Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 203: All the beautiful men in the world are in furnaces (21)


Compared with monsters, whether they are righteous or demons, they are at least human monks, but they are different and do not conspire with each other. Most monsters are cruel and brutal by nature. Therefore, once monsters make trouble, no matter whether they are righteous or demons, they will unite to resist "foreign enemy".

The sealed Akasaka Palace is no exception.

Only Wen Ying has no family or sect and can act freely. But even casual cultivators would probably rush to the border areas under such circumstances. Apart from the "sense of mission", this is also a rare opportunity to obtain the fur, tendons and bones of monsters, which can be used as refining tools, or traded in exchange for Lingshi.

This time the situation is a bit special, because the civil strife in the monster beasts has just stopped, the new generation of monster kings have not yet secured the throne, they organized a war first, and caused troubles on the border. Human monks did not expect it, and they were caught off guard. But if you think about it carefully, you can understand that the civil strife has caused them too much internal friction. If they want to recuperate on their own, I don’t know how many years it will take. It is better to grab resources quickly.

But when they all received the sound transmission talisman, none of these people left, and their eyes fell on Wen Ying.

"What's wrong?" she asked strangely.

Feng Li asked bluntly: "Who are you going to go with?"

Although the others didn't speak, they looked in their eyes and found that the meaning was roughly the same as what he wanted to express.

She smiled, "Why, I can't go alone? The chaos of monsters and beasts is really rare. Even if there is no sect, I will naturally go and have a look, but you can go to your own faction, don't worry about me."

Karma's eyes were clear and said: "Are you willing to go with me? I have my own way to get the people in the temple to agree." He still remembered that she left that time because of her master's expulsion, and he also remembered that she seemed to be at ease. Fearless, in fact, I don't want to be alone in my heart.

She smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you little master, but I'm afraid of trouble, and I'm even more afraid of trouble for you."

Zhao Weizhi watched the conversation between the three quietly not far away. He wanted to say that she naturally belonged to the "Yuxiaomen", but she first said "No family, no sect" and blocked his words.

Presumably she doesn't want to go back now, and she doesn't want to see the old people from the past.

What's more, she has already become a Nascent Soul, and this kind of cultivation can monopolize the peak in Yuxiaomen. The reason for the door.

But he also felt a little worried about her.

Whether it's Fengli, Karma, or Zhao Weizhi, they all saw a little way in that battle in the illusion. Wen Ying's unbelievable speed of advancement, and her method of advancement, are very appalling to the world of cultivating immortals, regardless of whether they are righteous or evil.

If it weren't for the fact that she existed in the illusion at that time, and the guesses that were both true and false covered up the brilliance of her advancement, those who were hostile to her would probably have their legs weak from fright. After leaving the illusion, although it was only in the late stage of alchemy, the speed at which she even advanced to the third level was terrifying, not to mention that the period of time when she disappeared was not long, and after she reappeared, she directly stepped into the Nascent Soul stage. I'm afraid I can't take it lightly.

They were imprisoned in the cauldron at that time. Although they were able to control the magic weapon, the wind and waves caused by the refining water still hurt them. Because of Wen Ying, they were also considered to have resisted a common enemy, and they worked together to break out of the encirclement at that time, and in an environment that almost refined people, they maintained it until the calm and calm, without being refined.

Adversity is the best environment for cultivation. Both he and Karma were lucky enough to enter the middle stage of alchemy, and the Scarlet Firmament Demon Lord seemed to have touched the Nascent Soul stage, and he will advance to the next stage when he returns.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she came back, she was already a Nascent Soul, and she had subdued the spirit of the Heavenly Cauldron.

He guessed that no matter who was present, he might not be able to forget the sense of crisis that arose in his heart at that time. It's not jealousy, or thinking that she will hurt them, but a crisis of being distanced by her. If this continues, she is likely to leave them behind and move forward alone.

Those who come to the top of the pyramid quickly are all pursued by countless people. They used to stand side by side with her, but the future is hard to be sure...

And her too weird and fast advancement speed, people can't help but worry about her, whether it will leave a disaster.

Zhao Weizhi still didn't say anything in the end. As far as he was concerned, he once devoted himself to cultivating the way of swordsmanship, but now he changed his mind for her because he wanted to protect her from being bullied by God. How to guard? Since he should be more diligent and hardworking, at least he must catch up with her before he is qualified to say anything else.

It's not that Karma has never thought about the specialness of the Seven Emotions, but he didn't need to open his mouth to know that she was firm and persistent, and it couldn't be changed easily by others. He saw her realize the Tao with his own eyes, knew the cause and the consequence, and he had long been mentally prepared.

There is only Fengli.

When Ding Jieyi sees everyone around Wen Ying, talking to her, or just looking at her like Zhao Zhizhi who is beside him, it seems that they are old acquaintances with her. She couldn't help but wonder, she remembered that Feng Li wanted to get along with this person last time, why hasn't his attitude changed so much in this period of time.

She couldn't help but think of what her senior said, that the little snake that ate her spirit grass was actually transformed by a female demon cultivator. She remembered that Feng Li took her away...

It's not that she didn't notice Feng Li's estrangement from her, but she always took these things very lightly, and made friends when she could, and if she couldn't, she didn't force her. Wanting to make friends is just to make a good relationship.

When he was cold, she also became cold.

Although the monsters hadn't arrived at the door of the house, but the sect had already sent out a message talisman, they couldn't delay. Knowing Wen Ying's plan and destination, they set off for the sect.

Feng Li is still there.

