Show Me the Money

Chapter 382: Mount Tai is overwhelming


Attacking a dynasty is not just a matter of words, it requires a lot of preparation. Soldiers, horses, equipment, supplies, etc., especially if the opponent has many masters, one must have corresponding masters to contain or kill them.

And there will definitely be siege battles in the future, not to mention small cities. When it comes to first-level main cities, relying on soldiers to attack like this is the most effective method, but the losses are too great, and Tie Ying and the others cannot afford it. rise.

But now with Sky City, everything is much more convenient. As long as the Sky City stops upward, it can destroy a city without even attacking. The mission here is to eliminate the traitors of mankind. There is no intention of conquering, and there is no need to hold back. Everything will be smashed to pieces until there is no one left alive.

After the discussion, Tie Ying and others stayed in the Sky City. Standing on the edge of the Sky City, looking down, millions of NPC soldiers and players were surrounded by darkness, stationed around a small city. Lights flickered everywhere from time to time, indicating that someone was releasing skills.

"The army obeys the order and is ready to go." Tie Ying passed the order, and the army below immediately took action, like clouds and flowing water. After a while, they gathered into square formations, full of murderous intent, almost ready to choose and devour anyone.

In her spare time, Lin Xi explained Tie Ying's identity to the fat man. Tie Ying was one of the five marshals of the Central Dynasty: dragon, tiger, lion, leopard and eagle. His status was second only to the military marshal of the entire dynasty. He had a high position and was subordinate to the Blood Eagle. There were five legions, each with one million men. Originally, the five marshals each had their own duties and could not move easily, but this time the attack on the Sun Dynasty was not a trivial matter, and there were even powerful enemies from the demon world, so such a strong man was directly sent.

"The five great marshals are dragon, tiger, lion, leopard and eagle? Then Marshal Hu Might is a tiger?" The fat man seemed to have some realization.

A Marshal Huwei can lead his troops to fight against the five demon kings in the Tianzhihen space, and you can understand the strength of these five marshals. The Central Dynasty directly sent Tie Ying over, which was determined to destroy the Sun Dynasty.

The Sky City flies slowly in the sky, accompanied by NPC troops and players below. During the flight, Fatty brought all the people from familiar gangs such as the God's Family, Lanpu Feiquan, Da Simen, Raptor Gang, Ting Yuxuan and other familiar gangs to the city in the sky. Now that the peripheral defenses have been built, Fatty will not be afraid of any gang unless a large-scale legion attacks.

When they came to the floating city in the sky, the players who originally knew that Fatty had become the Lord of the City in the Sky performed better, but were just a little curious. Those players who knew that the City in the Sky was in Fatty's hands for the first time were shocked and felt sorry for Fatty in their hearts. I felt very worried.

"Brother, this is the City in the Sky? It's so big." Qian Xiaoqian said excitedly, holding the fat man's arm.

"The flying main city, the sky fortress." The Raptors crossed the river, their eyes lit up, they wished they could kick the fat man down and become the city lords themselves.

"With this, how can we carry out sneak attacks and assassinations? If someone doesn't like him, he will just fly over to him. If he doesn't bully him, he won't need to bombard him. He will just hit him on the head." Fugitive Tianya yelled.

Amid the shouts of a group of war elements, Sky City flew unhurriedly and soon arrived at the temporary defense line formed by the Sun Dynasty.

A sneak attack by the Xuanhuang Ancient Kingdom blew up the teleportation array, and a series of explosions destroyed millions of soldiers and horses teleported by the demons. Even the people of the Sun Dynasty lost a lot of money. Later, during the fight, they were bombarded by Fatty's Sky City. Finally, they couldn't hold on anymore and fled in defeat. They suffered a lot of losses in the pursuit. Fortunately, he received timely rescue and was able to stand firm and fight back to contain the pursuing troops of the Xuanhuang Ancient Kingdom.

Now the demon army, led by the five army commanders, is fleeing to nowhere, and only the people from the Sun Dynasty are left jumping around and cursing. What was originally a good plan suddenly went wrong. Not only did it fail to reap any benefits, but it also suffered a lot of losses. It was also abandoned by the human world. It was really a waste of money.

"That aerial fortress should be the Sky City. As long as we capture the Sky City, it will be worthwhile even if our imperial city is breached." In a military camp of the Sun Dynasty, several NPC generals and players were discussing matters.

"With our current attack, we can't hit the Sky City at all." Someone immediately retorted.

"Organize a flying force and capture the City in the Sky at all costs." Some gritted their teeth, while others showed greed.

"Who will be the city leader after taking over the City in the Sky?" This is the most important question. As soon as this question came out, everyone who was originally agitated immediately fell silent.

"Of course it is dedicated to His Majesty the Emperor." The NPC general said, and their words were ignored by the players.

"We, the four major families of Fenglinhuoshan, have the largest number of people, so naturally our people will do the job." said a player with a maple forest-shaped epaulette on his body.

