Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 83: Reborn Prince's Mind Reading Technique (14)


"who I am?"

She smiled derisively. She was leaning against the bed, because she was sick, her face was as white as snow, her face was as white as snow, her long black hair was falling down like a waterfall, she was obviously pitiful, but she was like a rose with thorns, revealing her attack sex. "Has Your Majesty become so forgetful that you don't even remember the people you have harmed?"

The word "Your Majesty" in her mouth made Yu Wenhong startled, and he asked tentatively: "You are my princess, how could I hurt you, and when did I hurt you?"

"Crown Princess?" She murmured lightly, as if she had heard a big joke, she shook her head and said, "Your Majesty has already ascended the throne as emperor, why is the Crown Prince, and how can I be the Crown Princess?"

Hearing her say such words, he even forgot that she was denying her identity, and immediately stopped her, "How can you talk nonsense about becoming the emperor! If the words reach the ears of the emperor, it will be a disaster."

"Why am I talking nonsense? On the contrary, it is Your Majesty, why do you have to play tricks with me..." She stroked the brocade quilt with her hand, and asked softly, "Why did the cold palace change its appearance, and why did Biyue, who was already married, come back again?" , still so young, what did His Majesty do, and what do you want to do to me? Aren't you going to explain clearly?"

Leng Gong, married maid, Your Majesty...

All kinds of information are listed, like people from another world.

Yu Wenhong looked at her as if looking at a familiar stranger, and asked again: "You are not Zhizhi, who are you?"

This time it was her turn to be stunned, "How do you nickname is Zhizhi."

[Yu Wenhong actually knows my nickname? From the day he took me back to the East Palace, he never looked at me directly, as if he married an enemy. I am dreaming.]

He looked at her silently, and already had a guess in his heart.

And she noticed his strange gaze, as if something unexpected had happened.

She couldn't help but struggled up from the bed, put on her clothes indiscriminately, and walked to the vanity mirror. The bronze mirror reflected her youthful appearance, unlike the vicissitudes of life in her previous life, her face was still full of vigor, the corners of her lips were naturally turned up, and everyone was smiling.

"Impossible..." She backed away in shock, her calf hit the stool and staggered, "I can't be like this, where exactly is this place, and who am I?"

She looked at Yu Wenhong with terrified eyes, and when she looked again at this time, she discovered many details that she hadn't discovered just now, such as the fact that he was not wearing a dragon robe, his expression was much less hostile, and he had the same young face...

She was greatly stimulated, and before Yu Wenhong could react, she opened the door and ran out!

The second prince, Yu Wenyu, was originally coming to the East Palace to discuss matters with the crown prince, but as he was walking, someone bumped into him inadvertently.

"What's the matter with you, I don't know..." He was about to get angry, when he suddenly saw that the person in front of him with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes was Wen Ying, and her eyes were anxious, as if she accidentally ran into her while looking around.

"Sister-in-law?" He unconsciously closed his fan, "What's wrong with you?"

She grabbed his arm, "tell me, where is this?"

"Of course this is the East Palace." He laughed amusedly, "Sister-in-law Huang wants to test me, so why don't you use a difficult problem instead?"

"East Palace, why am I in the East Palace?"

The more he said this, the more strange it became. He simply had infinite tolerance for the beauty, so he replied: "You are the princess, where can you be if you are not in the East Palace?"

"Crown princess, how could I..." She raised her eyes to see his face clearly, and then she suddenly stopped, "Yu Wenyan? Why are you here?"

"I'm here to look for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." He said this, his eyes fell, and he saw the hand she was holding in his arm, the nails turned white from the force, he stopped, but didn't say anything, Gu Since moved away the line of sight. Coincidentally, he saw Yu Wenhong coming here from not far away.

He waved his hand with a folding fan, "Brother came just in time, sister-in-law, this is..."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard Ying ask the other party first: "Why is Yu Wenfeng still alive?" The tone was even more surprising than his.

Yu Wenyan: "..."

As soon as Yu Wenhong arrived, he brought the person back to him first, and said calmly: "Your sister-in-law hasn't recovered from her illness. I'm afraid her head is burning and confused. Don't mind talking nonsense for a while."

