Show Me the Money

Chapter 418: Departure, City of the Sun [Third update]


The whole server was shocked again.

First, the system announced that Qian Yankai had captured the City of the Abyss and became the city lord of the City of the Abyss. Not long after, he was also notified that he had become the first player in the server to advance to the Immortal level and received the title [Flying Fairy in the Day]. People are on fire.

In a gang station next to Xuanwu City, a man was wiping his armor. When he heard that the fat man had become the city lord of the Abyss City, he immediately became furious and almost crazy. He smashed everything nearby that could be smashed and was picking up a card. The table was about to fall to the ground, but when he suddenly heard the news of being promoted to the Immortal Level, he suddenly froze and murmured: "How could it be so fast?"

On the other side of the distant ocean, a player was working hard to defeat monsters. He was slightly startled after hearing two pieces of news one after another, and then sighed: "It's difficult to take revenge."

A majestic high city, covered with knife marks and ax carvings, it has obviously gone through many vicissitudes of life. A certain player who was sitting in the city lord's mansion in the center changed his face when he heard the news and kicked a table over. Not long after he sat down, when he heard that he had been promoted to the immortal level, his face instantly turned from green to black, he clenched his fists and dug his nails deeply into his flesh.

When all the players in the server were talking about the news that Fatty had become the city lord of Abyss City and had been promoted to Immortal level, Fatty passed through the teleportation array and rushed from Abyss City to Sky City, and then quickly teleported to the Central Imperial City.

Not far from the Royal Palace in the Central Imperial City, a luxurious mansion stands quietly. The mansion is twenty meters high and occupies a whole street. It has a bronze gate and two ten-meter-high stone unicorns at the door. There are twenty guards on each side.

Above the gate, on a gold-lacquered plaque, two large characters resemble silver hooks and iron paintings, exuding the aura of fighting and fighting.

"Yue Mansion."

At this time, a man hurried towards the gate of the mansion, which immediately alerted the two rows of guards. A cold light flashed across the eyes of the guard commander, and he stepped forward and shouted: "It is forbidden to break into the mansion of the Generalissimo, please come. Stop."

When the visitor heard this, he immediately stood up, clasped his hands and said, "I am the Lord of Sky City. I have been ordered to come to meet the Generalissimo. Please inform me."

"Lord of the City in the Sky?" The guard commander was slightly startled. Before he could speak, a gentle voice came from inside: "Please come in, Lord."

Hearing this voice, the guard commander immediately looked solemn, bent down slightly, stretched out his hand and said, "Please."

Before talking to the commander of the guards, the fat man hurriedly walked into the Marshal's Mansion and was led to the living room by a soldier.

The Grand Marshal's Mansion is grand on the outside, but very simple on the inside. Except for some necessary flowers and plants for decoration, there are not that many luxurious things.

In the living room, a middle-aged man with a white face and no beard, eyebrows like swords flying into his temples, a square face, sitting there without anger or authority.

When he came to the living room, the fat man clasped his hands in his fists and bowed slightly: "The Lord of the City of the Sky opened his eyes when he saw money, and he saw the generalissimo."

Nodding slightly, a smile appeared on the Generalissimo's face: "Please sit down."

"Thank you, Marshal."

The fat man sat down on a seat and then asked: "I wonder why the generalissimo is so anxious to recruit officials?"

"You are the lord of a city, not my subordinate." The general said with a smile, then the smile disappeared from his face and he sighed.

"You went to Tianzhihen to hunt demons this time. Did you see their scale? What do you think?"

"Yes." The fat man thought about it carefully and said: "There are about 180,000 troops, which is not too much. If we really want to fight, relying on the Sky City, as long as we have enough energy support, we can easily destroy them. . It’s just that they have more masters, so this is difficult to deal with.”

Nodding, the Generalissimo sighed: "Yes, they have many experts, but we are not as good as this."

The fat man was a little curious and asked: "With the super-god-level strength of the Grand Marshal, can't he destroy them easily?"

"Super god level?" The Grand Marshal shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Super god level are also human beings."

The fat man was puzzled, and the Grand Marshal sighed and asked, "Do you know how many people in the Demon Clan have the same strength as me?"

The fat man shook his head. The general raised a hand and spread out five fingers.

"Five?" Fatty exclaimed.

"Yes, at least five, plus those who have super artifacts, this number has to be doubled." The Grand Marshal said in a deep voice.

"How could there be so many?" Fatty muttered to himself, his face gloomy.

"How come there can't be so many?" the Grand Marshal sneered. "The Demon King has almost unified the entire Demon Clan. Almost all the big and small forces and famous masters are under his control. He has at least hundreds of god-level masters under him. If he wants to attack a country in the human world with all his strength, including our Xuanhuang No country, including the ancient country, can withstand it. Unless all the countries of our species unite, this is simply impossible."

The fat man nodded, looked at the Generalissimo with a wry smile, and asked, "Then the Generalissimo invited me here. Why?"