"Fart. The number of people in our Nishikawa Family Alliance is not less than yours." Some people were dissatisfied.

"What's the use of having more people? They're just cannon fodder."

A quarrel immediately began in the field, and a moment later there was a clanging sound, and at the same time there was a flash of magic, and some impatient people had already started to take action.

"Call people to come and kill all these bastards who dare to compete with me for the Sky City." Someone shouted.

"That's enough." An NPC general said angrily, and the crowd fell silent.

They looked at each other, and suddenly someone laughed: "Isn't it too early to discuss whether to steam or boil the goose before it's downed?"

"Then let's rely on our ability. Whoever rushes to the Sky City first will be the city lord." Someone suggested.

"Okay. It's a deal."

Fatty didn't know that the people of the Sun Dynasty were discussing who should be the lord of the City in the Sky, and he almost used a knife to do so, but even if he knew, he just laughed it off. No matter who you are, let alone the millions of soldiers below, even if they are alone in the Sky City, they cannot easily take it.

Sitting on Holy Spirit Island, Fatty controlled the City in the Sky and finally flew to the Sun Dynasty's defense line. Looking at the sky-covering mobile main city and sky fortress overhead, both NPCs and players of Sun Dynasty began to panic.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, this fortress will be ours soon. When the time comes, we will use this fortress to counterattack and defeat the ancient Xuanhuang Kingdom." Some family patriarchs were encouraging morale.

"So calm?" Seeing the Sun Dynasty's battle line below not moving at all, the fat man smiled.

"Target, all enemies below, launch an all-round attack." Fatty said calmly.

Through the control center of the Sky City, Fatty's order was quickly transmitted. Originally, the people responsible for the attack were construction workers who were brought in temporarily, but now they are replaced by players from various gangs.

The sound of bowstrings vibrating and the roar of turrets continued to be heard, and an overwhelming rain of arrows and cannon beams as bright as blinding people suddenly appeared from the edge of the Sky City, fiercely pounced on the Sun Dynasty defense line below.

At this time, the violent ground in the Sky City is tens of thousands of meters high. From such a high distance, even a piece of rubbish thrown casually can kill someone, not to mention the bows and arrows with sharp arrows and the turrets with even more astonishing lethality. The attack landed below, causing a shock. The Sun Dynasty's originally neat defense line suddenly lost a piece from the middle, like a whole cake that had been cut away in the middle, leaving only two ends.

"Hahaha, it's so cool." Many players controlling the attack laughed and wished they could do it again. However, various gang leaders had issued strict orders before. Every attack was a huge drain on the Sky City. They could not attack casually without orders. This time, they endured the itching in their hearts and looked at the panicked enemies below.

"Why is it so powerful?" The Sun Dynasty was dumbfounded. Their flying troops had not yet been prepared and there was no threat to the Sky City at all.

"Withdraw, what are you still doing? Withdraw, please ask His Majesty the Emperor to send the Tengu army here immediately." A general suddenly shouted.

The Sun Dynasty's defense line completely collapsed. The Xuanhuang Ancient Kingdom did not launch a single attack. They were completely destroyed by just a rain of arrows from the Sky City. The rest is just to cover up and kill more enemies.

"The City in the Sky is worthy of being the first of the seven neutral main cities, and the existence of the four main main cities such as Blue Dragon and White Tiger." Tie Ying praised.

"Oh, it's a pity that it consumes too much and can't get any benefits." The fat man had a sad face. Every attack consumes an astronomical amount of storage, and he cannot support this consumption now.

"Don't worry, there is one of their first-level main cities not far away. You won't lose money then." Tie Ying said with a smile.

After the Sky City flew for half an hour, the outline of a city wall appeared in everyone's field of vision. This is the Baqi City, the only two first-level main cities under the Imperial City of the Sun Dynasty.

This city is not boxy like other cities, but is irregular in shape, long from east to west and short from north to south, and the city walls are zigzag. When viewed from above, it seems to look like the head of an animal.

"Yaqi City is said to be the place where the sacred beast of the Sun Dynasty, Yamata no Orochi, lives. In terms of strength, compared with the four sacred beasts, Yamata no Orochi is only a little bit different. He can be said to be a powerful guy." Looking at Yamata City from afar, Tie Ying said lightly.

"Yachi no Orochi? Is that the big loach with nine heads? Does it have any blood relationship with the Hydra in the demon world?" the fat man asked casually.

"It's very possible." Lin Xi smiled. "Their two first-level main cities, Yachi City is named after the Yamata no Orochi, and Nine-tailed City is named after the nine-tailed fox. One has nine heads, and the other has nine tails."

"What about their imperial city? What powerful guy is there?" The fat man became curious.

"There are so many powerful guys there, even we don't dare to wander in at will." Tie Ying looked into the distance, seeming to see the direction of the Imperial City of the Sun Dynasty through the layers of space. "After all, it is a dynasty capital. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers inside. It should not be underestimated."