Show Me the Money

Chapter 42: Niujiao Mountain


After leaving a message for Purple Wind Chime, asking her to contact him online, Fatty returned to the city with a few others.

Along the way, Liu Lan was still angry. The poor fat man had countless bruises on his body.

"It's broad daylight, during working hours, and your general manager and deputy general managers are here to play games. What should the company do?" The fat man began to change the subject.

"Why, do you think I'm in your way here?" Liu Lan glanced at the fat man. "Although the company is in my hands, the power is actually still in the hands of the board of directors controlled by my father. I am still learning management. Besides, there are so many elites in the company. I have to keep an eye on everything, so why do I need them? "

"It's so late, where can I go to level up?" The fat man continued to move.

"I'm going to help Xiaoxue with the mission. I was about to finish it, but when I heard that there was a gold-level boss, I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to defeat it, so I followed him. Who knew that someone not only defeated him, but also helped others defeat him? What a man, so mighty. Ah." Liu Lan's resentment was not ordinary.

"It's none of your business that I help others fight the boss." Fatty muttered in his heart, but on the surface he wisely chose to remain silent. He forced it to be strong, and the breeze blew over the hills and hills.

Ming Xue's deputy job is an alchemist. Now he has a task, which allows him to switch to a branch of the alchemist. The task is to pick a snow silver grass. The task location is Niutoushan in the north of Xuanwu City. The mountain is concave in the middle and has two convex horns, shaped like a bull's horn, hence the name Niujiao Mountain. There are also a group of powerful Minotaurs inside.

Snow Silver Grass is deep in Niujiao Mountain, and is guarded by a group of minotaurs.

"Originally I wanted Fugitive Tianya to sneak in and pick, but who knew that this fool doesn't know how to collect." Ming Xue glared at Fugitive Tianya and snorted.

"It's not my fault." Fugitive Tianya felt aggrieved. "I found several NPCs, but I just couldn't learn the gathering technique."

"It doesn't matter who you blame, bad character is bad."

Fugitive Tianya rolled his eyes and simply remained silent.

The night was dark and windy. Two beauties walked in front, and two wretched thieves followed silently. The players who were still fighting looked at the two thieves with vigilant eyes. There were even a few kind-hearted players who came over to ask if they could use it. Help drive away these two gangsters.

These two gangsters. . .

rogue. . .

Fatty and Fugitive held hands and looked at each other with tears in their eyes, speechless and choked.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, the fat man was high-spirited and pointed at the mountain: "Xiaoxue, watch your fat brother pick the herbs for you."

"Go quickly, we are waiting for you here." Liu Lan smiled.

"Wow, why do these words sound so familiar?" Ming Xue shouted as she watched the fat man enter the mountain. "It is said that there was a family where the husband was away, and his wife stood at the door, looking affectionate and shouting, 'Mr. Sir, come back soon, my wife is waiting for you.'"

"Fuck you, you dead girl is looking for a fight." Liu Lanjiao smiled, with a blush on her face.

Fatty sneaked up the mountain, and a group of antelope monsters lay lazily on the mountain road.

Old rules, identification skills.


Level: 20

Attack: 95-110

Defense: 80

HP: 1050

Explanation: Springbok, a strange antelope, likes to walk with hopping feet. The meat is delicious and one of the items purchased by major restaurants.

As expected, this Niujiao Mountain cannot be reached now. At the foot of the mountain, there are monsters around level 20. No wonder they spent a whole day and still failed to complete the task.

Walking along the mountain road, the higher the level of the monsters, the higher the level of the monsters. On the way, he saw a few pheasants. The fat man threw an appraisal skill casually, but he was surprised that he didn't see the attributes of the pheasants.

"Even a chicken is of such a high level, how can you let the players mess around?" The fat man sighed.

Halfway up the mountain, the fat man hesitated. A huge ape was hanging on a big tree.

This ape is more than twice the size of its kind next to it. It has black iron-like hair all over its body and a tail that stands upright, as dark as a steel rod made of fine steel.

There is no doubt that this is a boss, and the level is not necessarily much worse than the Blue Butterfly King who just died.

As for the Blue Butterfly King, Fatty has always had doubts. Perhaps because of the mission monster, the Blue Butterfly King did not show the strength of a gold-level boss, but was even weaker than bosses of the same level. At least, compared with the Dark Messenger on the fifth floor of the mass grave, it is not at the same level.

Identification Technique.

[Bloodthirsty Monkey] Silver level boss

grade:? ?

attack:? ?

defense:? ?

Blood volume:? ?

Sure enough, it was all question marks.

The fat man took two steps quietly. The bloodthirsty monkey who was hanging on the tree and resting with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at the fat man with a pair of blood-red eyes. The fat man immediately held his breath and remained still.

After looking at it for a long time, the bloodthirsty monkey showed a trace of doubt in his eyes, but then he closed his eyes and rested again.

The fat man quietly retreated, found another cliff, and wanted to climb up from there. After a lot of hard work, I finally climbed halfway, and a big tree appeared in front of me. The fat man raised his head. As soon as he raised his head, he saw a big eagle looking down at him with bright eyes.

"Hey, hello." Fatty said hello, let go of his hand, and fell freely.

Ah... A scream startled countless birds. Many players were frightened by this scream, and were taken advantage of by the monster in a daze, causing a lot of white light to appear for no reason.

Hugging a pine tree that stretched out diagonally on the mountainside, the fat man swayed and returned to the ground again. His fat face couldn't help but tremble, his eyes turned white, and there was a trace of cold sweat on his head.

