Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 207: All the beautiful men in the world are in furnaces (25)


Wen Ying's spiritual consciousness is very powerful, and there are few opponents in this world, otherwise she would not feel the location of another spiritual consciousness and discover where the space is.

But the reason why the Lord of Space was discovered by her for the first time was because he didn't deliberately hide the disguise, he was confident that with his own consciousness, as long as he didn't deliberately show traces, no one in this world would be able to detect it. In other words, although Wen Ying had discovered him, if he deliberately hid it, she might not be able to detect it.

Wen Ying knows his origin. He has been in this world for tens of thousands of years. It is very rare for a human monk to live to this age. Although he only exists in the form of a soul, it is also because he has no body and cannot perform As for other spells, she is absolutely inferior to him when it comes to the manipulation and mastery of divine consciousness.

He has always been arbitrary, and even Ding Jieyi couldn't react, and Wen Ying couldn't take precautions under the shock, so he could only build a "defense wall" hastily by virtue of Zhihai's own resistance to external attacks.

The Lord of Space failed once, and immediately became more interested. When he performed it again, Wen Ying knew that he could not do anything about his successive attacks, so he immediately protected the information about the body that did not belong to this body, so that cannot be easily detected.

He entered her private domain grandiosely, and used the magic search technique casually, completely disregarding whether it would cause damage to the other party's cultivation base.

Wen Ying only felt a pain in her head, like a needle prick, making her narrow her eyes slightly.

Nineteen saw what was wrong with her, immediately bit her sleeve, and asked with a low "woo". Ding Jieyi on the opposite side knew that the senior had done something, but she was unable to stop it, and she would not offend the senior for a demon cultivator.

"So that's it." A man's lazy voice came into Wen Ying's mind, "I kept asking why she didn't advance. It turns out that you are not dead yet."

He didn't take a closer look, but after learning her identity, he didn't bother to look at those details.

Wen Ying said calmly, "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am." After he finished speaking coldly, as if he had done something, he suddenly wondered, "It's strange, when did your fate become like this? It was just you who took her place in the past That's it, now it's a situation of two tigers, one mountain and two tigers, the two restrict each other, if she is strong, you will be weakened, if you advance, she will be restricted. No wonder her speed of advancement has become so slow , beyond my calculations."

she laughed.

Ding Jieyi's advancement speed can be called slow, and people in this world are slow to become tortoises, but naturally, if one wants to compare with the original trajectory, she should have already conceived a baby at this moment. It's not bad, but the difference between the lines is huge.

"Your Excellency not only came here uninvited, but you also like to talk to yourself." Wen Ying sneered, "Whether she can advance or not, what does it matter to me? Nowadays, the resources of the sect are all tilted towards her, just like I was back then. If it doesn't meet your request, she is incompetent."

He let out a chuckle, "That's right, so if I kill you right away, if you are powerless to resist and die in my hands, then you are also incompetent and have nothing to do with me?"

To his surprise, Wen Ying didn't show any anger, but calmly said: "This is natural."

He paused for a moment in surprise. No one can remain indifferent when his life is threatened. His ability to break into her sea of consciousness has proved his ability and danger, but she is so indifferent when facing life and death, as if her life is not worth mentioning , or, she really thinks that such a "rule" is right.

"I understood this truth from the moment I jumped off the cliff." She said, "It's the same with people, and it's the same with heaven. If I died that time, I was incompetent. If I didn't die, it would be heaven's incompetence." , it made me a substitute for Destiny's Child, but it couldn't kill me."

He was noncommittal, "Heaven doesn't necessarily want to kill you. You are just an obstacle, a stumbling block, on her way to success. Heaven will send a great responsibility to people, and they must first work hard and work hard. What this person said is She, as for you, is just one of her hardships, if she wants to take on a big responsibility, she must first hone her will and pass your test."

"I am her checkpoint, are you the envoy sent by Heaven to help her?"