"So that's how it is..." Yu Wenyu was stabbed by the goddess he loves suddenly, and he didn't recover for a while, so he said, "Then the elder brother should take the emperor's wife back quickly, so as not to aggravate the disease due to the wind."

Wen Ying looked at this, then at that, and suddenly fell silent, as if she realized her situation.

If the cold palace can be arranged, married people can be brought back, and people can become young under disguise, then what about resurrection from the dead...

Yu Wenhong seemed to have heard her heart, and glanced at her lightly.

After he took the man away, only Yu Wenyu was still standing there. He lowered his head and looked at his arm again, which seemed to have the warmth from when her palms were pressed together. He shook his head with a smile, and walked away.

Sitting down to talk again, the two of them calmed down a lot, as if they had figured out the current situation, and they were still confused, sitting at two ends like a confrontation, looking at each other.

It was Yu Wenhong who spoke first.

"I'm afraid the place where you live is different from here. I want to know, how did you come here?"

Wen Ying was silent.

Generally speaking, according to Yu Wenhong's vigilance towards others, he would not easily believe the nonsense that the other party is also a reborn person. But because he has mind reading skills, as long as he induces her to recall, he can naturally get many details from his heart, and he will not doubt such information.

At first, Wen Ying remained extremely vigilant, but after he analyzed the situation for her, he seemed to have to compromise, and gradually revealed his situation one by one.

She said: "Thinking about it now, you once came to the cold palace and said a lot of things to me, many things you can't say to others... I had a bad feeling at the time. The night before I came here, I fell asleep. There seems to be a feeling of suffocation..."

Yu Wenhong stared at her, "You mean, I killed you?"

She nodded slowly.

He thought about it. Reborn after death, just like him.

This also explains why she showed a frightened look when she first saw him, because she already understood who put her to death, and was afraid that he would want to hurt her again.

If he really became the emperor in that life, then there are too many secrets that cannot be revealed to living people, which is indeed in line with his thinking mode. But hearing that he ordered Wen Ying to be killed still made him a little uncomfortable, and he squeezed the cup tightly in his hand.

He asked: "I went to look for you in the cold palace, what did I say?"

[What are you talking about? I have exhausted the tricks and killed countless people, but in the end I still have nothing...]

"You can talk about everything about the court, the harem, powerful officials, and favorite concubines." She smiled softly, "Who would have expected that His Majesty, who rules the world, would be a loner, and would end up chatting with me, the person you hate so much?" .”

Since he was sitting on the world, why did he say that he got nothing

Yu Wenhong frowned.

But gradually, he came to a conclusion from the little information she gave.

In her life, he seemed to be a reborn person as well. Because in her opinion, he always does some unexplainable actions, he can set traps to deal with the enemy in advance, he can predict the major events that will happen in the court, so as to avoid them and so on.

But in that life, he probably didn't have the ability to read minds, because he still married Wu Yuzhen as his concubine.

"Why did I accept you as my side concubine again?"

"I asked you this before. After all, I really don't understand. You obviously don't like me, even hate me. Why did you ask me to go." Reminiscing, "You said it was because I betrayed you, and you want to take revenge on me."

He heard her mockingly: "This is ridiculous, before that, I didn't know you at all!"

After Yu Wenhong got to know her information, he told her about the information here, told her not to reveal the truth, and then left temporarily.

Wen Ying thought carefully about what she said and did just now, and she was a little relieved.

This first hurdle is over.

She thinks that the thorn in his heart can be resolved only by letting him know something he doesn't know, so being a reborn with him is obviously a good entry point. The information she said was not made up, but what should have happened under the original track—that is, if she hadn't come to this world, then such things would have happened after the prince was reborn.

He will kill brothers and dissidents, with blood on his hands.

The fallen angel of this world is none other than Wu Yuzhen. She has entered reincarnation and lost her memory. On the original track, after the prince is reborn, he will treat her sincerely and let her take the back seat.

But he will accept the original owner as a side concubine again, for revenge, but also because the other party is an excellent pawn. He knew that she would have something to do with the sixth prince in the future and would disclose his information to him, so he used her to give false information to attack political opponents.

