Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 39: The beautiful girl who came out of the comics (1)


Shao Getian's death caused a shock in Chen Province. Although Shao Tingyu used force to suppress the situation and stabilized the situation in time, his superiority still touched the interests of many people, and some people were dissatisfied with him. However, when Shao Getian was dead, They can only hibernate temporarily, waiting patiently for Shao Yifeng to come back to preside over the overall situation.

They didn't wait long, and soon, the front line was victorious, Shao Yifeng led the army to completely push the enemy back, and returned bloody.

However, once Shao Tingyu chooses to close the city, what awaits people will be a situation where Chen Province is torn apart, followed by a civil war full of gunpowder. Simply under the many considerations of the staff and think tanks, Shao Tingyu still resisted all opinions and let him enter the city.

On the other side, Shao Yifeng actually heard the news of his father's death halfway along the way.

When he learned that his father died not artificially, but by Wen Ying's gun, he was shocked, and was almost hit by the assassin sent by the enemy. Then he led a small team to rush back first.

He rushed all the way, and when he really returned to the Marshal's Mansion, he suddenly slowed down.

In the small living room where he entertained guests, he heard Wen Ying's voice, speaking softly and slowly, at the usual slow speed, occasionally a little faster, appearing lively, which made people smile knowingly.

He didn't go in and interrupt their conversation, but bent his legs against the wall and took out the matchbox from his pocket. When he went to wipe the matches, he found that his hands were trembling unconsciously, and it took the third time to ignite a little fire.

He lit the cigarette in his hand, took a deep breath, and exhaled a thin white smoke.

Everything seems like yesterday.

The person in the room talking to Wen Ying was Mi Xi.

The state of the conversation between the two was very peaceful, after all the dust settled. There are many people who are quite graceful even if they lose, and Mi Xi is such a person. Her gesture of picking up the coffee was still full of charm, and she took a sip before thinking about talking to Wen Ying: "I still underestimated you, I didn't expect you to guess the truth."

"I didn't expect you to come and confess to me."

Wen Ying said.

"It's useless not to confess, is it? He's dead, and we all know that there is no one here who can replace him." She chuckled lightly, "Actually, what I told you before was not completely false, I I have defeated too many people with this trick, some of them believed that what I said was true, some were still wary, but in the end it was me who won. After winning for so long, I am indeed a little tired."

Wen Ying shook her head lightly. Her eyes swept over Mi Xi's body lightly, and she knew that she was not as calm as she showed. She didn't know when the stockings on her legs were snagged and a conspicuous cut was made.

She was obviously lost, and it was even more difficult for the proud and ever-victorious general to accept his defeat.

She also sighed suddenly, "Actually, a long time ago, my dream was to be a landscape photographer and travel around the world..."

Wen Ying gave her a surprised look, "It's pretty good." Her starting point was unexpected.

She doesn't need to go on, Wen Ying can roughly guess the process. Not only can she travel around the world, but she also has the opportunity to travel to more worlds, but gradually, she loses herself in the struggle with people and begins to procrastinate. for the enjoyment of hunting others.

"Yeah, it was pretty good back then... Forget it..."

She smiled and shook her head, habitually wanting to smoke a cigarette, opened the cigarette case, but was slightly taken aback. What is placed in the small iron box with exquisite patterns is not cigarettes, but colored hard candies that children only eat. The small candies roll in the box, making a soft sound.

Wen Ying smiled, "Have you quit smoking?"

"No. Probably he put it on... He himself likes to smoke, and he smokes very fiercely. He is not in good health recently, and he always coughs badly. He told me not to smoke a few times, but I don't like to hear it. I have smoked before. Everyone knows that there is no such thing as a good quit.”

She never mentioned Shao Getian positively since she entered the door, and naturally she didn't express any sadness over his death.

Until this moment, there was nostalgia in her eyes. The person who doesn't like sweets took a candy and put it in her mouth, smiled and shook her head, "It's really coaxing children."

The two sat for a while, they had never been real friends, and now they were no longer even rivals, and soon there was nothing to talk about, so Mi Xi got up and said goodbye.

Wen Ying watched her go to the door and turned the handle, and then she didn't move for a long time, the picture seemed to be still, she called out "Mixi?" in doubt, and saw the person in front of her suddenly slip to the ground. Wen Ying blurted out in a frightened whisper—

Mi Xi fell on the carpet. She covered her heart with one hand, her expression was very painful, and blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Just when Wen Ying rushed over to help her, Shao Yifeng just heard Wen Ying's exclamation and opened the door to come in.

