Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 223: back in time (11)



Wen Ying heard the words and stood up. There are many whispers in the classroom, Wen Ying's status in the class is a bit special, and the school has just started not long ago, although it has gone through military training, but after putting on bright clothes, the other side of many people's personalities will gradually be exposed, so for How to get along with the most famous Wen Ying, everyone is in a wait-and-see attitude.

Is her acting really as good as the outside world says? In some simple training sessions before, the difference between her and them could not be clearly seen.

Over there, Li Cancan settled into his seat and exchanged a look with one of the boys who played Wen Ying.

Wen Ying arranged the people who played with her at one end of the classroom, while she walked far away to the other end, making people confused. The scene in the play cannot be explained to others, and it must be seen in the performance, which is also one of the difficulties of improvisation.

The students in the classroom were a little quieter, watching her performance with a little expectation, and even the teacher's attention was more concentrated than before.

Wen Ying closed her eyes, and her expression changed when she opened them again.

The students in the classroom were taken aback.

It's the same as what you see on TV!

Her face was full of anxiety and emaciation, her pupils were dazed and dilated, as if she was on the verge of collapse due to a huge blow, but her figure showed another subconscious reaction of her, the muscle lines from her cheeks to her arms were tight Stretched, the whole person looks like a fully stretched bow, which will break immediately if there is any sign of trouble. She hasn't given up yet.

The conversion from one person to another is just a few seconds, I didn't expect it to be possible.

The students suddenly became excited.

The difference between a beginner student and a full-time actor lies in whether the performance can be accurately tied to the emotional point. Many students think that they are acting very seriously, but his emotions are still unable to impress people. It is precisely because his micro-expressions betray him. These hidden details tell the audience that he is still him, not the character he plays. . Their performances are always on the surface. How can you play a role well if you haven't figured out the psychological line of the character

Wen Ying's performance is undoubtedly mature. With just a change in her appearance, people can see the story about her that has not yet begun to be told.

The show begins.

she is running. The classroom is not big, but it can be seen that she is running, striding hurriedly, pausing, looking around anxiously, and suddenly, she leaned back suddenly while "running".

What's wrong? The people who watched had doubts in their hearts.

She turned around and pulled hard, and it was pulled away suddenly, and she staggered two steps. Seeing this, everyone can understand that it is a wedding dress, and the complicated wedding dress is caught by something.

This scene is almost the same as the details shown by Li Cancan, both of whom use the wedding dress to reflect the identity of the bride, but Wen Ying's is more in-depth than that.

Because she was stunned looking at the torn wedding dress. Her expression changed several times, she seemed to have the joy of remembering, but also the sadness of realizing the current situation, and her whole body trembled slightly.

From her performance, everyone suddenly understood the reason why she was stunned. The wedding dress is a symbol of wedding and also a symbol of love. Now it is torn, just like her wedding is being destroyed. Compared with Li Cancan, Wen Ying's handling is more delicate and progressive. Li Cancan only stays at expressing her identity as a bride, but Wen Ying lets people see her love through her wedding dress.

It's also a non-physical performance, and you can clearly "see" what any of her small movements are doing and what it represents. This is the visual sense of the picture brought by good acting skills.

Suddenly, she gritted her teeth while trembling her lips, and suddenly tore off the back hem of the cumbersome wedding dress, tearing off a large piece. It can be seen that she is tearing very hard, and you can even hear the sound of the fabric being torn.

Then she carried her skirt and continued to run.

What exactly is the scene she's going to act in? Can not help but feel curious.

I saw her suddenly stop in the middle, she looked around, turned around in place, and then turned again, the rapid turn made people dazzled, almost dizzy. Some people already have some understanding. Usually, such scenes are reflected by the lens in movies. The rapid switching from scenery to characters makes people feel the panic and confusion of the protagonist.

But she only relies on the turning rhythm controlled by herself, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, sometimes raising her eyes to look at the "skyscrapers", sometimes the usually noisy streets, the pictures are constantly staggered in front of her eyes. You could feel her spirits stretched to the limit.

It's just...

Everyone held their breath. If an actor can grasp the rhythm just right when performing, then even without post-editing, the audience can be engrossed and relished.

The ease on Li Cancan's face gradually disappeared.

She thought that the acting skills said by the outside world were good because she had the script in her hand, because the later editing cut her out, and it was because of the publicity. The filming cycle is long, and she has such a long time to adjust, who can act well

But at this moment, she realized that this is not an actor whose skills can only be seen on the screen.

