Show Me the Money

Chapter 52: Xiao Hui advanced


After hearing the news, Rose Thorn's face was livid, and next to her, Yue Yue Fangfei Jin wished she could blow up the entire mine with just one skill.

"Leader, in fact, although there is no black iron ore, there are many other ores. It is much richer than outside." A female player straightened up and said. Judging from his large and thick body, it is no wonder that he works as a blacksmith as a side job.

"So what if the rich mines are rich? Why don't so many sisters protect you from mining all day without leveling up?" Rose Thorn waved her hand irritably, and the people below suddenly didn't dare to speak.

"Leader, it's all my fault that I didn't handle this well." Yue Yue Fangfei lowered her head and said.

"Forget it, I don't blame you. I didn't plan to do anything to him, but he dared to lie to us. We can't just let it go this time." Rose Thorn comforted Yue Yue Fangfei. "He must still be here. Guard the entrance of the cave and send thieves in to search for him."

"Reporting to the leader, our people outside were attacked by the God's Family." A worried voice came.

"Family of God? Are they the only ones who dare to mess with us? Sisters, follow me out and kill them." Rose Thorn shouted, leading the troops to rush out.

After fighting zombies for a while, Fatty went offline to have a meal, and then came back up to continue fighting. There are probably more than 200 wraith zombies in this mine, and he has killed more than half of them.

drop. The communicator rang.

"Brother Kai, what are you doing? Are you busy? Are you coming out for a PK?" It turned out to be this guy on the run, and he didn't know where he had been in the past two days.

"I'm busy doing tasks, who are I going to PK with?" Fatty replied while teasing a wraith zombie.

"Hey, of course it's the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance. We're just outside the Batcave." The excited voice of the fugitive came from the communicator, along with a few crisp curses.

"Why did you fight?" the fat man asked. It's true that wherever there is excitement, there are people on the run. Remember, he was just driven out of Qinglong City by the Raptor Gang.

"What else is there, it's just a little bit of trouble in the God's family. I can't explain it at the moment. Come out quickly, otherwise the fun will be gone." Fugitive World hurriedly hung up the communication, probably joining the battlefield.

"Go out? I want to go out. The key is that I don't know the way." The fat man muttered. The map was completely dark, except for the old skeleton man who had a patch of light. At first, I could still vaguely remember the route following Team Rose, but later I was completely blind, and now I don’t even know where I am in the mine.

This guy in Fugitive World is just a slutty guy. Even though he looks cool on the outside, he is very slutty on the inside. He PK also communicates with Fatty from time to time, commenting on which player of the other party is good-looking, which one has big breasts, and which one has a perky butt.

While chatting with Fugitive World, Fatty slowly cleared away the wraith zombies in the mine. There are 198 in total, and there are still 802 left to complete this branch task. Only 9 torches have been lit, leaving 991 torches short of final completion.

He raised his head and glanced above. The light of the torch dispelled the darkness in the mine. Bats flew across the sky from time to time, but no matter how the fat man tried to seduce him, these bats would not come within the range of the light.

Continuing the process, Fatty lit a torch and found a nearby mine. This mine is relatively small, only about one-third the size of the first one, and there are only about a few dozen wraith zombies inside. After clearing out all the wraith zombies inside and lighting three more torches, Fatty was one step closer to completing his mission.

For several days, Fatty hung out in the Batcave. All the wraith zombies have been killed long ago, and more than 900 torches have been lit. Only a few dozen torches are missing to complete the task.

On that day, they had a melee with the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance outside. Although they were small in number, they were all taken back by the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance. However, the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance also felt uncomfortable. Not only did the Rose Team have been taken back by more than 30 people, two consecutive One of the alliance leaders, Rose Thorn, was also jointly assassinated by Fugitive Tianya and God's Right Hand, another member of the God's family.

Poor Fugitive World has just reached the bottom of the Heavenly Ranking, and has dropped another level.

Fatty looked at the map. Less than 20% of the entire mine was dark, and more than 80% of the area was illuminated. Only the last area remained unexplored.

In the past two days, Fatty, in addition to going offline to solve physical problems, has gone online to do tasks desperately. Not only is the task almost completed, but his level has also been upgraded two levels in a row, reaching level 23.

Walking cautiously on the mine tunnel, watching the bats with a pair of red eyes flying above his head, the fat man sighed in his heart, fortunately he was trained as a thief. If he were in other professions, let alone completing the mission, it would be good to walk in alive. .

As he was walking, the fat man suddenly felt something in the package. He quickly opened it and found that the person who made the movement was Xiao Hui who had turned into a goose egg.

The little guy absorbed the inner elixir left by his father, Che Gopher, and transformed into something the size of a goose egg, seemingly returning to the shape of a pet egg. There had been no movement for two days, and there was no sign of hatching until today.

The fat man found a place with a torch, exposed himself, and carefully placed the pet egg on the ground. I saw the pet egg shaking slightly, and then nothing happened again.

After waiting for a long time, there was still no movement. The fat man's heart moved, he cut his finger again and dripped a drop of blood on the goose egg.