One tall and one short, she squatted on the ground, he stood there and looked at each other.

Wen Ying lowered her head and staggered her eyes, saying: "Hurry up and save people!"

Shao Yifeng called Luo Cheng who was waiting at the corner to come in and asked him to take him to the hospital, while he himself stopped Wen Ying.

"Don't go." He whispered, "I once heard from my father that this woman was secretly dating Fang Tongkai. My father loved her, but he was worried that she would be unfaithful to him, so he secretly arranged for someone... once If he had an accident, she would definitely die."

Wen Ying raised her head suddenly, and then gradually lost her mind.

Mi Xi has always regarded all the characters as pawns, but this time she was laid out by the pawns to kill her. What an amazing fate...

She thought of how Mixi was holding the cigarette case just now, and her usual knowing smile curled up at the corner of her mouth, she must have guessed it too.

Because Shao Yifeng grabbed her hand when he was blocking people, the cigarette he held in his fingertips burned a long piece of ash, which he did not shake for a long time, and suddenly fell down and burned her arm, she let out a soft "hiss", turned around god.

He threw the cigarette decisively, raised her arm, and blew on her lightly and intently.

This scene seems to have happened before.

Wen Ying finally set her eyes on him, and she sized him up. The man had stubble on his chin, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked haggard. He didn't know why he hadn't slept well for several nights, but he was still the suave young commander. She pursed her lower lip, opened her mouth several times but failed to make a sound, until he was about to raise her head, she said softly: "I killed your father."

He froze and stopped his movements, but raised his eyes to stare at her and said, "I don't believe it."

"Yifeng, you are different from Xiaohu." When she said this, her eyes were a little hot, "Don't think Xiaohu is very powerful now, he actually doesn't understand many things, such as the overall situation, such as responsibility. I don't know Whether I can teach him or not, he may not listen to me, but you understand all these principles."

He clenched his fists and stared at her.

"You also know that no matter whether you believe it or not, no one will allow you to be with a woman who killed your father."

"... What about him? He is also the father's child."

"But he doesn't care."

Her words hit the nail on the head and silenced him.

What she said was not wrong, he had to care about things that Shao Tingyu didn't care about. Shao Tingyu was able to do this because of his own courage. Since he imprisoned his father, the order has been disrupted. But he is different. He wants to inherit his father's career, and he wants to be just and honest. Public opinion, reputation, filial piety, and human relations cannot allow him to

He stared at her: "then will you be with him?"

"How could it be?" Wen Ying paused for a moment, and said, "Xiaohu is my closest person in this world, but..."

"I don't need my mother with me either."

When Shao Tingyu received the news, he immediately returned to the mansion.

At this moment, he happened to walk into the room, and he said as a matter of course, "I just want my mother to have no one else besides me."

His natural and domineering tone made Shao Yifeng laugh suddenly.

This isn't Xiao wanting to smell cherry blossoms, what else could it be? But maybe only with such an attitude, can we not care about the eyes of everyone and concentrate on Wen Ying.

"I see." He took Wen Ying's hand, and like every time before, he raised it to his mouth and kissed gently, but this time it was extra long.

"Wish... treasure."

After Shao Getian, governor of Chen Province, died, the power was divided into two by his two sons. However, the two apparently split, but secretly joined forces to wipe out him under the underestimation of the other two warlords. This battle has been fought for ten years, but after the brutal war, the sun will once again appear on the horizon, and a new kingdom full of hope will finally be born.

Wen Ying couldn't see the ending, and it was the same as every time before. After the task was completed, she returned to the space. She guessed that if there were no accidents, this world would be a contest between those two in the end, but she could not guess who would win in the end.

And after the power of faith was extracted, the backlog of emotions in her heart was relieved, and she became relaxed and happy.

"21, long time no see!" She waved to her old acquaintance.

"The Power of Faith is graded as A, and the time condition is added at the same time. This time it took a long time, so it is reduced to A-." Z942121 said coldly.

Wen Ying: "..."

Turn the table!

"I still want to ask you, what's going on with that Mixi, won't she be trapped in the same world, why can she go to a different world after becoming a fallen angel?"

Isn't that no different from them? It's just that they are organized and disciplined messengers, and she has become a jobless messenger.

