Show Me the Money

Chapter 80: Entering the Valley (third update)


After finally getting rid of this group of crazy flame elves, Fatty finally understood why it was stated on the map that it was not recommended to fight such monsters. Yaya, they came in a swarm, and they were killed by self-explosion if they didn't pay attention. They didn't even explode any equipment. It was only a fool who leveled up against this monster.

The fat man was not a fool, so he Shi Shiran took Xiao Huang away.

Further inside, there are the higher-level Fire Giants, big guys over three meters tall, with flames all over their bodies, making a clanging sound as they walk.

[Fire Giant]: Level 30, with a huge body, made of flames, and a violent personality. It actively attacks any player within the attack range. It has skills like flame bombs and can explode material fire orbs. There is a certain chance of self-destruction.

Self-destruction, self-destruction again, this will never end.

The fat man was angry. How could the players in Suzaku City be so messy? The monsters here would self-destruct.

"Xiao Huang, come in." The fat man shouted. Xiao Huang secretly stepped back, found a hiding place, and then sprayed out a violent roaring bullet.

Roar. The flame giant roared, took a step forward, the ground shook, and aimed his hands at Xiao Huang's position. Bang, a basketball-sized fireball pulled a long flame tail and whizzed at Xiao Huang.

squeak. This time, Xiao Huang learned to be smart. Before the fire bomb could hit him, his body suddenly shrank, and then he dived into the ground and ran away to no one knows where.

boom. The fire bomb hit the ground, splashing countless sparks.

It's actually a long-range attack. The fat man was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized. The Fire Giant's skill is Fire Bomb, which is of course a long-range attack monster. If you still want to use traps, you can only continue to lure them out.

The fat man immediately picked up a piece of gravel and threw it at the flame giant. Attracted by the fat man, the Fire Giant immediately forgot about Xiao Huang and raised his hands to aim at the fat man.

I withdraw. The fat man stepped back and was out of the fire giant's attack range in the blink of an eye. The flame giant was stunned for a moment, lowered his arms, and chased the fat man with a roar.

"One step, two steps, three steps, keep going." The fat man shouted, and saw a pit suddenly appeared in front of the Fire Giant. The body of the Fire Giant that was chasing after him swayed, and finally stepped into it without avoiding it. .

"Come and die." The fat man drew out the dagger, and Xiao Huang also secretly revealed his head from behind.

Although the Fire Giant has a certain chance of self-destructing, fortunately, this one is very face-saving and does not self-destruct. After being killed by Fatty, the flame giant's huge body suddenly dispersed, and countless flames scattered, leaving only a finger-sized, fiery red bead in place.

"Is this the Fire Spirit Pearl?" The fat man picked it up and threw an identification technique on it. Hearing a ding sound, the attributes of the Fire Spirit Pearl were revealed.

[Fire Spirit Pearl]: Primary forging material, added when forging equipment, it can increase the success rate to a certain extent.

Adding items that increase forging efficiency is a good thing. Now players can also destroy equipment by killing monsters. When the levels are raised in the later stages, the equipment that monsters can use will be mediocre. If they want good equipment, they must build it themselves. Fatty had just started working as a blacksmith on the side when he read this post on the forum.

Satisfied, the fat man put the Fire Spirit Orbs into the package, and was about to hit a few more for later use, when he heard a sound of footsteps in the distance, mixed with the sound of attacks falling to the ground.

Hearing the sound, Fatty immediately went into stealth, and Xiao Huang also sneaked behind a rock. In the game, killing people and grabbing monsters is very common. No matter who comes, check the situation first.

The sound of footsteps approached, and several figures ran out in panic. Behind these players, a large group of crow-like birds flapped their wings, croaked, and chased after them closely.

The fat man immediately took out the map.

[Fire Crow]: Level 35 or above, estimated to be no more than 40. Flying monster, fire-breathing skill. There is a certain chance of self-destruction.

When the Thief's Eye skill is upgraded to the intermediate level, you can see the information of monsters or players whose level is not higher than level 10. It seems that the level of the thieves who come here to collect information is level 25, and they cannot see all the attributes of the fire crow, so I only estimate The true level of the Fire Crow is above level 35.

Several players ran around in panic. Fortunately, the fire crow chased them here and chirped a few times, then stopped chasing them and flew back the same way they came.

"Fuck, it's so fucking depressing." Several players saw the fire crow flying back and stopped one by one. The player at the front turned around and cursed.

"What should we do? Are we going yet?" another player asked.

"Go, the alliance leader has spoken, who dares not to go?" The first player kicked a stone on the ground, which hurt his feet. He jumped there holding his feet for a while, and then said: "What happened just now?" You have also seen a few of them. Just because they saw Youlongjian being killed and did not help, the leader was expelled from the gang and sent people to kill them to level zero."

"I'm surprised. How could a leader like Bo Yuntian accept rubbish like You Longjian? They still have such a close relationship." said a person next to him.

"Shh." Immediately, one person's expression suddenly changed. He glanced around, and when he saw no one, he felt relieved and shouted in a low voice: "You don't want your life. If these words reach the ears of the leader, you will definitely be expelled. And send people to kill you to level zero."