Click. A crack appeared, and then more cracks appeared one after another, and a small khaki mouse appeared in front of the fat man.

[Through the Gopher] Monster·Mid-level

Level: 0

Qi and blood: 14 growth rate ★★★★★★

Attack: 13 Growth rate ★★★★★★

Defense: 16 growth rate ★★★★★★★

Speed: 11 Growth rate ★★★★★★

unbelievable. Absolutely outrageous. Unexpectedly, Xiao Hui was able to advance to an intermediate level monster after taking the Earth Rat Neidan, and all his attributes were improved by one star. The attributes of mid-level monsters are so incredible, what about high-level monsters? Or what about fairy beasts? The fat man didn't dare to think any further.

After the promotion, the little mouse's level became 0 again. The fat man was annoyed for a while. If he had known better, he would have promoted it first and wasted two days.

"Well, you have been promoted now, so it is not appropriate to call you Xiao Hui anymore. Okay, I will change my name to Xiao Huang from now on." Xiao Huang, who is covered in earthy yellow and has a rat-headed head, seems to be more shrewd than Xiao Hui. After hearing the fat man's words, he raised his head and squeaked twice to express receipt.

I opened the pet panel and checked. All the skills were still there, but they had changed. The talent skill of burrowing has become the ground escape, the earth bullet has become the violent roaring bullet, and the transformation has become the transformation, which can not only become larger and smaller, but also transform into another form.

Escape: Earth spell, which allows the caster to walk underground, reducing the speed by 80%, and can attack enemies. The duration is unlimited.

Violent Roaring Bullet: Earth spell, primary level, consumes 3 magic points and causes 60 points of damage. Cooling time 0.5 seconds.

Transfiguration: Change the shape of the body into anything you have seen. The greater the change, the more magic points are consumed. You cannot attack during the change. The defense increases by 50%. The duration is unlimited and the cooling time is 24 hours.

I have to say that Xiao Huang's three skills are indeed abnormal. Especially ground escape is an extremely useful skill. No wonder the man who was so elusive in the first place turned out to have this skill.

The fat man suppressed the excitement in his heart, ran outside, seduced and harassed him and got a demonized vampire bat. He threw a broken net and pulled the demonized vampire bat down. In a few strokes, he ended the demonized vampire bat. , Xiao Huang's body lit up immediately, and he was promoted to level 1.

"Xiao Huang, escape to the ground." The fat man shouted and saw Xiao Huang pounce on the ground and disappear silently, just like a drop of water dripping into the sea, leaving no trace on the ground.

Moreover, Xiao Huang is underground and can move and attack at will. Although his speed is reduced, he is a good helper for sneak attacks and assassinations. Fatty always felt that the offspring of a monster that could steal things in the palace must be good. He even gave away the Lightning Bird, which finally gave him a surprise this time.

"Haha, okay." If you are so favored, what else can you ask for? The fat man summoned Xiao Huang and patted the little head. Xiao Huang squeaked and the pet's favorability increased a little.

"Let's go, Fatty will take you to upgrade." With such a pet, Fatty no longer cares about completing tasks. He found a place with torches and few bats. He told Xiao Huang to stay behind and took out the tattered fishing net. , started the business of casting nets to catch bats.

Very good, after killing dozens of bats, Xiao Huang quickly rose to level 10 and could finally use the second skill.

The fat man used seduction to bring down a bat.

"Xiao Huang, escape to the ground."

The little mouse disappeared without a trace.

"Xiao Huang, violent roar bomb."

A clay bomb the size of a fist suddenly flew out of the ground, hit the demonized vampire bat, and exploded with a bang, causing more than 10 points of damage.

The fat man nodded happily. A level 10 pet can cause more than 10 points of damage when it hits a level 20 monster, which is pretty good.

Fatty continued to level up with Xiao Huang. It was obvious that Xiao Huang, who had advanced to an intermediate level monster, needed at least one-third more experience than before. To fight monsters like demonized vampire bats, It took almost three days to reach Xiao Huang's level 20.

"Xiao Huang, transform."

Xiao Huang looked at the fat man stupidly without any reaction.

Forehead? Fatty studied the transmogrification skill again, and it turned out that it required imitations.

The fat man pointed his finger at the demonized vampire bat: "Xiao Huang, transform."

puff. A ball of khaki rose from Xiao Huang's body, and he saw that Xiao Huang's magic value dropped rapidly, and the body wrapped in the khaki color couldn't help twisting and changing. Half a minute later, Xiao Huang disappeared, and what appeared in front of Fatty's eyes was a famous creature. A demonized vampire bat named Xiao Huang.

"Xiao Huang, go explore the road." Fatty directed. Xiao Huang fluttered his wings, took out his two calves, and started running on the ground.

Damn, it turns out that it can only transform into an appearance, but cannot have the skills of the transformed monster. No wonder it is said that it cannot attack after transforming. The fat man waved Xiao Huang back to his original state. This skill was not bad. At least when he saw a blue dragon, white tiger or something like that, he could directly transform into it and it would scare people to death.

After training Xiao Huang to level 20, Fatty headed towards the last dark area with great interest, lighting all the torches first.