Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 217: Back to the past (5)


In the distance, there was a sudden high-decibel scream, mixed with excited cheers, because the distance weakened the sound effect, but it was still audible.

Wen Ying pointed to the outside, signaling them to look at the opposite building across a wide road.

The personal interviews of several of them have ended, and they are gathering in the corridor right now. Seeing this, Yu Guo poked his head out to look at it, squinted his eyes because of the sunlight, and then opened his mouth wide in surprise.

It was Lin Yi who caused the cheers.

He was bored in the building, so he wanted to go downstairs to take a breath. He has always been used to being alone, so he didn't say hello to Wen Ying and the others.

They came out for this interview wearing ordinary clothes, and he wore a peaked cap. The child's figure has not grown, and he does not look much different from ordinary children. So he took only one assistant and went to the convenience store opposite to buy snacks and drinks.

Unexpectedly, the employees of the convenience store were his die-hard fans. They belonged to the category of members who received a number for membership. When they checked out, they saw a flaw, and they were too excited to scream on the spot, which immediately attracted the attention of others.

Lin Yi has a high degree of citizenship, no matter whether he pursues stars or not, there are always a lot of people watching the excitement. He immediately invites friends and companions on the street, and the flow of people rushes to the convenience store.

Wen Ying saw Lin Yi running out under the cover of his assistant, but people from all directions surrounded him. He found a breakthrough and rushed out, just in time for the last few seconds of the green light. As soon as he passed, the other people who were chasing him They can only stop at the red light.

But there is a square...

The building they were in was located at an intersection, separated by a wide road, and in front of it was a building with a bakery, a convenience store and other commercial shops on the first floor, which was where Lin Yi did his shopping just now. In front of the left is a small square, leaning on the short hill, every day people will climb the mountain to exercise, practice singing and dancing, and the square is crowded with people.

"Wow." Yu Guo whistled, "Brother Yi is famous all over the world, and he performed hero movies on the street..." Before he could finish speaking, Chen Zihan knocked his head.

"I'll go talk to Uncle Lin." Chen Zihan suggested.

Lin Yi ran into the square, and the crowd could become his protective umbrella, making it difficult for him to be detected, but at the same time, if he was discovered, it would be uncertain what the consequences would be.

"Wait." Wen Ying stopped him, but her gaze was still following Lin Yi. The height of their floors is just right enough to have a panoramic view of the square, and it is also possible to roughly see the position of a certain person. She said, "According to their adults' method, they either use security guards or disperse the crowd. Even if nothing happens, something will happen. If there is a big trouble, he may..." She paused.

Chen Zihan was puzzled, "What could he be?"

"Do you wish that every time you go out, there are many bodyguards around you?"

Yu Guo interjected, "Wow, super cool!" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Ying Qiao glaring at her, and he immediately changed his words, "Once or twice is very interesting, but if there are too many times, it will be too tiring, like a prisoner!"

"Well, he certainly doesn't want to be like this." Wen Ying remembered that when they first met, the manager uncle said that he had encountered the same thing, and she remembered that Lin Yi was very repulsive at that time. She blinked and said, "I have a way."

"any solution?"

She asked first, "Do you both have mobile phones?"

"002, 002, this is 003, please report the location of 004..."

Before Yu Guo finished speaking, the phone was snatched by Wen Ying, "Where is he now?"

The two of them had already arrived at the square, and they were at a small booth for renting out roller skating. "Heroine" is Yu Guo and Wen Ying's first play. They don't have many fans yet, so naturally they won't cause such a sensation like Lin Yi.

Still staying in the building, Chen Zihan, who was in the "Tower Control Center," replied: "Have you seen the people in red and green clothes dancing in the square? Take this crowd as an orientation point, and he is about 20 to 30 meters away on the left. "


Wen Ying hung up the phone and found that Yu Guo had already put on roller skating, and she showed her salivating eyes at the skateboard beside her. She returned the phone to Yu Guo and kicked his calf again.

"Oh, report to the organization, 001 kicked me!"

Chen Zihan replied calmly: "Tell 001 to kick her more."

Yu Guo: "..."

Ever since Wen Ying told her method, Yu Guo was so excited that she even gave everyone code titles, as if she was acting in a spy drama. On weekdays, they attend class, study and film, their burdens are relatively heavy, and it is rare for them to come out for a trip. Wen Ying and Chen Zihan also follow him around.

Wen Ying went to put on roller skates and asked him, "How do you play this?"

Yu Guo was helping her up, but after listening to her words, she managed to let go and let her fall back! "You haven't played it before?!" He was amazed. Roller skating has become a craze among local students. Of course, there are some who don't like it among their peers, but there are very few who don't know how to play.

"No." Her extracurricular activity is to be Tao Jialin's assistant.

Yu Guo seemed to have thought of something too. He knew that Wen Ying's mother was working on the set, and her family background was not particularly good. His voice dropped suddenly, he coughed lightly and said, "I knew I should have let Zihan and me..." he got up. The latter two words were swallowed back by him in surprise.

The person who said he couldn't, boldly let go of his hand after standing firmly, and then slid a circle on the spot, without the slightest sign of shaking, and his balance ability was maxed out.

"... Genius 001."

The reason why Lin Yi ran in the direction of the square was that on the one hand he was in a panic and on the other hand, he really considered hiding in the crowd.

At the beginning, there was a lot of commotion at the entrance of the convenience store, but in the final analysis, most adults would not be able to do something like chasing a child. As soon as he ran away, most of the crowd dispersed. But there are still some young boys and girls who are not too old to chase after them. They don't know what a measure is, and they yelled while running, which inevitably attracted the attention of others.

