Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 200: All the beautiful men in the world are in furnaces (18)


Everyone was amazed at the scene where the two husband and wife suddenly began to compete for a pot, and immediately put on a posture of watching the excitement.

They deduced based on common sense, thinking that it was the young master of the Lin family who wanted this beautiful woman Xiu—this is also his style—as for the young lady, while flirting with the monk who has been in the limelight recently, she has the right to take revenge, but at the same time, she can't let go of herself. Seeing that he not only didn't care about her intimate contact with others, but also took pictures of the beautiful beauty Xiu having fun, he immediately became furious and confronted her husband.

The two only called the price twice, and the rest of them had already made up a long love story of 1.8 million words.

Fortunately, both of them turned a blind eye and only wanted to photograph the nun.

Although the countries displayed in the Vientiane Treasure Realm are the combination of immortals and mortals, the ranks of immortal cultivators are generally low. You can only see that the heirs in the big families are also in the Qi refining stage. A currency called Lingzhu is commonly used here, but there are still Lingshi on the Lingzhu, and only a hundred Lingzhu can be exchanged for a Lingshi. From this, it can be seen that when a foreign cultivator wants to obtain a certain item , it is very difficult for the local monks to compete.

But Wen Ying couldn't reveal her identity, and with her financial resources, she couldn't compare to her husband, the young master of the Lin family.

Feng Li can help her, but—

"Husband? This title is quite affectionate." His eyes narrowed, revealing a dangerous meaning.

"A slip of the tongue. The Lin family, are you so satisfied?" Wen Ying pushed him, "Hurry up, he bid again, you take the picture for me."

Feng Li was noncommittal. Only when she has spoken such a title many times, will she call it out at a critical moment. It is impossible to say that she has never called it once in the Lin family, but just look at her natural and intimate way when she called it out just now. He couldn't help but feel uncomfortable in his heart.

He asked unhurriedly: "You are a female cultivator, what can you do with a female stove? If you want to find someone for a weekend, am I not the most suitable candidate?"

" don't know who this female stove is?"

"Who is it?" He was puzzled.

Wen Ying thought that at this time, Feng Li recognized the other party at a glance, but it was true when she thought about it. With a flap of her butterfly wings, many things have changed. Feng Li is now wary of Ding Jieyi and no longer tells the whole story , If you have a heart-to-heart relationship with him, naturally you won't spend too much energy paying attention to him, it's normal not to recognize him.

but another person...

Her gaze was focused on her husband, and she was caught off guard by the man's just right gaze back, clear and calm, Wen Ying couldn't help but wonder, whether it was an illusion, she seemed to find a trace of a smile in his eyes.

She bit her lower lip, and pushed Fengli again, "I'll tell you when you take the picture."

Feng Li's spiritual sense was sharper than those present, and their gaze did not escape his perception. He snorted coldly and sat upright with folded arms, "Who is she, and what does it have to do with me?"

Before Wen Ying could calm her down, there was already a sound of hammer falling on the stage.

When Wen Ying turned her head, the other party stood up at some point, handed over to the people in the venue, and then walked out. After hesitating for a moment, she also got up and told Feng Li, "You wait here for the liquid to come out, and I'll go out." Then she chased him out.

After chasing for a while, I found that the person was under an old tree in front of him, the silk sash was hanging down, and the air under the shade of the tree was refreshing. The back view of the man standing under the tree was peaceful and serene. A leaf fell from his shoulder, and he took it off and put it in his hand.

It happened that Wen Ying arrived, and she asked him first before her feet had settled down, "Why did you take pictures of her?"

He saw her rushing with a smile, he only helped her and said, "Don't worry."

At this moment, Feng Li, who was supposed to stay in the auction house, arrived. When he saw the other party holding Wen Ying's hand, he suddenly smiled, only with a hint of hostility in his smile, and lightly said: "You If your husband finds another woman behind your back, why don't I help you kill him."

