Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 84: Reborn Prince's Mind Reading Technique (15)


Yu Wenhong laughed angrily, "In order to get revenge on me, you deliberately had an affair with Yu Wenluo, secretly conceived, and wanted to pretend to be my son?!"

Wen Ying looked at him for a moment, then sneered softly.

"You thought so too at the time."

He suppressed the anger in his heart, and felt the deep meaning in her words, "Isn't it?"

"I did get in touch with Yu Wenluo in order to avenge you, and I even fell in love with him..." She turned her eyes away, with the corners of her lips curled up in a sad and happy smile, "Your Majesty should not know that a woman is rejected by her husband. My life would be ruined. If I hadn’t wanted to fight with you, or revenge for this innocent disaster, I might have committed suicide. But I just met such a person, he will comfort you with soft words and tease you Be happy, and even send someone to protect you. Your Majesty treats me like a shoe, but he treats me like a jewel. Even though I know that his purpose of approaching me is not pure, I can't stop myself from falling into this dream. "

The woman who always speaks with sharp words has tears in her eyes.

He didn't feel a thorn in his heart, but he still looked at her deeply with his black eyes, "Even so, you are confusing the blood, and you should be punished for the crime. I only let you have an abortion, which is already an act of protecting you."

"Save me?"

When Wen Ying heard this, she couldn't help laughing out loud. With tears in her eyes, she leaned forward and back, sadly and beautifully, "The one your majesty wants to save is the concubine, what have I to do with you!"

"Wu Yuzhen? What does this have to do with her?"

"I have to thank Your Majesty. If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known it until I died. It turns out that the concubine Zheng knew about my secret relationship with Yu Wenluo. , specially put love incense in my hand stove... "

The fragrance of love will make men and women lose their minds and have a strong urge to have sex. This is a drug that is only used in the Goulan Courtyard. It is strictly forbidden in the palace. , to facilitate her union with another man!

Yu Wenhong suddenly felt dizzy and nauseated.

She stared at him aggressively, and smiled cheerfully and mockingly, "Do you think I'm a fool? You never touched me, but I got pregnant because I thought I didn't die fast enough? The one who really confused the blood, but She is the good wife you take good care of!"

He supported the table, the veins on the back of his hands were bulging, he closed his eyes and asked, "You said I told you this..."

"Well... You came to the Leng Palace that day and said a lot to me. I didn't pay attention to you at first, so you told me about it. You said you only found out after the fact, but in order not to let the concubine Zheng bear the infamy, you told me about it. It was all pushed on me, anyway, I am not standing upright, and I am secretly colluding with Yu Wenluo." She gave a short laugh, not knowing if she was laughing at him or herself.

[What I don't understand is that at the end, he murmured again, 'I have never favored you in this life, if she behaved like this, what about the previous life? 'I don't know what it means.]

The moment these words appeared in her mind, the same thought flashed through his mind.

Yu Wenhong suddenly remembered the day Wu Yuzhen died, the maid tried to dissuade her, she said: "I was too stupid, my eyes were only on the back house, I didn't expect to ruin the overall situation of Your Highness, and finally hurt myself."

At that time, he thought she was blaming herself for not being able to help him, and he was very moved.

But thinking about it now, she used the word "destroy", but it was not just a simple self-blame. Perhaps, these words refer to the fact that she only cares about the battle in the back house, indulges Wen Ying and Yu Wenluo's contacts, and even deliberately promotes them, so that she allows them to pass information under her nose, and eventually become a link to destroy him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get complicated when he saw Wen Ying's eyes.

However, Wen Ying seemed to break free from the nightmare, her expression became much clearer, and there was no hatred in her eyes when she looked at him.

"Forget it, what's the point of me saying these words to you. After all, you are not him, and I shouldn't put my hatred for him on you." She wiped away her tears and smiled lightly, "You are more beautiful than him." It's much better."

Yu Wenhong was stunned suddenly, he didn't expect her to say such words.

In his view, this is a new life, everyone is on the same trajectory as the previous life, those who should betray him will still betray him, and those who will die for him will still be like this, so he will take revenge for the anger before death to these people. But she said that he was different from the other Yu Wenhong.

What about her

She is obviously different from Wen Ying in her previous life, and Zhizhi is... different from them.

