Show Me the Money

Chapter 408: The war is about to begin


After several consecutive space jumps, the huge figure of Sky City appeared above Iron Chain Town. Tiesuo Town's thin body was like grass next to a big tree under the Sky City, hidden in the shadows.

After coming down from the Sky City, Fatty found that the entire Iron Chain Town had been crowded with players and NPC armies, and extended thousands of meters away. There were oval military tents everywhere, and the soldiers coming and going had serious faces and hurried steps.

There were still hundreds of meters away from Tiesuo Town, and someone was already coming to greet him, it was Marshal Huwei. This marshal, who once drove the five demon kings back to the demon world with a million-strong army, now looked haggard and looked very tired.

"You're here." Marshal Huwei said as his body stopped in the air.

The fat man bowed slightly: "The Lord of the Sky City has seen money and has seen the marshal."

Marshal Huwei nodded slightly, sighed, and said, "Go and talk to your city."

The fat man was stunned for a moment, then led the way. Along with Marshal Huwei, there were hundreds of generals at all levels and magicians who had come from the Central Imperial City for emergency support.

Seeing the dilapidated scene in the Sky City, Marshal Huwei twitched his brows and asked, "What's going on?"

The fat man smiled sheepishly and said coyly: "A friend came to see me with a big gift. He was excited and celebrated too much."

Lake and Lucas turned their heads at the same time. Liu Lan was angry and funny, and ordered a few players to come over and clear an open space for these high-ranking officials to squat.

Sitting casually on a piece of rubble that collapsed from the Holy Spirit Island, Marshal Huwei said quickly: "I guess they have already informed you of the situation. The Sky's Trace has been lost. The demons have mobilized tens of millions of troops to rush into the Sky's Trace. A steady stream of people are entering the human world. The situation across the country is now critical, and Your Majesty cannot give me more assistance, so I must rely on your Sky City to help with the garrison."

"Easy to say." Fatty immediately agreed, "Give me enough supplies and energy, and you can tell me whatever you want me to do."

"Shameless, asking for benefits right away."

"Such a person can actually become the Lord of the City in the Sky. The gods in the sky are really blind."

"If you ask me, let's just rob the Sky City."

The generals who followed Huwei looked at the fat man with wide eyes and felt excited. They didn't understand how such a guy could become the lord of the Sky City. When the country is in crisis and a war involves the entire human race, he asks for materials and energy, which is hard to make money for the country. Some cursed loudly, and some even said words about robbing the city in the sky.

The fat man looked at Marshal Huwei with a smile and ignored the words of the generals around him. Marshal Huwei smiled and said: "The resources and energy are ready. As long as you can withstand it for three months, you will not let the demons fall from the sky." Just enter the human world."

"Happy, deal done." The fat man clapped his hands.

After reaching the deal, Marshal Huwei hurriedly left with his people, teleporting into the Central Imperial City through the teleportation array in Tiesuo Town. He didn't know what he was doing after running back, leaving all the defense tasks in this area to Fatty. Only then did the fat man know that almost all of Marshal Huwei's millions of troops were killed in the battle, leaving only a few hundred thousand.

Following Marshal Huwei's order before leaving, a large amount of materials that had been stored in Tiesuo Town were sent to the Sky City. Each of the super large storage spaces contained resources that could build the entire Sky City. At the same time, boxes after boxes of magic crystals were also sent to various places in the Sky City, especially in the magic towers.

He also asked the Grand Master of Architecture surnamed Lin from Xuanwu City. Seeing these materials, the guy who had successfully been promoted to the Grand Master of Architecture because of the construction of Sky City howled and became excited, and immediately urged all his workers to speed up the construction of the Sky. City.

"Fat man, we have enough resources and capabilities, but we don't have enough manpower. Let's see which gangs are needed to station in." Liu Lan discussed with Fatty. This is the most important issue.

Before the fat man could answer, he heard a voice calling: "Fat man, come out, uncle is here to join you."

Bai Xiaosheng was covered in smoke and dust, like smoke and fire. He looked tired and his leather armor was in tatters. He looked like a novice. He really didn't look like a leader of a big gang, but more like a newcomer who had just entered the game. The fat man rushed over and asked, "Why did uncle say that? Could it be that the City of Heroes..."

Bai Xiaosheng smiled bitterly: "Yes, the City of Heroes is gone, and uncle has now returned to level zero, so he can only come to join you."

"What?" Fatty and Liu Lan were surprised. The City of Heroes was conquered by the demons. They had long wanted to achieve this. Even Marshal Huwei was driven out and Tiger City was breached, let alone the City of Heroes. It's just that Bai Xiaosheng was actually killed to level zero. What's going on

The fat man suddenly stood up with a murderous look on his face: "Uncle, who did this? I will avenge you. If you don't kill him, he will delete his account and I will no longer be the city lord."

Bai Xiaosheng smiled happily and patted the fat man on the shoulder: "I'm very happy that you have this intention. It's no one else. It's just that I couldn't think about it for a while and was killed to the zero level."

