Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 88: Interstellar pirates with mechs (2)


The event of gambling fight is not a fight between two people, but to hit the target object, interfere with each other with the opponent, and increase the excitement of the event. At the same time, everyone has to put an item of equal or premium value, and after the game is over, it will go to the champion together with the generous bonus provided by the fighting hall.

This is one of the methods used by the Martial Arts Hall to attract guests, and it naturally attracted Allen, who had emptied his wallet to buy inhibitors.

Time is very tight. After all, Alan has the strength to be admitted to the military department of the Free Federal Academy. What's more, even Omega, male Omega has higher force value than female Omega. Wen Ying wants to defeat him, and it is almost impossible in a short time. She might give up this shortcut and start from other angles for the tasks that may be completed. But fortunately, she got the reward of "Spiritual Light" in the last space assessment.

Hitting the bouncy ball is a regular event in the training hall to test people's reaction ability. After the first test, Wen Ying achieved a good score of 1 ball and 1 minute. The only ball was hit by luck. That leg flew high, and she fell to the ground because of loss of balance after kicking. The pain in the virtual network can also give people a real feeling, Wen Ying stood up with a "hiss" while supporting her elbow, her expression changed slightly.

Just for a moment, she seemed to be blessed in her heart and found a feeling.

She pressed the clear button on the operation panel, and the ball rolling all over the room disappeared in an instant, and then pressed the "restart" option.

Suddenly, the wall sent out bouncy balls again, bouncing at a speed of one every three seconds. She bounced slightly on the spot, and the next second she leaned her body and jumped out to the right. At the same time, she bent her knees and kicked forward fiercely!

Hit the bouncy ball!

The ball bounced head-on on her straight instep, shot at a variable speed, and went straight to the opposite wall! Then it turned into scattered light and disappeared into the wall.

At the same time, on the virtual electronic screen that records the indoor data, the lazy line suddenly jumped up.

The sense of accomplishment was beyond words, she jumped around the room excitedly, continuing to train with full of fighting spirit.

If someone is in the training room at this time, you will find that the person in front of you has undergone a drastic change, from the repeated missed kicks at the beginning, to the one hundred and one hundred hits later. The data on the virtual electronic screen suddenly changed, and the originally peaceful green line, like a plant lying on the ground, suddenly changed, and quickly became red, climbing to a high place at an incredible speed.

The achievement that ordinary people need a whole year of training to achieve is shortened ten times and a hundred times by Wen Ying. As long as you grasp your thoughts, inspiration will pour down naturally.

After trying the uniform speed bouncy ball test, she tried various methods such as variable speed, multi-ball, fixed-point scoring system, etc., constantly refreshing her personal best results.

In the next few days, she will challenge a new project every day, study it thoroughly in a short time, and then switch to other modes. High-intensity exercise undoubtedly made her grow up quickly.

Just as she was drinking the black tea-flavored nutrient solution and recalling Alan's current level of ability and combat performance, she had no idea that her data report was sent to the behind-the-scenes of the training hall.

The Sweet family has a special status in the military, and it has always been at the forefront of digging out outstanding talents in the future. Whether in the real world or in the interstellar network, there are large and small sub-points to conduct open and unannounced visits to those who perform outstandingly. The training hall that Wen Ying went to was the property under the name of the Sweet family. It just so happened that Cyril was appointed by the family after he entered the senior grade to be responsible for the supervision and inspection of the major training halls in the star network.

This information report about her was sent to Cyril's desk.

He loaded the electronic report into his optical brain, and it played automatically on the virtual screen. He glanced at it briefly and asked, "Is this Omega?"

Omega goes to the training hall for physical training, which is rare but worthless.

Seeing that he was about to turn off the screen, the person in charge hastily asked him to look down, and then he patiently continued to browse this terrible data report.

When he reached a certain page, he suddenly reached out and paused.

The person in charge alertly reported: "At first we didn't pay attention to this person, his initial value is very ordinary, it can even be said to be... poor, just looking at the previous data really makes people mistakenly think that he has a C-level physique, but from the back Judging from the data, I think the opponent didn't take it seriously at the beginning, his highest value was close to the record in the museum, but he didn't break through it every time, and he seemed to be able to handle it with ease."