"Ah, Lin Yi ran over there!"

"What?! Lin Yi? Where is the cutie?"

When Lin Yi first hid in the square, he had already shaken off those people, and he wanted to wait until he had avoided the limelight before leaving. But unexpectedly, the search team grew stronger and stronger, so that people in the square exchanged messages with each other.

"I heard that Lin Yi, the son of director Lin Zhiyuan, is in this square."

From time to time, you can bump into someone looking for him by chanting his name.

Lin Yi clenched the phone tightly, with resignation in his cat-like eyes, but he had no choice but to open the screen, ready to call his father for help.

Suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder!

"Lin Yi!"

He panicked and turned to run.

But suddenly another hand reached out and grabbed his wrist! Those hands were as soft as sugar cakes, which made him feel familiar.

He turned his head and bumped into a pair of almond-sized eyes.

Taking advantage of his daze, Wen Ying took off his hat unexpectedly, and said, "Yu Guo, shoes."

"Okay!" Yu Guo gave Lin Yi the roller skates in her hand and asked him to put them on. Wen Ying also told him to take off the thin sun protection coat. The coat has a black base, but the English characters on the back are very conspicuous.

There are quite a few kids roller skating in the square, and from time to time, groups of three or five can be seen skating by, ranging in age from six to seventeen to sixteen or seventeen years old. When the three of them gather together, they immediately become less conspicuous.

Wen Ying adjusted her peaked cap and tucked her hair in. She was about the same height as Lin Yi. After putting on the hat, she put on the jacket over the short sleeves. She was really similar.

"Let's go!"

Yu Guo excitedly clenched his fist and took the lead in "breaking through", while Wen Ying led Lin Yi. Lin Yi recovered from his ignorance, and was being held by a girl, avoiding the crowd and sliding forward.

When approaching the edge of the square, someone suddenly shouted, "Ah, that's the one, I saw Lin Yi's hat!"

"What, are you sure it's Lin Yi?"

"He was wearing this hat and this coat at the entrance of the convenience store just now, it can't be wrong!"

Lin Yi's heart skipped a beat, and the girl whispered to him, "Keep skating", and let go of his hand. As he slid forward, she slowed down.

"Hello." Yu Guo turned her head worriedly, "Can it work?"

"Don't make noise, take him away." Wen Ying made a face at him, "Let you see what a powerful faction is."

Those who came after him saw that the person who looked like Lin Yi slowed down the speed of roller skating, and his face was happy, but the moment the other party turned around, he showed a girl's sweet face.

"Hey, what's the matter, sisters?" Wen Ying turned around and slipped, and asked everyone doubtfully, "Why are you chasing us?"

Everyone was surprised and suspicious.

"Huh… "

"It's not Lin Yi!"

"But this coat, and the hat..." They looked suspicious.

"What!?" When the girl heard the names they said, her expression suddenly changed, revealing a look of surprise and excitement, "Brother Lin Yi, I like him so much, is he here too?"

"It was still there just now, you and his clothes are very similar..."

"I bought this dress just for Brother Lin Yi!" She complained happily, "It's so precious, I spent all my lucky money, and my mother almost beat me to death."

She perfectly grasped the expression of a "die-hard little fan", and the people who came after her quickly believed her words. During their conversation, Yu Guo had already slipped away with Lin Yi. Wen Ying circled around for a while before waving at them, "I'm going to tell my friends that I'm also coming to Lin Yi's brother and sisters. See you later!"

"See you later."

When Wen Ying crossed the road and returned to the downstairs of the building, Yu Guo was already hugging her stomach and laughing badly. Upstairs, Chen Zihan poked his head out, and a "Hello" sounded from the phone, warning Yu Guo to keep his voice down.

However, several people looked at each other and suddenly laughed together.

Even Lin Yi, after experiencing the tension and unwillingness of being chased and intercepted, and the excitement and relaxation of breaking through with them, was infected by such laughter and laughed unconsciously.

He looked at Wen Ying with raised eyebrows.

Under the golden sunlight, the girl was wearing his coat, and the peaked cap messed up her hair, but she didn't care, and her smile was extravagant and beautiful.

After experiencing a "war" together, the feelings of several people became closer. Lin Yi no longer always returns to the nanny car in his spare time, but will be with them.

Afterwards, Director Lin learned about this matter, and properly dealt with the follow-up. It was rare to see his son open his heart, so he turned a blind eye and let them go.

On this day, their makeup photos were released on the Internet. In order to take care of Wen Ying who didn't have a mobile phone, several people gathered together to discuss.

"... I refuse to admit that Ying Ying is a powerful faction." Yu Guo suddenly sighed.

Chen Zihan slapped him on the head, "What are you talking about!"

He pointed at the photo and yelled, "Isn't this an idol school? Isn't it?!"

They usually play against Wen Ying in men's clothes, especially during the soldier training stage, the clothes are relatively simple and rough in shape, which invisibly weakens her gender. However, there is a picture of Wen Ying in women's clothing in the makeup photo. The little girl combed her buns, wore a chest-length skirt, and wore a green gauze drape. She smiled with crooked eyebrows. She was as sweet and cute as a little fairy, in stark contrast to the chic and handsome warrior costume.

After a while, hundreds of people left messages on Weibo, and they all praised everyone, but Wen Ying's visual double impact was the strongest, and the comments praised her the most, which can be said to have attracted the first batch of fans.

They chatted in full swing, Tao Jialin just stood not far away watching, biting her lower lip. Suddenly the phone rang, she looked at it, hid aside and picked up the phone, "Hello, mom..."

"Linlin, you let mom down so much."