Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 194: All the beautiful men in the world are in furnaces (12)



Feng Li had heard of this name before, but when he read it from her mouth, he suddenly remembered that the two of them were in the secret realm of spiritual grass. She once told Ding Jieyi that she would spend a night with a certain Buddha.

She didn't say the name of the Buddhist cultivator, but he had a hunch, and nine out of ten it was the cause and fate.

Wen Ying asked him to resign and leave that day.

There was no expression on Feng Li's face, he just said: "Want to go to the Extreme North Glacier?" Seeing her nodding, he asked again, "Is everything ready? Pills, magic weapons, formation flags..."

Wen Ying took an inventory of the things in the Qiankun Ring, and found that there were really not many that could be used. She hadn't made any money since she jumped off the cliff, and Lingshi had been used a lot before entering the secret realm of spirit grass, and the round fan magic weapon took up most of it. Usually casual cultivators do not have the support of sects, and it is not easy to obtain spirit stone resources. Now she is no different from casual cultivators.

Even if she has the information in hand, she can't fight the danger without a weapon at hand.

Seeing his understanding expression, she jokingly stretched out her hand to him: "Master Mojun asks such a question, what do you want to give me?"

As soon as the words fell, a Qiankun ring was really placed in her palm.

"There are both offensive magic weapons and defensive magic weapons. Try it yourself first. I know that you have studied the battle method, and you have bought the formation flag. I also put some pills, Fu Ling Dan, Qingxin Dan, and your favorite ghost potion. Tanlu..."

Speaking of this, Feng Li's voice paused.

You Tanlu is actually a kind of dew that Cuicui likes to drink. It is obtained from You Tan. It has the effect of nourishing the body, it is reasonable that the little spirit snake often eats pills, and drinking it will not have much effect, so she only likes to use it for bathing. Because the little snake hates dry heat, she likes to soak in it and use it to moisten her skin. From the eyes of others, it can be described as extravagant. However, Feng Li dotes on the little spirit snake and doesn't think it's anything.

The little snake that had been raised for so long suddenly turned into a human, and he was still not used to it for a while.

When he came back to his senses, he found that she was staring at him, "If I'm really a little spirit snake, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave you." She curved her red lips, and her eyes were like peach blossoms. Out of the blurred color.

He used to sneer at the charming female sorceress, but now he just looks at her eyes and smile and feels confused.

"I'm going to the Extreme North Glacier too." He couldn't help but say, "It's better to go with a companion."

He has always been very interested in visions. Spiritual objects appeared out of thin air on the extreme northern glacier, so he naturally wanted to take a look. But beyond that, there's apparently another reason...

A ray of light suddenly flashed across the sky above the extreme northern glacier, and stopped outside a suspended palace. This is the rumored thing in the spiritual world. Because it is shaped like a furnace, everyone calls it "Tianding Palace". Its entrance is above, and the roof-like eaves were opened by high-ranking monks, revealing a gap for people to enter.

At the moment when they arrived, several streamers of light had already arrived and stopped at the entrance.

Before entering, Wen Ying reminded Feng Li, "Be careful, this place is not that simple."

"I know." Feng Li nodded and chuckled, "There are no benefits for no reason in the world. There is a place where people can advance quickly out of thin air. Even if the benefits are real, the reason behind it is worth pondering."

As the ruler of Scarlet Firmament Palace, he obviously won't be dazzled by this small favor.

Wen Ying rubbed the little lion's mane, "I'm mainly telling you, you know?" Although she saved the little lion at first for Fengli's "physical and mental health", she later taught the little lion to pass the time — To wait until the state of the alchemy stage is stable, it is also necessary to wait for the appearance of the "Tianding Palace Vision", but as time goes by, there is always a little feeling.

Nineteen pushed her hand with his head, as if protesting that she took it lightly.

Feng Li looked at him coldly, he was unwilling to take a slow-moving one, but she only said that since he didn't like to see the little lion, he might as well lend her a mount.

After the three of them entered the Tianding Palace, they walked in a mist at first, and the mist was still hot, like the layer of water vapor uncovered by a boiling stove. At first, Feng Li was still talking to Wen Ying, but then his voice disappeared suddenly , and the fragrance of dark tan dew exuding from her body also disappeared together.

Feng Li knows that this is because of the formation. Judging from the information he got, most of the people who came out of this Tianding Palace came out by mistake. According to them, there are many space gaps here, and if they are not careful, they will be transferred to another place. The reason why it is called "space gap" is because there is no trace of the teleportation array, and it is usually teleported away without touching any mechanism.

When the fog cleared, Nineteen had disappeared, and the person who appeared in front of him surprised him very much.

