Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 20: The emperor who conspired to seize his minister's wife (7)


Song Zheng's sudden appearance startled the two people in the room.

Fortunately, Wen Ying reacted quickly, and consciously eased the lines of her face, then she frowned, "Why did you come back suddenly?"

Song Zheng walked in, "What are you doing?"

"Let Qiu Se tie my hair for me. This girl insists on saying that this one is not good-looking, and is against me." She said angrily, "Do you want to see if it looks good?"

"Qiu Se" has her heart hanging in her throat, Madam, is she crazy, she has extra hairpins for no reason, isn't she afraid that Mr. Song will investigate

If the window paper is broken, it will really pierce the sky!

But it would be even more strange if she stepped forward to stop her, so she could only watch helplessly as Wen Ying handed Wei Lingheng the jade hairpin that Wei Lingheng had chosen so carefully to Song Zheng.

Song Zheng took a closer look, "It suits you very well."

Wen Ying showed a look of surprise, the dimples on her cheeks were extremely sweet.

"Qiu Se" breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart, and couldn't help but wonder, Madam, is she sure that Mr. Song doesn't know this hairpin

Of course Wen Ying knew, since the original owner and Song Zheng didn't have sex several times a year, how could he remember what was in her jewelry box? What she was worried about was not Yuhan, but...

"Who are you sending this letter to?" Sure enough, Song Zheng asked casually as he went to get the official letter inside.

The hairpin and letter paper were pinched in her hand, so he naturally saw it.

He really didn't know much about this stepwife, but he had never seen her write a letter in his usual communication, so he felt puzzled.

"I got the words from here." Wen Ying calmly put the letter on the dressing table, sat on the embroidered pier by herself, and looked at the hairpin in the mirror, as if she didn't take it seriously. "I got inspiration from the wind blowing in the morning, and suddenly my hands itched and I wanted to write, but I didn't want to write too much. It would be boring to take rice paper, so I asked Qiu Sexun to bring this cloud pattern letter paper."

"Changfeng?" Song Zheng walked up behind her, looked intently, and said softly, "This word doesn't look like yours."

"Qiu Se" stood on the side holding Wen Ying's hair, Wen Yan's hand trembled slightly, and a few strands of hair fell down.

Wen Ying glanced at her in the mirror calmly, but Yu Songzheng smiled, "I didn't write it in front of you, you don't know it." She ignored the frequent winks of "Qiu Se" and asked her to replace her. Take your pen and ink yourself.

The original word "长风" on the pad was flamboyant and fluent, and she dipped it in ink, and wrote the word "Send Letter" next to it. Although the written characters were different, the structure of bones and strokes were exactly the same. .

She finished writing in one go, raised her head and smiled and asked him, "How is it?"

Song Zheng stared at it for a while, then nodded.

But for some reason, this handwriting always gave him a sense of familiarity.

"Qiu Se" next to her was also taken aback, wondering how Madam could learn His Majesty's characters so similarly

Of course, it doesn't matter if she understands it or not, she reported all these things to the chief manager Wang Deyong.

Wang Deyong sent a letter, and His Majesty secretly summoned her to the palace. She found a suitable opportunity at night, escaped, entered the palace, and knelt on the floor tiles of the imperial study.

Wei Lingheng put down the booklet, rubbed his forehead, and ordered: "Let's start."

"Yes, Madam woke up in the morning and saw the hairpin given by His Majesty, and then..."

She first narrated, and when it came to Wen Ying's dialogue and actions, her expression suddenly changed, imitating Wen Ying's three-point charm, and her every move, raising her hand and lowering her eyebrows, were all reproduced as they were, and the dialogue memory scored Not bad, even the tone is very similar.

"Qiu Se" doesn't have a name, but her code name is Shi, and everyone calls her Xiao Shi. She told Wen Ying that she would change her face, but she actually lied to him. This human skin mask was made for her by others, and the skill she is good at is actually imitation.

As long as Xiao Shi is with her, Wei Lingheng will know all about her performance.

Wei Lingheng didn't say a word, just quietly watched her recreate the original scene, and when she said "There is no fate in this life", his eyes didn't move, but they were as dark as a bottomless pit.

In fact, even he didn't know why he gave her the hairpin. Maybe he gave her a broken hairpin, and the relationship between the two was settled as she wished.

As for why Xiao Shi was sent to her, why did he want to know her every word and deed through this way...

Wei Lingheng suddenly didn't want to think about it anymore.

Wang Deyong's emotions fluctuated according to Xiao Shi's description. For a while, he admired Mrs. Song's sharpness and vigilance, for a while he was frightened by Mrs. Song's sudden appearance, and then heard that the words written by her pen were actually consistent with His Majesty's. I couldn't help but froze in place, and turned my gaze to the emperor: "Your Majesty, this..."