Yu Wenhong has been thinking about the conversation with Wen Ying for the past two days, and it is hard to sleep at night. He wants to talk to her again, but he doesn't know where to start. At this moment, there was a sudden regional incident, snowmelt and mountain torrents occurred in mountainous areas. The Holy One was going to let him practice, so he gave him full power to solve the matter. superior.

After going to court, he invited several relevant ministers to the East Palace. According to Yu Wenluo's position, he does not have this qualification, but he has the status of another prince, and he still belongs to the prince's faction on the surface, so he is also among them.

In fact, Yu Wenhong had experienced this incident in his last life, when Yu Wenzhen was more prosperous, this matter was handed over to Yu Wenfeng, and it was handled beautifully. However, the imperial envoy he appointed at that time was from his faction, and Yu Wenhong naturally did not intend to use his people to handle affairs.

He glanced at everyone, and asked: "Your Excellencies, if you have any opinions, you may wish to speak freely."

This type of flood is a seasonal emergency. It has been a common practice in previous years. What the ministers said is not different. Most of them ordered the central government to send an imperial envoy to the affected area to cooperate with local officials to deal with the disaster, and then asked the army to assist. etc.

But in these voices, Yu Wenhong heard a unique inner monologue with mind reading skills.

While others were talking about it, he had already prepared a draft in his mind, detailing the situation in the local area in the past years, how to govern it, which aspects to start from, and the temperament and temperament of the local officials. Being able to do practical things and know how to be an official, Yu Wenhong was overjoyed when he heard that.

However, when he found the "speaking" person, he was suddenly taken aback.

This person is none other than the imperial envoy appointed by Yu Wenfeng at that time, Zuo Shilang of the Household Department.

At the same time, at the position on his left, Yu Wenluo's heart was also relaxed because of serious thinking, which made him hear clearly.

[Although Hubu Zuo Shilang belongs to the sect of the second elder brother, he is diligent and hardworking. According to daily observations, he and the second elder brother are only related by marriage, and have never participated in court struggles. This person is available.]

Yu Wenhong's eyebrows sank slightly, and he suddenly asked, "I don't know what the sixth brother thinks?"

Yu Wenluo didn't expect to be called by name, but he was taken aback for a while, and then quickly expressed his opinion. He didn't recommend the left servant of the household department, but he saw through the hesitation of the superior, and said: "If your highness is worried that the imperial envoy will neglect his duties , why don’t you order another person to be the inspector and follow him around.”

As a leader, you must have a clear vision, know people well, and be good at checks and balances. Yu Wenluo has everything.

Yu Wenhong stared at him for a moment, then nodded in agreement with his suggestion.

Disaster control is not a difficult problem after all, but he has discovered many problems of his own. He was established as a prince since he was a child, and the way of governing the country he learned has already made his thinking rigid. In addition, Yu Wenzhen is about the same age as him, and his mother is a favorite concubine. Back then, his father was almost abolished and the queen was established. The queen often expressed anxiety when he was a child, worrying that his position as prince would not be stable. Therefore, the word Dou has been completely rooted in his mind and cannot be removed.

He always thought that in the last life, it was because he trusted Yu Wenluo and handed over the general power to him, which finally led to his own downfall. Therefore, in this life, he is still fighting, but he did it more secretly.

But now, he suddenly felt uncertain, whether his own ability was sufficient for the post of monarch

Just when he had deep doubts, he found Wen Ying sitting on the porch.

After this Wen Ying came, he slept with her in a separate room, so it was normal not to see her for a few days. When they met today, he remembered the conversation between the two more than ten years ago.

Wen Ying sat on the porch basking in the sun, today's daylight was extraordinarily warm, she narrowed her eyes lazily, and looked at the sky under the pergola built by her hand.

"What are you looking at?" Yu Wenhong approached and asked.

"Look at the sky." She maintained her posture and didn't greet him, but said in his puzzled expression, "Whether it's the cold palace or the back house, the days are very boring, and there seems to be nothing else to do except fight , only the sky will bring you changes and surprises.”

There are only white clouds wandering in the sky, such a quiet and boring scene, but she calls it a change and a surprise.

Yu Wenhong looked at her together, and then his eyes fell on her again. He suddenly asked: "You said last time that I am different from him. What is he... like?"

She put down her hand and patted the corner of her skirt, and said while thinking: "... If you want me to say it, I think he is like a devil who crawled out of hell and hates everything in the world. Everyone has a purpose in his heart, Even if it was Wu Yuzhen, he didn't fully trust her, otherwise he wouldn't send someone to investigate her. Even if there were no betrayals, he would be alone in the end, because he would have killed everyone before anyone betrayed him." Speaking of This, she thought it was funny and laughed.

