Show Me the Money

Chapter 412: City of the Abyss


It was pitch black all around and there was no sound at all. Occasionally, a few starlights shine from unknown space, and the surrounding scenery can be seen.

There are countless floating meteorites, some large and small. The large ones are thousands of miles in radius, like a huge mountain, while the small ones are only a few kilometers long, and more are just some rubble. These meteorites are flying around each other in silence, giving people a sense of suffocating oppression.

This is the crack space of Tianzhihen. Being chased by the five demon kings and cornered, Fatty resolutely jumped into a crack, and then appeared here.

The two deputy marshals came out of the Five Elements Secret Realm with heavy expressions and a sense of embarrassment on their faces. They came here originally to protect the demon hunting team, but they fled here after being hunted, and they didn't know if they could go back.

"There is no need for the two marshals to blame themselves. Who would have thought that they would be so shameless that five of them would come out together. This place is connected to various spaces, and it is easy to find the way back." Instead, it was the fat man who came to comfort the two of them.

The deputy marshal, a space magician, gave a bitter smile and said: "This place is connected to countless spaces. It is not easy to find a passage back to the human world."

"There is always a glimmer of hope, which is better than being captured by the demons." Fatty said with a smile.

There are countless dangers hidden in the dark space. Occasionally, space cracks appear and disappear briefly. Sometimes a space crack appears next to a certain meteorite, and a white light flashes there, and part of the meteorite disappears silently.

"Don't get caught in the cracks in the space. The damage is on one hand, but the more important thing is that the person is not dead, but the various parts of the body are not in the same space. This is troublesome." A deputy marshal said.

"What, there is such a thing?" the fat man asked in shock.

The deputy marshal nodded: "Most people die immediately when they are strangled by space cracks. There are also strong people. Although they do not die, their bodies are separated by space cracks. They can feel where they are, but they cannot control them. Life is worse than death. "

While sighing at the power of the space rift, Fatty moved forward more cautiously.

Not far after Fatty and the others walked out, a light flashed somewhere behind them, and several black shadows appeared.

"They're still here."

"Follow them and catch them."

"No matter life or death."

"Two super artifacts. With these, we can conquer the human world."

After just a few exchanges, these black shadows followed a certain guide and quickly chased the fat man and the others.

"Someone is coming." The two deputy marshals whispered at the same time.

"They are people from the demon world. They are here with bad intentions. Let's go out here first." The fat man immediately made up his mind and jumped in while a space crack in the distance had just opened.

"Oops, hurry up." Several black shadows accelerated suddenly, teleported to the crack, and rushed in before it closed.

The place where you enter is empty, with no sky above and no earth below. The surroundings are foggy, and only the faint light coming from nowhere illuminates the surroundings.

Floating and falling all the way, I finally got my feet on the ground. The three of them looked serious, and the fat man was even more nervous. In addition to the two dimensions of humans and demons, there are countless unknown dimensions in the game. It is obvious that they are now in an inexplicable space. It's okay if you can't find the way back. If you can't even use resurrection, then you have nowhere to cry.

"There is something down there." The fat man's sharp eyes saw the outline of a city in the distance fleetingly disappearing.

"Let's go." The three of them flew away, carrying the surrounding fog with them as if they were walking on water.

"They are there." The few black figures that came in immediately looked into the distance. Although they entered the same space crack, they did not appear in the same place.

"What a familiar place."

"It's indeed very familiar. I may have been here before."

"I forgot where it is, it can't be the demon world."

"Catch them first."

During a few brief exchanges, several black shadows flickered and appeared, less than a kilometer away from Fatty and the others.

"Here we are chasing." The faces of the three people changed drastically. The fat man waved his hand, and the Five Elements Skill Book appeared in front of his eyes. Several fire magic spells were instantly fired, lighting up the nearby space.

Four black figures stayed in front of them, all of them had long and thin bodies, and the black cloth wrapped in them was empty, as if there was a skeleton underneath. Seeing the fat man and the others stopped, they immediately let out weird laughs.

"Delicious humans."

"Kill them, eat them, and go back with the super artifact."

"Suffer death, human."

"Hmph." The two deputy marshals shot at the same time. A long arrow was like a sky-shattering rainbow, drawing a bright light in the dark space. A piece of white light appeared, and the space around the four black shadows suddenly made a clicking sound. A space cage suddenly erupted. appeared and imprisoned them inside.

With a sudden grab, the long arrow penetrated the space cage and shot into a black shadow, but it was shot directly from behind without causing any damage to it.

"Gaga, it's useless, isn't it?"

"We are immortal, so you still want to kill us?"

"It's the Necromancer, let's go." A deputy marshal took a breath of air, shouted, and teleported away.

