Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 75: Reborn Prince's Mind Reading Technique (6)


When Yu Wenhong saw the group of them, he subconsciously turned his attention to Wen Ying first.

During this period of time, he has already figured out the effectiveness of mind reading, and he can't read it every time. If the other party's thoughts are too many and mixed, it will be blurred in his ears, specious, or when he has nothing to think about. Of course not.

At the beginning, he only heard that her heart was quiet, without any sound, but the woman next to her, the one who admitted to framing Wen Ying in Taiyin Lake, made piercing and anxious screams frequently, which made him want to cover his ears—— It's useless to cover it.

It was only when Wen Ying stepped into the palace that she suddenly sighed [It is indeed the empress's palace, it is so resplendent and dazzling that it makes people's eyes hurt], followed by another sentence [Ah, that annoying prince is there?]

Yu Wenhong: "..."

In fact, this was a very normal thought for her, because of his estrangement, there was not much intersection between them, except for the negative impression she left because of the kick he kicked. If she was also framed by someone in her previous life, then at least there was no calculation in their first meeting, he really kicked the wrong person.

But seeing her reminded him of what she looked like in her previous life...

Not wanting to think any further, he turned his gaze to Wu Yuzhen. She seemed to have a lot of things on her mind, and her voice was quite chaotic, so he couldn't hear her clearly.

In the queue, the female officer in charge came in and saw His Highness the Crown Prince was there, hesitated for a moment, then heard the Queen say: "Don't worry about him, you just talk about things." Before this, her maidservant who was close to her briefly explained the situation to her. Having said that, there was almost a murder case in the Chuxiu Palace, it was because of their small troubles, and they might also involve the affairs of the court, so it would be no harm for the prince to hear about it.

The female officer in charge said "yes" and explained clearly to the queen what happened at the banquet.

There were four people kneeling in the bottom row, only Ruan Ling'er was trembling all over. When the palace servant brought in the wine glass and said, "I have asked the imperial doctor to test it, it is not a fatal poison, and the face of the drinker will have allergic symptoms", she First he was stunned, and then he suddenly looked at Wu Yuzhen.

Isn't it poisonous medicine

Her movements were obvious, and others only thought she was looking at the palace maid standing next to Wu Yuzhen holding a tray. Only Yu Wenhong, who had always paid attention to her, heard Wu Yuzhen's inner voice immediately.

[Poisonous medicine? Tsk, how can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer, only she is so stupid to misunderstand it.]

What's the meaning

Yu Wenhong frowned, still staring at her, but didn't hear anything anymore, but she didn't "speak", but someone said for her—

The queen asked Ruan Ling'er: "Even if it's just an allergy medicine, it's still ulterior motives if it's just put into the Xiunu cup for no reason, Ruan Shi, what do you have to say?"

Ruan Ling'er's eyes lit up a long time ago.

[Wu Yuzhen never told me what kind of medicine it was, so I mistakenly thought it was poison. If it wasn't for Wen Ying's hatefulness, who lied to me with words, I wouldn't lose my composure like this! But the matter has come to this point, there is no other way... Allergy medicine is nothing more, with the power of the Wu family, it should not be difficult to save me.]

Yu Wenhong knew from the very beginning that Wu Yuzhen was only brought here as a witness, but when he heard this, he faintly sensed something, but he refused to believe it.

Just when Ruan Ling'er breathed a sigh of relief, she was shocked when she received Wu Yuzhen's secretly warning gaze.

[No, I must not involve her when I answer, otherwise I'm afraid I won't know how she died.]

As soon as he got this sentence, Yu Wenhong listened again, and sure enough, he only heard that she left others completely behind when she answered, and only said that he was jealous of Wen Ying, so he wanted to play tricks on her once to vent his anger.

His heart sank.

If a woman who frequently framed others could say "I'm afraid I don't know how he died", how terrible would the person she was talking about be

He looked at Wu Yuzhen, she was still kneeling down firmly, bowing her head respectfully and calmly.

He couldn't help thinking of his last life, the moment before she hanged on the beam, she was as peaceful as now, making it impossible to guess what was going on in her heart.

The queen probably came to a conclusion, and it was just another small fight, and she just had to report it, so why should she come for interrogation. She held her forehead, and asked Wen Ying with some reproach: "You said it was poison, but it turned out to be allergy medicine. How do you explain it?"

Wen Ying replied calmly: "Go back to my mother, I didn't drink this wine, how do I know if it is poison or allergy medicine?" I don't know what kind of medicine it is, of course it is which one is better and which one is better, otherwise I would not be able to meet such a classmate. Opportunity for confrontation. It was also because of her luck that she probably knew the time when Yu Wenhong greeted the queen, but not every time, and it happened that he was here today.

Mind reading can see through people's hearts, but there is only one disadvantage, it is time-sensitive. She couldn't count on Wu Yuzhen thinking about these nasty things in front of Yu Wenhong for no reason as time passed, so it had to be when the incident happened.

In his previous life, he wandered around the palace for a period of time after his death. Knowing that Wu Yuzhen died with him, he might have given her up as the white lotus in his heart. This undoubtedly made the task more difficult.

Wu Yuzhen was not a simple woman at all. He was bitter about the act of the original owner giving him a cuckold in his previous life, but he didn't know what role Wu Yuzhen played in it.

Thinking of this, Wen Ying felt a little sympathetic to the prince.

