the inheritor of the Five Elements Alchemist?" Inside the Altar of Death, in a huge palace, Demon King Hick stared at Niu Meng.

"That's right. According to the general's investigation, it was that boy. During the last battle in the City of Heroes, if he hadn't deployed the Five Elements Sword Formation to protect the city lord's palace, we would have defeated the City of Heroes long ago." Niu Meng said confidently.

"Send the order, all legions are dispatched, and the other four adults are notified at the same time to search for his traces." Demon King Hick immediately ordered. They have long coveted the two pieces of equipment of the Five Elements Alchemist.

"Yes, Your Highness." Someone next to him immediately answered the order.

"Slow down." Hick stopped passing the order and touched his chin and thought for a while. "Go and invite the four adults to come first."

The other four demon kings soon arrived. After learning about the matter, everyone was happy and made a decision after whispering for a while.

"Don't do this kind of thing in a big way. Send people to search for it secretly, lest those bastards know about it and want to share their benefits. Niu Meng, I'll leave this matter to you. If you do a good job, I will reinstate your position." , If you can’t do it well, just go to the snake cave by yourself.”

"Yes, Your Highness, I will do my best to obtain the Five Elements Skill Book and the Five Elements Sword Formation Diagram for Your Highness." Niu Meng was overjoyed and immediately said loudly.

Hick waved his hand, Niu Meng hurried out of the hall, and took away a group of people, people from the Demon Eye Clan, according to the warrant given by Hick.

All equipment is not omnipotent. With their natural talents, the people of the Demon Eye Clan can easily see through the changes made by using equipment. As long as someone from the Demon Eye Clan finds Fatty's traces, Niu Meng believes that he will make it impossible for him to escape.

The people from the Demon Eye Clan led by Niu Meng were not just those in the army. As he used the orders of the five demon kings, more Demon Eye Clan members were dispatched from the clan to join the search for Fatty.

"Not here either." Thousands of kilometers away from Niu Meng, Fatty helplessly spread out the map and followed the path on it to find the next place where there might be an altar of death.

After coming out of the cold pool and waiting for the cooling time of the Qianhuan Mask to pass, Fatty transformed into a low-level demon again and began to look for the altar of death.

It's not that Fatty doesn't want to transform into a high-level demon, it's just that if he doesn't speak the demon language, it will be troublesome if he meets a more serious demon.

After a long journey, Fatty did not find the death altar at the first point he determined. Given the personalities of the five demon kings, they suffered another big loss. The death altar should be somewhere not far or near from their camp.

Putting away the map, the fat man sighed and walked to the next point.

In front, groups of low-level demons were carrying something. On the road, a row of huge earth dragon-like monsters, as big as a hill, carrying various items on their bodies, were slowly moving forward in an orderly queue under the control of the demons. There were many supervisors standing on both sides, shouting and whipping from time to time, ordering the low-level demons to hurry up.

A sound of wind suddenly sounded in his ears. The fat man dodged and a thick black whip struck the ground with a snap. Looking back, a demon clan leader who looked like a captain had an angry face, pointing at the fat man and constantly yelling at him.

The fat man looked at this demon speechlessly. He was no longer on the road. Why did he encounter such trouble

Seeing that the fat man didn't react at all, the demon became even more angry. He rushed over and grabbed the fat man's collar, pushing him aside.

As soon as the fat man arrived here, someone immediately handed him a rein, and at the same time he kicked the fat man and kicked him aside. There was a monster here that was similar to the earth dragon-like monster carrying items that he had just seen. It was obviously going to Capture the fat man Ding Laf and make him a groom.

"The demons are indeed a barbaric people, and they actually arrest people for work." The fat man secretly cursed, but according to their instructions, he honestly rode on the back of the demon beast and controlled the demon beast to follow the front.

During this period, Fatty took advantage of them not paying attention and checked the items on the back of the monster, which were nothing more than some construction materials. In the human world, generally when major cities want to build things, they will use space equipment to transport materials. Unless it is those that cannot be stored using space equipment, manpower will be used. The demon world is obviously not developed in refining space equipment, otherwise it would not be able to transport materials so slowly.

Following the demons in front, they walked for nearly a day, until the fat man was so hungry that his chest pressed against his back before he reached his destination.

This is a base with people coming and going, and a few to tens of thousands of demons working there. A large amount of various materials are stored inside, but all of them are used for construction and are not strategic materials.