Just when people's attention was highly concentrated, Wen Ying's pupils shrank suddenly, and her eyes looked in one direction as if they were frozen. In an instant, she was forced to break out in a cold sweat. Then she dodged to the side suddenly, bowed down in panic and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry".

She was nearly hit by a car!

Everyone suddenly realized that this was on the street, in the middle of the road. She ran out after the escaped groom.

The rhythm of the plot is just right at this time, starting and ending, tearing the wedding dress is the beginning, looking for it on the road is the beginning, and almost getting into a car accident is a turning point, which not only makes the "audience" sweat for her, but also makes the students here immediately realize her The scene being played.

With just two "I'm sorry", she embodied the scene. This is the real way to "convince" the audience by acting.

After that, all her actions can be easily understood.

She seemed to have suddenly realized something, shrunk her shoulders inward, walked forward quickly with her head down, because she was standing in the middle of the street, accepting people's strange gazes. Why do people look at her like that? Because her behavior was weird, as if she was looking for death, and because the wedding dress she was wearing was tattered, it was easy for people to have bad associations.

Even non-existent passers-by let her act "live". The richness and delicacy of this play exceeded their imagination.

When Wen Ying finally walked to the other end of the classroom and grabbed a person to question, the students who played supporting roles also understood what she meant. They were passers-by on the street. Wen Ying still didn't have a line, she just rummaged through the "crowd" anxiously and eagerly, and kept pulling their arms to see their appearance.

She is looking for a groom. It was of course futile, but it made people feel her heartache.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"What are you looking at, crazy!"

"Yo, what's the matter? The beauty looks really good..."

"Passers-by" gave just the right reaction, until she grabbed the remaining boy, just touched his arm, and heard the other boy step back suddenly, hugged herself and said: "What do you want to do, don't touch me !” Like a big girl with yellow flowers who is facing aggression.

In an instant, the tense atmosphere disappeared, and the students roared with laughter!

He didn't finish yet, and continued to play tricks, "I won't go with you, give up your heart—"

At this moment, even the people who acted together laughed, and the atmosphere that Wen Ying had just created was destroyed, and it was swept away in an instant.

Seeing that the effect was almost achieved, the boy coughed lightly, and decided to raise his hand to "confess" and apologize to the teacher. Although it is estimated that some points will be deducted for destroying the classroom records, his behavior will not arouse any speculation, because this situation has also appeared in the previous performances of many groups.

It's just that in the previous few groups, there were only laughing behaviors when everyone was not enough to participate in the show, but in fact, there was a cohesive tension in the performance of their group, and everyone was following Wen Ying's pace. But so what? Anyway, it has already been interrupted, and it is either to start over or continue the performance, and it is not a formal performance, so no one will say anything more.

He thought indifferently.

However, the moment he was about to turn around to look at the teacher, Wen Ying held him down, and before he could figure out what he was going to do, a slap came!


A crisp and loud voice sounded in the classroom.

He was stunned there.

Everyone was stunned along with him, and the laughter stopped abruptly.


Wen Ying's eyes were slightly red, and tears welled up in an instant, expressing her sadness to the fullest, "Why are you doing this to me? Is it fun to play with me? You don't want to go with me, you want to go back to that woman, right?"

"If you told me from the beginning that you were in love with someone else, how could I agree to marry you!"

The boy stared at her, pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Tell me, am I right?" Wen Ying began to push him, like any irritated and hysterical woman, "Say it clearly, as long as you admit it with your own mouth, I will let you go!"

The boy still didn't speak, as if he wanted to fight her to the end, to see what else she could do!

Wen Ying suddenly raised her hand again!

As soon as his expression changed, he immediately grabbed her wrist, "Crazy you—" he was about to throw her out, but when he saw Wen Ying's expression, he suddenly retracted his hand as if it had been scalded.

There was a deep nostalgia in her eyes, the nostalgia touched the heart, but it also had the color of pain after being hurt by him. It's like accusing him of cruelly cutting the gorgeous brocade, which looks so fragmented.

"Tell me..." Weeping and shoving, she was exhausted, so she could only use the hand that was released by him to beat him feebly.

No man could resist such a look. He even wondered if he had really betrayed her, and his heart was tightly clenched. "... I, I was wrong." He couldn't help blurting out.

When he found Wen Ying's flickering smile, he was taken aback, no!

Just as he was about to speak again, Wen Ying over there had already tidied up her slightly messy skirt, wiped away her tears and said, "It's five minutes."