The reason he gave was ridiculous, but when he said the word "kill" softly, it was creepy.

Moxiu has always been happy and angry. He said he wanted to kill, even if there was no reason. He was definitely not asking what Wen Ying meant.

Wen Ying immediately felt a murderous intent approaching the person in front of her, she turned around suddenly and stood in front of him. The woman was originally gentle and watery, but in an instant she revealed a bit of her original appearance, her eyes seemed angry but not angry, "Don't touch him, this is my man."

Although she was laughing, she was seriously warning him.

"your people?"

Feng Li's smile remained unchanged, the spirit pearl in his hand was suddenly crushed by him, and his hand was loosened, like white powder blown away by the wind, "Why didn't I know that a shadow in the illusion could easily become your person?"

If it was an aborigine, his face would have changed by now, but Feng Li found that the other party was smiling, and his expression did not change at all.

Seeing this, he immediately responded, "Who are you?"

The "mask" of the young master of the Lin family disappeared in an instant. It was still the same handsome face, with long hair loosely tied behind him, and he looked like a young man from the capital who was walking around the streets would be dressed like a prowling man in the city, and he was always unrestrained, drunk and dreaming. But when he raised his eyebrows again, his demeanor had completely changed. His eyes are clear and peaceful, he sees everything in the world very clearly, and his smile is like a flower enshrined in front of a Buddhist altar. After a long time with the Buddha, he has become imbued with the Buddha's nature and has a hint of compassion.

At this time, how can you see that the eldest son of the Lin family is drunk and lazy all day long.

Feng Li thought of the person Wen Ying was thinking of in an instant, and he slowly uttered that name, "Fate?"

"Little master's appearance almost fooled me." The woman standing between the two said triumphantly, "Fortunately, little master is a little master after all, and I am familiar with every move, so I can tell Let's break through."

Although he was like a quiet Buddha, when his eyes fell on her, he was more indescribable. He smiled but didn't answer her words, only said: "Your plan is not feasible, I think the devil should also be aware of it."

"Little Master led us out on purpose?" Wen Ying tilted her head.

Feng Li glanced at her, then looked directly at her: "How do you know our plan?"

When Yuanyuan heard the words, he raised his hand and blew the leaf in his hand, and the leaf turned into a bird. The shape, size, and feather color were exactly the same as the one that chirped in the yard that day.

Wen Ying's gaze went back and forth between the two, seeing Feng Li's slightly stunned expression, she couldn't help laughing, "The two of you have a good understanding."

At this moment, there was a huge explosion sound from the direction of the exchange meeting venue, and the attack of the spell was reflected in the sky, sometimes rendering it into a cloudy color, sometimes purple, and from time to time, mortals looked up and thought it was somewhere The fireworks that were set off... But obviously, it has become a battlefield.

The expressions of the three of them became serious.

Karma said: "In the illusion, psychic liquid is the foundation of survival. Even if the devil's wealth is enough to buy all the psychic liquid, he can't buy people's hearts."

"Well." Feng Li had to admit the correctness of the other party, "I came out of the venue because I noticed that someone was on guard, and guessed that they were very likely to do something when we bought the ectoplasmic liquid."

He was naturally not afraid of fighting them, but Bao Bao was jealous of everyone in the past, and it was very easy to do irrational things. After he realized it, he decisively chose to avoid it.

Right now, the spiritual fluid is out of control. Even though there will be countless casualties in the scramble, there will still be people who will benefit from the spiritual fluid, and those who get the benefits are the threat of these remaining people.

Wen Ying asked suddenly: "Little master deliberately bought the person I wanted to photograph, just to attract me to appear, is there no other purpose?"

Karma looked at her puzzled.

Wen Ying realized that he did not realize that the person was Ding Jieyi in time. This is another change.