"A Li?" Ding Jieyi was surprised by his appearance, "Are you here too?"

Seeing Feng Li's frown, she was very keenly aware that his expression was wrong when they met again this time, and asked him, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Feng Li adjusted his emotions and said, "I didn't expect you to be here."

There are some things he hadn't thought about before, but he only found out when his identity was exposed in the secret realm of Lingcao. She was not surprised by his identity as Chili Demon Lord. At first he thought it was because she was not surprised, but later During the communication, she didn't have any doubts, as if she already knew his identity. Naturally, there was also the news that she failed to obtain the spirit herb, but quickly formed a pill, and he realized that there were many mysteries about her.

He naturally knows that everyone has their own secrets, and she has no obligation to show him her cards, but at the same time, when he thought she was cold-hearted and sincere, he wanted to get close to her, but when he realized that all this might be just an illusion, He unconsciously felt alienated.

Ding Jieyi said: "Well, I came with Senior Brother Zhao from the master's school, and then got separated in the thick fog. It's a bit weird here, since we met, why don't we go together."

On the other side, just as Wen Ying was teleported to the new place, she felt as if she had been roasted by the sun, and the air was distorted by the heat. She used a cooling spell for herself and took another pill of Bing Xin Dan to feel better. Since she transformed into a snake once, her temperature requirements have gradually become like those of snakes. Low temperature makes her feel more comfortable than high temperature.

Suddenly, someone tugged at her sleeve. She looked to the side and saw that it was Nineteen, and he followed.

"Is it hot?" She also stuffed a Bing Xin Dan into him, and suddenly realized that her actions were very similar to Feng Li's.

The little lion shook his head and refused. Wen Ying observed his expression, and he really didn't look uncomfortable, it seemed like this was just an ordinary place.

Soon, she noticed that several eyes in front of her fell on her in unison, all staring at the Bing Xin Dan in her hand. It's just that most of them are at the foundation building stage, and due to her cultivation at the alchemy stage and the threatening monsters beside her, they dare not go forward.

Wen Ying glanced at it, and the cause of the temperature change was not far away, and the burning flame came into her eyes. They were all on a piece of scorched land, surrounded by a ring of fire. If it was an ordinary fire, monks would definitely not be afraid of it, but this fire was a bit weird, it was blue in color, and the scales of the fire rose in the air. If it accidentally touched the body, it would spread quickly, and it would swallow people by surprise.

While she was looking at it, suddenly, several attacking spells came in an instant!

As if making an appointment, dozens of people flashed and besieged her!

"Hand over Bing Xindan!" They came aggressively.

Using Foundation Establishment to fight Dan Jie was obviously overreaching, but before Wen Ying could make a move to kill her, the attack from the Dan Dan cultivator landed on her with the force of a thunderbolt. surrounded her, aggressive.

Wen Ying mastered the technique of falling lightning, which was unbearable in the early stages of foundation establishment, and they retreated one after another.


Nineteen growled and rushed forward, blocking the three late stage foundation establishments with his own strength, sharing the firepower for her.

But the current battle situation is still not in her favor.

Although there is a difference in realm between the Dandan cultivator and the Foundation Establishment cultivator, the interference of these "mosquitoes" will inevitably affect her judgment. But the one who really confronts her is the mid-stage of alchemy, she is really not as good as him in terms of strength, she must use all her heart to deal with him, it is difficult to separate hands. And nineteen has only four levels, which is equivalent to the late stage of foundation establishment, and it is not easy to be able to fight against three with one. If he was allowed to defend, these people would not be able to cause him too much harm even if they went together, but if he wanted to stop people for her so that they would not interfere with her, he would inevitably lose sight of the other.

She asked: "You claim to be righteous, when did you start the robber business?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" The alchemy cultivator snorted coldly.

Although they were asking for Bing Xin Dan in their mouths, their movements were fatal and they had no scruples. You know, she is now a monk of alchemy, and if she is annoyed, she will die with one move. None of these foundation-building monks can escape, just for a pill? Never worth it.

She was forced to retreat steadily, approaching the edge of the fire circle, and the encirclement of the blue scale fire grew bigger at some point, as if the nutrients in the land had been burned, the fire receded. Seeing that the fire weakened in the rear, Wen Ying stepped back again.

When she stepped on the burnt land, she looked back and suddenly seemed to understand something.

At this moment, the cultivator in the late stage of alchemy gave a powerful attack with a magic weapon, forcing her to follow through! At almost the same time, those Foundation Establishment cultivators retreated suddenly.

Suddenly, the blue scale fire behind her burned back like a prairie fire, she couldn't avoid it, and was swallowed whole!