Cyril thought for a while, "There is another possibility. His mental power is very high. Mental power above level A has a good performance in comprehension ability, but to have such a result as him..."

Among the surviving people of the Free Federation, except for Chris, a freak of a political family, no one else has such a high level of comprehension.

Thinking of this, Cyril became a little interested and wanted to check the other party's personal information. However, apart from a weird name and an ordinary face, there is no other definite information. Question marks are placed after the data, including gender. It can be seen that it is only the estimation of her by the person in charge of the training center.

"His information is encrypted and I don't have permission to access it."

"So, at least it's a family with a third-class star or higher."

"Yes, that's why I reported it to you."

According to the authority of the Sweet family, even the star valve has the ability to know the information behind it.

However, Cyril selected in his mind the people with high comprehension among the star valves, and screened them out one by one, but he couldn't find a suitable candidate. If you think about it carefully, if there is such a character among the star valves, he should have been cultivated by the family early on, instead of letting him waste in the training of basic projects.

Under the earnest eyes of the person in charge, Cyril murmured, "Probably the illegitimate child of a certain family..."

If it is an illegitimate child, the situation behind it will be much more complicated. In fact, after he learned that he was a member of the star valve family, he no longer wanted to know so urgently. The person in charge of the training center only knows how to recommend outstanding talents to improve their performance, but they don't know that even if the Sweet family is a super star family, they can't reach out too much to members of other families.

He shook his head: "It's just a training session. You don't need to find out too much for now. You continue to observe and report her data regularly."

"… yes."

The day of gambling is coming as scheduled, and the project of the Martial Arts Museum is of course not simply hitting the bouncy ball. The background of the venue is the vast sea of stars, among which floating, impacting and falling stones are their targets, with different shapes, sizes and speeds. Contestants have to judge whether it is a scoring ball or a scoring ball according to the surface of the meteorite. There are also meteorites that create negative effects. If you are hit by a lava-patterned meteorite, you will be eliminated. You can become the winner if you become the person with the highest points in the specified time, or eliminate all the players in the field.

This game combines the traditional fighting mode with the setting of holographic online games. It is quite novel and interesting. Before the game started, the venue was full of people.

But Wen Ying quickly found Allen among the many players. He has also adjusted his appearance, but what remains unchanged is his slender and thin figure, which looks thin, making people let go of their guards at first glance, and he turns defeat into victory inadvertently. Because of the harsh living environment since he was a child, he has already mastered the use of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Sure enough, at the beginning of the match, when fish and dragons were jumbled together, he had already used another burly man as a cover to hit scoring meteors in succession, yet no one noticed. It wasn't until later that the players on the field were gradually eliminated, and his score on the leaderboard was rising steadily, and people responded one by one, only to realize his eccentricity, and immediately listed him as one of the vigilant targets.

After all, it is an underground fighting hall. Most people come here for money, and some of them are lucky. Their subordinates don't have much real skills. They don't wait to fight with others, so they just hit the lava in a daze The meteorite turned into a piece of white light and dissipated in the arena.

Compared with the enthusiastic scorers, Wen Ying is like a "spectator" in this game, dodging left and right, doing nothing, with the primary goal of not being eliminated.

She was unmoved by boos from the audience.

Although she has been training for a period of time, neither she nor the original owner has participated in many multiplayer competitions. She dare not advance aggressively and can only focus on safe defense. but-

There is an Alpha on the field, who overwhelms the crowd and is known as the "Slayer". He takes pleasure in playing with others, playing around with people like a cat and a mouse before weeding them out. After eliminating more than a dozen players in a row, he turned his head and saw Wen Ying dodging. He laughed and mocked: "Only an Omega can be so weak!"

Of course he didn't know that there were two Omegas in the field, and he just used it to insult each other.

As his voice fell, the meteorite in a negative state hit Wen Ying's arm at a high speed under his blow, and the meteorite exploded under the force, emitting a puff of smoke. At the moment when the smoke was released, Wen Ying clearly saw him kick a lava meteorite beside him towards her in a dispirited manner!

