Show Me the Money

Chapter 48: Mine missions


(For the convenience of calculation, the comparison between game time and real time will be 1:1 in the future, no longer 3:1, please forgive me)

Not to mention, although Xiao Hui is a little timid, he is still a good guy in a fight.

Seeing Xiao Hui playing to death with several vampire bats, Fatty smiled and stepped forward, patting Xiao Hui on the head as a reward.

There is a little gray that attracts the monster, and the next one is much bigger than before. Xiao Hui sneaked over, first using a clay bomb to attract the attention of a vampire bat, and then slowly pulled it over, and then the fat man hiding in stealth rushed over, and then, nothing more.

The fat man blew on the blood on the dagger and played with the collected vampire bat teeth. Not all vampire bats had teeth. After more than three hours of beating, a total of more than forty teeth were obtained, and more than half were still missing.

jingle. jingle.

I don't know how many meters deep, it was pitch black before my eyes, and suddenly there was a beating sound in my ears, and the fat man was shocked. Most of the mining players are not of high level. They usually only mine near the entrance of the cave and rarely go deep inside. If you can mine in it, you are obviously not a player.

The fat man collected Xiao Hui and sneaked all the way. He saw a large corner in front of the originally winding passage. When he turned the corner, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw an empty mine.

The mine has obviously been abandoned for a long time. There are various mining tools left on the ground, as well as mine carts that have been severely deformed and rotted. There were only a few torches lit in one corner, and the flames flickered on and off under the cold wind, making it even more eerie. The tinkling sound of mining came from near the torch.

This place is already a paradise for vampire bats. Countless vampire bats are flying and circling in the air. It is so dark that the fat man's scalp is numb. Fortunately, the vampire bat's level is not high, so he can't see through the fat man's stealth skills.

The fat man carefully walked around several abandoned mine carts, and when he came inside, he saw a rotten skeleton with only bones left, holding a mining hoe and slowly pounding the ore.

"Who is it?" As soon as the fat man came here, the skeleton seemed to have discovered his traces. He stopped the mining hoe, and the skull slowly turned around. Two deep blue soul flames danced in the eye sockets, watching quietly. Where the fat man hides.

The fat man's heart moved, but he didn't dare to show his body. There are too many bats here, and once they come out, they will be sucked to death.

"Young traveler, don't be afraid, they don't dare to come down." The skeleton seemed to understand the fat man's thoughts and said.

The fat man looked up and saw that, sure enough, although there were many vampire bats flying around, none of them flew above the skeleton.

Fatty exited stealth and appeared in front of the skeleton.

"Dear Sir, hello. The travelers from Xuanwu City salute you. Do you need any help?" No matter what, it's never wrong to be polite.

The old skeleton man's snow-white jaws moved and seemed to reveal a smile.

"Young traveler, I just need your help." The old skeleton man put down the hoe in his hand. "First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the supervisor of the mine. Look, are there too many bats here?"

Without waiting for the fat man to speak, the old man continued: "Countless years ago, this place was not called the Bat Cave, but one of the largest mines near Xuanwu City. But then, a drastic change happened overnight. For some reason, all the people in the mine were Most of the torches were extinguished, and then a swarm of vampire bats suddenly flew in. Caught off guard, all the miners in the mine were sucked into mummies, including the guards."

"These vampire bats are vicious and cunning, and are best at sneak attacks, especially in dark environments. They are even more rampant. After the vampire bats occupied the mine, they almost extinguished all the torches in the mine. Only these few around me can still light .Xuanwu City once sent troops to recover the mine, but they were defeated miserably under the sneak attacks of countless bats. In the end, the city owner of Xuanwu City felt that the losses from recovering the mine were relatively large and out of proportion to the benefits, so he gave up the recovery, so in the end The mine ended up in the hands of vampire bats."

"Young traveler, don't underestimate this mine. Countless ores were mined here. It turns out that most of the armor materials in Xuanwu City were obtained from here. Without this mine, it would not have much impact on Xuanwu City. , but once a war breaks out and the armor is not enough, the army will suffer unbearable losses. Young traveler, can you accept the request of a dead person?"


System prompt: Do you want to accept the task [Recover the Mine]



System prompt: You have accepted the task [Recover the Mine].

Mission content: Light all the torches in the mine, find out the reason for the appearance of vampire bats, lead the Xuanwu City army in, disperse the vampire bats, and recover the mine.

"Thank you, young traveler." The old skeleton man's soul flame trembled with excitement, and Senbai grabbed the fat man's hand with both hands. "The place where vampire bats appear is in the deepest part of the mine. There should be clues about their appearance there, but there are more vampire bats in the depths, so you have to be careful. Moreover, there are some zombies on the road. These are all transformed by miners who died in vain. If you meet them, please let them rest in peace, this is also a small request from me."


System prompt: Received the branch mission [Destroy zombies in the mine].

Mission content: Many miners in the mine were unwilling to die in vain, and a sense of resentment lingered in their hearts, eventually turning them into zombies who could never see the light of day again. Kill at least 1000 zombies and bring their miner nameplates to Overwatch.

