Show Me the Money

Chapter 417: Roosters crow and dogs robber [Second update]


(New Year’s Day is coming, let’s break out a little, thank you for your support)

In terms of strength, the current Lord of the Abyss is quite far behind the Death Swordsman Mo Feng, but with just a Book of Life and a Life Hymn magic, Mo Feng was defeated. It has to be said that it is extremely ironic. mean.

The Lord of the Abyss stabbed him with a spear, and Mo Feng showed an angry look on his face. A sword swung up a lot of light and directly separated it. At the same time, he kicked the mount under the Lord of the Abyss, sending him flying backwards.

The Lord of the Abyss laughed and drove his mount back again. Although his body was covered with blood, he became more and more courageous as he fought, forcing Mo Feng to retreat.

"Damn it, Secret Code of Life." Everyone below could see why the Lord of the Abyss had the upper hand. With the Secret Code of Life, he was simply immortal. As long as you don't kill it completely at once, it will recover quickly.

"Is there any way to suppress him?" Marshal Huwei said to himself.

Fatty's heart moved and he said, "I have a way."

"You?" Marshal Huwei was slightly stunned, but he understood immediately. "The Great Ice Forbidden Curse?"

The fat man nodded slightly. He did a quick calculation just now and found that the energy in the Five Elements Secret Realm was enough to cast the Forbidden Frozen Curse once. But with the strength of the Lord of the Abyss, it is still a question whether the Great Ice Forbidden Curse can freeze him.

"Okay, I'll notify Master Mo and ask him to create conditions for you." Marshal Huwei said.

After receiving the news from Marshal Huwei, Mo Feng was slightly startled, looked back, and nodded without any trace. Just now, they were worried that Mo Feng would not let them take action because of his face. Now that Mo Feng agreed, Marshal Huwei and the others were relieved.

With an angry shout, a sword light rose from the ground, illuminating the entire abyss space. As expected, the Lord of the Abyss was cut in half by the sword light, and his two bodies were twisted strangely.

"Quack, quack, quack." Weird laughter emanated from the two halves of the Lord of the Abyss. A green light appeared around him. Countless finger-sized elves surrounded him, kneeling down, their faces full of piety, and their hands formed strange formations. handprints, a smile on his face, and a hymn in his mouth.

"The Great Ice Forbidden Spell." The fat man shouted. Outside the green elves, countless expressionless ice elves appeared one after another. Each ice elf corresponded to a green elf. There was fear on the faces of these green elves. , in a moment, he was frozen by the ice elf.

The body of the Lord of the Abyss was covered with ice elves of all sizes. These ice elves with expressionless faces, as if the Lord of the Abyss were a delicious cake, rushed towards him and fixed the two halves of his body in two places.

"Ah." The Lord of the Abyss screamed in fear and struggled desperately, a puff of black light surrounding his body.

The entire abyss space suddenly shook, and countless black energies came from all directions and rushed into the main body of the abyss. With the help of this black energy, the Lord of the Abyss regained his strength slightly, and even knocked the ice elves off his body, and the two halves of his body were about to come together.

"Hmph." Mo Feng snorted coldly, and struck out with a sword in his backhand. The sword light was blazing, and the Lord of the Abyss let out a scream, and was chopped into four pieces.

The fat man shook his hands and presented the Five Elements Sword Formation. The light flashed and drew the Lord of the Abyss into it. The Five Elements Sword Formation rotated slowly, cutting off the connection between the Lord of the Abyss and the outside world. The surging black energy was immediately interrupted, and the ice elves rushed towards the Lord of the Abyss in dense numbers.

"Asshole." The Lord of the Abyss trembled, his body cut into four parts by Mo Feng still unable to come together. Seeing the little energy left in the Five Elements Secret Territory, Fatty's heart burned with anger. With a wave of his hand, countless sword lights splashed down, slashing the Lord of the Abyss and causing blood to scatter everywhere.

Sword rays struck down one after another. Gradually, the resistance of the Lord of the Abyss became weaker and weaker. Finally, there was no sound, and four ice sculptures appeared in the air.

With a cold smile, the fat man did not immediately withdraw from the Five Elements Sword Formation. Instead, he stepped forward and used the stealing technique on one of the ice sculptures.


System prompts: The theft failed, and the body becomes stiff for 3 seconds.


System prompts: The theft failed, and the body becomes stiff for 3 seconds.


System prompt: The theft was successful and the item [Magic Dragon Spear] was obtained.


System prompts: The theft failed, and the body becomes stiff for 3 seconds.



System prompt: The theft was successful and the item [Secret Book of Life] was obtained.

After stealing hundreds of times in a row and failing eighty or ninety times, the fat man finally got what he wanted. He chuckled, put away all the stolen items and threw them aside, and took out the Five Elements Skills Book.

The Secret Code of Life, also called the Secret Code of Wood, is similar to other Secret Codes, except that the cover is green, with countless plants representing life growing vigorously on it. Holding it in his hand, a surging breath of life filled his body, and the fat man felt a jolt of relief all over his body.

"It's indeed a good thing."