"Then... the little master knows that doing this can lure me out because he knows that I know your identity and that I care about you?" She smiled and said tongue-twister-like words, but Karma couldn't respond in a hurry. She closed her eyes slightly, as if she was reciting the Buddha's name in her heart, but she couldn't hide her reddish ears.

His heart was like a calm lake, but there were ripples in her eyes. When he realized this, he was a little confused.

He didn't reveal his identity, but he had quite a tacit understanding with her. He knew that she had recognized who he was long ago, and he could also know who she was. Maybe she just thought it was fun, what about him

Karma thought that the reason why he didn't reveal his identity was firstly for the convenience of doing things, and secondly because he just happened to practice to the chapter of "entering the world and leaving the world", and he had to experience the world first before he could practice Buddha and leave the world.


In this chapter, he had completed "Joining the WTO", but because of her, he got into too much smoke and fire, and the chapter "Leaving the Dust" unexpectedly stagnated.

Even if he closes his eyes, he can still hear the woman's "Husband" softly and softly.

Ding Jieyi didn't expect the plan to progress so smoothly. From the moment she became a furnace, she worked hard to formulate the plan, because she was in a dilemma. If she didn't reveal her identity, she could only be trapped in a birdcage during the Qi refining period. Even if she revealed her identity, she would have noticed that there were at least two alchemy cultivators who were as "foreign" as her, and they were very likely to be surrounded and killed.

Therefore, she followed the advice of her seniors and practiced a supernatural spell day after day. The speed of escape can make it impossible for monks in the late stage of alchemy to catch up.

I never thought that before the person who bought her came to find her, a battle broke out at the venue because of the psychic liquid. She fled in the chaos, and no one was distracted to take care of her. Collect a large amount of spiritual liquid into the bag. It's just because the ectoplasmic liquid is close to the space where she stores it. Those people fought without waiting for the ownership of the auction to be settled. The container for storing the spiritual liquid was not taken to the front desk, but was still stored in the background.

Naturally, the protective mechanism of the ectoplasmic liquid was quite good, and she really did it and it took a lot of effort, and she suffered a lot of injuries.

Fortunately, she has learned supernatural powers. Apart from evading at an unrivaled speed, she can also cover up traces and aura, making it impossible for people to track her.

Right now, she found a cave to recuperate her wounds, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she found that her Luoluo Niaobao pulled out a bottle of spiritual liquid and wanted to drink it.

She grabbed it from the air, and immediately grabbed the jade bottle back into her hand.

Luo Luoniao looked at her aggrievedly, she eased her expression and said: "I don't know if the things here are harmful or not, so don't drink them, wait until I confirm."

This is a monster she received from the outside world, but it was always by her side when she became a furnace. Because the furnace was going to accept "double cultivation", she endured the humiliation. It was Luo Luoniao who saved her from danger many times. . She is naturally willing to do her best to protect it's safety. The two of them can be said to be dependent on each other and have a deep relationship.

Although she has also heard a lot about "spiritual liquid", but if something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and the rapid advancement is really appalling, even in the illusion, she has reservations.

The Luoluo bird flapped its wings and arched her palm.

Where Ding Jieyi didn't notice, its small eyes flickered.

It originally wanted to kill all these people, but this master treated it very well, unlike other people who would coerce the monsters to conduct experiments when they were not sure about the damage of the spiritual liquid, and they could throw it away at any time. Maybe it's okay not to kill her...

When it thought of this, it suddenly shuddered, and sensed another place where it possessed, and suddenly there was a crisis change.

small theater:

Wen Ying: Little master drank alcohol, isn't it considered a breach of the precept

Cause: If there is no wine in the heart, it is not wine.

Wen Ying: Nonsense, it is clear that she would rather break the alcohol ban than the sex ban.


Wen Ying: The little master can only sleep soundly after drinking, and doesn't need to go to the brothel. It's really much more convenient to act.

Karma: (Get up to leave)

Wen Ying: Hey, little master didn't drink today, so why is his face turning red