There was silence in the classroom.

Wen Ying bowed calmly to the teacher, "I'm sorry teacher, I lost control."

Everyone: Are you kidding me? ! !

The teacher took the lead in applauding, which was covered by the enthusiastic applause of the students. There was a deep meaning in her smile: "It's great." No one would not like to see outstanding students, especially naughty boys who can influence her at the last moment. Entering the drama, this is enough to show that her ability can match her reputation.

"Teacher." Li Cancan suddenly stood up over there, "Although Wen Ying's performance is indeed very good, it's not good to hit someone. She didn't communicate with that male classmate beforehand, and she did it suddenly... I think this kind of behavior It should be avoided as much as possible.”

"really… "

"People who are famous are good, they don't have scruples in doing things, and they are not afraid of being unhappy."

People who were immersed in Wen Ying's textbook rescue also realized the problem because of her words, and there was another kind of discussion.

"No." The boy suddenly stood up, "She didn't hit me, it was a fake."

Li Cancan frowned, "Impossible, I saw your head was knocked off..."

He shook his head, "I saw that she was going to hit me, and I subconsciously wanted to avoid it." The first time she hit me, she was caught off guard, and the slap almost hit her face, and before he had time to block it, his body would naturally react . And the reason why he was stunned later was because he didn't expect her to do this, and the crisp applause that appeared out of thin air made him unable to react in time, and he didn't know her until he found that there was no pain on his face. Didn't really hit it off.

But the effect she wanted has been achieved.

This woman is really scary.

After class, Wen Ying walked out of the classroom, and suddenly someone followed behind her. The moment the two approached, she heard a woman's low voice from behind. "Li Cancan." The other party was full of ambition, "You will remember this name."

"Well, I remember." Wen Ying said as she walked, "You are the one who wants to make trouble this time."

"..." Li Cancan didn't expect her to respond to her provocation so calmly, she said again, "So what if you are close to the water? If you don't make a move, someone else will. Just wait and see."

Ollie's Peach Blossom

Wen Ying blinked.

Since the introduction of tools such as Weibo and WeChat, the contact between actors has become more convenient. Various WeChat discussion groups are constantly flashing, and one of them is a regional celebrity WeChat group, which is the same Famous celebrities in the region will be in it, which is convenient for expanding contacts, and Li Cancan also has such a group.

Occasionally, when someone else mentioned Lin Yi's topic, she would come up to her and talk about it. This happened more frequently, and outsiders looked like they were very familiar with each other. After all, she is young and still a student. In the eyes of many actors, she is a little girl, so she won't be too disgusted.

This day, someone talked about Lin Yi again. Someone recommended him to a director, because this topic came up, he took advantage of the opportunity to talk about him, and mentioned Lin Yi's filming habits like a joke.

Li Cancan followed up: "He is also like this in our film crew. During the break, he likes to stay in the nanny car and read the script. Every time I have to call him..."

While talking, someone raised his head again, "Hey."

Li Cancan saw that the business card of this group was "General Yuguo". Her eyes lit up. Of course she knew that Yu Guo had made the same movie with Lin Yi and Wen Ying, which became popular all over the country. It was said that he had a very good relationship with Lin Yi in private, but she didn't expect that they were from the same region.

She was hesitating how to talk to the other party, when suddenly she saw a line of words popping up in the group.

"No wonder, that's why you dealt with us Yingniu?"

As soon as this sentence came out, no one answered for a long time in the group.

Yuguo said Yingniu was obviously the only one, but he mentioned the word "deal with" at the same time, whoever dared to take such a topic easily would be in trouble.

Soon, another one followed: "Hey, if you have the guts to do it, don't you have the guts to say it?"

Still no one dared to answer.

Li Cancan squeezed the phone tightly, no way...

Yu Guo lost his patience and called the names directly: "That is so golden."

"... Me?" It took her a long time to get out weakly. Unexpectedly, he was hit as soon as he popped his head.

"You tied up Ollie marketing in the outside world, and bullied Yingniu in school. Why, did you fight with us?" These words were extremely straightforward, and in a group full of stars, it can be said that a The slap hit Li Cancan's face.

Her heart was beating wildly, and the blood rushed straight to her head!

"I didn't! I met Oli because of the same crew. If Wen Ying said, we are classmates. Is there any misunderstanding?"