At this moment, her attention suddenly stretched like a thin thread!

Accustomed to the basic items of the training hall, to her, that arrogant Alpha is a fixed wall, and that lava meteorite is just a bouncy ball with variable speed. She seized the opportunity to fly up in the smoke, tiptoe Condensation, the impacted meteorite turned back like a meteor, hitting Alpha's body with a "bang".

Before disappearing, Alpha lowered his head in disbelief, looking at the place where his chest was pierced, and then he was taken away by the rising white light like a person who was eliminated after he maliciously toyed with him.

Wen Ying had already stepped in front of him, and with a smile, she kicked up and smashed the scoring meteorite above his head.

This result caused an uproar in the field, and also attracted Allen's attention. However, Wen Ying has already entered a state of extreme concentration, and began to move around, attack the scoring stone, and catch up with the momentum of a dark horse!

At the end of the game, there were only five people left on the field, including Allen and Wen Ying.

Allen adopted the principle of proximity and eliminated an opponent with lightning speed. The other two were both eliminated when they fought each other, only Wen Ying and Ai Lun remained.

Cyril did not expect that he would see this "Cindy Rilla with a submachine gun" so soon. He knew that Alan was going to participate in this game, so he specially logged on to the star network to watch it. When he knew that Alan was short of money, he once said that he could lend him money, but the other party refused.

Allen's attitude is very clear, if there is one, there will be two. Although the underground fighting in the star network cannot be on the stage, it is a long-term approach to earn money and train yourself. Since fights involving money are prohibited by the military academy, he also asked him to keep it secret.

Cyril was noncommittal about this attitude and practice, and of course he didn't bother to inform. The reason why he came here was because he wanted to take a look at the newly learned pace of the other party.

If you read it correctly, it is a flexible footwork used by the military for forward pathfinding, numbered J39, and it is not banned, but it is not easy for ordinary people to learn. The most peculiar thing is that the information about J39 has not been made public. According to his identity, it is impossible to know its existence, let alone learn how to use it. This undoubtedly added a layer of mystery to the other party, which made him want to understand.

Allen possesses S-level mental power, which can cover the entire field. As long as any meteorite with patterns is close to his surroundings, it will be locked immediately and divided into different categories. Coupled with the J39 numbered footwork, it is even more powerful. For him, it is very easy to avoid the interference of others or increase points.

It can be seen that compared with the previous period, he has become more familiar with the appointment of J39, and his movements are natural and his figure is smooth.

As for the other man—

Cyril turned his attention to Wen Ying. The other person had a female appearance, but he couldn't confirm whether his figure had changed, but he must have a slim figure in the real world. In the field, both of them focus on agility, but compared to the military pace, she is still a level behind.

But just when he thought the ending was settled, something surprising happened.

What "Cindy Rilla" said to the boy in military uniform was clearly heard on the field.

"Your footwork is so funny..."

The audience was speechless, thinking, if you have time to praise others, why not think about how to defeat your opponents!

There was a lot of movement in the auditorium, and some people thought that there was no need to watch it anymore and wanted to leave.

Allen didn't take this sentence seriously. He glanced up at the electronic screen. It was good that he ranked first, but there was still some time before the end of the game. Soon, he noticed a lava meteorite not far away. As long as he smashed it on the opponent, he could declare victory in advance.

However, in the next second, everyone was taken aback by the sudden change.

"Cindy Rilla", who had been watching the action of the boy in military uniform, but not earning points, suddenly took a small step. This step was a route she would never take before. Then step two, step three, step four...

At the table, Cyril's pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes pierced her straight like a ray of light.

This is... J39!

Even for the most flexible soldier in the Freedom Federation, it takes at least a month to learn J39. It is very rare for Alan to spend only one week, but she only spent one day! No, not a day, but a game of less than three hours.

Allen on the field was obviously stunned for a second, and was hit by a meteorite with a negative score, and a green -10 score floated on the virtual screen.

Seeing this, Wen Ying blinked at him.

