Show Me the Money

Chapter 50: Team Rose


Mr. Skeleton's place is a secret. Before the fat man completes the task, he doesn't want others to know that it is safe to mine here, so he must lead the visitors to another fork.

The Bat Cave was renovated from a former mine. The main mine cave was not big, with a width and height of about five meters. It was right in the middle of the mine tunnel. Fatty had set up more than a dozen traps in a row.

Being so provoked by Fatty and God's Left Hand, the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance certainly would not give up. Soon, a group of players came specially.

"Have they been inside all this time?" The speaker was a mage player named Yue Yue Fang Fei Jin. There was a white bird squatting on his shoulder. I don't know what kind of pet it was. A player who can obtain a pet in such a short period of time must be very capable, otherwise Ice Girl and Rose Thorn would not be able to send her to deal with Fatty and the two.

"Yes, I haven't come out since I went in." Someone answered immediately.

"Didn't you sneak away?" Yue Yue Fangfei asked again.

"Absolutely not. The Batcave has only one exit. As soon as they entered, we sent people to block the entrance. People were attacking the entrance of the cave all the time. It was absolutely impossible for them to sneak out. And seeing that Qian Kaikai had set a trap inside, Two thieves have been injured, and he must still be inside." The visitor immediately replied in a positive tone.

"Okay, everyone line up and enter the cave immediately." Yue Yue Fangfei raised her right hand, gently stroked the pet on her shoulder, and ordered in a slow but extremely cold tone.

In the entire Ice and Snow Rose Alliance, there are a total of 50 players preparing to enter the hole, all of whom are at level 2 or above, and all of them are women. Although a large number of players have changed jobs at this stage, a total of 50 second-level players were sent on one mission. It can be seen that Ice Girl and Rose Thorn sent people not just for revenge, but also as a show of force. We want all the players in Xuanwu City to see what will happen if they offend their Ice and Snow Rose Alliance.

The fat man put away his hoe and came to the trap. There was still a pool of blood on the ground. The two thieves from the Snow Rose Alliance were not lucky. Not only were they trapped in a trap that destroyed their stealth state, but they were also discovered by vampire bats. After a group beating, they quickly turned invisible and fled back in embarrassment.

After briefly repairing the trap, Fatty sat beside the trap, eagerly waiting for the upcoming battle.

Outside the cave entrance, players from the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance lined up in neat formation and filed in. There are several second-level knights in front, warriors behind, and mages and priests in the middle. Yue Yue Fangfei is a mage, and as a commander, she is protected at the center of the team.

The team advanced slowly, and several fire mages in the team fired several fireballs at regular intervals to light the way.

"Team Rose, one of the two teams of the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance? And it is led by the deputy leader March Fangfeijing personally? It seems that they attach great importance to this person who was once the number one in the sky." In the passage, God's Left Hand was sneaking and hiding there, He remained motionless, even when a fireball exploded above his head. He didn't think he was so charming. Yue Yue Fangfei would definitely come to him with the Rose Team. Fugitive Tianya had told him about Fatty many times, and he also wanted to see what this man who even Fugitive Tianya admired was like. Originally, he wanted to follow the fat man, but after thinking about it, if he was discovered and it would be difficult to save his face, he decided to wait here instead.

The players of the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance walked past the Left Hand of God without realizing it. The Left Hand of God smiled, got up and followed quietly behind the players of the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance.

This team of players is advancing very quickly. After all, there are 50 second-level players, and there are 5 second-level priests and professional therapists in the team. Less than a certain number of vampire bats cannot cause any trouble to these players.

"Be careful, there is a trap ahead." A thief who had just escaped said. Immediately, several mages pointed their hands at the open space. There was a roar under their feet, and several cracks cracked on the ground. The fat man tried his best to set them up. The trap was destroyed without any use, but it was a few players who practiced earth spells.

The mage system has four major branches: earth, water, fire, and wind, and there are also hidden branches such as the thunder system and the ice system. Each profession is not easy to deal with. There are no NB professions, only NB players. Looking at the trap being destroyed and revealed under his feet, the fat man was speechless.

After quickly destroying several traps, Yue Yue Fangfei waved her hand: "All mages are free to attack, so that nothing is missed in the front."

All of a sudden, fireballs, water arrows, and various spells surged up, plowing through the space within ten meters of the passage ahead. There was even a player who was so excited that he directly used the Fire Dragon Break, a three-stroke attack. The meter-long fire dragon swung its head and tail and swam through the passage. It wasn't until a few minutes later that the energy dissipated that it turned into sparks and disappeared into the air.

"Fire Goddess, what are you doing?" Yue Yue Fangfei asked sternly. The Fire Goddess who released the fire dragon scratched her head in embarrassment: "Mistake, mistake, Sister Fangfei, don't blame me. The skill I just learned was released when my hands were itchy, hehe. "

"Haha. Actually, I wanted to let it go, but I was too embarrassed."