Wen Ying smiled, but when the words came in a voice as soft as the wind, he suddenly felt his hairs stand on end, as if something extremely dangerous was approaching. This is a feeling he hasn't felt in thousands of years.

The sea of consciousness is like an ocean. If he was wandering in it, the breeze was gentle, but now the sea breeze is blowing, and it is getting more and more violent, sweeping towards him!

"What do you want to do?"

The moment he asked, he had already guessed her plan. Rao is the master of space who has lived for thousands of years, and has never seen such a person. Spiritual consciousness is different from the physical body. The physical body will be tempered and strengthened as it advances, and the spiritual consciousness will also grow, but it is still very fragile.

No one would use his own sea of consciousness as a battlefield, because every attack he had to bear was her, and her attack on him would also be counterattacked.

Her slight laughter came from a distance, "If the envoy who helped him died in my hands, is it another experience given to her by Heaven? If so, it can be regarded as my stumbling block, which has played its due role effect."

He has a meal.

The master of space looked down on her very much. It's not like he didn't observe her once in Yuxiaomen. It's just a change of status, and the environment hasn't changed too much. She herself was defeated first, and she became mad. Such a person's mind is not strong, and he will not go far on the road of cultivating immortality. But this time, he suddenly discovered that she had become fearless and dared to strangle him under such circumstances.

She abandoned the sword to practice, but she was more courageous than before.

"The ignorant are fearless." Although he appreciated it a little more, he still thought indifferently.

But soon, the murderous intent hidden in this sea of consciousness exceeded his imagination, or in other words, the vastness of her sea of consciousness far exceeded his expectations!

He didn't want to fight her at first. After all, the purpose of coming this time was for the soul-suppressing stone, and it was just a whim to investigate her. If it was possible, he killed her casually, which could be regarded as solving a small problem for Ding Jieyi. Trouble, now that small troubles have become big troubles, he is too lazy to take care of them.

However, when he planned to leave as freely as when he came, he suddenly found that he couldn't get out.

He seemed to have lost his way on the sea, no matter where he flew, there was a blue sea, boundless, with no end in sight. "In just a Nascent Soul stage, the Sea of Consciousness has grown to such an extent..."

He was shocked but also puzzled, this sea of consciousness not only surpassed the Nascent Soul stage, even the Transformation Stage might not be comparable. He himself can only nourish his soul without a body. Over time, his spiritual consciousness far surpasses his own cultivation, but this has been accumulated for tens of millions of years. How did she do it

Wen Ying wouldn't explain it to him, as long as he couldn't see her sealed memories, and didn't know that she wasn't actually from this world, he wouldn't know where her spiritual consciousness—that is, the spiritual power came from.

She only asked him: "Would you like to surrender?"

Her aggressive use was too superficial, and the space lord was skeptical, but he snorted lightly, "In that case, I'll play with you." Back then, he also had the temperament of vengeance, but he hadn't met his opponent for too long. , put everything in the world down.

Her ability that does not match her level has indeed aroused his interest, but it is a pity that she failed to discover her secret carefully during the raid on Sou Shen just now, and now that she is already prepared, it will become very difficult for him to repeat the old trick.

The moment he agreed, the wind on the sea had already turned into a hurricane, and the sea water stirred up thousands of feet of spray against the wind, and the waves surged towards him with a monstrous force!

The Lord of Space is in it, like a little petrel, insignificant and inconspicuous in front of the wind and waves, but the moment the waves hit, the petrel passes through the wind and waves!

Wen Ying felt a sharp pain again.

After taking a breath, she snorted softly, and the waves rushed towards Haiyan again. He shook his feathers proudly indifferently, but at the moment when it was ready to fight back, the waves gently patted down, and a gust of sea breeze gently haunted him.

He suddenly changed color.

At the same time, Wen Ying's eyes were like looking at flowers on a horse. Many pictures and scenes flashed in front of her one by one. There is a condescending picture of another brother in the clan with a face somewhat similar to his...