Before that, she had been thinking about how to beat Allen. After all, she had just arrived, and even with a golden finger like "Aura", she couldn't find a high-level skill as a trump card for a while. While thinking about each other all day, she suddenly thought of imitation. In this world, who has better luck than the Fallen Angel

But mere imitation is not enough, so—

Cyril found that because of her ineptitude at the beginning, there was a certain gap in the score on the field, so even if she learned J39 like Allen, the possibility of losing was still very high.

But the strange thing is that she didn't seem to think of a particularly good solution, but kept kicking the negative-scoring meteorite at Alan, knowing that it would not affect the other party, but still persisted, as if she just wanted to see Alan's appearance, which seemed... Very playful.

And Allen, who noticed the points gap, didn't care about this "trick", and the small negative points had no effect on him. He stabilized his mind, and decided that the other party knew J39 long ago, but kept hiding it and only used it at the last moment. This is not surprising.

The lava meteorite just now collided with other meteorites and died. His goal is still to find the lava meteorite as soon as possible and kick "Cindy Rella" out of the game.

His performance made Cyril, who knew him well, narrow his eyes slightly.

Just ten meters away from him, the lava meteorite "refreshed" appeared, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

At this moment, all his eyes and mind were focused on this meteorite, and the S-level mental power covering the whole audience relaxed for less than a second.

At this moment, another lava-patterned meteorite shot out and hit his back!

He seemed to have turned his head back, his usual indifferent expression was slightly startled.

Wen Ying only won a game after exhausting her tricks, and Wen Ying couldn't wait to throw herself back on the bed and sleep in the dark!

In the final analysis, her ability is still not strong enough. If she can suppress others in terms of ability, she can drop ten times with one force, so she doesn't need to waste her brains. But looking at it from another angle, if it weren't for the "spiritual light", she wouldn't even have the chance to waste her brain.

At the end of the competition, she gave the address information to the Martial Arts Hall, and all the rewards were sent to the Martial Arts Hall from the beginning, including the soul piece provided by Allen, which can prevent the guests from regretting afterwards and leaking the winner's identity. information.

She registered and found that Allen looked at her with complicated eyes, even a little unwilling.

Wen Ying understood the other party's mood very well, and if she exchanged positions, she probably had the idea of cheating. The soul piece itself is extremely cherished, let alone this soul piece is extraordinary. If you think about it, you will know that Alan's peculiar footwork was probably taught by Chris. The existence of Chris is like a treasure trove, and it is the biggest golden finger on Alan's success.

But in terms of quality in this aspect, she can trust Alan very much.

In the end, the other party did leave without saying a word, as if willing to admit defeat.

But the strange thing is that Cyril looked at her a little differently.

She touched her face, suspecting that she was recognized by the other party... She suddenly thought that the privileged class can always ignore the rules, and the people of the Sweet family want to check a "suspicious person" on the star network, and within a minute they can find His details are all cleaned up.

But in the end he just came up to say hello, as if he just wanted to get to know her, and she was relieved.

When she was finally able to catch her breath, a message about tomorrow's quiz came from her personal terminal.

It was only then that Wen Ying suddenly remembered that the original owner was studying in the Pharmacist Department of Omega College. So after being abused in training, she even had to review the content of pharmacists! If the transfer procedure is not complicated, she wants to transfer to the music department immediately, so that she can relax and cultivate her sentiments!

Fortunately, although the original owner was a little more careful, he performed very well professionally—this is also due to the society's protection of Omega. Even the Omega branch of Liberty Federal College has very low requirements for Omega. After all, the society treats them the most. The most important requirement is to procreate, not to become a prominent representative figure in various fields.

The society thinks that this is what Alpha is going to do, including Omega himself, and this is exactly what makes Alpha more and more self-righteous.

So to a certain extent, the appearance of Allen is a good turning point for Omega. He is an iconic figure of Omega's resistance to social shackles, breaking the shackles of tradition, and fighting for a higher social status for Omega.

When Wen Ying was lost in thought, she had unknowingly made the hemostatic agent required for the test.

