Show Me the Money

Chapter 51: Black iron ore


PK in the game does not require any reason, just PK if you are unhappy, not to mention this kind of dispute with grudges.

Fatty was knocked out of stealth mode, and the invisibility cooldown had not yet passed, so he couldn't escape at all. Seeing that God's left hand was hanging tightly without saying a word, the fat man began to feel frightened.

"We are all good friends. It's not good to fight and kill too much." The fat man chuckled.

"Haha, damn fat man, you didn't say that when you killed our people just now, did you?" Yue Yue Fangfei sneered, bursts of red light emitted from the staff in her hand, obviously preparing to release magic.

"Wait a minute, I have something to say." The fat man waved his hands repeatedly.

"There's nothing to say, go to hell." Yue Yue Fangfei raised her hand, and the magic was about to be released.

"What do you think this is?" The fat man suddenly took out a fist-sized piece of ore and held it high in his hand.

"Xuan Iron Ore!" There was an exclamation, and someone immediately recognized the ore in the fat man's hand.

Hooray. Hearing the screams of her men, Yue Yue Fangfei shook her hand, and a fire dragon flew out from the staff with a roar, grazing the fat man's scalp and flew over. There was only a sizzling sound, and half of the fat man's hair was singed.

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous." The fat man hurriedly put the black iron ore into the package and patted his chest to show that he was timid.

Black iron ore is one of the important materials for making high-level weapons. So far, many players' mining levels have been able to mine black iron ore. However, most of the mining areas outside are ordinary ores. It is incredible to mine a few pieces of gold ore. It's up to the sky. Fatty also mined this piece for special reasons because Mr. Skeleton's place was rich in minerals and his mining skills needed to be upgraded from elementary to intermediate.

"A piece of black iron ore can't exchange for your life." Although Yue Yue Fangfei was tempted, she knew the reason for the sky-high price, and such a small piece of black iron ore couldn't really do anything. It wouldn't be enough to smelt it to make a dagger.

"I know what you want, and I can take you there. However, you have to ensure my safety."

"As long as you can take us to the Xuantie Mining Area, let alone write off this matter, we will become friends in the future." Yue Yue Fangfei said as she sent a message to Rose Thorn, asking her to send someone again. As a big gang, the demand for various materials such as ores is too great. When a gang is built and a station is established in the future, the various materials consumed in future construction will become an astronomical figure. Finding high-level mining areas is just a way to make a fortune for individual players, but for gangs, it is a struggle for hegemony. An essential part.

The fat man was wrapped in the middle and walked deeper into the Batcave. The mines in front extended in all directions, getting darker and darker as we walked, and various sounds came from time to time. Under the light of the fire, bats could be seen everywhere.

"Don't think about playing any tricks, we can kill you at any time." Although she felt that Fatty couldn't have any small ideas and had to beat them when they should be beaten, Yue Yue Fangfei said coldly.

Pouting his lips, the fat man continued to lead the way in a low voice.

"Don't even think about stalling for time. I'm telling you, no one can save you." Every few steps, Yue Yue Fangfei would threaten her, but the fat man just ignored her. Being protected by so many people, when had Fatty ever been treated like this? I just took the opportunity to take them to visit the Batcave and see how to complete the task of recovering the mine.

"You're so excited when you see money, are you here yet?" An hour later, Yue Yue Fangfei felt that she had been deceived by the fat man. They were almost pushed forward along the way, and with every step they took, dozens of bat corpses were left on the ground. The level and type of bats have also changed from the initial level 20 vampire bat to the level 26 demonized vampire bat.

"I told you not to come with so many people, but you didn't listen. So what, are you at a disadvantage?" The fat man gloated.

"You are jealous of money. If I find out that you are lying to me, I will never forgive you." After a moment of silence, Yue Yue Fangfei Jin suddenly said viciously.

"It's up to you." The fat man shrugged, pointed forward casually, and the team walked towards a small mine tunnel.

This mine tunnel is so small that only five people can walk side by side. Yue Yue Fangfei made some adjustments, and the five high-defense knights led the way. The fat man was still placed in the middle of the team, tightly wrapped by several soldiers.

The battle started to get tough. Although more monsters died, Team Rose also began to suffer casualties. After all, 50 second-level players sounded like a lot, but in the Batcave, they were not even a wave.

"When you see money, how far is it?" Yue Yue Fangfei asked almost through gritted teeth.

"We're almost there, right in front." Fatty agreed casually, secretly taking note of the mine tunnels he walked through. The entire mine is connected in all directions. If you don't know the way, you will definitely get lost in it.

"Here we are, right there." Seeing that Yue Yue Fangfei's patience was about to run out, the fat man pointed casually in a mine.

"That's where it is?" Yue Yue Fangfei's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Not bad." The fat man nodded and saw Yue Yue Fangfei raising her staff. "Okay, you can go die."

At the same time, several warrior players around him stabbed him with their swords without saying a word.