Supervisor? It seems to be this old skeleton man.

After issuing the task, the old skeleton man picked up the mining hoe again and began to hammer it every now and then. The fat man tried to ask some questions, but the old gentleman also ignored him. It seemed that he was just a task NPC and did not have high intelligence.

Suddenly accepting such a big task, Fatty thought about it in his mind. The first issue was to change jobs first. After switching jobs, I learned new skills and it became easier to complete tasks.

The fat man observed carefully for a while and discovered a problem. No matter how the vampire bat flies, it will never come to the area illuminated by the torch.

In this case…

Fatty quickly returned to Xuanwu City, found a grocer, and bought a fishing net for 10 gold coins. NND, so dark.

Arriving in the Batcave again, Fatty hid behind a broken mine cart and ordered Xiao Hui to step forward to lure the monsters. Xiao Hui shrunk his head and dug a hole in the ground first, then spit out a clay bomb towards the place where the vampire bats gathered, then quickly ran back and plunged his head into the hole.

"It's worthless." The fat man cursed. The moment the vampire bat flew over at low altitude, he stood up abruptly. The fishing net spilled out, covering it directly and pulling it down.

"Where are you going?" The vampire bat struggled desperately in the fishing net. The fishing net tightened tighter and tighter, wrapping it up in layers, and soon the vampire bat was wrapped in it.

Die. The fat man stabbed him several times, and the vampire bat didn't even have a chance to resist, so it mourned and passed away to a blissful life.

"Go, continue." Fatty opened the fishing net and ordered Xiao Hui to continue attracting monsters. Xiao Hui lived up to expectations. This time he actually stood firm and spit out more than a dozen clay bombs, attracting seven or eight vampire bats.

"Get them all down." The fat man spread out the fishing net and covered the five vampire bats. The remaining two were illuminated by the light of the torch as they flew in. They suddenly screamed and bursts of light erupted from their bodies. Black Smoke immediately screamed and fled back.

"Good job." The fat man grabbed the fishing net and pulled it down. The five vampire bats flapped their wings vigorously, but their wings were restrained by the fishing net and they were pulled down by the fat man.

"hey-hey". The fat man laughed and rushed forward.

After fighting for a long time, I finally collected 100 vampire bat teeth, and also killed 200 vampire bats, meeting the requirements for job transfer.

Returning to the profession hall, he handed over 100 vampire bat teeth and paid a job transfer fee of 100 gold coins. The fat man was finally allowed to change jobs and became an assassin.

Assassin, thief's second profession, assassin who hides in the darkness. Low health, fast speed, strong attack, and can kill with one hit. The local power’s eternal nightmare.

He endured the pain and paid a 100 gold coin job transfer fee and spent money to learn skills. The fat man endured it and did not destroy the job hall.

Stealth: Primary 0/100, forced stealth during combat, duration 10 seconds, cooldown 300 seconds.

Acceleration: Primary 0/100, increases movement speed by 10%, duration 10 seconds, cooling time 60 seconds.

Weakness attack: primary 0/100, passive skill, attacks the enemy's defense weakness, increases physical attack by 10%.

Life-sacrifice blow: Primary 0/100, consumes 50% of own life, instantly increases attack power by 100%, cooldown time is 600 seconds.

Trap: Elementary 0/100, set traps to kill or trap enemies.

There are a total of 5 skills, each skill costs 20 gold coins, and the tuition is double that of level 10 skills. Originally, the fat man wanted to discuss with the tutor and get a discount, but the beautiful tutor choked the fat man to death with just one sentence.

"I'm level 20 and I don't even have the money to learn skills, so I still have the nerve to play games."

Under the scornful eyes of the onlookers, the fat man angrily handed over 80 gold coins, learned 4 skills except the trap technique, and then ran to the warehouse and sorted out his equipment.

Fatty’s current attributes:

Name: Eyes open when seeing money

Occupation: Assassin

Auxiliary occupations: blacksmith, alchemist

Level: 35% at level 20

Basic attributes: Physical: 29, Strength: 28, Agility: 115, Intelligence: 10, Endurance: 30

Physical attack: 50-56, physical defense: 184

Magic attack: 10, magic defense: 35

HP: 310, Magic value: 100

Hidden attributes: Luck:? ? ? , Comprehension:? ? ? ,charm:? ?

Reputation: 2800

Pets: None

Gang: None

Skill: Combo: Elementary 99/100

Throwing: Junior 64/100

Strangulation: Junior 97/100

Stealth: Elementary 88/100

Invisibility: Elementary 0/100

Acceleration: Elementary 0/100

Identification: Elementary 92/100

Mining: Elementary 22/100

Collection Technique: Intermediate 648/10000

Blacksmithing: Elementary 0/100

Alchemy: Elementary 0/100

Trap: Intermediate 121/10000

Theft: Elementary 15/100

Close Combat: Elementary 55/100

Thief's Eye: Elementary 1/100

Life-sacrifice: Elementary 0/100

Weakness Attack: Elementary 0/100

death transformation

Equipment: Shattered Shadow Dagger, Chicken King's Madness, Steel Ring Ice leggings, Qingyu boots.