"As mentioned just now, once the demons attack our Xuanhuang Ancient Kingdom with all their strength, we will not be afraid of the lower level strength, but the number of masters is still far behind. In the entire Xuanhuang Ancient Kingdom, except for His Majesty, Lord Huanglong and I, no one else can resist it. It is difficult to cause damage to the super god level, so once we retreat, the soldiers without the support of experts will not be able to withstand the opponent's attack."

"What do you mean?" Fatty asked tentatively.

"You should hurry up." The Generalissimo looked at the fat man. "I have found out that the last gold-type secret book is in the City of the Sun. You must get it as soon as possible, completely repair the Five Elements Skill Book, and upgrade it to a super artifact. Only in this way can you be qualified to use it in the future. Do your part for our country during the war.”

"Yes, Generalissimo." The fat man stood up, stood at attention, and shouted.

Nodding, the Grand Marshal said: "The City of the Sun is in the far west of the earth, on the highest mountain. If you go west, you will see it. There are many dangers there, especially if there are descendants of the Sun Tribe inside, it is even more difficult to pass. , but I believe you will not be afraid of this. Go ahead and bring me good news."

The fat man turned around to leave, but suddenly turned around and asked, "Generalissimo, is your surname Yue?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" The Generalissimo looked at the fat man in confusion.

"No problem, haha." The fat man smiled and left.

"What? Are you going to the City of the Sun to get the Gold Codex?" Returning to the City of the Sky, Fatty was immediately surrounded by a group of players. When they heard that they were going to the City of the Sun, everyone immediately became excited.

"I'm going to find the secret book of the gold system. Why are you so excited?" the fat man said.

"Another main city." A group of guys were gearing up, as if the City of the Sun was there, waiting for them to capture it.

"These guys." The fat man smiled and shook his head.

Fatty got the City of the Sky alone, and this time he got the City of the Abyss, which gave them the feeling that these neutral main cities were actually not rare, they were just hard to find.

On this trip, Sky City must not be brought along, otherwise if the demons take the opportunity to attack, without the pressure of Sky City, the soldiers here will not be able to stop them. Therefore, Fatty let Lake take control of the Sky City, and he just brought some friends on the road.

"Go all the way to the west, the highest mountain." Thinking of the Generalissimo's words, the fat man slapped the Bull King and shouted "Drive".

The Bull King stepped on the flames with his four hooves, soared into the air, and flew forward. Next to them, the family of God, the dragon crossing the river, and the purple wind chimes were almost the same group of people who went hunting for demons last time. They each patted their mounts and followed the fat man closely.

"You said how big the City of the Sun is. Is it as big as the City in the Sky?" Fugitive Tianya asked.

"Of course not. The City of Sky is the first neutral city. The City of Sun must be three points smaller than it." Dongmen Chuifeng said.

"Shit, Sky City is the first neutral city because of its fame, not its size." Jiangdong's little overlord looked at Dongmen Chuifeng with eyes full of contempt.

"Damn, you dare to despise me?" The east door was full of wind.

"Why do you despise you? Do you have the ability to compete with me?" Jiangdong Little Overlord rolled his eyes and made a suggestion.

"Let's compete, tell me what we're competing for?" Dongmen Chuifeng agreed immediately.

"Jump down from here, no need to use flying equipment, and see who lands on the ground first." Jiangdong Little Overlord said.

"That's it?" Dongmen Chuifeng lowered his head and saw that it was more than fifty meters above the ground. It wasn't high enough to kill anyone. "Okay, let's compare."

"Ready, start." Jiangdong Little Overlord called, sitting on his mount, his body motionless.

Dongmen Chuifeng put away his mount with a swish, and watched him dance and fall. After a few seconds, he plopped on the ground, and then burst into laughter.

Ximen Chuixue and others covered their eyes at the same time and turned their faces to the side. Jiangdong Little Overlord chuckled: "Chuifeng, please smile slowly, let's go first."

"Holy shit." Dongmen Chuifeng suddenly understood that Jiangdong Little Overlord was making fun of him, his face turned red, he cursed fiercely, summoned his mount and quickly chased after him.

Led by Fatty, the group of people are all well-known in the ancient Xuanhuang Kingdom. They are either masters or gang bosses. Especially last time they acted together, not only did everyone rise to four or five levels, but they also obtained the City of the Abyss. The next time they acted again, they immediately alerted others.

Various orders were quickly issued from the mouths of the gang bosses, and some individual players also had their own thoughts, looking thoughtfully at the departing figures of Fatty and the others.

After walking for a day, they were followed by players. At first, these players just followed them secretly a few hundred meters away. Later, they found that they ignored them, so they boldly summoned their mounts and followed them openly. Later, these people became even more unscrupulous, and some even flew in front of them, swaying from side to side.

"There are so many flies, it's really annoying." Even the best-tempered Duke Zhen Guo was a little angry.

"Don't worry about them. We will be walking for at least half a month this time. If they want to follow, just follow. If they can really follow," the fat man said in a deep voice.

"Where is the City of the Sun?" Raptor asked across the river.

"The westernmost part of the continent, the highest mountain."