This is a memory belonging to the Lord of Space.

"God search technique is indeed very useful," she said.

The master of space was furious, and understood that she didn't want to fight him head-on at all, but just used a trick to attack the west. He was drawn into his thinking by her few words, and only when she was a fierce and fearless person, he believed that she would do something. Such things come.

Even if he protects him in time, she still peeps at some of his memories.

Because of his emotional fluctuations, the aftermath in the sea of consciousness has not dissipated, Wen Yingqiang sneered and said, "No wonder you help her, it turns out that you are in the same illness as her."

The Lord of Space has lived for such a long time. If it had been in the past, his temper might have killed her long ago, but the other side that has been polished by the years stopped him in time, and only said: "It's really cunning."

"No one stipulates that strength is judged by force." She said, "Whoever loses and who wins, and who is the stumbling block in the other person's road, may as well wait and see."

"Okay, this time, count me as the loser."

After saying this, he withdrew from her sea of consciousness and was not blocked again.

The moment he left, Wen Ying came back to her senses, and patted the little lion on the back, "Let's go." She jumped on it, Shijiu's speed was always extremely fast, and after a few jumps, she disappeared without a trace.

There are still many people along the road, looking for treasures everywhere, but screaming and screaming under the formation mechanism!

Wen Ying didn't know it mentally, she knew the setup and evasion methods of this mechanism, and she drove almost without any obstacles.

In the process, she remembered the background about the Lord of Space. His real name was Ge Zhi, and he had a very similar fate to Ding Jieyi. Back then, the family he belonged to calculated that the family would be doomed in the future, and the person who could resist this disaster was a descendant of the family. It is not uncommon for high-level monks to perceive the destiny, but whether they can really resolve the predicament depends on how the selected people and things will develop in the end.

At that time, someone deliberately concealed it, wanting to gain benefits for his immediate descendants, so he changed the guessed person. It should have been Ge Zhi's fate, but it fell on another descendant.

Ge Zhi himself has a bad personality and is extremely unpopular, he can't compare to that person who is all-round and exquisite, and no one has ever thought that he is the one who can save the fate of the family.

But in fact, at the last moment of the family, he was the one who turned the tide. The younger generation stole the resources, but it was useless.

Therefore, in his opinion, the way of heaven will eventually make people realize the truth. They are drifting along the river of fate, even if they want to go against the direction, they will be turned back on the right track.

The space master over there was confused by her reaction, "Why did she escape so quickly?"

Ding Jieyi asked carefully: "What did you tell her?"

He was still thinking about it, when he was startled suddenly, "No, soul-restraining stone!" She looked through his memory, and it is very likely that she also saw information about the soul-restraining stone.

On the other side, Wen Ying had already stopped in front of the soul-relief stone.

It was a stone statue that was almost the same as the stone statue above the underground palace, except that it was hung upside down, opposite to the stone statue above, and the soul-suppressing stone was on the sole of the stone statue of the Demon King.

This is the reason why the soul stone on the stone statue cannot be obtained. Whether it is touched by hand or attacked by magic, it will distort the space at the moment of touching, because it is just a "reflection in the water". This is a very clever spell. What is stored here are the real stone statues and soul stones. The entire underground palace was built for it.

The moment Wen Ying broke the mechanism restriction and took off the soul-restraining stone, she suddenly felt that time was distorted, and then she lost control of her body, and the soul-restraining stone flew out of her arms. She stepped back and stopped a few breaths before her location.

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow flew over, and the soul-restraining stone disappeared in place, while a lazy laughter filled her mind.

"you lose."

small theater:

Wen Ying: Rewind? ?

Ge Zhi: ... How about the art of turning back time! !

Wen Ying: Oh.

Ge Zhi: Where is the applause? Where is the cheer? Am I not good? !

Wen Ying: Pigeons are amazing!

Gezhi:? ? I warn you not to call me that, or I—

Wen Ying: (singing) Pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons flying planes!

Ge Zhi: ...