"Hmph, so what if you reach level zero." The man looked dissatisfied. "I joined the Ten Thousand Swords Alliance because the leader of the alliance is brave, generous and benevolent. I want to follow him and create a world in the game. But look at the virtues of the so-called Seven Swords of Tianshan, the pillars of the Ten Thousand Swords Alliance. They were killed this time because they were flirting with others. Otherwise, who would have paid a lot of money to hire the God's family to go to Suzaku City to kill people. In order to avenge them, they actually mobilized more than a thousand brothers to enter the Valley of Fire. Valley of Flame is Where? It's okay for a small team to fight monsters and practice leveling. With so many people coming in, let's not talk about whether the road is easy to walk. If the high-level boss Flame Commander inside is alerted, everyone has to go back. Otherwise, they will Ting Yuxuan is also a master, so why spend money to ask the family of God to take action."

"Hey, why is the alliance leader so close to those people from the Seven Swords of Tianshan? It's obvious that they are friends in real life." The man said at the beginning. "They are brothers and we are subordinates, so of course we are treated differently. Okay, let's hurry over. After all, Wanjian Alliance is also a famous gang in Suzaku City. You can make money by following Xuanyuan Sword, and you don't have to worry about being bullied by others. .”

"Let's go." Several people turned around and went back, and their conversations could still be heard in the distance.

"I'm here to besiege the God's family this time. I don't know if I can succeed."

"The Family of God is so powerful. Even the leader of the alliance, ranked 34th on the warrior list, was defeated."

"What do you know? The leader of the alliance is only ranked 34th. The boss of the God family, God's Head, is the third-ranked super master on the assassin list. God's Big Mouth and God's Peak Tianzhu are both in the top 20 of the assassin list. It is said that there are more There is a fugitive who has joined, and his ranking is... "

Fading away, the sound was faintly audible.

The fat man came out of stealth, pondered for a moment, put away Xiao Huang, and followed quietly.

Just in case, Fatty entered stealth mode again. Although the stealth movement was slow, the people in front did not dare to move faster for fear of being targeted by the fire crow again, so the fat man could barely keep up.

After walking in twists and turns for nearly an hour, a few people finally arrived at their destination. This place is a piece of flat land, with several monster corpses lying on the ground. It is obvious that the Wanjian Alliance has just cleaned up the place.

The depths of the Valley of Fire are even hotter than the outside. People are sweating just standing here. There are very few plants here, and the few plants they have occasionally are all fiery red.

There are now about a few hundred people gathered here, which is still far away from the more than a thousand people mentioned by a few people. From a distance, I saw several people gathered in the middle, and there was even someone fanning them. It seemed that they were the leader of the Ten Thousand Swords Alliance, Xuanyuan Jian and the others.

The fat man sneaked over quietly and stopped more than twenty meters away from Xuanyuan Sword. The reason why he didn't go forward was not only because there were people around him, but also because such masters were generally very sensitive, and they might be noticed if they got too close.

Although they were far away and couldn't hear what they were saying, judging from their pointing gestures, they might be arranging how to attack the Family of God.

After waiting for about half an hour, more people came one after another. Xuanyuan Jian probably felt that it was almost done, so he ordered them to separate, form small teams, and go inside.

"Oh, Brother Yankai is here too?" He turned on the communicator and heard the fat man's announcement, and the God's Head laughed heartily. "Haha, we are busy with the mission now and have no time to talk to them. Wait until we complete the mission and then go have fun with them. The Family of God, the number one assassin family, is not something that can be provoked by just any gang."

The first assassin family? The fat man was stunned in his heart. He had such a great reputation. No wonder he was robbed of the blame in the first place. Flying Eagle, the owner of the Flying Eagle Castle, just asked the Left Wing of God and the others to hand over the equipment they had put away. He didn't dare to do anything. No one would be targeted by such a family. You can't even feel at ease when leveling up.

The fat man suddenly remembered the two beautiful leaders of the Ice and Snow Rose Alliance, and secretly mourned for them. It must be difficult for them to be remembered by the God's family.

"What about Hidden Sword Villa?" Fatty asked again.

"Hey, although Yixiu Qingyan is ranked 9th on the warrior list, if he wants to take advantage of our God's family, he must be prepared to be killed at any time. He has contacted me just now and said that if a gang establishment order is issued, He was willing to buy it with 500,000 gold coins, but I declined."

"The God's Family is really trustworthy." The fat man praised.

"That's right. In our line of work, credit is what we pay attention to. Okay, no more talk, we are going to destroy the boss. NND, after working for a long time, we finally cleaned up the mobs."

After hanging up the communication, Fatty thought about it in his mind. It seemed that the Family of God did not need his help. However, Fatty still followed Xuanyuan Jian and his party quietly.

There was no other way. Fatty remembered that the high-level boss Flame Commander that the player just mentioned was coming. That is a monster that has a chance of exploding the Five Elements Escape Fire Escape skill book.