While Wen Ying put the small cauldron into her dantian, the huge "Tianding Palace" disappeared over the extremely northern glacier in an instant. Aware of his gaze, she glanced at him and said, "Aren't you in a hurry to go back?" Although the pressure on the battlefield on the Zhengdao side was greater, the Demonic Dao was not at peace.

"I have a question for you."

His eyes were like pools of water, staring at her, unable to see to the end. Before Wen Ying could speak, he said, "Are you borrowing us to practice?"

Wen Ying paused for a moment, "... not bad."

Even though he already had the answer in his heart, the moment he heard her confess, Feng Li still felt stabbed for an unknown reason. He remembered that night, the little snake desperately snatched the token from the old monster for him, maybe no one has ever acted for him like this, if she was still a snake, he would spoil her boundlessly. But she changed from a snake to a human at that moment, and all his emotions were poured into her, but humans and snakes are naturally different.

Now that I think about it, the reason why she changed back to human form was because her spiritual power was full of riots and advanced. And the reason for her advancement, combined with the way she cultivated...

This time was the same, she asked them questions in the illusion, hatred, anger, and desire. At that time, his hatred reached its peak, and the flame in her heart burned fiercely, as if using their feelings as fuel, the flame The more prosperous she is, the higher her level will be.

"Seven emotions, you are cultivating the way of seven emotions." He calmly drew a conclusion from the examples of the three people, "These seven emotions are not owned by you, but obtained from others, that is to say—"

They are like a furnace to her.

Wen Ying looked at him and smiled again, "Yes." The situation was urgent at the time, and she didn't hide anything. They were all talented people, so it was natural to be able to guess her purpose. She didn't even think about covering it up all the time.

But Feng Li's ability to explain the core of the truth is indeed surprising.

However, the appreciation in her eyes angered Feng Li. She didn't feel any guilt or hesitation about it, and she obviously didn't think it was a problem.

"The reason why you empathize with me, take a step ahead of me in everything, and get angry and hate for me, is it just to cultivate your way?"

Wen Ying said softly: "Ah Li, no one in this world will be kind to you for no reason. Of course, I can't just practice the Seven Emotions Dao. You treat the little snake well, and I have chosen you." These words It sounds a bit warm, but it is more cruel.

Feng Li chuckled, as if he wanted to ridicule, but couldn't speak, and his expression was a little embarrassed for a moment.

He didn't know what to say, he just took a deep look at her, then took the cloud and left, even forgetting to ask her for Shijiu back. Wen Ying looked in his direction and didn't speak for a while, she was naturally not in a hurry, even if one Feng Li was missing, it would not have much impact on her task completion.

In the past, she would also put her feelings into the characters, exchanging her sincerity for her sincerity, but this time it was different, she chose the path of seven emotions, that was the original intention and purpose, and no amount of rhetoric could hide it.

Ever since she chose the Seven Emotions Path, this problem was unavoidable.

Wen Ying suddenly had some insights into the matter of cultivating immortals, why those who cultivate immortals should downplay their lust and let go of the world. Because for many people, the two may not be able to have both, and power is always more attractive than emotion.

Nineteen ignorantly watched his elder brother leave. He was in a coma when Wen Ying entered the illusion, and he did not enter with her. Coupled with consciousness, he didn't understand what happened. When Wen Ying rubbed his head as usual, He reached out and rubbed it, as if comforting.

The more innocent a person is, the more he can understand a person's true emotions. He can find that she is not as calm as she seems on the surface.

Wen Ying smiled and patted him on the head, "Go, we will also go to the battlefield to help."

Her arrival changed a lot of things. She remembered that during this expedition, Ding Jieyi had cultivated to the late stage of alchemy, but because she almost killed all the "refining materials", Xiao Ding ended the "feeding" of the equipment ahead of schedule. " and the selection, hastily closed the furnace, so she is still at the early stage of alchemy, she has been left behind a lot, and I don't know how God will make up for the gap for her.

She will not underestimate the title of "Son of Destiny", no matter what Ding Jieyi lacks, she will be compensated in other ways.

Don't look at her leaving the opponent far behind at the moment, but just look at that time when she snatched the spirit grass, Ding Jieyi advanced to the alchemy at a faster speed, and you can know that after the opponent is frustrated, there is likely to be a bigger explosion .

This time the battle between monsters and beasts was very fierce. Wen Ying walked all the way and found that many cities were looted, and the corpses of both humans and monsters could be piled up into mountains. Perhaps it was because they were unprepared, and the situation of human monks was more tragic.

Fortunately, the power organized by the various sects should not be underestimated. They have already drawn up the front line to resist the invasion of monsters in an organized way. After the situation eased, they even took advantage of the monster beast rebellion to train their disciples, launched various point measures, and encouraged the disciples to kill monsters.

As soon as Wen Ying arrived, she killed a few little monsters of the third and fourth ranks, and was looking down from high in the sky, when she suddenly bumped into a dozen or so foundation-building disciples from different decent sects, fighting with the fifth-ranked monsters. To be precise, the winged beast attacked from a high altitude, and was suppressed at the same level, occupying an absolute advantage. The Foundation Establishment disciples could only barely resist, supporting the defensive cover in turn, most of them were seriously injured, and they were about to be devoured by the fifth-order monsters!

At this moment, the flying winged beast swooped down from the sky, its sharp beak broke through the defensive cover, and picked up one of them!

With sharp eyes, she saw that the man was wearing Yuxiaomen's costume.

small theater:

Feng Li: I'm leaving.

Wen Ying: Yes.

Feng Li: Am I really leaving? ?

Wen Ying: Yes.

Feng Li: I really really really really left! !

Wen Ying: (Confused) Why haven't you left yet

Feng Li: (gas into a puffer fish)