"As long as you successfully attack other angels and gain the power of faith from each other, you can get a 'passport' and go to other worlds."

"… Eh???"

Wen Ying suddenly remembered the other party's attitude at the beginning, it was indeed strange to be kind to herself...

"Then I can't see Fang Tongkai on the light source map, did she use props?"

Z942121 nodded to confirm: "Indeed. Now, you can go to draw your reward."

Wen Ying has gone through two lottery draws, and she is no stranger to it. She also knows that no matter how long she lingers, she may not be able to figure out a good one, so she picked one out at random.

This time, she got a fairy wand that only little girls play.

"It comes from a technologically advanced world, where people imitate the magic wands of ancient wizards and design children's educational toys." Z942121 answered her.

"... so interesting." Wen Ying applauded.

Z942121 automatically blocked her sarcasm full of resentment, and continued: "It can lead people into the two-dimensional world of novels, comics, TV, film and television dramas, become one of the characters, and can also bring back the skills of the two-dimensional world. Three-dimensional. It is time-sensitive, but the number of times is not limited."


This skill is very suitable for a dangerous world. If you carry a novel and comics with you, at least your life can be guaranteed.

"By the way, where is the prize I sent to you last time?" She thought of that "cocoon".

Z942121 took it out and said: "It has not yet acquired full power, and it is still in its infancy, but the protective film has faded."

Wen Ying took a closer look, and suddenly there was an animal called a national treasure in her world beside her feet, like a sesame glutinous rice ball that had been bitten by someone, and it lay there lazily.

Fat Da? !

Good, so cute!

But... "Can this work?"

Z942121 thought for a moment, and said honestly: "There is no other use for the time being, and it can only be used as a pet. Do you need to bring it to the next world?"

Wen Ying looked down and saw the little panda-like animal, happily eating fingers.

Are you sure it's just temporarily useless

She shook her head resolutely, "What can I do with this trash?!" Maybe she will be arrested for stealing national treasures!

"Are you sure you don't want to bring it?"


As soon as the words fell, the familiar dizziness hit her, and she entered the next world.

On a university campus in Province A, there are shaded green trees planted on both sides of the road, and young students are chasing and running in the forest road, vigorous and energetic.

Wen Ying was also strolling along the tree-lined path, holding a few books in her arms, breathing the fresh air, and enjoying the long-lost peace.

She sorted out the information. The fallen angel of this world is Fang Ran, the top student in the grade. She likes to wear thick-rimmed black glasses. She looks unremarkable and looks timid and weak. But soon, the envoys will launch a counterattack plan and become the most influential figure in the school's civilization.

And the owner of her body was the first target to be hit.

The original owner is a fresh and beautiful flower-level person with a bad background, but has a rich girlfriend Xia Yi. And although this best friend has a delicate personality, she is surprisingly innocent. When she was isolated by her classmates, she was comforted and encouraged by the original owner, and immediately became good friends with the original owner. But she didn't know that the reason why she was isolated was because the original owner used methods in secret.

Since then, the original owner has been keen on being a double-faced person, speaking sweetly to her in front of others, and attacking and discrediting her image in the back.

Until one time, Fang Ran exposed her conspiracy.

After that, the original owner's image plummeted, and Fang Ran took the opportunity to become good friends with Xia Yi, using her to break into the upper circles and get acquainted with the brightest spot in the world—Jiang Tianye.

As soon as Wen Ying walked into the lecture theater, a girl came up to hold her arm, and whispered to her, "Hey, do you know that Xia Yi was caught kissing me and me in a bar with a man? With heavy makeup on her face and no clothes, tsk tsk..."

"Ah, I saw it too. Someone posted on the forum. Wow, it's amazing! Didn't she say that she is infatuated with the class next door? You want me to say... Xia, Xia Yi?"

The girl stopped talking in the middle of her speech.

Xia Yi was standing at the door, with a look of dismay under heavy makeup, staring at the girls fiercely.

As soon as Wen Ying walked to her side, Fang Ran stood up suddenly, looked around the group of girls, and said sarcastically: "Now that PS technology is so advanced, I don't know if the photos are real. Decide, are you the police or the judge?"

The girls refuted in a hurry.

The boys in the back row noticed the movement here and quickly looked over.

"If you want me to say, it's better to check the IP first and see what the person who broke the news has to say."

In the eyes of everyone, Fang Ran turned his gaze to Wen Ying who was comforting Xia Yi.