No longer wasting time, he pressed the Wood Codex on the Five Elements Skill Book, and a bright green light rose into the sky. The Wood Codex quickly disintegrated, turning into emerald green lights flying around the Five Elements Skill Book, and finally slowed down. Slowly disappear into the book.

A strange scene appeared in the Five Elements Skill Book. A seed the size of a mung bean appeared there. Then in front of Fatty's eyes, the seed sprouted, branched, gradually grew, and finally turned into a big tree that covered the sky and the sun. On and under the trees, countless birds and various animals were either perching or running, roaring with joy.

With a bang, the big tree exploded, turning into dots of green light and disappearing from the Five Elements Skill Book. The spinning energy ball in the Five Elements Secret Realm, which was now dim and almost disappearing, suddenly lit up and started spinning rapidly.

A secret book is equivalent to an artifact. After devouring the wood secret book, the energy in the Five Elements Secret Realm has increased a lot, which at least improved the current dilemma of the fat man having no energy to use.

Gently open the Five Elements Skills Book, and on one page, there are written wood spells, or life magic. There are the hymns of life just used by the Lord of the Abyss, and wild weeds used to deal with enemies, ranging from low-level to high-level, plus a few forbidden spells, covering almost all spells in this system.


System prompt: Congratulations on collecting four secret books and successfully advancing to the immortal level. Four attributes are +100. Because he was the first player to advance to the Immortal level, he was awarded the title [Flying Immortal in the Day] and obtained the Immortal level skill Rooster Crying Dog Thief.

A ray of golden light penetrated the Five Elements Sword Formation and fell on the fat man. He felt a sense of relief all over his body and saw a significant increase in various attributes.

"Actually promoted to the Immortal Level?" The fat man was filled with joy and quickly opened the so-called Immortal Level skills to check.

Rooster and Dog Thief: You can arbitrarily change into a designated object whose level is no higher than your own. It has a designated skill of the changed object. It will not be broken when attacked. During the period, the success rate of the theft technique is increased by 10%. There is no penalty for failure, regardless of success or failure. The other party will not be reminded. The duration is 600 seconds and the cooling time is 24 hours.

"Hiss." The fat man took a breath, looked at this skill, and after a long time slowly closed the skill panel.

It can be changed at will, and it can also have a designated skill for the changed object, and failure will not be punished? No matter whether it is successful or not, the system will not remind the other party

Resisting the urge to grin, the fat man said to the Lord of the Abyss: "Lord of the Abyss, thank you so much this time. Not only did you send me the Wood Element Secret Code, you also allowed me to be promoted to Immortal level, and obtained such a NB skill, as a thank you, I will definitely place you at the door of the City Lord's Mansion, so that everyone who passes by will remember your contribution."

Putting away the Five Elements Sword Formation diagram, the fat man appeared in the eyes of everyone with high spirits. Looking at the four ice sculptures floating behind him, Mo Feng nodded and felt relieved.

Marshal Huwei came over and said, "Where is the Secret Book of Life?"

The fat man shook his head, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face: "I didn't find it. I don't know where this guy went. I searched for a long time and found such a rotten thing."

The fat man threw the magic dragon gun to the ground with a thud, looked at Marshal Huwei and said: "In order to deal with him, I have used up all the energy I have accumulated for most of my life. You have to compensate me."

Marshal Huwei laughed angrily and said: "If you get a bargain and act like a good boy, you will give it up if you don't find the Secret Code of Life. Without the Secret Code of Life, how did you reach the immortal level?"

The fat man was stunned: "Have you noticed all this?"

Liu Lan said on the side: "It has been broadcast to the whole server. Okay, you have the City of the Sky, you also have the City of the Abyss, and now you have been promoted to the Immortal level. Those who have left us far enough will catch up." I’m not going to fuck you anymore.”

"That is, otherwise I would be the city lord and you wouldn't be." The fat man said with some pride.

Liu Lan rolled her eyes at him: "You are so proud."

The fat man chuckled, and then shouted: "Come on, come on, everyone is here to make a fortune."

The Lord of the Abyss threw his body, which was frozen into four pieces, onto the square in front of him, and the players who had been watching him with eager eyes immediately pounced on him. Various skills and magic rained down on it, and there were even thieves who came close to perform theft techniques, but without exception the thefts failed. Occasionally they succeeded, and they got a reminder that nothing was stolen.

"Think about it carefully. You already have the City in the Sky. If you take over the Lord of the Abyss, you will be jealous." Marshal Huwei said to the fat man.

The fat man nodded. Although he also wanted to occupy two main cities at the same time, this obviously did not show. He won the Sky City by himself, and there was nothing others could do about it even if they were jealous. But this time he came in with so many people. Although he contributed the most, he couldn't eat alone.

Calling the players who came in together, the group discussed for a long time and finally made a decision: the Central Dynasty will be in charge of the City of Abyss, and each player will receive 0.5% of the future income of the City of Abyss.

"I don't know where the other four main cities are." After allocating their respective profits, these players all had the idea of taking in the four main cities that had not yet appeared.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you something." Marshal Huwei said to the fat man. "The Generalissimo wants you to go to the Imperial City."