"The fire dragon is nothing. I'll find that one later and show you how powerful the water dragon is."

"We still have earth dragons..."

All of a sudden, the players of the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance started to shout. Having so many people come to deal with two players seemed to them to be making a fuss out of a molehill, and they felt very relaxed.

The seriousness on Yue Yue Fangfei's face disappeared, and she shook her head and laughed. She felt that it was a bit too bullying for the leader of the alliance to ask her to lead the Rose Squadron, one of the most elite teams in the alliance, just to hunt down two thieves. Although the alliance leader said that caution is the top priority, she could also see that the alliance leader did not actually take the two thieves seriously. The so-called coming here this time was just to let the world see the strength of the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance. .

Long before the trap was destroyed, Fatty quickly retreated to the corner of the fork in the road. When he saw the rain of magic falling on the ground, a thin layer of sweat immediately broke out on his forehead.

"Damn you stinky bitch, aren't you just a player? You are so vicious and sent so many people to kill Fatty. You really think that Fatty is a peerless bastard. With Sun Wukong's stick, he can defeat so many of you in a single fight." person?"

"Okay, let's move on." Putting away her smile, Yue Yue Fangfei ordered calmly. The others immediately fell silent, lined up their ranks, and pushed forward.

"Sister Fangfei, the Bat Cave is so big and there are so many side roads, how can we find them? What if they return to the city?" A priest asked while walking.

"Haha, they have become famous. I'm afraid the scroll to return to the city cannot be used. And in fact, our goal is not them in the first place. It doesn't matter whether they return to the city or not." Yue Yue Fangfei said with a smile. "We must let other gangs know that the rise of the Ice Rose Alliance is unstoppable."

"Yes. The Ice and Snow Rose Alliance is definitely the largest gang in Xuanwu City, and will become one of the largest gangs in China and even the world in the future." All the players nodded heavily and said with confidence.

"Haha, it's good if everyone has this confidence, so... be careful!" Yue Yue Fangfei didn't finish her sentence, and a sharp glint suddenly appeared in her eyes. This sword light burst out from the center of the entire team and struck a healer in an instant.

"Ah..." A scream came out, and a healer in the center of the team was killed by the fat man before he had time to react.

"It's a life-threatening blow. His health is only 50% left." A thief shouted.

"Damn it." Yue Yue Fangfei's face turned red. Just because she was distracted for a moment, she lost a therapist, which made her feel extremely embarrassed. You know, she came with a guarantee that she would kill two people without any damage. Moreover, among the six major professions in eternity, only the priest profession is the most difficult to level up. It took them a lot of effort to reach level 20 and second level, but they lost it with just one oversight.

The fat man succeeded in the attack and immediately became invisible and quickly retreated. There were several forks not far in front of Team Rose. They didn't know where the fat man was going. They each attacked at the place they thought was correct, but the attack surface was spread out and the fat man was not hit.

"Sure enough, he is brave enough to assassinate in front of so many people. But he is not smart enough. Although the priest is easy to kill, killing the priest is not as useful as killing Yue Yue Fangfei." The left hand of God followed and nodded. , shook his head again.

"Everyone, attack indiscriminately before and after, as far as you can." Yue Yue Fangfei's face turned pale with anger, and she wished she could catch the fat man and behead him alive immediately.

"Damn, it's wrong to just watch the fun." God's Left Hand only had time to curse angrily before being knocked out of stealth by the sudden magic.

"There's someone behind you." A player shouted sadly, his voice startling the fat man. Seeing God's left hand appear in a mess, the fat man also gloated about his misfortune, making you hide aside and watch the fun.

"Yueyue Fangfeijin, do you still recognize me?" God's left hand appeared, not in a hurry, but talking leisurely to Yueyue Fangfeijin.

"God's left hand?" Yue Yue Fangfei sneered. "What, you still want to get out alive?"

"Hehe." God's left hand also sneered. "You have finished your beauty in March, so don't pretend to be a saint. We will repay you twice as much for what you did to my third child. Don't think that we can't do anything to you because the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance is protecting you. "

"Okay, I'll wait." Yue Yue Fangfei smiled lightly. "I also want to see what your family of God is capable of. Everyone, pay attention, aim at the left hand of God, and attack collectively."

"Bitch." God's Left Hand only had time to curse angrily before he was overwhelmed by the overwhelming attacks.

"Brother Zuozuo, thank you." The fat man took advantage of the opportunity and got into Team Rose again.

"Everyone, attack to your side." Yue Yue Fangfei suddenly said, killing the god's left hand.

All the players in Team Rose were stunned for a moment, but they immediately fulfilled Yue Yue Fang Fei's order.

boom. Hit by various chaotic skills, Fatty was immediately knocked out of stealth.

"You're so excited about the money, you still want to run away?" Yue Yue Fangfei sneered and raised the staff in her hand.