Show Me the Money

Chapter 390: The human world is in chaos


Kyuubi City was also destroyed.

The Nine-Tailed Fox escaped, and all the tens of millions of NPCs and players in Nine-Tailed City died.

Destroying two cities in one day, with less than an hour between them, made players in the entire system go crazy.

"Baga, Baga." In the Imperial City of the Sun Dynasty, their Emperor was trembling with anger. Below, the civil and military ministers were arranged in two rows, looking menacing.

"Revenge, revenge, first destroy the four cities of Qinglong and White Tiger, and then destroy their central imperial city." Everyone shouted in unison.

"What can we use to destroy it?" The Emperor's sinister eyes swept over him, and he immediately became silent.

"Your Majesty, it's better to contact the demon world." After a long time, Jiaji Zhanfan's voice came, and the emperor nodded imperceptibly.

"We are pests..." Running freely among the mountains, Fatty felt very comfortable.

This time they came to attack the Sun Dynasty. Not only did they earn a lot of wealth and gain a lot of experience points, but they also destroyed two of the opponent's cities. Most importantly, they recovered the demon-sealing stone tablet, which is also the demon-suppressing tablet.

With the Demonic Sealing Stone Tablet, as long as the energy of the four elements of metal, wood, water, and earth is gathered together, the Five Elements Secret Realm can be completely repaired and the power of the Five Elements Skill Book and the Five Elements Sword Formation Diagram Super Artifact can be restored.

It's such a magical tool, it feels incredible when I think about fat people.

"Fat man, good job." Hearing the praises from his companions coming from the communicator, the fat man smiled reservedly.

The City in the Sky has returned to the East China Sea, and Tie Ying and other generals are all in the city, apparently treating this place as his headquarters.

"Charges, accommodation fees, tea fees, mental damage fees." The fat man shouted to Tie Ying.

Tie Ying ignored the fat man and said seriously to everyone: "Notice, we must return to China as soon as possible."

"Why? You finally came here, why don't you take the opportunity to capture their imperial city and destroy the Sun Dynasty?" someone asked.

"During our attack on the Sun Dynasty, thirteen cross-border teleportation arrays appeared in the entire human world. Except for the one we destroyed, the other twelve already had a large number of demon masters leading tens of millions of demon soldiers into the human world. Moreover, the ancient battlefield outside the Central Imperial City has been very unstable recently, and it seems that there are people inside who cannot bear the loneliness." Tie Ying said.

Thirteen cross-border teleportation arrays? Everyone took a breath, what kind of grand gesture is this? The resources required for the construction of a cross-border teleportation array are difficult to estimate, at least measured in units of hundreds of millions. Thirteen cross-border teleportation arrays would cost tens of billions of gold coins. Especially some of the materials are not readily available, and sometimes you can’t even buy them if you have the money.

"His Majesty ordered us to return home as soon as possible to prepare for the upcoming war. At the same time, envoys have been sent to visit various countries, asking all countries to join hands and fight in a coordinated manner. This time, the demon world will invade in a large scale and completely defeat the demon world. If possible, we must also Fight to the Demon Realm." Tie Ying sounded excited.

"Fight the demon world and destroy the demon clan." Some generals couldn't help shouting.

"Return home." Tie Ying waved his hand, and hundreds of space magicians released their magic at the same time, and a huge space transmission channel appeared on the sea. The Xuanhuang Ancient Kingdom legions stepped into the passage one by one, appeared on the East China Sea coast, and quickly went to various places to defend.

News has come that three teleportation arrays have appeared in the European region. More than eight million demon soldiers roared across some small countries, and nearly one million players died.

Four teleportation arrays appeared in the American area, and ten demon clans walked out of them. Fortunately, the players in the United States were alert. Although several major cities were breached, the losses of players were not much.

Three teleportation arrays appeared in the African area, and various monsters rushed out of them like waves. Many small cities were directly submerged in the overwhelming swarm of monsters. Only the imperial cities of a few dynasties were still barely holding on, but they were also crumbling.

Two teleportation arrays appeared in the Australian area. There were not many demon troops here, but hundreds of demon dragons roared out. The dragon flew across the sky, and the darkness was like dark clouds covering the sun, plunging half of Australia into darkness.

"Why don't we have a teleportation array in China?" Fatty asked curiously.

"You must know that it is not easy to build a cross-border teleportation array. Our place is connected to the demon world with Tianzhihen space, so there is no need for such a large-scale teleportation array. Now the demon world army has begun to attack Tianzhihen again, and they want to fight out from there ." Bai Xiaosheng said.

"Oh, by the way, did you pass the message I gave to Marshal Huwei to him?" Fatty suddenly remembered the mission that Huwei asked him to find out where the Death Altar was. At that time, he called Bai Xiaosheng to pass it on to Huwei.

"Of course I passed it on to him. It is said that Marshal Huwei personally took people to the demon world, but I don't know what the result will be." Bai Xiaosheng said.

"Fat man, what should we do?" God's Head and the others asked. Now that the war between humans and demons is imminent, it is destined to be a catastrophe. Without strength, you will definitely not be able to participate in this game.

