Show Me the Money

Chapter 97: Mithril Mine


"Lord, please calm down. I'm preparing to report to you." Seeing the slightly angry look on the face of Xuanwu City Lord Lin Xi, the fat man felt uneasy. NND, it’s really depressing to play a game and have to apologize to an NPC. The fat man is in a hurry. The white knife goes in and the red knife comes out. I'll finish you off first.

"Oh? What do you want to report to me?" Lin Xi picked up the teacup, blew it gently, took a sip of tea, and asked lightly.

"Snowsilver Grass has been obtained, and several other materials can be obtained in the past two days, but the Holy Spirit Stone is a bit troublesome." The fat man said one by one.

"Oh? It turns out that the Holy Spirit Stone still needs to be obtained from the ancient battlefield. This was an oversight on my part." Lin Xi nodded and put down the tea cup. "In that case, you should go to more trouble and collect the materials as soon as possible. General Drucker just went to inspect the mine. Drucker, tell me what you saw."

"Yes, sir." Drucker stood up straight and said in a mechanical tone: "After repeated observations by the official, the crack has been fluctuating greatly recently and has a tendency to continue to expand. And the magic energy is leaking There are more and more people. I suspect that there are monsters from the demon world who want to enter our human world through this crack. If it is not sealed as soon as possible, I am afraid there will be big trouble. The first one to bear the brunt will be our Xuanwu City. "

Hearing Drucker's report, Lin Xi glanced at the fat man. The fat man immediately understood. He put his legs together and said loudly: "Don't worry, City Lord. Once the teleportation array is activated, I can get the Holy Spirit Stone right away to seal this crack." , contribute to the safety of our human world."

"Okay, it's great if you think so. In that case, then go ahead. Drucker, see off the guests for me." Lin Xi said a few words, then picked up the newspaper, as if there was something attractive on it. news.

"Please." Drucker sent the fat man outside the city lord's mansion and immediately turned around and went back, not even giving the fat man a chance to curry favor.

"Tch, what the hell." The fat man cursed angrily. He stood outside the city lord's mansion and thought about it. He decided to get the mithril mine first.

Fatty came to the mine. It was bustling inside, with a constant stream of players coming in and out. Most of them came to mine, but a small number came here to fight monsters and do tasks.

Now that all the torches are lit in the mine, it is no longer dark inside. There are occasional shadows, but there is not much danger. With the explosion of the Demonized Bat King, all the vampire bats and bloodthirsty bats in the mine fell and scattered, each going his own way. There are now very few monsters in the mine, which is just suitable for professional mining players to mine here. .

Now, in addition to one rich mining area occupied by each of the original five major gangs, the entire mine is also occupied by gangs in various other mining areas. This is the closest to Xuanwu City and the place with the richest mineral deposits. All the gangs in Xuanwu City come to compete for it. Except for the five major gangs who always firmly occupy their own mining areas, the rest of the mining areas basically change hands several times every day. This is not to say that the five major gangs are superior in strength, but that these gang leaders see clearly that they cannot withstand the attacks of so many gangs in turn, so every time one gang is attacked, the other four gangs will come to help, so close Cooperate and firmly secure their own territory.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, the fat man was not polite and directly offered the price of one thousand gold coins for the mithril mine. In addition to its medicinal uses, the purple herb is also used as a mission item. It is useless for others to take it. You can ask the Raptor Crossing the River to help buy it, but the mithril mine is something that every gang urgently needs. Even if the fat man comes to find it, it is probably Except for Liu Lan who would give it to him, no other gang would give it to him. So he simply didn't bother, came here directly, and paid the price to buy the mithril mine.

One thousand gold coins is not a small amount. Don't look at it now that players have reached higher levels and can earn more money, but the costs are higher. Buying medicine, buying equipment, and repairing equipment all cost a huge amount of gold coins, so even now, there are still many people who are too poor to take the blame. Otherwise, what would game companies do if everyone makes money

As soon as the price of one thousand gold coins was announced, it immediately caused a sensation. This price is also set by Fatty based on the market price. Generally, gang players will receive certain rewards after mining ores and handing them over to the gang. The higher the level of the ore, the greater the rewards. Black Iron Ore generally rewards about 300 gold coins, while Mithril Ore rewards around 800 gold coins. The fat man offered a price of one thousand gold coins, which was considered a high price.

However, although there was a sensation, Fatty waited for a while, but no one contacted him. Isn't it possible that no one can dig out the mithril mine yet

After being cruel, I raised the price to one thousand and twelve pieces and waited for a while. Fatty noticed that the players who saw their purchase price looked envious, but still no one came to sell.

"Weird? You really didn't find any, right?" The fat man muttered in his mind.

"Fat man, I heard that you are acquiring mithril mines?" The communicator suddenly rang, but it was Liu Lan's, which made Fatty Bai happy.

"You can't receive it." Liu Lan said from the other side.

"Why?" Fatty asked quickly.