"Come back so soon?" Ming Xue was surprised and despised the idea of being on the run. "Look at this fat guy, look at you, we are both thieves, why is there such a big gap?"

Fugitive Tianya turned around and cried sadly.

"Where's the Snow Silver Grass?" Liu Lan looked at the fat man.

Spreading his hands, the fat man pointed at the sky and cursed.

"I@#!¥%... How come there are so many bosses in such a big mountain? The bosses don't need money or something."

"Stop talking nonsense. Just tell me if you didn't pick it up?" Liu Lan wanted to sew the fat man's mouth shut.

"We didn't go up at all." The fat man said with his head hanging down.

"Ha, ha, ha." Fugitive Tianya suddenly straightened up and laughed three times. Finally, he was no longer alone.

"Shut up." Fatty and Liu Lan said angrily at the same time.

"Destiny Tianya, are you happy that you didn't pick up the Snow Silver Grass?" Ming Xue looked at Fu Tianya angrily.

The fugitive was dumbfounded. He looked at Fatty, Liu Lan, and Ming Xue. Without saying a word, he turned around and continued drawing circles.

"It's okay. Since we can't sneak up, we'll fight over." Liu Lan comforted the fat man.

"We are both thieves, why is there such a big difference in treatment?" Fugitive Tianya felt aggrieved.

"It's not easy to fight." Fatty kicked Fugitive Tianya. "The monsters at the foot of the mountain are level 20. At the top of the mountain, they are estimated to be around level 40."

"The Minotaur on the top of the mountain is level 38." Fugitive World said. "The forum already has a distribution map of monsters in Niujiao Mountain. The monster levels range from level 20 to level 38. The highest level is the boss Minotaur Chief, which is level 40. Moreover, the monsters here are densely distributed, making it a good place to spawn monsters and level up. Many gangs are threatening to book the venue.”

"Reserved? It seems like this place won't be quiet anymore." The fat man smiled contemptuously. Even a gang wants to book the venue, the key is to have that ability.

"It has nothing to do with us whether we are quiet or not. The task now is how to pick the Snow Silver Grass." Ming Xue looked at the top of the mountain longingly with a sad face.

"Xiaoxue, don't worry, Fatty will pick it for you. Right, Fatty?" Liu Lan stroked Mingxue's hair and turned to look at Fatty.

"Of course. When I reach level 50, let alone Snow Silver Grass, even the Minotaur Chief, if Xiaoxue wants it, I can catch it for her." Under Mingxue's hopeful gaze, the fat man immediately raised his head and said.

puff. Fugitive and spitting blood.

"Don't be poor, think of a solution quickly." Liu Lan gave him a funny look.

"Didn't you say it was almost done? How did you do it?" The fat man pulled a piece of grass into his mouth.

"I said it's not okay." Liu Lan started to be arrogant again.

"Fugitive, what do you think?" The fat man wisely chose the only man in the field except him.

"There is no good way, there is only that one." Fugitive Tianya rubbed his hands.

"What solution?" Ming Xue asked in surprise.

"What else can I do? Just hit him." The fat man laughed.

The sky was already twilight, and the four of them didn't come up with a good solution. They could only work step by step and fight bit by bit, treating it as leveling up.

There may be shortcuts in this world, but there won't always be shortcuts. Only by going down step by step is the best shortcut to success.

Four people, two thieves, are definitely among the top masters of the thieves profession, and one knight, once ranked ninth on the Heavenly Ranking. Only the little mage Ming Xue is a little behind three, but his strength is not bad.

With such strength, as long as the level difference between the two sides is not too big, they can usually go sideways. It is more than enough to deal with level 20 monsters.

Liu Lan played his role as a knight and only resisted monsters while Ming Xue attacked from behind. The two have cooperated many times, and Liu Lan has the equipment to support Fatty, so the efficiency of killing monsters is also good. As for Fatty and Fugitive, these two people don't need to level up with others at all. Although they were in a team, the two of them went one to the other, killing each other.

Thieves must learn to live alone. These are the original words of the fat man.

The level 20 springbok is about the same size as an ordinary goat. Its attack weapons are the two horns on its head and four hooves. It has the skills of collision and sheep sound.

Collision: Hit the head with an angle, causing a certain amount of damage.

Sheep Sound: Makes a sheep cry, all attributes of yourself are increased by 10%, all attributes of the enemy are reduced by 10%, duration is 600 seconds.

Springbok's attack power is not high, after all, it is only a level 20 monster. The collision skill is similar to the knight's charge skill, but the sheep sound is pretty good and can be used during PK leveling. As for why the antelope makes the sound of a sheep, you have to ask Xinghuan Company about this, and I don’t know.

Although the springbok's sheep sound is pretty good, it's not as good as the fat man's rooster crow. Although the crowing of the rooster only improves agility and attack power, isn't that what thieves need

The springbok bumped into it, and Fatty easily dodged aside. Dealing with this kind of powerful monster is exactly the specialty of thieves. He stepped forward and just followed the springbok's butt with his dagger. The springbok tried to turn around and attack several times, but the fat man ignored it and kept shouting that he wanted to blow his anus.


Under the fat man's obscene anus-exploding attack, the springbok finally couldn't bear it anymore, left its equipment on the ground, and died of grief and anger.

Collection technique. The gathering technique that made Fugitive Tianya jealous was thrown up.

Brush, the fat man has an extra sheepskin and two pieces of mutton in his hands.