Li Cancan's personality was originally tough, but when he met Yu Guo who was tougher than him, he was aggressive, didn't care about the occasion, and didn't give people face, so he was suddenly in a weak position.

"Hehe, all fools know what's going on, okay? It's not that your work team is behind the scenes, but you want to say that passers-by have sharp eyes and can see the tricks between the two of you? I thought it had nothing to do with you, see It looks like you have a lot of appetite."


At this time, Chen Zihan also made a fuss. He was not from the same region as them. Someone in the group realized that something was wrong and asked him to come to the rescue. As soon as he came in, he said, "Yu Guo, please don't say a few words."

"She has the energy to disgust the two of them, isn't it because they don't have the time to talk to her?" Yu Guo "rolled up her sleeves" and said, "I'll do it!"

"What are you doing here!" Chen Zihan rolled his eyes, and he turned to Li Cancan and said kindly: "Is that Li Cancan? Hello, I'm Chen Zihan, don't mind, Yuguo has such a straightforward temper, and his words are not very nice, don't go there Go with your heart."

Li Cancan held the phone, his face turned pale with anger, his hands and feet were cold. At first glance, Chen Zihan's words seemed to comfort her, but they did not explain to her. Instead, they proved the credibility of what Yu Guo said.

She didn't see what they were doing when her team was making rumors before, and she didn't see Yu Guo respond when she chatted in the group, but she just had a conflict with Wen Ying two days ago, and he appeared!

Wen Ying, Wen Ying must have complained behind her back and told them about the conflict between the two of them.

But that was obviously a small conflict between girls, how could she...

The two of them sang bad faces and the other sang bad faces, and they ran out of Li Cancan. It was because the actors who had seen the little girl's purpose earlier but saved face in front of others all clicked their tongues.

Today's young people are really more vigorous than each other.

Those who saw Li Cancan tasted the sweetness and wanted to imitate her tricks, once the news spread, they had to weigh it in their hearts. Come here if you are not afraid of being thrown to the ground and stepped on.

Yuguo and the others have a good reputation in the industry. On the contrary, the better their reputation, the more weight they say. With just a few words, the impression Li Cancan left on many directors and actors will naturally have black spots. Either they think that the little girl's family's thoughts are not pure, or they think that she has too many troubles, and the first impression has deteriorated. If there is a suitable opportunity in the future, they will naturally bypass her and give priority to others.

Li Cancan's hands were shaking with anger.

How could they ruin her like this with just one small thing? !

"Cancan! Come out and see—" the people in the dormitory shouted, "Wow, someone put love candles, this time the scene is really big. Hey, what's wrong with you, you look so ugly?"

Li Cancan held back his temper, shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

She looked down and saw a huge love candle placed on the lawn in front of the girls' dormitory building, and in the circle of love was the word "Sakura" made of cherry blossoms, surrounded by onlookers.

"Wen Ying, I like you, I am willing to spend my whole life recording your beauty with the camera!"

The man standing among the love candles is indeed handsome, and under the light of the candles, his outline becomes more and more like a knife. He holds a SLR camera in his hand and points it at a window on the fifth floor. Suddenly, he seems to be Seeing the Lord's appearance, his eyes lit up instantly, and he shouted at her.

Although the candles are tacky, the words are very different, and they are very in line with his and Wen Ying's future career plans, which shows that thought has been put into it.

"Isn't that Senior Xi Kaifeng? Although he majored in directing, he is also very handsome. It is said that his family has a red background..."

"I can find cherry blossoms at this time, tsk tsk."

"As expected of Wen Ying, even the quality of the suitor is so high, jealous and incompetent."

Just when many girls were envious, and the good people shouted "promise him" and "promise him", suddenly a man came over from a distance. The man was wearing a sweater, with a hat covering his head, and he was holding a long column-shaped thing in his hand.

When he pushed the crowd away, some people muttered unhappily.

Over there, Wen Ying was lying on the balcony watching lazily, then suddenly straightened up and looked towards Xi Kaifeng. Seeing this, Xi Kaifeng raised his hand at her, and shouted again: "Wen Ying, I like—"

Suddenly, there was a soft sound of "呵—" from around, causing him to turn his head to look. This was unbearable, and he saw someone holding a fire extinguisher, aiming the jet tube at his candles, and they were extinguished in pieces.

He was shocked, and strode forward to argue, "What are you doing!"

"The school stipulates that open flames are strictly prohibited." The man said calmly.

Students watching: "..."

"Fuck, isn't this Lin Yi!" Someone shouted.