The queen said again: "What this is saying is, since you didn't drink, how do you know that she took the medicine?"

"Your Majesty Mingjian, I have had a rift with her for a long time. She toasted suddenly, so I naturally have some reservations..."

Ruan Ling'er heard the words and recalled the process of toasting.

[Wu Yuzhen had long guessed that Wenying's temper would definitely pour the glass of wine I was toasting, so she asked me to pretend to be drinking to lower her vigilance and make her mistakenly think that the glass of wine was harmless. Unexpectedly, the move was so close, Wen Ying still didn't believe me at this level, and put this suspicion on the table, and even proposed to change the wine glass...]

Wen Ying said again, "The talk about poison is just deceiving her, but it's strange, I don't know what's in her wine, it's understandable, but she doesn't seem to know it. When I said she was going to poison To kill me, she knelt on the ground and wept bitterly. If she knew it was an allergy medicine, she would just say it, and she wouldn't be able to refute it... "

Ruan Ling'er broke out in a cold sweat, and soon, the queen's eyes that seemed to be inquiring fell.

At this time, Wu Yuzhen said: "My lady, I think she lost her composure because she saw her deeds revealed and was afraid of the power of the Wen family."

This reasoning is quite acceptable, the queen's expression eased, and she nodded.

Anyway, an explanation is enough, whether it is poison or allergy medicine, as long as the Miss Wen's family is fine, there is no need to pursue it too much.

At this point, the interrogation is over.

It goes without saying that Ruan Ling'er was eliminated from the list of showgirls, and her actions will not be concealed and kept, but will be spread outside the palace. With the reputation of being jealous of the showgirls of the same class and using secret tricks, she Her marriage may be extremely difficult, and even the sisters in the family will be tired, and the future life may not be easy.

Because she trusted Wu Yuzhen, or had no other choice but to trust the Wu family, Ruan Ling'er had no choice but to admit it.

As for Wu Yuzhen, whom she "trusted", after she stood up, she looked at Wen Ying again.

The things she ordered Ruan Linger to do were all based on the news that "Wen Ying once went on a night trip with the prince". It was easy to stand behind her back and point at people to do things, and she could get rid of a potential enemy without any effort , why not do it? It doesn't matter if the goal is not achieved.

[Even if she guesses it's me, so what, if she can't catch me, I'm still the princess.]

The corners of her mouth curved slightly, and she stayed with the queen to talk to her.

Confident, she didn't notice the sudden change in Yu Wenhong's face when this clear thought came to her mind. His eyes were dark, and it was like a hurricane hitting him for a moment, sinking bottomlessly.

When Wen Ying came out, Yu Wenhong also bid farewell to the queen, and the two of them walked in the corridor with both feet, and Wen Ying was still a little closer.

She had to stop and turn to wait for him.

[Why didn't he talk to the queen with Wu Yuzhen? If he's inside, you don't have to wait for him to get to the front.]

He heard her say.

She was the same as her previous life, but she was different. The appearance is still so good-looking, but the attitude towards him has changed a lot. Maybe it's because she is no longer his side concubine, she no longer has the idea of being coquettish and flattering, and she doesn't ask for anything from him, so her attitude is very upright and peaceful. Curious on the face, but also curious in the heart.

There is only one road here, he walked unhurriedly in front, and she could only follow behind.

After walking quietly for a while, her voice sounded again.

[It's really tiring. Niang said that a man always has three wives and four concubines, not to mention princes, before they marry, there are so many troubles, framing, stumbling, drugging, if you really marry, I can't imagine what kind of life I will live in the future . Well, no wonder the old man always said that the best life for a woman is in front of the pavilion. It would be great if she could not marry. If she wants to marry, she can't marry the royal family. The women here are all very beautiful, and beauty tricks can't make them...]

It is conceivable that she imagined the vastness of the world, and Yu Wenhong couldn't help but want to laugh when he heard the back, but he soon realized something.

Since she didn't like this kind of fight, why did she help Yu Wenluo? Is it for power, fame, or just because she likes Yu Wenluo and is willing to give everything for him...

The thought of this kind of thought made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

Unknowingly, his footsteps stopped.

Wen Ying, who was following behind, was thinking about her imaginative blueprint for the future, so she just bumped into her without paying attention.

Yu Wenhong only felt a warm and soft body suddenly hit him from behind, and before he could react, he quickly backed away. After he turned around, he saw that she had retreated many steps hastily, and knelt down far away from him.

"Your Highness, forgive me! I just, I didn't look carefully just now, I didn't do it on purpose..."

Her expression was very disturbed, as if waiting for something terrible to happen.

[Are you going to kick me again?]

Her thoughts reached his ears as she wished.

small theater:

Wen Ying: [(heartache so bad that I can't breathe) Why doesn't he let me go! I'll go, can't I stay far away from him?]

Yu Wenhong: (Great grief) I heard it all, it's not your fault, it's my fault, it's my ignorance of people, it's fine if you beat and scold me, just don't leave me!

Wen Ying: [How could he hear it? How could he hear? No, I don't want him to hear it! What can I do if I hear it, it's hard to get over it, after all... I missed it...]

Yu Wenhong: (difficult to hold back, crying bitterly)

The Sixth Prince: (seeing Yu Wenhong yelling and hurting all by himself)? ? ? ? ? What did I miss