Wen Ying stretched after drinking the hot tea.

The tasks in this world are indeed not easy to do, after all, hatred is never easier than forgiveness.

Yu Wenhong discovered that even if they look the same, or even are the same person, there are still many differences between the two Wenying.

Zhizhi likes to doze off, likes to tease Xiao Xuanfeng, always laughs before saying anything, even if she plays with her temper, she won't be angry for a while, and there are so many words in her heart that they can pile up into a hill, which often makes him laugh. The reborn Wen Ying is different. She likes to sit alone at night, and when she laughs, she is like a rose with thorns. She pricks others and herself, and she has to make people bleed to feel comfortable. She likes to be quiet, and she doesn't like to listen to birds chirping. After two days of holding back, she couldn't help but let him take away the cockatiel's cage.

He watched the palace servant carrying the birdcage disappear at the end of the corridor, and felt an indescribable feeling.

It was like watching Zhizhi disappear and never come back...

"What are you thinking?" Wen Ying walked to his side, looked in his direction, and said with some comprehension, "I heard that she likes this bird very much, I didn't expect it... It seems that you really like her."

Yu Wenhong did not deny it.

She smiled: "However, it is said that you have been indifferent to her for a while before I came? If this is the case, then it doesn't matter if I leave or not. You can treat me as an idler and want to abolish me. It doesn't matter to Concubine Li Xin. I'm different from her, anyway, it's not the first time."

He glanced at her, "Let's go and say hello."

She followed with a smile.

Zhongcui Palace was also very lively today, many princes came to pay their respects, including the tenth prince held by Concubine Wan, and the sixth prince Yu Wenluo. After everyone else had left, only Concubine Wan was still talking with the queen, while Yu Wenluo hugged his younger brother. The tenth prince has always been close to Wen Ying, and when he smelled her, he kept looking in her direction, wanting her to hug her. This situation is exactly the same as that day.

Yu Wenhong couldn't help but glance at Wen Ying.

But she didn't even look at Yu Wenluo, and even looked indifferent to the tenth prince, and only saluted the queen respectfully.

The queen was still a little strange when she saw it, and said, "Why doesn't the princess concubine go hug Shi'er?"

"... I'm not feeling well, I'm afraid I'll infect the Tenth Prince."

This was true, but her tone was a little blunt, which sounded suspicious.

Yu Wenhong had no choice but to smooth things over for her, and testified that she was indeed ill. Please forgive me from the queen and concubine Wan, and soon took her out of Zhongcui Palace with this reason.

As soon as he returned to the East Palace, he frowned and asked her, "What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" She untied her hairpin, threw it on the dressing table, and sneered, "Isn't this something you want to ask Your Majesty?"

When she gets angry, she forgets where she is, and unknowingly calls out her old address again.

But it is precisely this that adds to the credibility of her being different from Zhizhi.

Simply because Yu Wenhong had asked the dark guard to clean up the people one step earlier, and now there was no one standing outside, and he was not afraid of being heard.

He just asked her: "Why?"

"I was pregnant for three months, and I was born because I took a bowl of medicine given by Your Majesty. Since then, I dare not hold any baby again, just because I am afraid of thinking of him..."

He was startled, "You mean, I killed my own child?"

She glanced at him, and threw out a shocking message, "Of course not, it's too late for you to dislike me, so why would you touch me. I'm pregnant with your brother Yu Wenluo's child."

Yu Wenhong laughed angrily. Sure enough, even if she did it all over again, she would still betray herself.

However, Wen Ying said again: "Why do you think I am with Yu Wenluo? Because you entered the room drunk on the day you accepted me, pointed at my nose and scolded the bitch, saying that I would betray you sooner or later and be with Yu Wenluo Betrayed you! I forgot how I spent the night full of expectations, but I thought it was just your drunken talk. However, in the following time, one day, one month, one year... You never took it seriously With one glance at me, just because of your assumptions about me, you took in a woman who wouldn't even touch me!"

She laughed softly: "Okay, didn't you say that I betrayed you, then I will betray you."