Show Me the Money

Chapter 41: help me


I'm late!

Liu Lan was surprised, and Xu Quan's expression became even more shocked. It is not difficult to see how powerful he is when he can actually challenge a gold-level boss of level 40 or 50 and win in the end. No wonder he was able to steal the cavalry commander right under the noses of the four major gangs.

The fat man turned on the communicator and was about to call the purple wind chime, but his expression suddenly changed. The purple wind chime has been offline

There were several emails in the mailbox, all with purple wind chimes telling Fatty not to take risks, and saying that if Fatty didn't go back, she would come over.

But why did she go offline? What happened

The fat man's face looked uncertain.

"Deputy leader of Lanpu Feiquan, a peerless genius." Xu Quan took a step forward and introduced himself. "Brother Yankai is so powerful, it's really awe-inspiring. I wonder if you have the idea of joining a gang?"

"Yes, of course, I have wanted to join a gang for a long time." The fat man put his mood aside and nodded innocently.

"How about joining Lanpu Feiquan? Lanpu Feiquan is one of the four major gangs in Xuanwu City. It is not only powerful, but also has many beauties in the gang. Especially the leader of this gang, Xiaoliu Fufeng, is the most beautiful girl in Xuanwu City." Xu Quan He said quickly, not forgetting to praise Liu Lan by the way.

Although Liu Lan hated Xu Quan, she also wanted to hear Fatty's answer. If you can draw him into the gang, it will also increase the strength of the gang. More importantly, you can keep an eye on him at any time to prevent him from messing around.

"Lan Waterfall and Feiquan?" The fat man tried hard to recall. "A very powerful gang. Your gang leader is indeed a rare beauty. However, I am just a little thief, why do you want me to join?"

After being praised by the fat man, Liu Lan's face remained motionless, but her heart blossomed with joy. Xu Quan glanced at Liu Lan and said with a smile: "Brother Yankai is so humble. If nothing else, it is admirable for Brother Yankai to hunt down a high-level gold-level boss alone. What's more, being able to win the cavalry commander from the four major gangs in the underground hall of the mass graves also shows his scheming and out-of-the-box skills. Which gang wouldn't rush for such a talent."

"So, I am a handsome, charming, resourceful, lively and cute, talented, wise, graceful, noble, upright, and a hero among heroes?" the fat man said with bright eyes. .

vomit. As soon as the fat man spoke, not only Xu Quan was shocked and speechless, Ming Xue was vomiting wildly on the side, and even the gang members of the Lanpu Feiquan Gang behind them were staggering and unsteady.

"This damn fat guy." Liu Lan said with a smile on her lips.

"Well, you can also say that." Xu Quan said bravely. He has seen shameless people, but he has never seen such shameless people.

"But, Deputy General Manager Xu, you said that I am a shameless and incompetent person who wastes food when alive and wastes land when dead. Even if I am a duck, no one will come. You have not forgotten this sentence. Right?" The fat man sat on the ground, raised his head and asked "innocently".

"Ah? You, are you Qian Ye?" Xu Quan took two steps back and said in surprise.

What? How dare he call a fat man like that? Fatty is mine, and no one can scold him except me. Liu Lan looked at Xu Quan with murderous eyes.

"Vice President Xu, long time no see." The fat man greeted with a smile.

Feeling Liu Lan's murderous gaze, Xu Quan said bravely: "Well, that was just my confusion. I'll apologize to you."

Because Xu Quan could take it up and put it down, he was actually willing to apologize to the fat man in public, which made it difficult for the fat man to speak for a while.

"Hmph. Xu Quan, now that the boss is over, what are you still doing here? Don't we all need to level up?" Liu Lan interrupted Xu Quan and issued an eviction order.

"Okay, then..." Xu Quan racked his brains to save the situation.

"Guild leader, we found the boss." A player shouted.

"Boss? Where is he?" Xu Quan immediately forgot about the fat man. "Everyone, follow me, kill the boss, and explode the artifact."

"MD, Fatty's slogan, when did this grandson learn it?" Fatty was very depressed.

"Fat man, don't be angry. This Xu Quan can't say anything nice. Don't be as knowledgeable as him." Liu Lan comforted the fat man softly.

"No, I'm not angry." It was the first time that Liu Lan spoke so gently. Fatty shivered all over and became frightened.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Seeing the fat man trembling all over, Liu Lan asked with concern.

"No, I'm not sick. I was a little excited after killing a boss." The fat man wiped his sweat and explained hurriedly.

"Oh. By the way, what good equipment did the boss reveal? Hey, the gold-level boss must have good things." Liu Lan became excited. "Damn fat man, I'm warning you, if you don't hand over something good, you'll be dead."

"Yes, yes, if you have something good, of course you have to give it to our Boss Liu." The fat man nodded repeatedly. Damn it, this is Liu Lan, finally normal.

"Brother Kai, you are my biological brother. Tell me honestly, how did you get the weakling Liu Fufeng?" Fugitive Tianya said in an extremely vulgar voice, lying next to the fat man's ear.

"Go away, I want her? I don't want her life." Fatty growled in Fang Tianya's ear, Fang Tianya chuckled and stood up.

"Fat man, why don't you take it out?" Liu Lan stretched out her hand towards the fat man.

"The things haven't arrived yet." The fat man smiled bitterly and pointed to the ground. "They're all still buried underneath."

"Wow, Brother Kai, I finally know how you killed the gold-level boss. Brother Kai, you are an idol, I admire you." Fugitive Tianya suddenly understood, with a fanatical look on his face.

"Hey, that's right. It doesn't matter who Fatty is." Fatty said proudly.