"Are we going to build some kind of palace?" The fat man pondered for a moment. Taking advantage of the time to unload the goods, he disappeared silently and went offline to fill his stomach.

After eating something randomly to fill his stomach, Fatty came online again. As soon as I went online, I was shocked by the sight in front of me.

A huge magic circle shrouded the sky. This magic circle was hexagonal, with a diameter of ten kilometers, and the edges could not be seen at a glance. In the projection of the magic array on the ground, more than 100,000 demons are busy transporting various materials and placing them in a certain location according to regulations. Obviously the magic array is not complete and is still under construction.

Whoosh, a gust of wind sounded in his ears. Without looking, he knew that another demon who didn't like Fatty, a lazy low-level demon, came to teach him a lesson. Sighing, the fat man, driven by the whip, moved supplies with a group of low-level demons.

"The Sky-Breaking Spiritual Crystal? This is the teleportation magic array!" When passing through a node of the magic array, Fatty suddenly saw a few very familiar crystals. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly remembered that Lucas was arranging the teleportation array for the Sky City. I used this thing before.

The Sky-breaking Spiritual Crystal is a kind of crystal specially used to break through space. It is extremely rare. Generally, only large-scale teleportation arrays are willing to use a few in the core. And looking at the appearance of this teleportation array, there are nearly ten nodes in just one node. You can imagine how many space-breaking spiritual crystals were used in the entire teleportation array.

Even though Fatty has little assets now, just using the Space Breaking Spirit Crystal on this teleportation array is enough for ten Fatties to go bankrupt. The hands carrying the supplies were trembling slightly, and the fat man wished he could rush over and grab all the Sky-breaking Spirit Crystals right now.

"It's strange. Is there not enough teleportation array in the demon world, so we have to spend such a high price to build this teleportation array?" The fat man was puzzled. Sky City and Xuanwu City are millions of miles apart, and there is no need to use so many sky-breaking spiritual crystals when building a large teleportation array. Does it mean that the Demon Emperor has so much money that he has nowhere to spend it, so he has to build a through train from the palace to here

Suddenly, the fat man thought of a possibility. The main function of the Sky-Breaking Spiritual Crystal is to break open space. If the quantity is sufficient, then what about the space between the human and demon worlds

If it is true that the demon world is directly transported to the human world, then this problem will be huge. Thinking of this, the fat man quickly lowered his head and carefully placed the various supplies in his hands in the designated places.

Perhaps the demon world has been at peace for a long time, or perhaps no human has ever entered the demon world, and the demon clan's senior officials do not strictly inspect the personnel who are forced to build the teleportation array. In fact, there is nothing to check. Destroying the teleportation array before it is built has no effect other than exposing it. Once the teleportation array starts to operate, the protective power of such a huge teleportation array must be amazing. It cannot be destroyed by one or two people. .

The magic array that appeared in the sky was just a phantom formed by a scroll, indicating how to build this super large teleportation array. The real magic array is built on the ground, and various materials pour down like a waterfall. If Fatty can get all the materials to build the teleportation array, he can build at least half of the city in the sky.

"I feel sorry for you, Fatty." Seeing these materials being integrated into the magic circle bit by bit, Fatty's cheeks were trembling. He wished he could drive over to the Sky City immediately and snatch away everything including the demons inside.

The construction of the entire teleportation array took a total of seven days. After seven days, all the demons were forced to leave. Standing outside, several huge figures a hundred feet long appeared in the sky. They were the five demon kings who returned to the demon world with the altar of death. .

"They are there." Fatty narrowed his eyes and immediately noticed where the five demon kings were. Not surprisingly, the place where the five demon kings appeared should be the location of the Death Altar.

"Dear five Your Highnesses, according to your instructions, this super large magic circle has finally been constructed successfully. Please accept it."

The demon in charge of building the magic circle quickly knelt down, touched his head to the ground, and respectfully reported to the five demon kings.

"Okay, very good. You did a good job. It's finally completed." In the air, Demon King Hick made a satisfied sound, and the other four demon kings also made weird smiles.

"Come, let me check if there is anything wrong." One of the demon kings pointed his hand, and the huge magic array buzzed and vibrated, and the light blue light slowly lit up. Starting from the outermost edge, the teleportation array changed little by little. Bright.

"Fortunately, no manipulation was done." The fat man muttered secretly. Apart from coveting materials in private, he did not do anything to the teleportation array. With the strength of the five demon kings, everything he did would be in vain. It was better to wait for the final result to see what they wanted to do.