"Oh, you fell out faster than the fat man." The fat man didn't panic, and his body suddenly disappeared from the sight of the Rose Team players.

"Scattered attack." Yue Yue Fangfei smiled faintly and confidently released the magic.

In silence, the remaining players of Team Rose followed their previous training, each heading in one direction, making sure not to miss anything.

After one round of blows, the fat man's body was not in sight as expected.

"He ran pretty fast." It's easy to imagine how difficult it is to hunt down an assassin in a place like this. Yue Yue Fang Fei Jin didn't care about the fat man's escape. After cleaning up the demonized vampire bats he had attracted, he let the players who had learned the mining technique go mining. What makes Yue Yue Fangfei speechless is that none of the female players in the Rose Team hold the position of deputy blacksmith. If they want to verify whether this is a rich mining area, they can only wait for Rose Thorn to send someone again.

"Oh, it's pitiful, even I can't stand it anymore." Just above the heads of more than thirty Ice and Snow Rose League players, the fat man stretched his limbs and leaned there tightly.

The players of the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance scanned the space dozens of meters around them in an instant, but only forgot about the top of their heads.

Tiptoeing down from the top of the mine, the fat man slid forward along the cave wall. Whether they can mine black iron ore or not, it has nothing to do with him.

For fear that the fire would attract the enemy, the fat man did not dare to light a fire, so he could only walk forward step by step in the dark. I entered the road whenever I saw it, turned around when I saw it, and walked around in circles for no apparent number of times, until I finally came to a relatively spacious place.

There was a swarm of bats above his head, so the fat man didn't need to be noticed. He lit the torch he carried with him and saw that this place was a huge mine with a radius of 100 meters and a depth of 10 to 20 meters. At the bottom of the mine, there are scattered piles of ore, and there are hundreds of zombies dangling around.

Thinking of the task of recovering the mine, which required killing at least 1,000 zombies and handing their identity tags to the old skeleton man, the fat man slid down against the edge of the pit.

The bats were almost flying in mid-air, and the mine was deep enough. Fatty was not afraid of being discovered by the bats. He sneaked around and searched around, and in a corner, he found a torch that had been extinguished for an unknown period of time.

I put the torch up and lit it. I heard a "ding" sound and the system prompted that the torch was lit 1/1000.

There are actually 1,000 torches to light, which would probably require traveling all over the mine.

The moment the fat man lit the torch, the nearby zombies suddenly burst into flames and rushed away from the torch one by one.

Um? The fat man suddenly thought that the reason why Mr. Skeleton still existed was because a few torches were still burning. The fat man still clearly remembered the scene when the vampire bat was illuminated by the light of the torch and black smoke emitted from its body.

A torch was lit, illuminating a radius of about thirty meters. Based on this range, there are only about 10 torches in this mine. If you want to light all 1,000 torches, you will probably have to search nearly a hundred mines.

The fat man sneaked around the entire mine and lit 8 more torches one after another. There were a total of 9 torches in the mine. 8 branches around and one in the center.

The zombies were driven to dark places by the light of the fire. The fat man came closer and threw an identification spell.

[Wraith Zombie]

Level: 23

Attack: 115-128

Defense: 90

HP: 1000

Explanation: The miners in the original mine were sucked out of blood by vampire bats and died late one night. The huge resentment after death made them resurrected into zombies who could not see the sun.

I picked up a piece of gravel and threw it to attract the attention of a wraith zombie, and pulled it away from the zombie group.

As he got closer to the fire, Fatty could clearly see the appearance of the wraith zombie. On his head was a crooked and rusty safety helmet required by miners, and his whole body was shriveled up without a trace of moisture. He was holding a mining hoe in his hand and walked with a limp.



Fatty was the first to attack, and the Shattering Shadow Dagger swiped across the arm of the Wraith Zombie, bringing out a stream of black blood.

Ouch. After being attacked, the wraith zombie roared, and the rotten mining hoe in his hand was hit by the head, and the fat man was hit hard.


The attack is only average and the speed is slow, so it can be killed without damage.

After being hit by a hoe, Fatty went around behind the Wraith Zombie and knocked out more than 200 of the Wraith Zombie's health with one combo. When the Wraith Zombie turned around to attack with difficulty, Fatty seized the opportunity to go around to the other side. Then attack.


Under Fatty's successive attacks, the vengeful zombies just turned around and couldn't attack Fatty at all. In less than half a minute, the wraith zombie let out a resentful howl, dropped a few pieces of equipment, and died.

The fat man leaned over and picked up the equipment. One is a miner's helmet, which increases the mining probability, and the other is a leg guard, which adds 18 points of defense, which is not bad, but it is uneconomical to subtract 2 points of agility.

The last one is a rectangular black plate, three centimeters wide and ten centimeters long. The writing on it has been blurred and cannot be seen. It is the identity plate required for the mission.

Just as Fatty was killing the zombies, angry screams came from somewhere in the mine.

"What? No? You guys have been digging for more than an hour, but you haven't dug out a single black iron ore?"