Let's not talk about why she can do it, imitating the emperor's handwriting, if she doesn't do it well, she will lose her head!

Wei Lingheng was also stunned, but after a while, he laughed lowly, the haze in his heart was swept away, like a feather floated into his heart, it was light and soft, making his heart itch.

It was not surprising that she could write in his handwriting, because he had taught her in his dreams.

He has practiced calligraphy since he was a child, and he has learned more than one type of font. In his dream, he was a knight, so he chose the most free and easy one, which is far from what was written in the memorials of the past, so he is not afraid of Song Zheng discovering it.

What he didn't expect was that it was just a dream, and she could actually use the memory in the dream to practice stroke by stroke until now, so that even Song Zheng couldn't see the difference.

Wei Lingheng has never felt such pure love in his life. Peipei didn't know his real identity, and after knowing it, she avoided it in every possible way. What she wanted was Changfeng, not the emperor.

The weather is gradually getting hotter, Jinxiu spring clothes are replaced by thin summer clothes, and cicadas are chirping on the branches, noisily reminding people.

On this day, a list of officials was issued in the palace, and His Majesty hand-picked the entourage to go to the palace to escape the summer heat, and they were allowed to bring their family members. Song Zheng was impressively on the list.

Usually at this time, he would walk alone, or take Song Xi with him, leaving Wen Ying to watch over Song Xun in the mansion.

This time, Wen Ying took the initiative to mention it to him, and only then did he realize that she hadn't been able to accompany him once in the years since she was married to him.

"It's just that Liu Xun'er is alone in the mansion..." he hesitated.

Wen Ying said: "There are maids and servants for food and clothing. On the surface, I told the housekeeper to make up his mind, but Xun'er is really young... Otherwise, I'd better not go and stay and take care of him."

Her mood seemed to be a little lost, even with a smile on her face, he still noticed that the pair of sweet dimples on her cheeks hadn't bloomed.

Song Zheng paused, realizing that he was paying more and more attention to her recently, "Seven years old is not too young, since you have made arrangements, let's go together."

The emperor lived in the palace, and the officials who followed him were arranged by the local governor. A few days after the rectification, the emperor ordered to go to the royal hunting ground to hunt.

In the tent, Wei Lingheng paced back and forth, as if he was trapped by something.

Wang Deyong guessed what His Majesty was thinking, and reported with a smile: "Lord Song lives in the second rank, and his camp is not far from the main tent. Mrs. Song is also included... If Your Majesty wants to see someone right away, I will arrange it..."

Wei Lingheng shook his head, "No need."

Wang Deyong was deeply surprised that his proposal was rejected suddenly, and he didn't recover for a long time.

This year's summer vacation trip is earlier than in previous years, although there are different opinions in the palace, Wang Deyong always feels that this is His Majesty's desire to meet that lady.

It sounds too unbelievable, but to be honest, he played the child with His Majesty, and he has always seen him to be decisive. It is the first time that he can't take it, let it go, and can't let it go because of the ethics of ethics.

Since the itinerary was changed because of her, why did he not want to see her anymore

Accompanied by the princes and ministers, Wei Lingheng went hunting for a while, and when he came back from riding horses, he suddenly found that Song Zheng was not in the team, so he couldn't help asking: "Why don't you see Song Qing?"

One of the officials came out more and more, with a teasing tone, and replied with a smile: "Your Majesty, I don't know, Mr. Song thinks that Mrs. Song has tripped his feet. When I came, I saw Mrs. Song picking out hunting clothes for him. "

The atmosphere of the hunting occasion was relaxed, and the monarch and his ministers had fun together. The officials were not as serious as usual when they spoke, and when they caught up with the topic, they all started joking.

The other officials laughed loudly when they heard the words: "Sir Song has always been decisive and straightforward, and he can let his wife pick and choose, spending more than half an hour for nothing? It really is a loving husband and wife."

"I heard that Mrs. Song is beautiful, Mr. Song is more than ten years older than Mrs. Song, she is a little wife, so she should love her more."

Some people shook their heads and sighed with a smile, "If you want me to say, Master Song has such a considerate and caring wife, which is really enviable. If it's the one in my family, tsk tsk, don't worry about it!"

Everyone talked to each other in such a lively manner that they didn't realize that there was a sudden chill in the air.

But the official who replied first found that His Majesty's eyes were piercing like arrows, as if trying to penetrate him, and a drop of sweat immediately fell from his back.