"Beatrice, the hemostatic agent you made today is so special..." Daisy, a friend from the same class, leaned over her head and said.


Wen Ying turned her attention to the potion in her hand. Compared with the hemostatic potion made by the original owner in her memory, this one has indeed changed in color, like a crystal clear ruby, very dazzling.

It got her an A+ for success.

——This is probably the credit of "Aura".

"By the way, did you turn off your personal terminal?" Daisy asked, "The one from Sweet's family asked me to tell you to go to the school gate after the exam."


"What's your expression! Don't you want to go?" The other party was shocked. After realizing that his friend silently acquiesced, the sweet Omega immediately violently scolded him, "That's Sweet! The only second-class star family in the Free Federation! Since A After the eldest son of the Keman family defected, the Sweet family is the most powerful, not to mention Cyril who is expected to take over as the next head of the family... If he chooses you, there is no need to go to the sorority."

Omega will enter the estrus period after the organs mature, and it needs to combine with an Alpha and be marked by it. If it wasn't for the upper class, there wasn't even a sorority, and the Omega Association would directly assign people, which was quite cruel.

It's not that Wen Ying doesn't want to see Cyril, after all, it's the goal of the mission, but thinking of the unhappy breakup that ended last time, she always feels that this time the other party is a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken.

Sure enough, when she ran to the school gate with the medicine bottle, she was politely "invited" to get on his maglev car, and the first sentence she said was: "Alan's secret, have you told it?"

He is wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses today. Of course he does not have myopia. In the age of the universe with technological development, myopia is like a cold. A dose of medicine can cure the disease. Glasses are just a retro fashion for people in the age of the universe. Under his "polite" smile, this pair of glasses made him look like a very refined scum, dressed like a beast.

"What if I say, already told others?"

Compared with the stalwart in the star network who frequently kicks and kicks people, in reality, Wen Ying's image is a famous lady, and even the words of rebellion sound extremely gentle.

"Beatrice, you can't lie to me." Cyril smiled, "What's more, you know the consequences of angering the Sweet family, and you don't want to see it."

She was silent for a moment, as if thinking about it.

He didn't rush, but tolerantly gave her time. However, after a certain amount of time, he heard her ask: "I don't want to anger the Sweet family, but I think you can't represent your family yet. Cyril, I don't know what the consequences will be if I anger you? "

His eyes froze for a moment, looking at the smiling girl in front of him.

"So, you've decided?"

"Well." She nodded, but what she said was beyond his expectation, "I don't think you will believe me even if I agree immediately. So I decided to charge a certain amount of money to make you feel at ease."

Cyril was startled for a moment, just as he sorted out the clues in her words, he suddenly found that her breath was close at hand.

The girl Biyingying's eyes were like water, she got closer and closer, and she could even count the thick eyelashes.

She wants to kiss him? !

Realizing this, Cyril was startled and immediately refused: "No—"

"I want a mech."


"I said I want a mecha." She was just a short distance away from him, tilting her head playfully, "After thinking about it, only the Sweet family can build the most suitable mecha, Since you are going to keep his mouth shut, a mecha is not too much, right?"

Cyril: "..."

He thought he had known the girl in front of him for more than ten years, and he had never seen her like this. In his impression, Beatrice has always been a fragile young lady, she would cry emotionally and sadly from time to time, only when she took Ellen's inhibitor did she rarely have a tough side, but after being reprimanded by him, she still Crumbling maple leaves like autumn branches.

But just now, she was clearly teasing him.

He was slightly annoyed, but the smile on the surface became more perfect and flawless, "Yes." He agreed.

After initially achieving her goal, Wen Ying didn't care too much, and opened the car door after saying goodbye politely.

At this moment, a small helicopter landed in front of her. This is the tool used by people in this era to deliver express. The rotating flight blades of the helicopter stopped working. Wen Ying opened its "belly" box and took out a small box with a note attached to it.

Wen Ying took a look, and under Cyril's inexplicable gaze, she happily hugged the small box.

Ellen's soul piece, no, her soul piece, no, Chris's soul piece—it's here!