"Leveling up, upgrade as quickly as possible. It's best to reach the ninth-turn saint level before the final battle begins." Fatty said. Now, most of their strength is around rank six. They were upgraded by killing the soldiers of the Sun Dynasty, and they simply cannot keep up with the needs of the war.

After consuming a large amount of magic crystals, the Sky City jumped back to the Xuanhuang Ancient Kingdom. Before that, the Black Dragon King sent people to send resources worth tens of billions. At the same time, countless powerful sea monsters were stationed in the Sky City, becoming the first standing army of the Sky City.

The Black Dragon King also knew that the demon army had crossed over, and he must have thought that this was an opportunity to break the barrier of the sky. All kinds of resources were continuously sent, and there was no limit to the supply to Fatty.

"Okay, with these resources, I can build the second line of defense." Master Architect Lin was overjoyed. Countless resources were looted from Baqi City, and together with those sent by the Black Dragon King, they were worth hundreds of billions of gold coins.

"How long will it take to build the entire fortress?" Fatty asked through gritted teeth.

"One year, as long as you give me enough resources, I can build it in just one year." Master Architect Lin stretched out a finger and shook it.

"Okay, just wait, I will definitely give you enough resources." The fat man was also anxious. The war is about to begin. If the City in the Sky is not built well, it will definitely not be a match for all enemies.


System Announcement: Players are interested in making money and are auctioning low-level fairy items Feather Boots, low-level fairy items Cursed Bow, low-level fairy items Yunling Staff, high-level fairy items Pride Shield, and high-level fairy items Ice Soul Sword in the Sky City of Xuanhuang Ancient Kingdom. , the artifact Doomsday Ice Staff.

Boom, the entire China area was shaken. Not only the entire China region, but also all players in the entire game are excited again.

At this stage, top-grade purple gold artifacts are the mainstream. Occasionally, those who are lucky or powerful enough can get one or two immortal artifacts to show off their appearance. As for artifacts, don’t even think about it. Now Fatty is auctioning five artifacts at once. It was an artifact, and everyone went crazy.

Who is this guy? This is the question everyone wants to know.

As for the players in China, the name Jianqianyankai comes to mind again.

"Fat man, you're crazy, you're actually auctioning an artifact." Raptor sent a message immediately across the river. "How much does the Doomsday Ice Wand cost? I'll buy it."

Fatty just replied that he came to the Sky City to attend the auction and turned off the communicator. He knew the sensation this would cause, and that was what he wanted. Once these artifacts are auctioned, a certain amount of gold coins can be raised to build the Sky City.

"Money." The fat man looked up to the sky and howled. After struggling for so long, why am I still poor

Countless players have come to Sky City, not only Chinese players, but also foreign players. The demonic world invaded on a large scale, and all countries were shocked at the same time. After emergency discussions, the national boundaries of each country were opened. From then on, each country can travel freely without restrictions.

The bustling crowd made the usually silent Sky City become noisy. In the large open space, groups of players could be seen sitting on the ground. Some of them came for the auction of immortal weapons and artifacts, while others came specifically to see what the Sky City, the first of the seven neutral main cities, looked like.

"Fat man, the number of people coming has begun to increase. If we don't restrict it, it will affect the construction of our sky city." Liu Lan ran over and said.

After returning from the Sun Dynasty, gangs such as the Raptor Gang, Dasimen, and Lanpu Feiquan all stayed in the Sky City. They only left a group of people to guard their own stations. When the war comes, it will definitely be bloody, and even the four major cities will become nervous, let alone their small garrison. Once the demon army crosses the border, they will be the first to suffer.

"There is a fee, ten thousand gold coins to enter the city." The fat man waved his hand.

"What? The entry fee of 10,000 gold coins?" In the only teleportation array in Sky City, several players looked ugly. Outside the teleportation array, there were several square formations, and they saw that the teleportation array was tightly surrounding them.

"Yes, 10,000 gold coins. You can enter and visit if you pay. If you don't pay, please go back." The little overlord of Jiangdong carried his halberd and shouted carelessly.

"This is your home, you just have to pay for it?" Someone was dissatisfied.

"Hey, you're right, this is my house." Jiangdong Little Overlord thrust his halberd into the ground, "Pay the money to get in, or leave. Don't block the way here, there are still many people coming."

The players who came in early gloated about the misfortune. Some heard the fee and turned around to leave. Others wanted to come in but had to pay a fee of 10,000 gold coins.

"Charge?" A white light flashed, and a blond man with blue eyes appeared in the teleportation array. Hearing that there was a fee of 10,000 gold coins to enter the city, he smiled lightly.

"It's St. Peter the Great."

"The Lord of Stormwind City."

There were exclamations from the crowd, apparently someone recognized the man's identity.

"Is this the city lord of Stormwind City? We are both city lords, but the fat guy has a higher status than him, but look at him, he is an elegant gentleman, well-mannered, much better than that fat guy who is greedy for money." Listening to several female players in Yuxuan There was a chattering discussion, and their leader, leaning against the railing to listen to the rain, heard it and smiled helplessly.

"Lord of the City in the Sky?"

"The Lord of Stormwind City?"

The fat man and St. Peter the Great looked at each other from a distance.

"Hey, where did your hair get dyed? It's so bad that it's starting to fade." The fat man said suddenly.

St. Peter the Great looked ugly.


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