He is, what did he say wrong

Not long after, a servant eunuch went to urge Song Zheng, saying: "Your Majesty said that Mr. Song is a first-class expert. I haven't seen Mr. Song around, so I immediately called my servants to invite him!"

The emperor's order must not be violated, Song Zheng asked him to wait a moment, and heard Ying laughing: "The things in the tent have not been packed yet, you can take Xi'er there first, luckily I found the clothes for you."

Song Zheng nodded and changed into a hunting suit, and took Song Xi along, leaving Wen Ying alone in the tent to continue packing.

While tidying up, Wen Ying thought. She had been aware of the emperor's actions since she came down from the list of entourages, but when she got here, no one came, she thought that the other party's heart might not be peaceful.

She deliberately stayed with Song Zheng for a while longer, hoping to achieve her goal.

Suddenly, the curtain was raised, and a ray of light slanted on the ground.

Wen Ying was folding clothes with her back to the door, although her heart moved, she asked, "Is the master back again?"

The visitor didn't speak for a while, he couldn't tell how long he hadn't seen her, and he rarely even dreamed of her again, he thought he could gradually forget her. But now, just looking at her slender back, his heart beat suddenly quickened, and the eagerness to hold her in his arms made him stop restrainedly.

There was no movement from the visitor for a long time, she slowed down the speed of her hands, and asked again: "Did you drop something?"

The sound of steady and powerful footsteps finally sounded, getting closer and closer to her, and then someone leaned over, and with a soft sigh, took her hand on the brocade: "He left you behind. "

His breath lightly brushed against her neck, Wen Ying felt trembling all over, and turned her head suddenly!

It really was Wei Lingheng!

His thick eyebrows slanted into his temples, his nose was high and his lips were thin, his facial features were sharp and angular, giving him a domineering appearance. At this moment, his actions were full of oppression, as if he had been stimulated by something, and he was no longer cautious as before.

"Why is Your Majesty here?" She withdrew her hand in a panic, "Isn't there a father-in-law who came to pass on your edict, and asked you to go hunting ahead... Someone falsely passed on the imperial edict?"

A worried look suddenly appeared on her face, as if she was afraid that someone would harm Song Zheng.

Thinking of what the official said earlier, Wei Lingheng felt as if his heart had been pricked by a needle, "Didn't you tell me that you didn't like him, so why worry about him?"

Wen Ying's expression froze, she lowered her head hastily, and clutched the newly folded clothes tightly, which was exactly the one Song Zheng had replaced. She let go, smoothed out the wrinkles, and said softly and slowly: "Since I'm married to him, I'm from the Song family, so naturally I have to work hard for him..."

"Oh?" He pulled her away suddenly, and wrapped his strong arms around her waist, preventing her from leaving. "I didn't hear clearly. Whose family do you think you are from?"

The clothes fell to the ground, and Wen Ying didn't have time to pick them up, so she could only put her hands on his chest and forcefully distanced herself, "Why do you have to do this, Your Majesty, three thousand beauties in the harem, I'm just a married woman,"

"Let me see."

The more she wanted to escape, the more he seemed to let go of all his scruples and insisted on dominating her.

He lifted her chin, stroked her fingertips, and coaxed with a low smile: "Peipei has a beautiful face and a clean temperament. If you take off this woman's bun, who will treat you as a married woman?" It is not an exaggeration to be a girl who has not left the cabinet."

Wen Ying's face turned red suddenly, and she turned her head away.

"Your Majesty, please be more respectful. If people see it, it will hinder the king's prestige."

"I didn't expect that Pepe would be worried about my dignity." He deliberately misinterpreted her meaning, "It's okay for people to see it. I saw it. I just broke up with Song Zheng and let you enter the palace..."

"No!" She grabbed his skirt suddenly, her hands trembling slightly, she was much more sincere than she was worried about Song Zheng just now, "This, this is what a foolish king did, Your Majesty can't..."

Wei Lingheng felt his blood burn all over his body, and his heart seemed to be melting away.

He lowered his head, breathing closer to her pink lips, and lowered his voice, "Then don't say those things to anger me, okay? Pepe, you don't know how difficult it is for me to meet you..."

The man's unique breath enveloped her, Wen Ying's breathing was slightly stagnant, as if shocked by his attempt, she couldn't react for a while, and even forgot to struggle.

Seeing that the two were getting closer, the voice of "Qiu Se" suddenly sounded outside the tent: "My servant greets the third prince—"

"This is Song Zheng's tent? I'm here to find Song Xi."

"The third prince, please stay, the eldest lady is not here."

"Oh, is Master Song there? You can also find him..." As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and opened the tent without waiting for the maidservant to reply.