Fatty looked at the players behind Bai Xiaosheng, and one of them whispered: "The demons attacked the City of Heroes, and the sect master defended desperately and failed many times. Every time he was revived, he went up until he returned to the Novice Village. "

The fat man was surprised. He could imagine Bai Xiaosheng's situation at that time. Seeing that the city of heroes that he had worked so hard to build was being attacked by the demons and was crumbling, with a large number of his men killed in battle, the city lord of this thief profession rushed out, failed again and again, failed again and rushed again, until finally he could not rush out and returned to zero. class.

Bai Xiaosheng waved his hand and said: "Don't mention those things again. I am here this time to bring Bai Xiaomen to join the Sky City. Isn't the Sky City short of people? Just leave those chores to us in the future. "

There are no so-called chores in the Sky City. The only job is to control the war equipment when the enemy invades. Chatting just mentioned the lack of manpower, Bai Xiaosheng brought people here, which indeed solved the urgent need. With Bai Xiaosheng's character, Fatty could trust him unconditionally.

"Oh, by the way, uncle, what happened when he fell to the ground in Tianzhihen, and why was he suddenly kicked out?" Fatty has always been curious about this matter, but unfortunately Marshal Huwei walked quickly and did not have time to ask.

Bai Xiaosheng sighed and said: "Originally, the two sides were just in a stalemate at the entrance of the Demon Realm. Although there were wins and losses every day, the Demons were still unable to enter the Sky Trace. But one day, for some reason, the Sky Trace actually cracked. The demon army rushed in from the two cracks. Tens of millions of troops directly overwhelmed the human army defending there. Moreover, in addition to the original five demon kings, the masters they came with included several demon royal families. The people there are very powerful. In this way, we were kicked out of Tianzhihen."

The fat man patted Bai Xiaosheng on the shoulder and said a few words of comfort. Then Liu Lan arranged for all the Baixiaomen players brought by Bai Xiaosheng to be assigned to station in various places.

At this time, Bai Xiaosheng had time to look at the City in the Sky. He pointed at the Holy Spirit Island, which was in tatters and was no better than a garbage dump. He asked in surprise: "This is..."

The fat man smiled sheepishly and said sheepishly: "I'm so excited, I went too far."

Marshal Huwei entrusted the task of defending this place to Fatty, so he naturally didn't let it go. After a while, a few generals with steady steps and serious faces, who could tell they were masters, landed on the Sky City.

"We are the deputy marshals of the Huwei Legion, and we are here to take charge under the orders of the marshal. In the future, if there are masters who can't deal with it, just call us." said the first general.

The fat man was overjoyed. Basically, there was everything in the Sky City, but what was missing was people. On the one hand, there is a shortage of players who can control equipment, which Baixiaomen has temporarily made up for. On the other hand, there is a shortage of masters who can compete with god-level experts. Now with these few, Sky City's defense of Tianzhihen can be said to be foolproof, unless the opponent uses more experts.

Looking around the Sky City, several deputy marshals were slightly shocked. Marshal Huwei was in a hurry and did not look carefully. At this time, they could see very clearly. Three thousand magic crystal cannons, their ferocious muzzles facing the surroundings, flashing with cold metallic light, exuding a cold aura. Three thousand magic towers stand high in the Sky City. On each magic tower, magic light flashes from time to time, and the beautiful magic incantations are like the most beautiful patterns in the world. Tens of thousands of ballistas, turrets, arrow towers, trebuchets, and various defensive equipment densely packed the city in the sky like a hedgehog.

"As expected, it is the first of the seven neutral main cities and the air war fortress." One of the deputy marshals praised.

"With this, although we can't say that we can drive those bastards of the demon clan back, staying here for three months is more than enough."

After arranging these important figures, Fatty started thinking about it again. This kind of defensive matter can be done with or without him, as long as Sky City is here. The top priority now is to upgrade the two pieces of equipment, the Five Elements Skill Book and the Five Elements Sword Formation Diagram, to super artifacts. Only then will you feel confident when facing god-level masters.

Don't look at the majesty of the fat man when he killed Prince Bard. First, with the cooperation of Kus, the God-breaking Crossbow saved up its power for half an hour and spent a thousand magic crystals to give Prince Bard a fatal blow before letting him go. The fat man seized the opportunity to kill him. Secondly, Prince Bard was not among the best among god-level powerhouses. The real god-level powerhouses are those who have condensed their own kingdom, and they are the masters.

While the Sky City was hovering above the entrance of Tianzhihen, paying close attention to the various movements inside, players elsewhere were still spawning monsters and leveling up as usual. For them, the war with the demons is too far away, so far away that even if they participate in the war, they are not qualified.

In a deep mountain, a player killed a python monster, wiped his sweat, and threw out a few collection techniques to collect medicinal materials such as snake skin and snake gallbladder to use as quest items. When he was about to leave, he noticed a slight movement in the distance, as if Something exists, so I walk over curiously.

Kaka, a sound of shattering glass reached his ears. The player was horrified to find that the space in front of his eyes slowly expanded, and groups of soldiers wearing black armor and riding black monsters silently walked out, gently running over him. .