Yu Wenhong was silent for a moment, and asked again: "He finally became the emperor, so how about the country he governs..."

"Why do you think he came to Lenggong to look for me in the end?" She glanced at him lightly, her eyes were cold, but her smile was malicious. The technique of checks and balances, instead, there are many factions, endless struggles, and chaos in the court. However, his desire to control everything has reached a terrifying level. He said that "the military orders abroad will not be accepted", but he can't rest assured. The power of the general is handed over to one person. In the war against the alien race, it is not enough for him to send a few warlords, but he has to give orders arbitrarily, so that the general is constrained, and Pingcheng is in a hurry, but because the warlord is arguing in the rear, the emperor's order has not been issued, and the reinforcements cannot be rescued. Urgent, 300,000 soldiers are trapped in the city..."

"Three hundred thousand." She repeated softly, looked at him again, and said, "His expression at that time was a bit similar to yours now, but he was even more depressed than you, and he was on the verge of collapse. Maybe this is a mistake he made in his life." The biggest mistake he made was that 300,000 lives were dripping on him, and he couldn't sleep all night. Even so, there was no one around him who could relieve him, so he could only look for me, a man from the Qianlong period Just watched him walk over, and he was so ruthless that the killer came to confess."

Yu Wenhong had already been shocked by what she said, and the image of the war in his mind made his back sweat.

After a long time, Fang Fang said in a low voice: "Apologize... This word is also appropriate."

Seeing her smiling and not speaking, he opened his mouth to say something, but found that the ending of that life was far more cruel than the first life he experienced, so he didn't know what to say for a moment.

In the end, he could only ask her: "He was the one who killed 300,000 soldiers, but he killed you to relieve the depression in his chest. Do you hate him?"

"I often think that I probably owed him in my previous life, and I have such a situation in this life."

She smiled, but it made his heart tremble.

She didn't answer whether she hated or didn't hate, she just patted the corner of the skirt, as if brushing off the dust on it, and that dust-like memory, and stood up.

After the chat in the corridor ended, Wen Ying felt that all the information she wanted to convey had been conveyed, and the rest only depended on what Yu Wenhong could think of.

Originally, she was supposed to return to Cheng Zhizhi's character, but she suddenly found that it was difficult for her to break away from her current role, because the heavy memories brought her a burden, making it difficult for her to return to a carefree state.

Wen Ying in the second life even made her feel more painful than Wen Ying in the first life.

In fact, the ending of the original owner of the first life was not good. She couldn't cope with the dispute in the back house, and worked for him under Yu Wenluo's rhetoric, but was framed by the concubine and became pregnant with Yu Wenluo's child. In the end, Yu Wenluo did not fulfill her promise to protect her for the rest of her life. She is like a flower that needs to be carefully cared for. She quickly collapsed in the struggle in the harem, and died in a palace like a cold palace.

In the second life, she didn't do anything, her existence was a burden, she was fully utilized by others, but she was eager to get rid of it. She is smarter than Wen Ying in the first life. She knew that Yu Wenluo was not sincere, but she was greedy for his gentleness, and rushed towards him like a moth to a flame. Until she died, she had no other choice but this path of no return.

After trying for several days in a row, there was no way to adjust her state, so Wen Ying had to go outside for a walk to dissipate her pent-up emotions.

While feeding the fish by the carp pond, she ran into Yu Wenfeng.

Yu Wenchen hesitated for a moment, and then came up to say hello: "... I met the emperor's wife again, what a coincidence."

Wen Ying glanced at him, "Don't worry, I know you're not dead yet."

Yu Wenfeng: "...the emperor's sister-in-law is clear."

"But you will die sooner or later." Leaning on the railing, she watched the fish swimming in the water calmly, "I just hope that in this life, you will not suffer from Ling Chi again, at least you will die more easily."

Yu Wenchen closed his eyes.

Sister-in-law, just tell me, how did I offend you? !

small theater:

Yu Wenyu: When the goddess becomes a witch, what should I do

Yu Wenhong: The time to test your loyalty has come! !

Yu Wenchen: ... (affectionately) I hope my death can make her happy.

Yu Wenhong: Ugh—

Yu Wenchen: ... I don't have a big brother like you!