"In order to prevent players from mining high-grade minerals and selling them privately instead of turning them over to the gang, each gang sends people to guard the mining players. Generally, as soon as the high-grade minerals come out, they are taken away by the gang, and no one can take them out and sell them privately. "Liu Lan explained.

"So that's it." The fat man was very disappointed.

"How much do you need? I have a few here. If it doesn't work, you can use it first." Liu Lan suddenly said.

Hey, why is this girl so good all of a sudden? However, he had to complete the task first, since he didn’t want her things in vain anyway. After coughing, the fat man said, "I need 10 yuan."

"What? So many?" Liu Lan screamed. "After so many days, our entire gang only got 3 yuan, and you want 10 yuan with just one mouthful. This is true."

"How is that possible?" Fatty seemed more surprised than Liu Lan. "With so many people, after so many days of digging, there are only three mithril mines?"

"Do you think mithril mines are just cabbage on the street, and you can get as much as you want?" Liu Lan snorted. "If it hadn't been for your whip, these three pieces wouldn't have been dug out."

"It's really troublesome. Forget it, you'll keep the 3 yuan for now. I'll think of other ways first. If it's not enough, I'll ask you for it again." Fatty said a few words to Liu Lan, hung up the phone, and thought about it. For a long time, except for Liu Lan who could support him, other gangs would not sell mithril mines to him at all.

"It's really troublesome." The fat man muttered. He really couldn't think of a solution, so he simply didn't think about it. Anyway, the boat would go straight when it reached the bridge, and there would always be a way.

There has been no news about the ferocious dragon crossing the river, and the fat man has nothing to do. Since you can't do this task, then go level up, but where should you go? After much thought, Fatty thought of Niujiao Mountain. Not only can you level up there, but you can also get equipment. The most important thing is that the cave where the Minotaur Chief lives is a small mining area. Maybe a few mithril mines can be dug there.

Cleaning up the recent harvest in the warehouse. Earn a high-end pet egg, a gold weapon, and some other equipment.

The pet egg belonged to the Ten Thousand Swords Alliance. Where did this golden ax come from? After thinking for a long time, the fat man suddenly realized that when he robbed the Minotaur Chief in Niujiao Mountain last time, he had taken part of the exploded equipment first, and the rest was taken away by Fei Ying. There are no good things in Feiying's place, so the best golden weapon he wanted to find would fall into his own hands.

After sorting out his equipment and taking medicines, the fat man went directly to Niujiao Mountain. Sneaking all the way up, avoiding a group of monsters on the road, we arrived at the Minotaur gathering place. Maybe the Minotaur is not that easy to fight, there are not many players here.

The old rule is to call out Xiao Huang, set up traps, pull them over one by one, and then focus on attacking the hand holding the weapon. Before killing the Minotaur, knock off the weapon in its hand and keep the weapon as your own. According to this method, Fatty has already obtained two to three hundred such weapons.

I get equipment while fighting monsters, and when the packages are full, I go back to the city and put them in the warehouse. The fat man's life in Niujiao Mountain can be regarded as nourishing. It wasn't until all the monsters outside were killed that the fat man rushed into the cave where the Minotaur chief lived.

After carefully clearing the Minotaur guards in the corridor, they saw the minotaur chief who had been spawned and was lying there sleeping soundly.

"The ignorant are truly the happiest." After seeing several high-level bosses including the Fire Cloud King, the Monster Unicorn Thunder Tiger, and the high-level boss Flame Commander, facing the Minotaur Chief again, Fatty was no longer as restrained as last time. But the fight was about to begin, and voices came from outside.

"Gang leader, why are there so few monsters here? Have they been eliminated first?"

what happened? Why does this happen every time I come here? Glancing at the still sleeping Minotaur chief, the fat man shook his head. Forget it, I couldn’t find any good stuff anyway, I was lured away by people outside, and I happened to be mining here.

The fat man was sneaking and crouching aside, and heard footsteps getting closer and closer, and there were quite a few of them. Seeing that the Minotaur guards in the corridor had been cleared away, this group of people seemed anxious that the Minotaur chief would also be exploded, so they started running one by one. The noise of a group of people running immediately woke up the Minotaur chief.

The fat man squatted in the right position so that the Minotaur chief could not see him from inside. When the Minotaur chief came out with his big ax, he happened to meet the group of people coming in from outside.

"Ah, it's the Minotaur Chief."

A series of exclamations rang out, some were surprised that the Minotaur Chief actually came out, and some were still surprised that the Minotaur Chief had not been exploded. But the Minotaur chief didn't care what they were thinking. He took two steps forward with his thighs, shouted, swung his ax and chopped it down.

"Back off, back off, take us outside and fight." At this time, the group of people realized that the Minotaur chief was not someone to be trifled with. They ran out one by one in a hurry, and suddenly there was a flurry of chickens and dogs, and the fat man shook his head repeatedly. It's so incompetent, it's not as good as my Xiao Huang.