The two deputy marshals could teleport, and the fat man also had the ability to escape. The three of them escaped in succession, leaving the five necromancers helpless for the moment.

"Damn it, you coward, don't run away if you have the guts."

"Humans are all cowards, who has the guts to duel with me?"

The three fat men ignored him and just kept their heads down and ran away. The outline ahead became clearer and clearer, until finally, the three of them stopped in shock.

In front of them, a dark city stood quietly, and a strong sense of oppression rushed towards them. Although there was no one on it, the three of them felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

"City of the Abyss."

"This is the abyss space."

The two deputy marshals exclaimed at the same time and looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

"City of Abyss? City of Abyss, one of the seven neutral main cities?" Fatty looked at this ancient city with interest.

The wall of the City of the Abyss is a hundred feet high, with an immeasurable length and width. It is covered with mottled marks and scars from swords everywhere. It seems to have experienced countless turmoils.

"The City of the Abyss was left behind in the war ten thousand years ago, and even the abyssal space disappeared. I didn't expect it to be here."

"It is said that the Abyss clan living in the City of Abyss is very powerful. Each one has rank eight or above. Its city lord, the Lord of the Abyss, is second only to the super god-level existence. However, he fell in the last war and even the Abyss clan suffered casualties. heavy."

"The City of the Abyss is here. I wonder if the Abyss Clan is here? If they were there, we might not be able to escape today."

The two deputy marshals became more and more desperate as they thought about it.

"Gaga, the city of the abyss?"

"Yes, the city of the abyss."

"Go back quickly and inform the master that we have found the whereabouts of the City of the Abyss."

"No rush, take the super artifact back first."

"Yes, the super artifact is important."

The four necromancers appeared behind the three of them in a hurry, looking at them like a cat playing with a mouse. They laughed strangely under their black cloaks, and their eyes flashed with green light.

"Fuck, there are four of them and three of us, can't we kill them?" the fat man asked in a low voice.

"It's not easy to deal with. They are all necromancers. Unless their soul fire can be extinguished, there is no way to kill four of them. Three against four, we are at a disadvantage and we are no match." said the Archer Deputy Marshal.

In fact, he didn't say a word. Although there were three people on his side, Fatty was not yet at the god level and did not have much fighting power at all.

"There is no sound in the city. I don't know if it is a dead city or something else. Let's go in first and look for opportunities to disperse them." said the magician deputy marshal.

The three people disappeared suddenly, and the four undead magicians smiled and disappeared at the same time.

The City of the Abyss is full of buildings with obvious demonic style. The tall houses and the beautiful patterns all show the city's former glory.

The three people rushed into the city and did not see any demons. It seemed that the Abyss clan that once ruled this main city had completely disappeared. The huge and empty main city was eerie and terrifying. Looking towards the direction of the city lord's palace, the fat man shivered for no reason.

The three people teleported continuously and covered half of the Abyss City in a matter of seconds. The four necromancers behind them were chasing after them and they could not get rid of them.

"You two, let's separate. They will definitely chase me for the super artifact. You hold one of them down first, don't kill them, and wait for me to come back." The fat man said quickly, and then without waiting for them to answer, he rushed in another direction with an escape method. .

The two deputy marshals heard the words and rushed in the other direction. The four necromancers behind him hesitated slightly, then split into two groups, and the two chased him in the direction where the fat man appeared.

"I heard from the city lord that a necromancer is needed." The two deputy marshals whispered.

"I'll use space magic to teleport one away first, and try to control one before the city lord comes."

A white light appeared in the silent and dark city of the abyss. This god-level space magician chanted a spell quickly, and layers of space ripples appeared in the air. The two necromancers who had just teleported and appeared were sent away before they could react. Take one.

"Want to defeat them all?" The remaining necromancer said with a mocking tone.

"Kill." The two deputy marshals shouted at the same time, each releasing their skills and rushing towards him.

"Damn, I'm chasing him so hard." Behind the fat man, the two necromancers were chasing him closer and closer. If the Five Elements Escape Technique hadn't been faster and more convenient than teleportation, he would have been caught by them by now.

"Let's see where you can run." A necromancer behind the fat man laughed strangely in a low voice. His black robe was lifted up, and a gloomy bone claw stretched out from below. In his hand, he held a fist-sized red thing that was still beating. , is a heart.

Another bone claw carved on the heart, the necromancer recited a certain spell, and then gave it a hard squeeze.


His heart burst, and the fat man suddenly let out a scream. His heart was in severe pain, and he fell to the ground. His whole body was twitching slightly because of the severe pain.

"Jie Jie, bring me the super artifact."

The two necromancers simultaneously extended their bone claws towards the fat man.