"What do you mean? Why are things underground?" Ming Xue looked confused.

"Hey, Xiao Mingxue, I don't know. Come on, let's go to a place where no one is around and let your Tianya brother explain it to you. We can also demonstrate it live." Fugitive Tianya walked over in a confused manner.

"Death, go to hell." Ming Xue raised her hand, and a series of fireballs hit Fugitive Tianya's head, and the thief's little blood whizzed down.

"Stop making trouble." Liu Lan was angry and funny. "Why don't you come over here and dig it out? Don't get brushed off by the system."

The four of them worked together to dig up the soil. Even though the fat man buried the Blue Butterfly King alive, he was very smooth. He only had to dig up the soil and the entire hole was filled. But now it is even more difficult to dig it out.

"Damn fat man, who asked you to dig so deep?" Liu Lan cursed angrily with a dusty face.

"If you don't dig so deep, how can you trap the gold-level boss?" At first, the fat man argued confidently. Later, as she dug deeper and deeper, Liu Lan became more and more angry, and the fat man wisely chose to remain silent. Regardless of whether the wind blows from the southeast to the northwest, I will stand firm and motionless.

There was a noise in the distance, and the gang members of Lanpu Feiquan began to fight the boss and explode the artifact. But it was only lively for a while, and then quieted down without any movement.

Didi. Liu Lan's communicator rang. Liu Lan opened it and answered it, her expression changing.

"Xu Quan and the others were wiped out." Putting down the communicator, Liu Lan was filled with gloating.

"Damn, you are the gang leader after all, and all the players in your gang were wiped out, and you actually gloated about it?" the fat man asked in surprise.

"Hmph, who told that guy Xu Quan to scold you like that?" Liu Lan said confidently. "Originally, I wanted to hang him back, but now that he is hanging in the hands of the boss, it can be regarded as a sigh of relief for me. As for other people, oh, I shouldn't be like this."

As he spoke, Liu Lan clasped his hands together. "My poor gang members, your gang leader mourns for you, please rest in peace."

"As expected, we are a family. We don't want to enter the same house." Fugitive Tianya made a strange sound at the side.

"You're the only one who talks a lot, aren't you?" Ming Xue glared. "Hurry up and dig, I want to see the artifact."

As he spoke, Ming Xue's eyes secretly wandered around Fatty and Liu Lan, wondering what was going on in her little head.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." After a long time of effort, he finally dug it out. The first thing that was revealed was a blue butterfly that looked like a crystal statue.

This butterfly is the size of a palm, and the whole thing looks like it is carved from blue crystal. It has four small wings spread out, and there is a faint flow of water around its body.

"Fat man, I want it." Liu Lan cooed, and the fat man suddenly shivered. He felt that a cold wind suddenly blew on this hot day, and he got goosebumps all over his body.

"This, boss, you've seen it too, it's a mission item." The fat man pointed, and Liu Lan noticed it, reluctantly, but handed the butterfly statue into the fat man's hand.

Sealed Butterfly: Quest item, the lonely soul of the blue butterfly. Unlocking the seal can give the blue butterfly happy freedom.

It seems that the mission of the purple wind chime is to obtain this. I just don’t know why this little girl suddenly went offline.

When I dug deeper, I found nothing, not even a copper plate. After digging the entire hole, Liu Lan looked at the fat man suspiciously, and the fat man felt a chill in his heart.

"Don't blame me, don't blame me. It may be because of the mission monster, so I only exploded a mission item. Don't worry, there's a boss over there. I'll give you an artifact later." The fat man suppressed the chill in his heart. , explained quickly.

"Huh, I'll forgive you this time." Liu Lan suddenly laughed, like a budding water lotus that suddenly bloomed in front of the fat man's eyes.

The fat man was in a daze for a while, and it wasn't until Fugitive Tianya patted him on the shoulder that he came back to his senses.

"Brother Kai, let's go kill that boss?"

"Well, okay. Let's go." The fat man replied blankly.

"Hey, brother Kai, how are you? Are you poisoned?" Fugitive Tianya smiled obscenely on the fat man's shoulder.

"Poisoned? What kind of poison?" The fat man suddenly reacted. "Damn, who is Fatty Master? Why do children love each other? It's a joke."

"Fat man, why don't you hurry up?" Liu Lan turned around and shouted.

"I'm coming."

The four of them arrived at the location of the boss. It's still the same place, still the same big tree, but the difference is that at this time, there are countless colorful butterflies flying around the boss, and there is no possibility of a duel.

"Here, why don't we stop fighting?" Liu Lan hesitated.

"There's no way to fight." Fugitive Tianya frowned. "Even if Brother Kai can defeat the boss alone, there are so many younger brothers, so there is no need to fight you alone."

"Woo, my boss, my artifact." Ming Xue whispered.

"Let's withdraw." After thinking for a long time, the fat man nodded dejectedly. There is no comparison between now and just now. Only a fool would challenge you in a one-on-one fight when you have a younger brother at your disposal.

"Come on, Fatty, I'll give you the mission." Liu Lan said.

"Ah, well, you have to wait for another person to hand in the task. This task was originally hers, and I helped her do it." Fatty said.

"Oh, who is it? What's your name? Is it a boy or a girl?" Liu Lan asked casually.

"Purple Wind Chime, the sister of Fengshen Tianxia, you should know." Fatty said.

"Damn you, fat boy!" Liu Lan was furious. "I told you not to team up with female players, not to get too close to female players, not to hook up with others, not to be obsessed with sex. How dare you help others with tasks? What do you call this? This is called seeking death!"

"Ah, save me from death, save me from Mingxue." The fat man wailed.